Invincible God of War

Chapter 2613: Tempt!

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It took half a year for the blood elder to come.

It will naturally take six months to go back.

Together it is one year.

Just to report one thing, it has to take a year, and it must be an incredible thing to put it outside.

But in Pluto Hell is normal.

Xuantian Ancient City is relatively close to Youwang Ancient City.

Also replaced with the ancient city further away.

It is a common thing to go back and forth to the ancient city of Youwang for decades and hundreds of years.


For this situation, the blood demon clan has long been used to it.

For decades, hundreds of years, it was just a blink of an eye for them.

Another half year passed!

Blood Elder Ten and Blood Elder finally returned to Xuantian Ancient City!

A year has passed.

There is no change in Xuantian Ancient City.


On the same day, Qin Feiyang opened his eyes and Xiu Wei stepped into the perfection!

In a year's time, suddenly a small realm.


He is now reluctant to leave.

Or have you been practicing in this retreat?

In the palace of Xuantian Ancient City, the time circle is two hundred years a day.

If you stay in this retreat until the day you leave Pluto Hell, you will definitely be able to step into the Nine Heavens.

Not even extinct!



Just as Qin Feiyang thought, a strong momentum suddenly came outside.


Qin Feiyang was startled.

This momentum is the blood demon clan in Nine Heavens!

He has seen the Great Constellation of Xuantian Ancient City in nine heavens, so he can judge that this imposing owner is not Xuantian Ancient City.

"and many more!"

"There is still a breath."

"It's **** ten!"

"He has returned from the ancient city of Youwang?"

"So, this strange aura should be the blood demon clan of You King Ancient City."

"Blood Demon Clan in You King Ancient City, what do you do in Xuantian Ancient City?"

"Commit the Cyclops?"

"Or did he come for him?"

Qin Feiyang frowned.


at the same time!

Outside, the blood demon clan of Xuantian ancient city, all panic.

They naturally know the great commander.

The entire Hades, hegemony, is the existence of one person above ten thousand people.

The commander actually came to Xuantian ancient city in person?

That must have come to punish the city owner.

"Master, please raise your hand, and forgive the lord of the city!"

"The Lord of the City is also forced."

Many blood demon clan began to plead for the cyclops.

Xueda stood above the ancient city.

Blood Lao Shi stood aside, looking at the worried people below, and couldn't help explaining the moment.


But the blood coughed up and stopped the blood elder.

The blood elder was stunned, looking at the commander in a puzzling way.


Along with the sound of breaking the sky, the Cyclops flew out of the palace, fell in front of the blood, and bowed: "I have seen the commander."


Bloody with his hands on his back, nodded blankly and asked, "You can be guilty!"


The cyclops nodded.

Blood Avenue: "Then you talk about, what mistakes have you made?"

Looking at the blood, it was really troublesome to find the cyclops. The blood demon below was extremely nervous.

"I dare not believe in human beings, and gave them the arch of Xuantian ancient city, causing countless deaths and injuries."

Cyclops said.

"anything else?"

Blood asked.

"No more."

Cyclops shook his head.

"Are you sure?"

Blood frowned.


The cyclops nodded.

"What about Qin Feiyang?"

"You actually let Qin Feiyang a human, stay in the ancient city of Xuantian, and even let him enter the second floor of cultivation!"

"Do you know what a sin it is to help humans?"

"Tell you, this is a death sentence!"

Blood shouted.

"capital offense!"

"Great Commander!"

"It is indeed wrong to leave humans in the ancient city of Xuantian, but Qin Feiyang is kind to us."

"Isn't Lord Yu always teaching us, do you want to know the rewards?"

"Master, please, don't kill the city master."

"In these years, he managed the ancient city of Xuantian, with no credit or hard work!"

The blood demon clan in the city below shook their eyes, and quickly knelt on one knee on the ground, pleading for the cyclops.

But the commander is deaf.

The Cyclops lowered his head without any complaints, and said, "I would like to convict."

"City Lord, let me go out."

But this time.

Qin Feiyang's voice came from inside the palace.

The cyclops frowned and looked down at the palace. With a wave of his hand, Qin Feiyang appeared outside.

Qin Feiyang did not hesitate, stepped directly into the sky and stopped beside the cyclops.

"What are you doing here?"

Cyclops transmits sound.

"Even if I don't come out of hiding, the commander will come in and find me sooner or later."

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly and looked at the commander in chief: "I don't blame the city master on this matter, I insist on staying in Xuantian Ancient City."


The cyclops were stunned.

Is this to excuse him?

Xueda was also stunned.

He originally thought that Qin Feiyang came out to exonerate himself, but unexpectedly, he was talking to the cyclops.

"We really didn't misread people."

"This man is responsible!"

The blood elders and the blood demon clan underneath are all admiring Qin Feiyang.

Xueda looked at Qin Feiyang and said in a deep voice: "You know, what will happen to this?"

"As long as the blood demon clan of the city owner and the ancient city of Xuantian is not implicated, I will bear all the consequences."

Qin Feiyang said.

"Even if it's dead?"

Blood asked.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

"it is good!"

"This commander fulfills you!"

Bloody eyes were cold, and a slap shot towards Qin Feiyang, the power of terror, even the void was broken.

Qin Feiyang didn't move, but the Cyclops lay in front of Qin Feiyang, blocking the blood.

"what are you doing?"

Blood angered.

"Lord Commander, Qin Feiyang is the benefactor of Xuantian Ancient City. Are you doing this, isn't it Enemy and Revenge?"

Cyclops shouted.

"In front of this commander, do you have any finger points?"

Blood shouted.

"I'm just protecting a benefactor, I don't want to chill the people who helped us."

Although the height of the Cyclops is almost half shorter than that of blood, the waist is straight at this moment, and there is no fear.

"You wanton!"

The blood was violent, and the cold light flashed in his eyes.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the Cyclops, then looked at the big-eyed, and said with a smile: "Is it the commander, can you give me a little time."

"What do you want to do?"

Blood frowned.

"I want to challenge you."

"If I win, you let go of the lord."

"If I lose, I will deal with you!"

Qin Feiyang said.

"Challenge me?"

Blood is stunned.

Is this human kid crazy?

Cyclops, Blood Elder Ten, all looked at Qin Feiyang in shock.

A supreme god, actually want to challenge a great perfection of nine heavens?

And still they are the leader of the blood demon clan?

Is n’t this a self-defeating way?

"Haha ..."

Xueda looked at Qin Feiyang, and suddenly burst out laughing, saying, "Boy, you have the kind, the line, the commander satisfies you!"

The words landed.

Bloody cultivation practice suddenly began to plunge.

At last.

Blood Master Xiu suppressed the perfection to God, watching Qin Feiyang, proudly said: "Don't say this command bully you, the same cultivation behavior, you must be able to retreat this command, this command will count as you win."


Qin Feiyang stared at Xueda in amazement.

This way, no one has dared to be so envious in front of him.

Just retreating?

How do you look down on him?

"how about it?"

The commander looked at Qin Feiyang provocatively.

Qin Feiyang raised his lips and smiled, "It's too late to take back the words now."

The commander said: "I blood demon clan, always speaking!"

"it is good!"

Qin Feiyang nodded.

The momentum exploded, and the power in the body rolled out, hitting the commander with a punch.


The commander-in-chief did not evade.

There is nothing more defensive, just standing there, full of contempt.


Qin Feiyang punched his body on the commander, but was shocked to find that the commander was like a towering mountain, standing still in the void.


This shocked Qin Feiyang.

He has also taught the flesh of the blood demons, but this great commander has already surpassed the ordinary blood demons too much.


"On this strength?"

"It's not enough to tickle this leader."

The commander laughed, and his disdain was stronger.


Qin Feiyang breathed out a long breath and raised his thumbs to the commander in chief.

"Is it confessed?"

"It seems that you humans are all waste."

The commander sneered.


"My Qin Feiyang dictionary didn't admit these two words!"

Qin Feiyang's eyes burst into cold light, and he resolutely opened the three thousand incarnations and shouted, "Fly me!"

Three thousand avatars immediately swarmed up.

"What the hell?"

The commander looked at this scene in amazement.


Three thousand incarnations equals three thousand Qin Feiyang. What kind of lineup is this?


After being tempered by Heavenly Tribulation, Qin Feiyang's physical strength and strength were already much stronger than those of the same realm.

boom! !

In the face of the storm and the bombardment, but after a few breaths, the commander couldn't hold on. He was blasted out and crashed into the mountains outside the city.


"Speaking of flying the commander-in-chief, it really flew out."

The blood demon clan underneath was full of admiration.

It turns out that the strength of this human kid is quite strong.


The commander flew high into the sky, watching Qin Feiyang, a little angry and angry.

"Did you see it? I didn't do anything."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

He did not shoot before, and watched the three thousand avatars beat the commander.

The commander patted off the dirt and looked at the avatars, and there was a trace of suspense in his eyes, saying, "They don't seem to be avatars?"

"Then you said, what are they not avatars?"

Qin Feiyang said.

"how could I know?"

Blood Dae glared at him angrily and shook his head: "But it's definitely not an avatar, it can't have such a strong strength."

Qin Feiyang did not explain. With a wave of his hand, the three thousand incarnations disappeared and asked faintly: "Is this a win?"


Blood Da Leng snorted, a very unconvinced look.

But I was shocked.

With this method alone, no one in this world can be expected.

If it were this person, it would be the cultivation practice of the Nine Heaven Realm of the Great Consummation.

Compared with the means, this person's attitude is more frightening.

Calm and calm!

It seems that the sky will not panic.

This human is really not a simple character.

No wonder, the Dragon Clan wanted to get rid of him.

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