Invincible God of War

Chapter 2975: Step into the fourth floor!

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"They all went to the fourth floor?"

The lunatic asked incredulously.


The fire python nodded.

"Go together?"

The lunatic frowned.

"This is not true."

"The youth went to the fourth floor first."

"Six months later, it was the gray castle."

"In the past two months, the young man named Li Feng entered the fourth floor."

"It feels like they don't know each other."

Fire python said.

"It's really strange."

"How do they know that there is a fourth level at the **** level?"

The lunatic frowned.

"The young man doesn't say it first, it's already mysterious."

"As for Li Feng and Grey Castle."

"Li Feng has always followed the spirit of the blood ancestor, blood ancestor and gray castle are the characters of the previous era."

"They know the existence of miracles, and it is impossible to do anything strange."

"Even I suspect that the purpose of the gray castle is the fourth floor."

"Just, what do they do on the fourth floor?"

Qin Feiyang's face was also suspicious.

"It seems that even if we go to the fourth floor, we will not be too boring."

The maniac grinned.


Qin Feiyang nodded, then looked at the fire python and said: "In addition to them, has there been another stranger in Pluto Hell these years?"

"Other strangers?"

The fire python was stunned.

"It's particularly strong."

Qin Feiyang said.

"That's not there."

The fire python shook his head, wondering: "Why do you ask?"

"My ancestors broke into the third floor and met a mysterious young man with white hair."

"This person not only gave the ancestors a panacea to restore the ancestors to repair, but also sent the ancestors from the third floor directly to the ancient world.

Qin Feiyang said.

"This is impossible!"

"The miracles have rules and restrictions, except for me, Lord Ice Dragon, Lord Beast God, no one has this ability."

The fire python shook his head immediately.

"So my guess may be the true master of the miracle, the creator god!"

Qin Feiyang said.

"This is even more impossible."

"How could the Genesis exist to save a completely irrelevant person?"

The fire python shook his head.

"Never mind, I will meet again in the future."

"Now let's go to the ancient city of Youwang."

Qin Feiyang said.

The fire python nodded and took the two of them, instantly falling over the ancient city of Youwang.

at this time.

The sky above the ancient city is already lively.

You King and the Ten Commanders are there.

Qin Batian and Lu Zhengyang stood opposite them, talking and laughing, and they seemed to have a good time.

With the emergence of Qin Feiyang and lunatics, You Wang and the Ten Commanders immediately looked towards them.

"Senior King Yu, haven't seen you in years, don't come unharmed!"

Qin Feiyang grinned and smiled.

"Haha ..."

You Wang Shuanglang smiled and said: "For years, the strength of the Qin brothers is already unfathomable!"

"No matter how strong you are, you will not be your opponent in Hades!"

Qin Feiyang waved his hand.

You Wang said: "Come on, let's sit down and talk."


Qin Feiyang hesitated and shook his head: "Wait for the next time, I have to dare to go to the fourth floor as soon as possible."

"So anxious?"

You Wang froze.

"Something personal, you have to go as soon as possible."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

"okay then!"

"Since Brother Qin is in a hurry, I won't stay, but when I come back next time, I must come to Youwang Ancient City."

You King Road.

"it is good."

Qin Feiyang nodded, looked at Qin Batian and said, "Have you made it clear?"

"Speak clearly."

The two nodded.

Blood laughed: "It's really our fate to talk about this. I did notice them at that time, but I didn't care much, but I never thought that it was your ancestor."


"At that time, I heard the ancestors talking about them, and they were also very emotional."

"This shows that our friendship between the Qin family and your blood demon clan is doomed to heaven."

Qin Feiyang said.

Blood Avenue: "Let us cherish this fate with each other!"


Qin Feiyang nodded his head and said: "I'm really sorry, I will definitely have a drink with everyone next time I come back."

"It's okay."

You Wang and the Ten Commanders waved their hands.

Qin Feiyang turned to look at Huo Python and smiled, "Brother Huo, let's go!"

Fire Python now took Qin Feiyang with several people and disappeared without a trace.


Blood laughed: "Master Youyou, I have to say that our decision was really wise!"


"If we were enemies with him, then now, let alone the care of the guardians, I am afraid that our blood demon clan has already disappeared in this land."

The quiet king nodded.


But this time.

Along with a cold hum, the old patriarch fell in front of everyone, the cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Father, haven't you given up yet?"

You King sighed.

"What if I didn't give up?"

"Even the guardians are their friends, how can the old man treat him?"

"I just hate my incompetence!"

The old patriarch growled.

Hearing this, the Yu Wang not only was not angry, but also relieved.

Because this means that my father has actually given up, but he is a little unwilling.

"Little lunatic, come on!"

You King looked at the void in front and murmured.



The towering mountains are towering.

In the mountains, fierce beasts are everywhere.

One of the tallest giant peaks, the giant peak as high as tens of thousands of feet, like a giant sword, towering to the sky.

The mountain top is very smooth, like an axe flattened.

And just above the top of the mountain, there is a black light door suspended.

This door is oval and looks more like a crack in space.

Inside, it was dark.


Several figures descended on the mountain top.

It was Huo Python and Qin Feiyang.

Fire Python pointed to the light door and said, "This is the entrance to the fourth floor."

Qin Feiyang looked up.

Qin Batian's pupil shrank and said, "This is not a portal, but a space-time transmission channel."

"Space-time transmission channel?"

"That's the law of time and space?"

Qin Feiyang asked.


Qin Batian nodded and looked at the Fire Python: "Is this time-space transmission channel always present?"

"I didn't know before, but since I became the guardian of the third floor, this channel has been there."

Fire python said.

"It's possible to fix the space-time transmission channel all the time, and the cultivation base must be quite good!"

"And the realization of the law of time and space has reached the extreme."

There was a trace of envy in Qin Batian's eyes.

He also masters the law of space-time, but compared to the people who laid this channel of space-time transmission, it is really a long way away.

Qin Feiyang said: "According to your understanding, it will be a matter of time."

"hope so!"

Qin Batian smiled slightly.

Fire Python said: "Then I will send you here, then you will be more careful yourself."

"Thank you."

Qin Feiyang bowed.

Madman, Qin Batian, and Lu Zhengyang also bowed to the fire python.

Because of the care given to them by Fire Python over the years, they are worth paying a visit to.


"If you encounter a fire dragon, you must kill it!"

"There is also the old and the young, and when they are slaughtered, take my copy with me."

Fire python said.

"rest assured!"

Qin Feiyang nodded, then said: "Oh, brother Fire, blood demon rule restrictions, can you lift it?"

The fire python was stunned and suspiciously said: "You mean, lift the restriction of their cultivation?"


Qin Feiyang nodded.

"I can really do it now."

"But I dare not, because you also know that it is the big guys above that restrict the cultivation of the blood demon clan."

"If I make the decision without authorization and help them lift the restrictions, then I will end when I don't need to say, you know."

Fire Python smiled apologetically.

"It's ok."

Qin Feiyang smiled, then took a deep breath and turned to look at the space-time transmission channel.


As the voice landed, the four stepped forward and stepped into the channel at the same time.

"My brother, I must come back alive."

The fire python murmured and disappeared without a trace.

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