Invincible God of War

Chapter 2626: Sequelae become smaller

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And at the same time, the horns on the War Soul's head sprayed out a piece of dark light, exuding a strange breath.


When the black light shrouded the world, Qin Feiyang's cultivation behavior actually plummeted.

Xiaocheng, early success, half-step nine heavens!

That's right!

But in an instant, he was beaten back.

"what happened?"

You King and the Ten Commanders are surprised.

Qin Feiyang also had a trace of suspense on his face.

"Talent magic, the domain of the **** python, suppresses the opponent's three small realms."

"how about it?"

"Did you feel hopeless?"

Du Yuntian laughed wildly.

"It turned out to be a talent."

Qin Feiyang grunted.

"It was not easy to upgrade the cultivation base to Dacheng Jiutian Realm, and this time it was beaten back to its original shape, which is very helpless!"

"Also suffocating!"

"Because if you are outside, killing me by your means can't be easier."

"And before, I'm afraid you never put me in the eye!"

"But now, you are going to die in my hands."

"Haha ..."

"Qin Feiyang, Qin Feiyang, you just asked for it!"

"Obviously you can stay in Shenzhou well, but you have to come to Pluto Hell.

"But you can rest assured."

"After you die, I will send your bones to Qin Batian in person, let him experience the pain of losing his loved ones!"

"Fuck you!"

Du Yuntian growled.

The Soul of War opened a big mouth of blood basin and madly killed Qin Feiyang!

"You are too proud to be too early!"

"I have seen war spirits more powerful than you. What are you doing?"

"Since you show the soul of war, then I will let you see, what is the real war against the sky!"

As Qin Feiyang's words landed, a blood dragon was born.

And this is Zijin Dragon Soul!

Although due to the feeling of blood power, Zijin Dragon Soul also changed a lot, but the talent magic power has not changed.


The blood dragon issued a bright dragon chant, the flesh and blood at the heart of the eyebrow split, and a huge eye appeared.

——Eye of God!

One of the top ten supernatural talents with magical powers, possessing the terrifying ability to replicate all attacks.

As soon as the eye of God opened, Qin Feiyang immediately appeared a giant python above his head.

Wisps of black light emerged and enveloped Du Yuntian.


Du Yuntian's cultivation practice also began to plummet!

Complete the nine heavens!

Dacheng Nine Heavens!

Xiaocheng Nine Heavens!

It also plunged three small realms in a row.

"How could this be?"

Du Yuntian was shocked.

Qin Feiyang said indifferently: "Eye of the God."

"It turned out to be the Eye of God!"

You King mumbled.


"The Eye of God is one of the top ten souls of war against the sky, and is ranked in the top three."

"This kid is really full of surprises!"

The ten commanders are also shocked.

"I would like to ask you, in front of the eyes of God, what is your gift of magical power?"

"The game is over."

"Emperor God Prison, deprived!"

Qin Feiyang opened another talented supernatural power.

Emperor God Realm crashed down, Du Yuntian was imprisoned, and his consciousness fell into a blank.

-Deprivation of consciousness!

Although Du Yuntian's cultivation base is stronger than Qin Feiyang, he can only be deprived of it for a moment, but be aware that a strong person of this level is instantly fatal.

Qin Feiyang stepped out in one step, spared Du Yuntian's soul of war, and instantly fell in front of Du Yuntian.

Divine power roared, punching Du Yuntian's belly.


Du Yuntian was blasted out on the spot, and with a click, the sea of ​​air shattered instantly.


At last.

With a loud noise, Du Yuntian smashed into the mountains and rivers below, and a giant pit suddenly appeared.


The severe pain made him howl.

The Soul of War also dissipated.

Qin Feiyang landed one step above the giant pit, looked down at Du Yuntian, and said, "Did you see it? This is the gap between you and me. Even if you cultivate better than me, you can still kill you."

Du Yuntian climbed up with great pain and was extremely embarrassed.

He looked up at Qin Feiyang, his eyes full of unwillingness.

"It hurts!"

"Obviously so much better than me, but the result is that you fell to the ground."

"how about it?"

"Have you experienced the taste of despair?"

Qin Feiyang said lightly.

"I'm not convinced!"

Du Yuntian roared, exhausted his imagination, and his consciousness sprang up crazy, killing Qin Feiyang.

"Disagreement is also true."

"Neither you nor Wu Baichuan are qualified to be as famous as me."

Qin Feiyang's faint opening, without any bells and whistles, directly punched away.

After Du Yuntian's soul of war dissipated, his cultivation practice was restored to Dacheng Jiutian Realm.

With his physical body and strength, it is not a problem to shake Du Yuntian's consciousness.


With a punch, the consciousness annihilated.

Du Yuntian suddenly hugged his head and howled, feeling like the spirit was torn apart.

"I'm asking you?"

"Have you experienced the taste of despair?"

Qin Feiyang landed in front of Du Yuntian in one step, grabbing Du Yuntian's neck, his eyes very cold.

"Haha ..."

Du Yuntian actually laughed.

Qin Feiyang frowned.

"Do you really think that Wu Baichuan and I will both die?"

"Tell you."

"Before entering Pluto Hell, we have already split a ray of soul!"

"So, even if you killed us in Pluto Hell, we won't die."

"Haha ..."

"The despair is you!"

"It's not easy to have a chance to kill us, but the result is a busy life!"

Du Yuntian laughed wildly.

"That's it!"

"But what about that?"

"I can kill you once, then I can kill you a second time, a third time ..."

"In this life, you can only tremble under my feet."

Qin Feiyang shook his big hand, Du Yuntian's neck shattered on the spot, and blood spewed out like a spring.

The head also fell to the ground.

But despite his head falling, Du Yuntian was still laughing wildly.

Qin Feiyang went down again and stepped on Du Yuntian's head and soul.

Throughout the process, there was no slight wave of expression.


You King muttered.

Half-step Nine Heaven Realm and Great Consummation Nine Heaven Realm differ by five small realms.

This originally seemed to them that Qin Feiyang could never have a chance.

But unexpectedly.

As a result, Qin Feiyang crushed Du Yuntian.

This is really a miracle!

"Everyone knows to split a ray of spirits ..."

"Not bad ..."

"Everyone is smart ..."

"However, the beam-jumping clown is always just the beam-jumping clown ..."

Qin Fei Yang mumbled, then looked up at the Dragon Princess.

The pupils of the Dragon Princess contracted.

Inwardly, a deep terror emerged.

"Before you enter Hades, you should have a split spirit, then you don't need me to do it, you can break it yourself!"

Qin Feiyang said lightly.

The dragon princess sighed deeply and exploded directly in the void.

With a wave of his hand, You Wang instantly suppressed the self-explosive wave.

Qin Feiyang also closed the Shenglong Jue, and Xiu Wei fell in a straight line.


The effect of the Sky Dust Pill must wait for it to dissipate.

That is to say.

When the time is up, the Sky Dust Pill will fail.

Qin Feiyang is unable to take the initiative to dispel the Sky Dust Pill.

"How are you doing?"

You King and the Ten Commanders fell in front of Qin Feiyang and asked.

"Not now."

"But wait for something big."

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Huo Yi's sequelae after taking Tianchen Shendan, he is still vividly remembered.

Lying on the ground, unable to move, just like a waste man.

"Since it's over, let's go back?"

The king asked.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

You Wang waved his hand, rolled up Qin Feiyang, and returned to the ancient city of You Wang, followed by the top ten commanders.

Qin Feiyang pondered for a while and asked, "Senior King You, where is the Valley of Fall?"

You King said: "The Valley of Fall is the most terrible forbidden place of our Hades."

"Forbidden land?"

Qin Feiyang was shocked.


"Tell you this, even the king does not dare to enter the Valley of Fall."

The quiet king shook his head.

"So scary?"

Qin Feiyang was shocked.


"It's because no one can go in, so I don't know what is in the Valley of Fall?"

You King Road.

"Is there an anti-celestial artifact?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

"Of course."

The quiet king nodded.

"You haven't even been in it, how do you know there is an anti-celestial artifact?"

Qin Feiyang wondered.

"Although the king has not entered, but outside the valley of the fall, the king has found the anti-celestial artifact."

"Like the sunset bow, it was found outside the Valley of Fall."

"You think, even the Fallen Valley has anti-celestial artifacts outside, how could it not be inside?"

You King Road.

"It turns out this way."

Qin Feiyang nodded suddenly, laughing: "No wonder the Dragon Princess before said, Ye Zhong they may have gone to the Valley of Fall."

"Not even my blood demon clan can get in, let alone them."

You Wang disdainfully smiled.

"Then they can't be left alone?"

Qin Feiyang said.

"Don't think so much now, stay in the ancient city of Youwang and practice well."

"As for Ye Zhong and others, this king will let the ten commanders go to the Valley of Fall to investigate."

You King Road.

"Then I'm so embarrassed, I always trouble you."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"Brother Qin, you'll see you outside!"

"Besides, the Dragon Clan is already our common enemy, and we deserve a share of strength."

Blood University and others looked at Qin Feiyang with dissatisfaction.

"Yes, yes, I'm out of sight."

Qin Feiyang nodded, his face full of smiles.

In the eyes of others, the blood demon clan is just like the devil, and it is afraid of the wind, but in his eyes, it is a group of lovely people.

Time flies.

Tianchen Shendan's medicine finally disappeared.

Qin Feiyang shook his body violently, almost falling down.

"what happened to you?"

You King and the Ten Commanders looked at him with concern.

"It's okay."

Qin Feiyang shook his head, and Xiu Wei also recovered to a half-step nine heavens.


When he moved his muscles, he discovered unexpectedly that he was only weak, and he was not paralyzed like Huo Yi did.

What's going on?


Qin Feiyang slapped his head, which must have something to do with the dragon-shaped danqi.

At that time, the Sky Dust Pill that Huo Yi took was just a pill pattern, and it has not yet reached the level of a pill.

And now, the Tianchen Shendan he takes has four dragon-shaped danqis.

in short.

The more dragon-shaped danqi, the smaller the sequelae.

This is also good news.

At least after the effect of the Sky Dust Pill has passed, there is no such thing as death.

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