Invincible God of War

Chapter 2855: The realm of God!

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at the same time.

Huoyi, Fire Lotus, and Five-clawed Golden Dragon also all sensed fluctuations in battle.

There was a trace of worry in his eyes.


They did not enter the Inland Sea.



The sword shadow and the dragon kept colliding.

Each collision will radiate a dazzling divine light and a loud noise.

"Are they comparable?"

Black Dragon Zulong murmured.

Blood Dragon Zulong said in a deep voice: "Qin Feiyang's strength is more than that."


The woman in white nodded.

Looking back at this scene that happened outside the Shenmo Forest, I couldn't help but be shocked.

The eyes of God, three thousand incarnations, that is Qin Feiyang's real killer!

The other dragons of the dragon clan are very optimistic when watching this scene.

Although it seems that the two men's strengths are comparable, in the hearts of the Dragon Clan, they all think that the Dragon Clan's prince will win.


The ancestral dragons knew very well that it was not so easy to defeat Qin Feiyang.

It even felt that the dragon prince suppressed the cultivation base to the Nine Heavens of the Great Consummation, which was a bit of a big deal.


After a long battle, Jianying and the dragon shattered their hands.


Both Qin Feiyang and the dragon prince were shocked and retreated, blood rushing straight.

"A good one to nine."

"Don't tell me, you inherit this style from others."

The dragon clan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Qin Feiyang.

"This style is my own creation."

"But it's far worse than you."

"After all, I have never created a complete magic formula."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"It's just that you are in trouble."

"With your understanding and talent, it is not easy to create a magic formula?"

The dragon clan chuckled lightly.

"I am so proud of me, not afraid of my pride?"

Qin Feiyang said.

"I really hope you are proud, because proud people are generally arrogant."

"Prideful people are the easiest to deal with."

"Unfortunately, you are not."

The dragon prince regrets.

"Okay, let you down."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

The dragon clan smirked and said, "Having reached this point, let's stop hiding, and come up with the real killer!"

"I am looking forward to your killer."

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly.

"I am also looking forward to your performance."

The dragon prince said, the power of the dragon in the body burst out like a volcano.

"Tianlong Realm!"

As these four words sounded, an enchantment emerged out of nowhere, instantly covering all directions.

Qin Feiyang was also trapped inside.


His cultivation began to plunge.

Perfection of the nine heavens, Dacheng nine heavens, Xiaocheng nine heavens, and the beginning of nine heavens ...

Finally, drop directly to the half-step nine heavens!


Qin Feiyang looked blank.

This domain of the dragon is actually exactly the same as the domain of the blood demon of a madman!


Just as Qin Feiyang was distracted, the dragon prince suddenly appeared in front of Qin Feiyang and slapped him on Qin Feiyang's chest.


Qin Feiyang flew out on the spot, his entire chest collapsed.

And all the internal organs are broken!

Severe injury!


The humans, the dragons, and the sea beasts of Shenlong Island are shocked.

Qin Feiyang suddenly plunged into five small realms, and the gap between cultivation and practice was widened.

The power of the dragon's domain is too terrible!

just now.

One is a half-step nine-sky realm, and the other is a great perfect nine-sky realm. Does Qin Feiyang have any chance of winning?

"Listen to Zulong, the man who is crazy, also masters this magical trick, right?"

The dragon prince did not take advantage of the chase and asked Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang stabilized his body, the power of the blood vessels in his body quickly repaired the damaged five internal organs.


"And also self-made."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

"I really look forward to fighting him."

"Looking forward to both of you joining my dragon family."

The dragon prince smiled slightly, stepped out again, and fell behind Qin Feiyang instantly, punching him into Qin Feiyang's vest.

This kind of cultivation awareness, coupled with the dragon clan prince opened the auxiliary magic tactics, Qin Feiyang did not fail to fight back.

Because now, he can't keep up with the speed of the dragon prince.

In other words.

He is only beaten now.

With a click, the bones shattered and the vest collapsed!

Although he was hit twice in succession, his eyes were not weak.

But in the corner of his mouth, he smiled bitterly.

This ability is really desperate.

How did this dragon clan prince, and mad brother, think of creating such a magic formula?

If others, there can be no resistance at all.

"Don't tell me, it makes you helpless."

"If so, then I am really disappointed."

The dragon prince killed Qin Feiyang again, and the power of the heavenly dragon exuded a sense of extinction.

"Relax, won't let you down."

Qin Feiyang whispered.


Along with a dragon chant, the soul of war appeared in an instant, and the eyes of the **** opened directly!

A realm of Heavenly Dragon, copy and appear now.

The cultivation practice of the dragon clan prince also fell instantly to the half-step nine-sky realm.

At the same time.

Qin Feiyang turned around, stepped on the nine steps of the dragon, and swept behind the dragon prince in one step. The force of the dragon came out and punched the dragon prince's vest.

It is worth mentioning that.

While Qin Feiyang swept behind the dragon clan, Qin Batian's five people, Long Zun, the ancestral dragons, and Wang Chang and a group of Xeons seemed to find something, and their pupils shrank slightly.


"I have known for a long time that you have the eyes of God."

Qin Feiyang's speed is fast, and the dragon clan's speed is not satisfied, so he moves away from Qin Feiyang's fist.

"In other words, I know all your means."

"But, you know nothing about my strength."

"So you want to hurt me, it's hard."

The dragon clan spoke again.

"is it?"

Qin Feiyang's voice rang in the void.


The dragon prince was shocked and turned his head to find Qin Feiyang standing in front of him.

and many more!

Isn't Qin Feiyang behind him?

He turned his head to look, there was actually a Qin Feiyang behind him.


Qin Feiyang shot like a flash of lightning on the chest of the dragon clan.


The chest of the dragon prince suddenly collapsed, and his internal organs shattered!


Qin Feiyang behind him punched another dragon clan in the vest.

The sound of bone smashing sounded, and the vest of the dragon clan also collapsed.

The injury was exactly the same as Qin Feiyang's before.

"Isn't this hurt?"

Two Qin Feiyang spoke at the same time.

"Three thousand avatars?"

The Dragon tribe frowned.

"Even the three thousand avatars know, it seems that you really know me very well."

Qin Feiyang said.

"I am sure that the three thousand avatars are so powerful, but when did you start the three thousand avatars?"

The dragon prince is suspicious.

He hadn't noticed it before.

"Just a moment before you were behind you."

"Because I also know that you know my means. If you want to pay for it with teeth, it must not be so easy."

"So, at the moment of passing behind you, I opened three thousand avatars."

"And while opening the three thousand avatars, I also opened the hidden decision."

"I let the incarnation attack you from behind, and myself, using stealth decision, ran in front of you."

"This is the whole process."

Qin Feiyang said.

"It turns out so."

The dragon prince suddenly realized.

This fighting consciousness and this on-the-spot reaction are too terrible!

He didn't even notice it.


Qin Batian and Long Zun have been aware of this before.

At that time, their reaction was because they saw Qin Feiyang open three thousand incarnations.

But neither of them spoke.

The five of Qin Batian will certainly not remind the dragon prince because they are opponents.

As for Long Zun and others ...

They know that if the dragon prince is reminded, the dragon prince will not only appreciate them, but will make him unhappy.

This is the self-esteem of the dragon prince.

He will not allow anyone to intervene in his fight with Qin Feiyang.

"Haha ..."

Hearing Qin Feiyang's explanation, the dragon clan not only did not feel depressed, but instead laughed.

And laughed happily.

Finally encountered a decent opponent.

"Let me show you the full power of these three thousand incarnations!"

There was a boiling war in his eyes.

"it is good!"

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, and all three thousand incarnations appeared, surrounding the dragon princes.


Qin Feiyang screamed.

The three thousand avatars immediately opened the Dragon Seal, the terrifying divine power shocked all directions, and a brain blasted the dragon prince.

Three Thousand Dragon Seals, what kind of scene is this?

Except for the Dragon Sovereigns, the immortals, there is no human being, a sea beast, and a dragon, confident to take this blow.


The dragon prince glanced at the three thousand incarnations, but his eyes were as bright as the moon.

These three thousand incarnations are indeed invincible!

No wonder even in Zu Hell, even Zulong was frightened.


The corner of the mouth of the dragon prince suddenly lifted.

At the heart of the eyebrows, a ray of divine light came out surgingly.

"God's realm, open!"

As the dragon prince spoke, a white field slowly unfolded.


An amazing scene appeared!

Even Qin Feiyang was stunned!

I saw that the three thousand dragon marks, when they burst into the field, they collapsed automatically.

It seemed that a small stone fell into the sea without any wind and waves, and disappeared without a shadow.

"What's going on?"

Qin Batian and others looked at this scene in shock.


"Qin Feiyang has three thousand body protectors and eyes of God, but His Royal Highness also has the realm of God!"

"In the realm of God, His Royal Highness is a **** who controls fate, and no attack can reach him."

Heilong Zulong excitedly said.


"There is a realm of God, your Highness will not lose!"

The other Zulong saw the spirit field, and they were also energized.

"The realm of God?"

"What is this again?"

But the unsuspecting person is suspicious.

The dragon prince looked at Qin Feiyang and smiled: "The realm of the gods is one of my talents."

"Natural talent?"

Qin Feiyang was shocked.

Is there such a talent in the world?


"Actually when I opened the realm of God, I was also surprised."

"Because I have never heard of this kind of talent."

"At first I thought that this kind of talent was not very strong."

"But the result is far beyond my expectations."

"Because of the power of the realm of God, it is no worse than the top ten souls of war."

The dragon clan smiled confidently.

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