Invincible God of War

Chapter 2669: She was the most stupid

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Faced with the punches of the top ten blood demon puppets, even Ye Zhong and others have evolved the supreme level magic formula in order to kill them, but ... they are still not opponents of the top ten blood demon puppets.

Even the supreme-level magic tactics blasted on the fists of the top ten blood demon puppets, and did not take them back one step.

On the contrary, it was Ye Zhong and other people's supreme-level magic tactics, which were crushed by a puppet of the top ten blood demon clan!

That's right!

It is just the power of one punch that smashes the supreme level magic tactics of Ye Zhong and others.


That huge fist, that terrifying power, fell on them suddenly.

puff! !


Ye Zhong and others flew out and smashed into the mountains behind, blood in his mouth surged!

But one round, Ye Zhong and others were seriously injured.

The beast emperor and the chief patriarch will be better.

After all, they are two dozens.

But in spite of this, his face is as pale as paper!

"The situation is not good!"

The lunatic's eyes fell.


Qin Feiyang also nodded.

When I first encountered the blood demon puppet, Ye Zhong and others could easily solve it because there was only one.

Just think about it.

Eleven people join forces, if even a blood demon puppet can not be solved, is it still the strongest existence in the ancient world?

But now!

There are ten puppets of blood demon clan.

This is almost a one-on-one situation, and even Ye Zhong did not have much confidence.

"Sovereign Lord, do you want me and Yang Li to help them?"

Wang Ming Chuanyin.

Wang Ming and Yang Li have always stood beside Qin Feiyang, which is their duty.

No matter what, just protect Qin Feiyang.

But the current situation has exceeded the scope that Ye Zhong and others can cope with.

Therefore, you can no longer sit and watch.

"Don't shoot."

"After all, the Beast Emperor and the Chief Patriarch know your skills well."

"all in all."

"I didn't let you shoot, you just stayed beside me honestly."

Qin Feiyang secretly said.


The two responded respectfully.


Look at Ye Zhong and others.

Successively got up from the ground.

Grey-faced, utterly embarrassed.

His face is even more ugly.

I never imagined that there are ten blood demon puppets ambush here!

and many more!


The blood puppet is unconscious, how could it be possible to ambush?

Is it ...

As Qin Feiyang said, some people are controlling these blood puppets?

Thinking of this, a group of people suddenly couldn't help bursting out a chill and quickly glanced around.

But in the surroundings, no suspicious people were found.

There was no sense of strangeness.

The Beast Emperor's eyes flashed slightly, and he said: "Yun Zun, this is an opportunity, hurry!"


The cabinet chief responded secretly and shouted: "You hold them, I'll get the tin box!"

Having said that, the head of the cabinet looted towards the tin box.

To this.

Ye Zhong and the ancestral dragons were not suspicious.

Because in their view, the chief cabinet leader did not dare to mess up without this courage.

boom! !

They released their momentum and followed the beast emperor to the puppets of the top ten blood demon clan.

But there was a sneer in the eyes of Qin Feiyang and the lunatic.

Sure enough, they were expected!

"What's the plan?"

The lunatic secretly said.

"Tear her down now, certainly not."

"Because when facing the challenge of Ye Zhong and others, she can deny it completely."

"We have to wait until she escapes with her anti-heaven gods, and stop her."

"As a result, she would be inexplicable."

Qin Feiyang passed on.

"Then act!"

"Leave a doppelganger here to confuse her."

The lunatic smiled secretly, and a doppelganger appeared.

Both Qin Feiyang and Wang Ming also left a doppelganger, and then retreated silently.

The attention of the beast emperor and Ye Zhong and others are on the top ten blood demon puppets.

The attention of the cabinet chief is also on the iron box.

So no one found that the deity of the four had left.


Ye Zhong et al. And the puppets of the top ten blood demon clan were killed together again.

With their strength, it would be okay to delay for a while.


The main pavilion leader has also glanced over the stone pillar, staring at the iron box in the distance, with green light in his eyes.

She held out her hand and tremblingly grabbed the tin box!

As soon as the iron box was in her hand, she couldn't help ecstatic, and her eyes glanced at Qin Feiyang outside the battlefield.

In the eyes, could not help crawling a taunt.

What can you do without fear of evil? Didn't the anti-celestial thing fall into her?

This year, we must have a mind, and everything else is floating clouds.

She glanced at Ye Zhong and the ancestral dragons again.

A bunch of idiots!

You fight slowly, I will go away with the gods.


The chief patriarch withdrew his gaze and scanned his eyes. Then he put away the iron box directly, turned his body into the blood mist, and ran out of the Valley of Fall.


See you.

Ye Zhong and the ancestral dragons looked stunned.

Without help, just leave?

They are definitely not stupid, they will react quickly, this is to escape with Bao Bao!

In front of them, take treasure to escape?

This is eating dog gall!


"you wanna die!"

Ye Zhong and others were furious immediately, and regardless of the puppets of the ten blood demon clan, they turned and chased toward the head of the cabinet.

A smile flashed in the beast emperor's eyes, and he quickly caught up.

The puppets of the ten blood demon clan were all chased away without expression.

And stepping on the supreme-level assisting magic formula is faster than Ye Zhong and others who have also opened the supreme-level assisting magic formula!

"With this god-defying god, who am I still afraid of?"

"Qin Batian, Lu Zhengyang, you probably shouldn't have thought, I can get an anti-celestial artifact so easily!"

The chief patriarch fled quickly, and he kept laughing with joy, and he was happy.

The situation of the Dragon Destroyer is actually not too complicated.

The reason why Qin Batian and Lu Zhengyang have been tolerant to Yunzun is that Yunzun and Beastzun can provide a lot of resources to the Dragon Extermination Hall.

Naturally, it is needless to say about resources.

For every force, it is indispensable.

The same is true!

Yun Zun and Beast Emperor are also very afraid of Qin Batian and Lu Zhengyang.

Because Qin Batian has an anti-celestial artifact.

If resources are the foundation for maintaining the normal operation of a force, then the anti-celestial artifact is the backing behind the force.

It is also because of the anti-celestial artifact that the Destroyed Dragon Hall is qualified to compete with the dragon clan.

Therefore, the two parties are afraid of each other.

But now it's different.

The cabinet leader got an artifact against the sky, and then faced Qin Batian and Lu Zhengyang naturally, he was more confident than before.

In the future, she will have more say in the Destroyed Dragon Palace.

In short.

There are too many interests involved in an anti-celestial artifact.

"Really dead!"

"Dare to **** things from my dragon family!"

"Don't say the deity didn't give you a chance."

"Stop right away and give us the gods obediently, and we can forgive you."

"But if you continue to be stubborn and stubborn, the deity tells you that not only you, but also your treasure pavilion, should be removed from the ancient world!"

The ancestral dragons roared in the rear.

"With the anti-celestial artifact, I still care about Baoge?"

"Removal? Anyone."

"Besides, do you have this qualification now?"

"Don't forget, you dragons now don't even have an anti-celestial artifact!"

The lord sneered without looking back.

"it is good!"

"You asked for it!"

Black Dragon Zulong shouted.

"Haha ..."

"It's interesting to say so much?"

"Catch me if you can!"

The main pavilion master laughed, stepped on the supreme level auxiliary magic tactics, and flashed out the valley of falling like lightning.

Without the cover of blood mist, the field of vision becomes wider at a glance.


Before the Chief Patriarch was too happy, a **** enchantment suddenly fell from the sky and enveloped her inside.


The head of the cabinet was shocked.

Follow closely.

Her cultivation practice plummeted to a half-step nine heavens.


The head of the cabinet was dumbfounded.

This, it seems familiar!

This is ... the domain of blood demon!

Why does the domain of blood demon appear here?



Another playful laughter sounded.

The sound is also very familiar!

The chief pavilion's complexion became extremely fierce, and suddenly looked up at the sky above the domain of blood demon, and saw four figures standing above the void!

It is Qin Feiyang, lunatic and Wang Ming!

The cabinet chief shouted: "How can you ..."

Qin Feiyang laughed: "Your little trick has been seen through by us."

The Chief Cabinet heard a sudden, his face suddenly turned pale.

"and also……"

"Just before you fled, you should have seen us specially, and you should be laughing at us!"

"Even if I laugh at us in my heart, I can think of it."

"But sorry, that's just our avatar."

The lunatic grinned.


The head of the cabinet was shaking.

Are these two beasts a human being or a ghost?

Why is the mind so terrible?

Just now, she was still laughing at the two of them. There is only a brain in this world, the others are floating clouds.

But at the blink of an eye, they were slapped hard by the two.

It turned out that she was the most stupid ...




Inside the Valley of Fall, there was another sound of engagement.

Qin Feiyang looked up at the Valley of Fall with four frowns.


Ye Zhong and others were overtaken by the ten blood demon puppets, and the battle started again.

After all, after transforming the blood demon clan, both strength and speed will increase greatly.

And Ye Zhong and others, although mastering the supreme level auxiliary **** tactics, but the ten blood demon puppets must have.

That is to say.

Ye Zhong and others can't come out to kill the cabinet chief now.

"Haha ..."

The Chief Cabinet Chief laughed when he heard the fighting fluctuate.

As long as Ye Zhong and others did not come out, it would still be an opportunity for her.

And this opportunity is to take the opportunity to eradicate Qin Feiyang and lunatics!

"You think that if Ye Zhong did not come out, you would have an arrogant qualification?"

The lunatic withdrew his gaze and looked down at the head of the cabinet, contemptuously.

"Aren't you?"

The chief cabinet chief smiled coldly.

"If it is outside, it does."

"But in Pluto Hell, you are nothing but the Nine Heavens."

Said the lunatic.

"It's only the Nine Heavens?"

The head of the cabinet was slightly stunned, and the sneer in his eyes was stronger, saying, "I really hope that your strength can be as powerful as your mouth!"

"You retreat, I will come to kill her!"


The madman's momentum exploded suddenly, immediately plunged into the realm of the blood demon, and punched the head of the cabinet.

Qin Feiyang and Wang Ming, who really didn't shoot, stood outside the domain of the blood demon and watched quietly.

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