Invincible God of War

Chapter 2937: The last blow!

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It's too late to say, it's fast!

Only a moment passed outside.

The lunatic and the dragon prince have not collided together.

"Brother Madman, retreat!"

Qin Feiyang immediately screamed, and a **** long sword appeared, and a sword slashed towards the dragon prince.


The lunatic and the dragon prince looked at Qin Feiyang, and they looked dumbfounded.

What is the situation?

After disappearing for a while, Qihai was actually repaired?

And not only repaired the sea of ​​air, but also repaired all the injuries.

How can he still be injured now?


Ignoring the astonished eyes of the two, Qin Feiyang directly opened the Dragon Soul and God's Eye, copying the madman's blood demon technique.


But in an instant.

Qin Feiyang's cultivation practice, soared to an immortal state.

Follow closely.

The **** sword cut towards the dragon prince.

The dragon clan prince returned to the gods, and with a wave of extinct sword, he waved toward the **** sword.

Even if he copied the technique of blood demon, Qin Feiyang's cultivation base was still a small realm with the dragon clan prince.

With a click, the Scarlet Long Sword shattered immediately.

Qin Fei raised his body in shock, a trace of blood spewed from the corner of his mouth, grabbed the madman, and retreated away.

"Qin Feiyang, what is your situation?"

The lunatic looked at Qin Feiyang in amazement.

Qin Feiyang said in a deep voice: "You will know later, solve the trouble in front of you first."

"Your recovery ability is really 'abnormal'!"

The dragon clan also looked at Qin Feiyang with a surprised expression and said.


Qin Feiyang said.

"However, even if you repair the Qihai, it will have no effect on this battle."

The dragon prince shook his head.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

Thang Long has been opened twice.

The first time was opened when fighting with the dragon patriarchs.

The second time is to leave the Inland Sea and start with the Soul of the Ice Dragon.

So now, he can no longer open Thang Long.

The lunatic glanced at the dragon clan prince, watching Qin Feiyang frowning: "Can't open the Shenglong Ju, it won't work!"

"Now you can only gamble!"

Qin Feiyang looked down.

"How to gamble?"

The maniac was suspicious.

"Bet it, two different magic formulas, whether they are about to be superimposed!"

Qin Feiyang said, the eyes of the gods worked again, covering the dragon prince.

That's right!

He wants to copy the madman's blood demon technique and the dragon clan's ice dragon realm at the same time.

If these two kinds of magic skills of increasing cultivation can be superimposed, then his cultivation can be promoted to the great immortality!

But this kind of thing, he had never tried it before, so he did not have much confidence himself.

"What do you want to do?"

The dragon clan frowned.

Madman looked at Qin Feiyang with a puzzled expression.

But suddenly!

Both of them understood it and said in unison: "How is this possible?"

Simultaneously copy the blood demon and ice dragon domain?

Even if the eye of God is against the sky, it is impossible to reach this level!

However, the voice of Qin Feiyang soared sharply.


The eyes of the lunatic and the dragon clan suddenly shivered.


next moment.

Qin Feiyang's cultivation practice, the increase is in perfection!

And it didn't stop, it is still soaring!

But in a blink of an eye, Qin Feiyang's momentum soared again, stepping into the immortality of the Great Consummation!


The two were dumbfounded on the spot.

It can be copied at the same time!

Qin Feiyang was also stunned, which was too unexpected.

Simultaneously copying two types of increase in cultivation as a magic formula, the key is still successful?

"Abnormal, really a" abnormal "!"

The madman turned to his head and was shook his head in shock.

"Aren't your souls of war" abnormal "?"

Qin Feiyang said.

The realm of God can be cracked even by three thousand incarnations.

The blood eyes of the lunatics are so outrageously strong that they almost wiped out the entire dragon clan.

Even a strong man like Long Zun cannot escape the destiny of being petrified.

to be frank.

Compared to the **** eyes of a lunatic, the eyes of the God really don't look so powerful.


The dragon prince took a deep breath, looked at Qin Feiyang and the madman, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "You two, it's really not a difficult one."

I thought the winning ticket was in my hands, but I didn't expect Qin Feiyang to not only repair the Qihai in an instant, but also copy the magic tricks of two different ways of increasing the repair.

"Forcing us to this point, aren't you just as difficult?"

Qin Feiyang laughed.

The dragon clan said: "Then, it should be the final battle!"


Qin Feiyang nodded.

The dragon prince grabbed the sword of extinction, his arm shook slightly, and a monstrous edge burst out.

Qin Feiyang also raised his arm, and as the murderous air emerged, the Scarlet Long Sword appeared.

The lunatic stepped back consciously.

After all, Qin Feiyang is the protagonist, how can he grab Qin Feiyang's limelight!


The two stood apart from each other, breathing out a long breath at the same time, followed by a strong killing in their eyes.


With a loud drink, the two grabbed the Scarlet Longsword and the Extermination Sword, slashed through the sky like lightning, and killed each other.

And this moment.

Both of them hold the heart of a decisive battle!

Whether it's eyes or expression, it looks extremely cold!

The madman standing in the distance looked at the two men and smiled, "This battle, whether it is losing or winning, is destined to be included in the annals of history, and it will be known forever."

The dragon prince is a respectable person, that is, he has a different position.

If the dragon clan prince is also a human being, then by his character, he will certainly stand up bravely and face the dragon clan like them.

If that is the case, now they are not enemies, but partners working side by side.


All this was doomed at the moment they were born.




at last.

Qin Feiyang collided with the dragon prince, a wave of extinction suddenly broke out between the **** long sword and the extinct sword.

The heavens and earth of tens of millions of miles are all submerged by blood and milky divine light at this moment.


The humans and dragons of the major battlefields couldn't help but stop fighting and looked away in the direction of Qin Feiyang.

The same is true of Long Zun and Qin Batian.

"This momentum ..."

"This is a flying breath, how could his breath become so strong?"

"It seems that ... the Great Consummation is indestructible!"

Lu Zhengyang exclaimed.

"The Great Consummation is immortal!"

Long Zun was startled, carefully distinguished, and it turned out to be an immortal state.

How is this possible?

A half-step immortal state, how could the cultivation base be promoted to the Great Perfection immortal state?

Did he open the kill domain?

Not right!

Kill domain can only be turned on once a day.

And, even if he opened the killing territory, it should not be his breath reaching the Great Perfection, but the momentum of the **** sword.

In the end what happened?

The great ancestral dragons are also very surprised.

Facing Wang Chang, Binghuang, Yuhuang, Yang Li and Wang Ming, they are already in the upper hand.

As long as they are given some more time, they are fully confident that they will kill the five, even though Yang Li now has the power of the law.

But now, Qin Feiyang's cultivation practice has actually reached the immortality.

For the strongest at this level, only Long Zun can contend!

Can the Crown Prince win?

If His Royal Highness is lost to Qin Feiyang, it will be a bad news for the Dragon Clan.

Because the strength of Qin Feiyang and the lunatics can both kill them.

Once His Royal Highness was defeated in the hands of Qin Feiyang and Qin Feiyang and the madman came to support, the battle had basically ended.

"Your Highness, you can't fail!"

The ancestral dragons roared in their hearts.


high altitude!

The Scarlet Long Sword and the Extinct Sword collided together, and the devastating waves lined up.

"For the Dragon Clan, I can't lose!"

The dragon clan roared.

"For the sake of life, I can't lose!"

Qin Feiyang growled.

Both are imposing.

Not only are the two anti-tenant tactics colliding, but also their momentum, their fighting spirit, their beliefs ... are also colliding!



The two roared, the firepower was full, and the void here directly turned into chaos.


With a crisp sound, the Sword of Extinction was eventually invincible, and a series of cracks appeared, and then disintegrated!

"Do not!"

The dragon prince roared, radiating a dazzling light all over his body.


next moment.

Along with a bright dragon, a huge dragon was born!

This is the real body of the dragon prince!

Full of length, covered with dragon scales, radiating a radiant glory!

"I will not admit defeat!"

"I can't admit defeat, because I am the prince of the dragon clan, and I still want to protect my clan!"

"Qin Feiyang, come on!"

With a loud roar, the vast body of the dragon prince suddenly tore the chaos and roared towards Qin Feiyang.


Sword of Destruction appears again!

The armor of God of Destruction also emerged, enveloping the entire dragon body.

"bring it on!"

Qin Feiyang also opened the battle word tactics, holding a **** long sword, and furiously left.

This is their strongest blow and their final blow!

The outcome of this battle, the fate of humans and dragons, are also in this blow!



at last.

The two collided again.

That devastating momentum, that dazzling divine light, like a tsunami in the ocean, flooded all directions!

this moment.

Even the madman couldn't see through the divine light and saw the situation of the two.

But although his eyes were stabbed by the divine light, he still did not close his eyes.

He stared at the center of the battlefield with a bit of anticipation and anxiety.

Although Qin Feiyang's cultivation practice has reached the immortal state of Dzogchen, the strength of the dragon prince is also obvious to all.

You can't rest assured without seeing the outcome with your own eyes.


The air waves are rolling, destroying all directions, and even spread to all major battlefields.

The earth around them was cracking wildly, and cracks appeared in the abyss.

The feelings of Lin Yiyi and the sloppy old man are the most obvious.

Because they are standing outside of heaven, they can clearly see the scene of the earth below.

Centered on the battlefield of Qin Feiyang and the dragon princes, there are cracks in the abyss in all directions.

The whole earth is like a spider web.

The sloppy old man said: "Girl, do you know your flying brother and the dragon prince, how strong are you now?"

"It must be strong!"

Lin Yiyi said.


"Now they, even old men, are not their opponents."

"And the little lunatic."

"That blood eye, it is estimated that even the old man can't escape the destiny of being petrified."

"Now these young people are terrible!"

The sloppy old man shook his head.

Lin Yiyi heard the words, looked down at the center of the battlefield, a smile appeared on the beautiful cheek.

Regardless of this battle, Qin Feiyang lost or won, and she is the most respected brother in her heart.

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