Invincible God of War

Chapter 2890: Time and space black hole!

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"Brother Qin ..."

"Flying ..."

"Little Lord……"

Watching Qin Feiyang appear, everyone in Xuanwu Realm couldn't help but be excited.

People like Fire Lotus and Mermaid are crying with joy.

"Why exactly?"

"Obviously he has died under the sky-tribulation, but he is resurrected?"

But the ancestral dragons were all angry.

How can this little beast live so long?

"It's really strange."

The Dragon Prince also looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang's breath has indeed disappeared.

And in Xinghe, I did not see Qin Feiyang.

How come suddenly?

"Since, I will dominate, Thunder Avenue!"

Qin Feiyang stood in the sky, slowly raised his arms, spread his palms, and a ray of purple electricity flashed out.

"this is……"

Long Zun was startled.

"Lei's Law!"

Qin Batian said every word, shocked.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feiyang actually understood the law of thunder at this time!


In the Xuanwu world, Ye Zhong and others were also very excited.

The Law of Thunder ...

This is another force of law.

Coupled with the law of light, the law of cause and effect, Qin Feiyang has now mastered the power of three laws!

Although they are just getting started, but based on this, his future achievements will also be unlimited.


Some people rejoice, others worry.

The faces of Long Zun and the ancestors of dragons were somber to the extreme.

Not only did he not die under the sky-tribulation, but he also got blessed by disaster, and realized the law of thunder!

What the **** is this monster?

Why is every performance so unexpected?

The law of thunder is another powerful force of law.


The seventy-fourth day robbery fell.

This time, instead of having any resistance, Qin Feiyang opened his arms as if he was welcoming the sky-tribulation.

You know now, he is just a ray of soul.

And this last ray of soul remains.

In such a situation, it is necessary to change to someone else. In the face of such a terrible sky-tribulation, I am afraid that it is too late to escape.

But he is fearless.

There was even a smile on his face.

Heavenly catastrophe hit him.

The scene that made everyone stunned appeared, and Qin Feiyang didn't even have any injuries.

"How could this be?"

The ancestors murmured.

This is too ridiculous!

You know, this is comparable to the power of the dominance.

The power of the dominating realm could not hurt Qin Feiyang's ray of soul?


Heavenly Tribulation landed one after another.

Qin Feiyang stood proudly in the galaxy, surrounded by **** thunder.

The devastating breath smashed all directions, but Qin Feiyang was unscathed.

"I do not believe!"

"It must be a dream."

"He has realized the law of light, how can he realize the law of thunder again?"

Black Dragon Zulong shook his head.

"But that's how it is."

Qin Batian smiled lightly.

"you shut up!"

Black Dragon Zulong stared fiercely.

Qin Batian smiled slightly, ignoring Heilong Zulong, and looked up to Qin Feiyang, his face full of relief.

Look at Qin Feiyang again.

At this moment, not only did he not threaten him, but gave him an incomparable sense of intimacy.

It seems to be in the arms of the mother.

The whole person is warm.


at last.

The ninety-ninth Heaven Tribulation arrived.

The sky's **** thunder and lightning gathered together to form a sky-robber with a diameter of more than a thousand feet, which threw to Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang still greeted with a smile.

Heavenly Tribulation fell on him, drowning him instantly, the power of thunder and lightning roared wildly, but did not hurt him half.

The robbery began to dissipate, replaced by a white auspicious cloud, exuding sacred gas.


Between the auspicious clouds, a divine light emerged, shining on half of the galaxy, and integrated into Qin Feiyang's body.


Qin Feiyang's soul began to repair and his body began to reshape!

Black Dragon Zulong growled: "Hurry up and kill him!"

boom! !

The ten great ancestor dragons immediately erupted in terror and flew towards Qin Feiyang.


But at the same time.

Qin Batian snorted coldly and opened a space crack, instantly crossing Qin Feiyang in front.

"court death!"

The ten ancestral dragons were murderous, and their divine power smashed all directions, blasting towards Qin Batian.

"It's you alone?"

Qin Batian smiled coldly, the law of time and space emerged, and a wide space crack opened in the front of the galaxy, exposing a dark bottomless hole.


The power of the ten ancestral dragons was engulfed by the cracks in the space, and there was no wave.

"this is……"

See you.

The pupils of the ten ancestral dragons shrank slightly.

"This is a magical power, a black hole in time and space!"

Long Zun spoke.

"Mysterious magic!"

The ten ancestral dragons were startled.


"The power of the law, in addition to the entry level, every stage has a mysterious magical power."

"The mysterious magical power of the rule of time and space at the beginning is the teleportation of time and space."

"As you can see, enter the space crack and teleport to the other side."

"And the law of space at that time, understanding the small adulthood, can open the second mystery magic."

"This mysterious magical power is a black hole in time and space!"

"The black hole in time and space can engulf divine power and magic tactics, including artifacts."

"of course."

"Artifacts are also limited to Supreme Artifacts. In the face of the anti-celestial artifacts, the space-time black hole cannot engulf it."

Long Zun said in a deep voice.

"It turns out so."

The great ancestors suddenly realized.

"I didn't expect you to understand the laws of time and space so quickly to realize the state of Xiaocheng."

Long Zun stared at Qin Batian, gloomy.

Qin Batian smiled lightly: "No matter how strong you are, you can't compare with you."


"Just know!"

Long Zun opened his mouth indifferently, raised his arm a little volley, and shouted: "Space and time black hole!"

Say what you want!

The galaxy around Qin Batian collapsed suddenly, revealing a huge black hole.

This black hole is dozens of times larger than the space-time black hole opened by Qin Batian.

An aura of terror emerged from the black hole, and Qin Batian fell towards the black hole even if he was out of control.

That's right!

Time and space black holes can also engulf creatures.

Qin Batian could not help feeling a huge crisis.

But at this moment!

Three figures appeared beside Qin Batian.

These three people are Ye Zhong, Yun Zun, and Beast Zun!

The three were naturally sent by the little boy.

Now, only Ye Zhong and three people can help Qin Batian and Qin Batian.

Because Ye Zhong and Yun Zun have both stepped into a state of immortality.

Although the Beast Venerable has not yet made a breakthrough, after all, Xiu Wei is also immortal.

boom! !

When the three shot, they even waved.

Two fire waves, one water wave, rolled out and crashed into the black hole in time and space.

This is not divine power, but the power of the law!

The two waves of fire were transformed by the fire laws of Ye Zhong and Beast Lord.

That wave of water was transformed by the law of water.


What Yunzun holds is the law of water!

The power of the three laws blasted into the black hole, and the black hole shuddered at the moment.


At the same time.

Qin Batian waved his hand, and the law of time and space turned into a torrent, blasting into the black hole.

Under the suppression of the four people, the space-time black hole finally collapsed!

"Ye Zhong!"

Long Zun angered.

Ye Zhong looked up at Long Zun, his eyes were extremely complicated.

The eyes of the great ancestors were full of anger.


"Why betray me?"

Long Zun shouted.

Ye Zhongdao: "You know clearly."

"I am not sure!"

Long Zun said angrily.

Yun Zun said: "It's not clear, then the deity will come to tell you that all this is your own responsibility."

"you shut up!"

Long Zun glared at Yun Zun.


"Don't you say?"

"After Ye Zhong's false death, how did you treat Ye Xueer and Ye Ye?"

"To tell you the truth, Ye Zhong's fake death was a test for you."

"If at that time, you could treat Ye Xueer with them, Ye Zhong could never stay in Xuanwu Realm."

"His loyalty to the dragon ..."

"Do not!"

"His loyalty to you is worth knowing, but it's a pity that you don't cherish it."

Yun Zun sneered.

Wen Yan.

Long Zun clenched his hands immediately.

Ye Zhong looked at Long Zun and said with a smile: "Let's let the past go!"

"It's not so easy to pass!"

Long Zun gloomy said.

"What do you want?"

"Kill Ye Zhong?"

"Do you have this ability?"

The beast respected with a cold smile.

Long Zun looked at Beast Zun and Yun Zun, endured the anger in his heart, looked at Ye Zhong again, and asked, "Do you really want to help Qin Feiyang?"

Ye Zhong was silent for a while, and looked at Long Zun said: "He is a disciple of an old husband."

This sentence has already shown his position.

"it is good!"


"Since you are not benevolent, don't blame your injustice!"

"Let's wait and see!"

Long Zun snorted and turned away with the dragon prince and the ten ancestors.

Beast Vendor preached: "How about killing them now?"

"The deity agrees."

"Now in Xinghe, they can't use the power of the master soldier."

"This is a rare opportunity!"

Yun Zun secretly said.


Ye Zhong shook his head.



Yun Zun raised an eyebrow.

Ye Zhong smiled bitterly.

Qin Batian exhaled, looked at Yun Zun and Beast Zun, and laughed: "Don't get me wrong, Brother Ye also has concerns."

Yun Zun frowned.

"Although they are in the galaxy, they can't use the power of the master soldiers, but also, we can't use the power of the anti-celestial artifact now.

"Because these anti-celestial artifacts are now seriously injured, they cannot be repaired in a short time."

"Long Zun is the immortal state of the Great Consummation, and the cultivation base is stronger than us."

"And according to my observation, the power of his law has already realized the fourth stage."

"There is also the dragon clan prince, but he has an artifact against him."

"The dragon clan's own strength is very strong, coupled with the anti-sky artifact, the combat power should not be underestimated."

"So if we really fight, we don't have much chance of winning."

Qin Ba Tiandao.

"But we also have anti-celestial artifacts!"

"Don't you and Lu Zhengyang's four anti-sky artifacts be intact?

Yun Zun frowned.

"Although the words are good, but what is the point of killing them now?"

"They must have left the soul on Shenlong Island."

"Kill them, they can still be resurrected."

"So, it's totally pointless to play against them now."

Qin Batian shook his head.

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