Invincible God of War

Chapter 2939: The Territory of Severance, the end of the Dragon Race!

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But the voice did not fall, and the lower body of the animal beast was swallowed by the storm.


The animal beast screamed.

I saw his legs, and they were instantly crushed by the storm!

"So strong?"

Qin Feiyang looked blank.

Yunzun is the body of Qilin, and the most powerful one in the immortal state. But under this storm, he is so vulnerable?

"Give me death!"

Long Zun grinned, the storm was getting bigger and stronger, and from a distance, it looked like a giant tornado, sweeping all directions!

Ye Zhong, Yun Zun, and Lu Zhengyang grabbed the animal beast and dragged it out of the storm, then escaped without looking back.

Rao is so, their bodies are also injured by the turmoil of the storm.

"If the space-time storm is not stopped, it will expand indefinitely, and eventually even destroy the entire land of China!"

Qin Batian stepped back to Qin Feiyang and the lunatic, and said in a deep voice.

"so smart?"

The two were surprised.

"The law of time and space is one of the strongest laws in the world."

"And this time-space storm is still the third mystery magic power."

"It can be said that even the third rule of light of the dragon ruler's light rule, the light holy sword, can not stop the time and space storm.

Qin Ba Tiandao.

"Then is it invincible?"

Qin Feiyang frowned.

Qin Batian said: "I'm afraid now, no one can stop me except me."


Qin Feiyang and the lunatic froze.


"Do not believe?"

Qin Batian smiled.

"No no no."

Qin Feiyang quickly waved his hand.

Whether it is in Daqin or in the ancient world, the ancestors can leave so many legends, how could it be a pan-general?

"You all destroy me!"

Long Zun laughed horribly, and the storm became more horrible.

Both Qin Feiyang and the lunatic have moved towards the storm uncontrollably.

"Long Zun I will deal with it, you go to support the major battlefields!"

Qin Batian stepped across Qin Feiyang in one step, a mighty momentum suddenly emerged from his body.

This is the moment when Qin Feiyang and the madman feel a huge crisis.

"Secret Realm!"

As Qin Batian waved his hand, a white divine light spewed out from his fingertips.


This white divine light turned into a giant prison, and fell.


That terrible storm, as well as the dragon clan, was shrouded in prison.


Long Zun was startled.

"This is against the God's decision, the domain of absolute severance, can block everything."

Qin Ba Tiandao.

"Are you actually mastering the anti-celestial tactic?"

Long Zun was surprised.

"Not bad."

Qin Batian nodded and said, "If my cultivation is weaker than you, this territorial domain will not be able to trap the time and space storm, but unfortunately, under the increase of the magic formula, I am now in perfection!"

The area of ​​severance is getting stronger.

No matter how bombarded by the time and space storm, there is no sign of breaking.

"Asshole ..."

Long Zun roared again and again.

"This **** is also hidden!"

The lunatic looked at the Territory, and his eyes were full of consternation.

"What did you say?"

"Anyway, it's my ancestor. Can you respect it?"

Qin Feiyang said angrily.


"Laozi and Qin Batian were originally of the same generation, what else do they respect?"

The lunatic was disdainful.

Qin Feiyang's mouth twitched, and it was really impossible to refute for a while.

If the madman is the same generation as him, then Qin Batian, even a madman's predecessor, should be respected.

But the point is.

By seniority, the lunatic is indeed of the same generation as Qin Batian.


The ancestor's method is indeed somewhat unexpected.

Originally thought that the ancestors only had anti-celestial artifacts, but did not expect to master the anti-celestial tactics.


Legends who can leave countless legends cannot be underestimated.


"Go Dragon Slayer!"

The lunatic turned to look at the great ancestral dragons, with a killing flash in his eyes, and immediately killed the black dragon.

Qin Feiyang's eyes flickered slightly, and as the heart moved, Princess Mermaid and the Devil Ancestor appeared.

"Trouble you, help everyone heal."

Qin Feiyang said.

"no problem."

The two nodded and rushed into the sky.

"Eye of Life!"

"The soul of life!"

With two low-pitched sounds, a vast life energy suddenly rolled out centering on the two.

The feet of the animal beast crushed by the time and space storm will be restored as before.


This scene.

Not only Beast Venerable, Ye Zhong, Yun Zun, but also dumbfounded.

Several people looked up at the Mozu and Princess Mermaid.

This healing ability is too terrible, it is stronger than Longzun's healing ability!

The lunatic was also stunned. He looked up at them and suddenly said, "It turned out to be because of them."


He glared at Qin Feiyang and said, "Your kid is too uninteresting. With such a terrifying healing ability, he is hiding it?"

When he was fighting with the dragon prince at that time, he was seriously injured and he should have Princess Yu and Mozu help repair it.

"I didn't expect it at the time."

Qin Feiyang spoke up and smiled.

"Get out!"

The madman stared at him angrily, and then continued to kill the Black Dragon Zulong.

His injuries were also healed instantly.

at the same time!

The major battlefields.

Such as Wang Chang, Yang Li, Li Xiaofei ...

In short.

But for all human beings, the injuries recovered in a flash.

"what happened?"

This change left everyone alone.

But the Dragon Race was panicked.

Due to the mutiny of Wang Chang and others, the Dragon race has already fallen into a disadvantage.

But now, these human injuries have been repaired inexplicably.

How can this continue?


this moment.

Qin Feiyang also truly realized that the mermaid princess and the devil ancestor were terrible.

Although now they are only half-steps of immortal cultivation, but their role is greater than anyone.

Long Zun was trapped.

Others recovered from their injuries.

Now, it is time to solve the great ancestral dragons!

"Master, help protect my wife."

Qin Feiyang looked at Ye Zhong and smiled, then turned and walked away.

"daughter in law?"

When the mermaid princess heard the words, her face suddenly turned red.

"This kid."

Ye Zhong shook his head and laughed.

The mermaid princess suddenly noticed the abnormality of the magic ancestor.


She changed her face slightly and hurriedly said: "You close the soul of life first!"

Although the soul of life is terrifying, it needs to be at the cost of life.

Such a large-scale treatment is very difficult for the Devil Ancestor.

"Then you alone?"

The Mozu frowned.

"I can."

Princess Mermaid nodded.

"That's fine!"

The Mozu immediately shut down the soul of life and began to absorb the energy of the eye of life.

Because the energy of the Eye of Life can restore his vitality.


"Old mixed hair, desperate?"

far away.

The lunatic killed before the black dragon Zulong and laughed.

"Little beast!"

The Black Dragon Zulong suddenly angered.

In addition, the nine great ancestral dragons are full of resentment in their eyes.

"You withdraw!"

The lunatic waved his hand.

Wen Yan.

Wang Ming, Wang Chang, Yang Li, Binghuang and Yuhuang heard the words and immediately turned to other battlefields.

It's not easy for them to persist until now.


They are all a dozen.

And this is also thanks to Yang Li.

Because Yang Li now holds the power of the law, he can barely drag four or five.

This is the power of the law.

People with the power of the law, and those without the power of the law, the strength is completely different.


At this time.

Qin Feiyang also came over and stood beside the madman, scanning the ten ancestral dragons.

"What are you doing here?"

"Lao Tzu can solve it alone."

The lunatic frowned.

"Now is it time to succeed?"

"You must make a quick decision, and then find a way to deal with Long Zun together!"

Qin Feiyang said.


The lunatic nodded and looked at the ten great ancestral dragons, saying, "Are there any last words?"

"Go to **** you!"

The blood-colored ancestor dragon roared and returned to his real body in an instant.

The giant tail covered with **** dragon scales shot directly at Qin Feiyang and the lunatic.

"court death!"

The madman stepped out in one step, the blood demon technique opened, and Xiu Wei soared to an immortal state instantly.

This practice is already the same as the ten ancestral dragons.

Follow closely.

A group of lunatics slammed into the giant tail of the blood dragon.

That horrible force rolled like a flood of water.

To know the physical body of the lunatic, it has also reached the supreme level.

Even if the Blood Dragon Zulong manifests his true body, the flesh cannot rival the lunatic.

With a punch, the blood of the blood dragon Zulong, when even shattered, flesh and blood splashed.


"What a joke!"

The lunatic sneered.

From the beginning, these ancestral dragons, he has not been in the eyes.

Only Long Zun really feared him.

But later, the dragon prince appeared again.

But for the dragon prince, he has no fear, only respect.

"You all come up with real skills!"

Qin Feiyang looked at the other nine ancestral dragons.

"It's a shame to be humiliated by these two little clutters and ride wildly on the head!"


Nine Great Ancestral Dragons also manifested their true bodies, raging in anger.


The ten great ancestors and dragons killed Qin Feiyang and lunatics together, and Long Wei was shocked.

Don't say it.

If this were replaced with someone else ... just like Wang Ming and others, they would not dare to face the ten ancestral dragons now.

Because their strength is indeed quite strong.

But in the eyes of lunatics and Qin Feiyang, this is nothing at all?

Qin Feiyang also opened the eyes of the gods instantly, replicating the madman's blood demon technique.


His cultivation practice has also soared to immortality!

"New and old accounts, today we will settle together!"

Qin Feiyang took a step forward, roaring in all directions.

"Taste despair!"

The madman grinned too.

There was nothing bells and whistles in the two of them, and the fists smashed directly.




Pieces of dragon scales kept smashing, and dragon blood printed and dyed the sky.

Seeing the brave and invincible two, Ye Zhong in the distance and several people were all relieved.

"It seems that the old guys are no longer needed."

Lu Zhengyang laughed.

"Except for containing Long Zun, we haven't done much."

Yun Zun said.

"To be honest, the old man really did not expect that they would grow to this point in just a few years."

Ye Zhong shook his head.

Recall that when I first saw Qin Feiyang, Qin Feiyang at that time was just a small god.

And how long is this? It has grown to crush the existence of the ancestral dragons.

The back wave of the Yangtze River pushes forward waves, and this sentence is true.

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