Invincible God of War

Chapter 2649: The gods are all destroyed?

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"Look clearly, what is desolation!"

Wu Baisheng's domineering roar, rising into the blazing sun, suddenly fell, and suppressed toward the black dragon.


The two supreme-level magic tactics met suddenly.

The world suddenly lost its color.

A devastating breath, like a torrent of water, is overwhelming.

The earth is cracking and sinking in all directions, like a prehistoric earthquake.

"It is also the Nine Heavens of the Great Consummation, and also the Supreme God's Secret, I see how you can wither and die!"

Wang Chuansen smiled coldly.


Wu Baisheng shook his head.

There are also strong and weak points in the same Great Consummation.

The supreme level magic formula also has strengths and weaknesses.

It is not that the cultivation is the same, the magic formula is the same, and the strength of both hands is equivalent.


As Wu Baisheng's words fell to the ground, the black dragon suddenly wailed, and then broke apart in the void.


The magic formula shattered, and Wang Chuan was immediately repulsed, and his blood spewed out.

How can it be?

He stared at the blazing sun, his eyes full of disbelief.

"You don't have the ability to fight me at all!"

Wu Baisheng's eyes were full of contempt, and with the big wave of his hand, the scorching sun suddenly fell, and he swept away to Wangchuan.

"Don't be too presumptuous!"

At this time.

Li Yu killed, the divine power rolled, and a round white moon rose into the sky.

A mighty supernatural power broke out.

This is also a supreme level magic formula!


The crescent moon crashed into the burning sun.

This world, when even burst a loud noise.

After the bombardment of Wang Chuan and Li Yu one after another, the burning sun finally broke up.

A trace of blood also oozed from the corner of Wu Baisheng's mouth.

However, the body did not take a step back.

Instead of retreating, he swooped forward and patted Li Yu.

"You think I don't exist?"

Wang Chuan drank coldly, and next to Li Yu, looked at Li Yu, and then raised his arms together and blasted at Wu Baisheng.

As for Qin Feiyang.

He didn't shoot, standing not far away, watching the battle quietly.

He noticed.

Even if Wang Chuan and Li Yu joined forces, Wu Baisheng didn't fear anything.

Even in his eyes, there was a flash of sarcasm.


Just as the three were about to collide together, Wu Baisheng suddenly stepped on a mysterious pace, like a ghost, and disappeared in the sight of the two in a flash.


Wang Chuan and Li Yu were startled.

It must be the supreme level of auxiliary god!

The next moment.

A fatal crisis came from behind.

The two were suddenly horrified and flashed sideways without hesitation.

But one step later!

Wu Baisheng put down the iron box, put his hands together, and patted them on their vests.

puff! !

The two spurted blood, and even if they flew out, they smashed into the distant ground.

With a bang, two giant pits suddenly appeared.

"So strong!"

"The supreme level killing magic formula, the supreme level assisting magic formula, both strength and speed, completely crushed Wang Chuan and two!

People are horrified.

The first person in the Eastern Dragon Temple really deserved its reputation.

Wu Baisheng grabbed the iron box and looked at the two proudly, "Is that the case?"

The two climbed up in embarrassment, staring at Wu Baisheng, their eyes cold and cold.

"Young man, don't be too arrogant."

However, at this moment, a light laughter sounded.


Everyone looked in amazement.

Who is so ignorant of life and death, dare to challenge Wu Baisheng?

"It's him?"

Wang Chuan and Li Yu also looked at it soundly, their expressions stunned immediately.

The speaker is actually the middle-aged man in black!

Especially Li Yu.

Can't help recalling what Qin Feiyang said before, be careful of this person.

Could it be that this person is really a hidden powerhouse?

Qin Feiyang glanced at the middle-aged man in black, his eyes shining inexplicably.

But no one saw the light.

Wu Baisheng also turned around, looking at the middle-aged man in black and said lightly: "Are you talking to me?"

"if not?"

Middle-aged in black, with a faint smile, he stepped beside Qin Feiyang and said, "Li Buer, I'll help you **** the iron box."


Qin Feiyang stunned and asked suspiciously.

The middle-aged man in black said in secret: "Because of me and your respected friend."


"Master's friend?"

Qin Feiyang was startled.


"You may not know me, after all, I have been practicing retreat in Shenlong Island."

"But you, Master, mentioned you in front of me more than once."

"Speaking of you, is a talent worth training."

Middle-aged black voice transmission.

"Retreat on Shenlong Island?"

Qin Feiyang frowned without trace.

Since it is retreating on Shenlong Island, it must be the dragon race!

But in this person, he did not sense the breath of the dragon.

and many more!

Is this person and Feng Dazhi the same kind of person?

In other words.

The middle-aged man in black is indeed human.

But because cultivation is high and talented, he is appreciated by Long Zun and allowed to enter Shenlong Island.


In the past, Qin Feiyang also heard that there are indeed human beings in the Dragon Temple.

Such as the dragon temples.

All humans who step into the immortal state will be taken to Shenlong Island.

That is to say.

Is this middle-aged man in black one of them?

If this is the case, then all the problems can be explained.

This person is a dragon.

When he saw him, it was normal to shout and kill.

And seeing him as Li Buer, he will naturally express his goodwill.


There is also a big doubt.

Ye Zhong and the ancestral dragons did not tell the lunatic about his existence.

To say that Ye Zhong and all the ancestral dragons are deliberately concealing lunatics, obviously this is not possible.

Because of the identity of the lunatic, there is no problem.

And the lunatic is also a disciple of the Black Dragon Zulong.

So for this little thing, Ye Zhong and the ancestral dragons didn't need to hide from the lunatics.

That is to say.

There is still a problem with this person's identity.

The middle-aged man in black looked at Wu Baisheng and said, "For the sake of you being a disciple of the Dragon Temple, immediately put down the iron box in your hand and then apologize to Li Buer.

"Apologize to him?"

Wu Baisheng glanced at Qin Feiyang and frowned, "Why?"

"Just because he is a disciple of Lord Ye Zhong."

"As a person in the Dragon Temple, don't you know his identity and status in the Dragon Temple?"

Middle-aged in black.

"I'm not convinced!"

Wu Baisheng said in a deep voice.

"it is good."

"Then I will hit you!"

"Zhu Shenjian Formation!"

With the wave of his middle-aged man in black, a hundred thousand war swords were born.

Each sword contains the power of extinction.

"This is his strength?"

"It seems I look down upon it."

Li Yu grunted.

As the Great Constellation Nine Heavens Realm, and also possessing the Supreme God Skill, she can see at a glance that each of the 100,000 battle swords is comparable to a Supreme artifact.


This man is so low-key, why does Li Buer know his strength?

Did the two know each other before?

And looking at the attitude of the middle-aged man in black, he is still helping Li Fuji.

But since he was helping Li Buer, why did Li Buer tell her to be careful with this person?

Isn't this contradictory?

Li Yu couldn't understand it.

Looking at Zhu Shenjian array, a trace of dignity also appeared on Wu Baisheng's face.


He did not hesitate to open the supreme level magic formula.

A blazing sun rises into the sky.

"Struggling is useless."

"Your Supreme God's Secret is indeed very powerful."

"But it's not at the same level as this blame."

Middle-aged man in black shook his head.

"Try it!"

Wu Baisheng roared, showing a fierce force of unsatisfactory defeat, and slamming into the Shen Jian array with fierce sun.


Middle-aged in black sighed.


After a sigh, the middle-aged man in black turned away.

In the next moment!

That Zhushen Sword Array, and that round of scorching sun, actually killed Qin Feiyang at the same time!

"what happened?"

"Did he make a mistake?"

"Isn't it supposed to kill Wu Baisheng? Why did you follow Wu Baisheng to kill Li Fuer?"

This sudden change made everyone present unexpected.

Li Yu and Wang Chuan were also stunned.

This middle-aged man in black had not vowed to say that he wanted to help Li Fujio grab the iron box?

How could he kill Lee in a blink of an eye?

Wrong target?

How can it be.

Li Bu Er is not invisible, so standing next to the middle-aged man in black is alive, how could he make a mistake?

There is obviously a problem!


It's too late to say, it's fast!

The two great supreme-level magic tactics slammed to death.

Qin Feiyang's reaction was also very quick, and he recovered, and immediately fled down.

boom! !

But be aware.

This magic sword array, but one of the strongest means of black middle-aged.

And now, there is Wu Baisheng.

And it came so suddenly, how could Qin Feiyang escape?

Just as he fled to the ground below, the two Supreme Gods' tactics fell suddenly.

Qin Feiyang was blasted into the ground on the spot, dust and smoke shrouded in all directions, and a desperate scream rang out.

"This is dead?"

People stared down dumbfounded.

Despite being shrouded in dust and smoke, Qin Feiyang's life fluctuations were no longer felt.

"What's the matter?"

Wang Chuan was suspicious.

"do not know."

Li Yu shook his head.

Now, she was also in a mess.

Look at black middle-aged and Wu Baisheng.

The two stared down, the killing in their eyes was undisguised.


Wu Baisheng waved away the dust and smoke.

A huge tiankeng suddenly appeared.

In the Tiankeng, there were no life fluctuations, no Qin Feiyang's corpse, and even a drop of blood was not left.

The gods are all destroyed!

Middle-aged in black, he smiled and said: "Goddess is all destroyed, it is what you deserve."

"Haha ..."

Wu Baisheng also laughed, and gave a thumbs up to the middle-aged man in black, saying, "Master, you are still good."

"It's not that I'm terrible, it's that he is too stupid."

"Slightly subtotal, I believe my words."

Middle-aged man in black chuckled.


"Wu Baisheng actually called him Master?"

"They are apprentices?"

"That is to say, everything before them was acting in order to paralyze Li Buer?"

People are terrified.

These two people are crazy, dare to murder Ye Zhong's disciples?

"Go away!"

"They kill Lee, they will definitely kill us!"


Wang Chuan roared, pulled Li Yu, and turned to escape.


Others were stunned and suddenly excited, shouting: "Yes, if Ye Zhong knows that they murdered Lee, they will definitely not let them go, so they will definitely kill us and flee!"

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