Invincible God of War

Chapter 2631: Crazy practice!

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Second floor.

As soon as Qin Feiyang came in, the white-eyed wolf immediately shouted, "Little Qinzi, brother tells you, don't even think about it!"

"What do you mean?"

Qin Feiyang was somewhat inexplicable.


"Then tell Brother, what are you doing to let the **** blood of the blood demon clan take away?"

The white-eyed wolf said angrily.

The madman suspiciously said: "Qin Feiyang collected blood, it must be to open the killing domain, how excited are you?"

"I don't know anything, you have the part to interpose? Shut up!"

The white-eyed wolf stared fiercely.


The lunatic froze.

Could it be that there is something hidden in it?

Qin Feiyang finally understood the meaning of the white-eyed wolf and shook his head and smiled, "I'm not just in case!"

"just in case?"

"It seems that the last lesson was not enough."

"If it weren't for the demon and Lu Jiajin to sacrifice themselves and exchange the magic pill for you, you still have a chance to stand here and talk to us?

"Tell you, brother does not object to anything, but this matter alone!"

The white-eyed wolf murmured.

"I know I know."

"Unless you have to be forced, I will not open the door to rebirth."

Qin Feiyang said.

"The door to rebirth?"

The lunatic was stunned. Why was it familiar?

The white-eyed wolf shouted: "Even if it is forced, it must not be turned on, because no one will save you a second time!"

"how about you?"

"If I really opened the door to rebirth again, would you save my life?"

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.

"Familiar with you?"

"Think beautiful."

The white-eyed wolf sneered.

Qin Feiyang smiled, this is the typical knife mouth tofu heart.

If this kind of thing really happened, the white-eyed wolf would definitely say nothing.


Even if the white-eyed wolf does this, he will not allow it.

Because he didn't want to experience the pain of losing his loved ones again.

He would rather die by himself than the people around him.


"I promised not to open the door to rebirth."

Qin Feiyang laughed.


The white-eyed wolf frowned.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

The white-eyed wolf said: "Then you will stop the **** king from collecting blood now."

"Is this necessary?"

Qin Feiyang was speechless.


"You can cut off your thoughts by doing this."

White-eyed wolf said.


"It's good to keep the blood."

"In case of a crisis in the future, you can also use it as an emergency and start killing territory!"

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"You are stupid!"

"The blood of the blood demon clan contains evil power, can you absorb it?"

The white-eyed wolf sneered.

"I'm not stupid when you are, you are really stupid."

"Evil forces can also be refined!"

"Besides, it is the **** sword that really absorbs the blood, not me."

Qin Feiyang was speechless.

The white-eyed wolf froze for a moment, carrying his head, as if it were really like this?

"You think there are so many blood demon clan, and the cultivation base is not weak."

"If one drop per person, it must be enough for me to start to the second stage."

"It's such a big bargain, don't be white, right?"

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"Brother is too lazy to care about you."

The white-eyed wolf glared at Qin Feiyang, and then he ran into a corner with anger, and became sulking.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled.

The lunatic glanced at the white-eyed wolf and looked at Qin Feiyang, saying: "Are you talking about the door to rebirth, is it the fourth form of the dragon?"

"you know too?"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

"I just recalled it carefully. I heard your ancestor mentioned it before, but I don't know much about it."

Said the lunatic.

"This matter……"

"Go ask the white-eyed wolf!"

Qin Feiyang smiled, then sat cross-legged and took out the Soul Stone to practice.

The madman looked at Qin Feiyang and ran beside the white-eyed wolf, saying, "Brother Wolf, talk about it!"

"He doesn't care about himself, what can he say?"

"Having said more, he still feels that he's doing more business."

The white-eyed wolf sneered.

"Yes Yes Yes."

"You must be kind."

"But Qin Feiyang, you are not ignorant and do things well."

Said the lunatic.

"His size?"

"Do you know why Lu Jiajin and the Heart Demon took their lives to save him?"

"Just because he opened the door to rebirth."

White-eyed wolf said.

"Tell me."

The lunatic crouched aside, curious.

"Things are like this ..."

The white-eyed wolf sighed and said the whole thing originally.

"It turns out so."

This is where the madman came to understand.

No wonder the white-eyed wolf will be so angry, so there is such a big risk of opening the door to rebirth.

White-eyed wolf said: "You talk about it now, can I not be angry?"

"It's time to get angry, indeed it's time to get angry."

"But have you ever wondered why so many people and so many fierce beasts will follow Qin Feiyang with all their heart?

"Isn't it because of his love and righteousness? Is it a person worth following and acting for?"

"Everything, he has two sides, we can't just look at one side."

"Of course, I can understand your mood."

"You don't want to lose him."

"But sometimes we have to make a choice, even if we know we will die."

The lunatic persuaded.

"Did you make a mistake?"

"Brother told you so much, I want you to persuade him, not let you enlighten me!"

"What is your situation?"

The white-eyed wolf stared at him angrily.

"If you say this, I don't like to listen, I'm talking about things."

"of course."

"At that time, I will also persuade him."

Said the lunatic.

"It will be too late to persuade you."

The white-eyed wolf shook his head.


"Instead of thinking so much, it's better to practice quickly."

"Wai Xiu becomes stronger and kills the ice dragon directly, otherwise everything will be gone?"

The lunatic patted the white-eyed wolf's head and said.

"Remove your dog's paw."

The white-eyed wolf slammed the madman's hand, but he agreed with the madman's statement.


As long as the ice dragon is slaughtered, nothing to worry about will happen.

That's right.

Step up your cultivation.

Practice now ...


The lunatic also sat on the ground, took out the soul stone, and prepared to practice.

Qin Feiyang suddenly opened his eyes and asked, "Brother Madman, after breaking through the Nine Heaven Realm, how many soul stones does each small realm need to refine?"

The madman froze for a moment, and asked, "Have you never inquired before?"

Qin Feiyang said: "Before there were Huo Yi, I need to inquire?"

"You guy ..."

The lunatic shook his head and said, "After breaking through to the Nine Heavens Realm, the soul stone that needs to be refined has doubled and skyrocketed."

"Half-step Nine Heaven Realm's impact is at the beginning of the Nine Heaven Realm, which requires refining 100 billion."

"Early into the nine heavens, impacting the small into the nine heavens, you need to refine 200 billion."

"Xiaocheng breaks through Dacheng and needs to refine 400 billion yuan."

"Dacheng breakthrough needs 800 billion yuan."

"Successful Nine Heavens Realm breaks through the Great Nine Heavens Realm, it will cost 1.6 trillion!"

"As for the Great Consummation of the Nine Heaven Realm, the impact is half an immortal. According to the old man's previous statement, if you use Soul Stone, you must at least have 10 trillion."

Said the lunatic.


Qin Feiyang was dumbfounded.

One hundred billion?

200 billion?

Four hundred billion?

Eight hundred billion?

160 billion?

This is a tremendous change compared to God.

Because God is 20 billion, 40 billion, 60 billion.

That is to say.

Only 20 billion more.

And now, it is a turn-by-turn.

Jiutian Realm is also okay. The Dahma Realm, which requires the most, is 1.6 trillion.

Can it break through to half an immortal, at least ten trillion?

How long will it take to refine?

No wonder in this world, there are such creatures stuck in the Nine Heaven Realm.

Even if there are enough soul stones, it takes an extremely long process to refine!

"Don't worry about it anymore, take advantage of the opportunity now, and rush to the Great Constellation Nine Heavens."

Said the lunatic.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

With a five-hundred-year period of time, the opportunity is rare.



The second floor, one day passed.

Qin Feiyang carefully calculated that now he can refine 3,000 Soulstones a day, which is a lot better than before.

Refining 3,000 pieces a day will require 100 billion soul stones to be refined, and it will take more than 90,000 years.

If you follow the time rule of the second layer ...

Five hundred years a day ...

Ten days and five thousand years ...

One hundred and fifty thousand years ...

Those two hundred days are not one hundred thousand years?

That is to say.

In this second layer, he only needs less than two hundred days to break through to the beginning of nine days?

That's a little more than half a year!

This is wrong!

Why is it faster than last time in Xuantian Ancient City?

Last time in the ancient city of Xuantian, it took a year from Dacheng to the impact of the gods to reach the perfection.

"Look at my brain seeds!"


Qin Feiyang slapped his head hard.

The time phalanx of Xuantian Ancient City is two hundred years a day, and the time phalanx here is five hundred years a day.

That is naturally not in a grade.


Qin Feiyang was overjoyed, and immediately took out a large amount of soul stones, and began to refine madly.

The situation of lunatics and Qin Feiyang is similar, but the white-eyed wolf will definitely be a step faster than them.

After all, before entering Pluto Hell, the white-eyed wolf has already broken through to a half-step nine-sky realm.


Before Qin Feiyang came to You King, the white-eyed wolf has been practicing here for more than a year.

Although it only absorbs the power of evil, Xiuwei has also improved a lot.

Qin Feiyang, lunatic, and white-eyed wolf are desperately practicing on the second floor.

Outside, the blood demon clan also calmed down slowly, but the shadow left by the dragon **** was definitely difficult to wipe out.

"Have you heard?"

"This guy, Qin Feiyang, was actually mixed with the blood demon clan."


"who said it?"

"It seems that someone was lurking near the ancient city of Xuantian and saw it with his own eyes."


"Who doesn't know that the blood demon clan is chasing and chasing our human beings frantically, and Qin Feiyang is also a human being. How can he get mixed with the blood demon clan?"

"Absolutely rumors."

"I hope it is a rumor!"

"Otherwise this Qin Feiyang has blood demon clan support, is not lawless?"


"He was originally a cruel master. If there is a blood demon clan to help him, we are afraid that one will not want to leave Hades and Hell alive."

Thousands of people gathered together in a certain mountain, and had a lot of discussion while recuperating.

Both men, women and children.

Cultivation is also different, Divine Monarch, Extreme God, Nine Heavens.

But without exception, when he heard the name Qin Feiyang, it was all changed.

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