Invincible God of War

Chapter 3144: Angry Wu Sanyuan!

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Wu Sanyuan was shocked.

How could this be?

and many more!

How is this situation so similar to when Zhao Xiaoqian was in Tianyue Building?

"not good!"

Wu Sanyuan exclaimed, immediately opened the altar of transmission, and jumped up.

"Sanyuan, where are you going?"

The voluptuous woman hurriedly opened her mouth, her sweet voice, coupled with her lingering body under the thin skirt, made people think.

"A big event has happened, so stay at home!"

Wu Sanyuan said somberly, and the figure quickly dissipated.



At this moment, the square is already surrounded by people.

On the square, there are not only three young people in purple clothes, but also a dozen guards from the city's main palace.

They stood beside the three, looking at the motionless young three, all frowning.



A figure descended on the square.

It is Wu Sanyuan!

"grown ups."

The dozen guards immediately bowed to salute.

Wu Sanyuan nodded, and landed in front of the three young people in Ziyi. He looked at the three. When he looked at the empty eyes of the three, his pupils shrank suddenly and shouted, "Stun them immediately and take them back!"


A group of guards looked at each other.


Wu Sanyuan urged.


A group of guards nodded and immediately swarmed up.

"Go away!"

But at this moment.

The three finally responded and watched a group of guards shouting.

"Master, you finally spoke."

A group of guards was pleasantly surprised.

But Wu Sanyuan felt extremely uneasy.

"Father, you are here."

"Since your father is here, let's not waste time."

"Now let's talk in front of everyone!"

The three spoke one after another.

"Say what?"

People outside the square are full of doubts.

"I believe everyone has heard about Zhao Xiaoqian these days!"

"Actually, he didn't talk nonsense at all."

"These things are true."

"It was our father Wu Sanyuan who encouraged Zhao Yunhai and Zhao Tianyun to harm Zhao Xiaojin and Mo Wuyuan."

"It is also our father, who is greedy for an undesirable space fetish, and makes everyone evacuate from Yunhai City."

The three said one after another.


A group of guards suddenly changed color.

Wu Sanyuan's face also sank suddenly.

The people outside the square were also upset.

It is actually true.


"Everything is true, you have been cheated by Wu Sanyuan and the Zhao family."

"And this matter, indeed, as Zhao Xiaoqian said, are all the elders of the loose-repair alliance who are behind it."

Three way.

"You shut up for me!"

Wu Sanyuan binged.


The three of them turned a deaf ear and looked at the people outside the square, saying, "You may be puzzled now, why are we sons of Wu Sanyuan, we stand up and testify against him?"

"Actually, we haven't been used to what he did."

"As his son, we all feel a shame."

"You may also doubt our words, but we can swear to the sky."

"Our sentence is true, if there is a lie, the sky is thunderous!"

The three men were righteous, and a look of envy and hatred filled Wu Sanyuan with a sullen face and a trembling body.

"Master, stop talking."

A group of guards was also anxious.

"Father, we tell the truth, not to harm you, but to tell you, come back!"

"You can't do all the evil things and accumulate virtue for our descendants."

"As long as you regret it now, everyone will forgive you, and you are still the respected owner of Yunhai City."

The three looked at Wu Sanyuan in distress and shouted.

"Reverse, Reverse!"

Wu Sanyuan rushed to the crown in anger, and the divine power rolled out, directly submerging the three.


Along with a painful scream, the three of them died on the spot and blood splashed into the square.

"Mo Wuyuan, I know it was you who was ghostly in secret, get me out and die!"

Wu Sanyuan's momentum roared into the sky, glancing at the void and roaring.


No one responded.

He released his thoughts and did not find any space artifacts in the void.

"For the sake of one's own self, to do such a loss of conscience, we, the city owner of Yunhai City, are really impressive!"


A voice of disgust sounded in the crowd.

Wu Sanyuan turned around and saw a young man in black who was speaking.

"What are you looking at?"

"Don't people talk yet?"

The young man in black angered.


"You control the world, can you control our farting?"

"The most annoying thing is that you actually let everyone evacuate the city."

"I always thought that someone who had met with all the wickedness, and the city's main palace should try its best to chase it down, was originally just for your own greed.

On the other side of the crowd, a middle-aged man shouted.

"Yes, you are a selfish bastard, it's too much."

"There are also the ten elders of the loose repair alliance."

"This was originally his grandson's fault. He actually tried every means to kill Zhao Xiaojin and Mo Wuyuan. It's a shameless old dog."

"Such a loose repair alliance is simply not worth our maintenance and support."

"Not bad."

"As an elder, he should be selfless, fair and just, but he relied on his identity and status and indulged his grandson to do wrong."

"I was blind before, and I would choose to support them."

"Look at me, this loose repair alliance is not as good as half of the demon palace."

"Such a force should never exist in the world."

The anger in other people's hearts was also stirred up, and they shouted angrily.

Looking at this uncontrollable scene, Wu Sanyuan's complexion grew darker.

This has clearly caused anger.

What is the most terrible in this world? That is undoubtedly public indignation!

Once it provokes public outrage, no matter how high your status is, how powerful you are is useless.

"Sir, this place should not stay for a long time, let's go back!"

A group of guards ran over and whispered.

If this continues, they may be drowned by everyone's spittle stars.

The city owner glanced somberly around, opening a teleport altar without saying anything.

"Master Lord, how did you feel about killing your own son?"

"Haha ..."

"Don't worry, I will tell you the good news by the way. Your three baby sons and your favorite concubine have some kind of unexpected relationship with you!"

Just as Wu Sanyuan was about to set foot on the altar, a joke sounded in his mind.

Wu Sanyuan was shocked and quickly glanced around the crowd. Where was this man hiding?

"City Lord, go!"

A group of guards urged.

Wu Sanyuan withdrew his gaze, sullenly set foot on the altar, and disappeared quickly.

A group of guards also started to leave.

"You guys."

"We must never allow this selfish person to continue to be the host of our Yunhai City."

"That's right, there are those Zhao family, collaborating with the enemy, and maiming their own niece. Such scumbags will also drive them out of Yunhai City.

The young man in black who initially incited, and the middle-aged man on the other side shouted.


"Go, now we go to Zhao's house and let them get out of Yunhai City!"

Everyone should be rushing towards Zhao's family even if they are aggressive.

The young man in black and the middle-aged man glanced at each other from the air, a smile flashed in his eyes at the same time, and then left in chaos.

Not bad!

These two are Qin Feiyang and lunatics.

The person who sent the message to Wu Sanyuan was also a lunatic.

Now that the goal has been achieved, naturally there is no need to continue to stay. The two returned to Tianyue Building and celebrated with a drink.

"This next, there is a good show!"

The lunatic joked.


"Not to mention Wu Sanyuan and the Zhao family, I am afraid that even the elders of Ten will not have good fruit to eat."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

This matter was originally large or small.

But now it's different. Things are already in trouble. Ten Elders, as the manipulators behind the scenes, can hardly get out.

Because if the loose-repair coalition does not give the world an explanation, it will not be able to quell people's indignation.

Without dissatisfaction with this popular indignation, then the loose repair alliance will be a mouse in the east in the future, everyone shouts!

This kind of thing will not be allowed by the senior leaders of the Alliance.

"I am talking about a good show, not referring to the elders."

"Of course, there will definitely be a good show with Elder Ten."

The lunatic waved his hand.

"So what are you talking about?"

Qin Feiyang looked at him suspiciously.

"His three sons and his concubine."

The lunatic laughs.


"You told Wu Sanyuan?"

Qin Feiyang was stunned.

"of course."

"How can you hide him from such a fun thing?"

The madman laughed.

"You guys!"

Qin Feiyang shook his head silently.

The maniac laughed and asked, "Now, are you ready to return to the League?"

"No hurry, no hurry."

"I haven't zoomed in yet!"

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

"There are still big moves?"

The lunatic was stunned.

"Once this matter falls into the ears of the senior leaders of the Sanxue Alliance, the Elder Ten will definitely be punished accordingly."

"However, he is an elder after all. It is estimated that he will be punished at most. Isn't it a loss?"

"But when I release this big move, then his ending is not just like this."

"Be gentle, kneel in front of people, apologize, confess."

"If it is important, it may still make him lose his elder position!"

A cold light flashed in Qin Feiyang's eyes.

"What a big move?"

The lunatic is curious.

"Tomorrow you will know, don't talk, let's celebrate first."

Qin Feiyang smiled and raised his glass. He was in such a good mood, and he didn't mind drinking more glasses.

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