Invincible God of War

Chapter 3311: Leverage the strength of the leader!

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A middle-aged man sat by the coffee table, picked up the tea cup on the table and tasted it quietly. He wore a white long coat with a faint smile on his face with a rhomboid face, and appeared gentle and elegant.

On his wrist, he also wears a bracelet created by the magic stone of the Soul Seal, which has no breath, like a mortal, but this does not affect his temperament at all.

And on his left and right shoulders, he lay two small things on his back.

These are two fire pythons. They are very small, and only chopsticks can grow. The fiery red eyes are extremely flexible.

In them, they also felt that there was no cultivation, but they exuded a kind of oppressive pressure.

"It seems that there is a fight outside."

One of the fire pythons spoke, it was actually a woman's voice.

"Just hit it, it has nothing to do with us."

Middle-aged in white smiled slightly.

"Then you are not curious, who is fighting the Dark Guard of the Blood Palace outside?"

Another fire python followed the opening and asked, it was the voice of a magnetic man.

"Anyway, it's impossible for us to break the alliance."

Middle-aged in white laughed.

This stone room is soundproof and has the ability to cut off the breath, so they can only vaguely feel that someone is fighting outside.

"Not necessarily!"

"Last time, the Lord of the Blood Palace asked you to help you form a boundary under the Jiulong Mountain Range. Didn't you say that the disciple of Old Ye Ye was killed from the Eastern Continent?"

"Is this the child?"

The two fire pythons guessed.

"Who knows?"

Middle-aged in white shook his head.

"But after all, what the **** is this old man Ye doing?"

"It hurt us like this, and now let this disciple run to the western continent, could it be that the old man Ye was ordered to cut grass and roots?"

The female fire fox suspiciously said.

"If this is the case, the cooperation between Old Man Ye and the Blood Palace should not be as smooth as we thought."

Middle-aged in white smiled.

"of course."

"Old Man Ye wants to get rid of us, but the Blood Palace refuses to kill us, and wants us to submit. This is naturally a potential threat for Old Man Ye."

"When he secretly calculated us at the beginning, I'm afraid he didn't expect that things would develop to this point now!"

The male fire python sneered, with a strong sneer in his tone.



Middle-aged in white looks up at the top, there seems to be a strong breath, is killing here.



Qin Feiyang has rushed to the bottom of the sea, only ten feet away from the stone chamber.

In the rear, the Lightning of World Extinction is also murderous.

"See where can you escape?"

Over the sky.

Wang Changyuan sneered again and again.

But suddenly.

He noticed that there was something wrong with the stone room surrounded by sludge?

"not good!"

Follow closely.

His face changed suddenly, and he quickly controlled the extinction of Lightning, but it was too late!

The distance of ten to ten feet, whether it is for Qin Feiyang, or for the Lightning of World Extinction, is just a matter of moments.

When he flew to the stone chamber, Qin Feiyang disappeared suddenly, and the light of the world extermination bombarded directly on the stone chamber.


With a loud bang, the stone room was torn apart on the spot.

That's right!

This is Qin Feiyang's plan!


With the help of Wang Changyuan's power, break the stone chamber.

Because this stone chamber is blessed by Wang Changyuan's laws, the power of Wang Changyuan can certainly be easily broken.

What's more, this is the supreme meaning of Thunder's Law?

As long as Wang Changyuan did not perceive his purpose in advance, it would be effortless.

as predicted!

When the light of world extinction thundered on the stone chamber, the stone chamber immediately cracked, and the middle-aged man in white appeared immediately.

"not good!"

Wang Changyuan watched Bai Yi's middle-aged man get rid of his difficulties, and his face suddenly changed greatly.

But at this time.

Qin Feiyang appeared again out of thin air, looked up at Wang Changyuan, and said with a smile: "Thank you, help break the stone room."

"Asshole, I slaughter you!"

Wang Changyuan rushed to the crown in anger.

at the same time.

The middle-aged man in white and the two fire pythons on his shoulders looked at Qin Feiyang curiously.

Is this kid the disciple of Old Ye?

Qin Feiyang turned his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man in white, and asked, "Are you an ally?"


Middle-aged in white nodded.

"Younger Qin Feiyang has seen the leader."

Qin Feiyang bowed his hands to salute.

"Qin Feiyang..."

The leader of the league whispered a very strange name, but the courage of imminent danger was admirable.

Qin Feiyang said: "Leader, let's talk about it in detail, let's solve this Wang Changyuan first!"

"I can't solve him now."

The leader shook his head.


Qin Feiyang frowned slightly, and then noticed that the leader had no breath, and also had a bracelet on his hand.

It seems that this person's qi sea has also been abolished.

But it doesn't matter, he has a way to quickly repair the air of the leader.

"It turned out to be this way."

"Save the leader so he can kill me."

"It's a pity that you have missed everything and still missed a bit, he has been abolished!"

Wang Changyuan laughed and slammed to death.

But at the same time!

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, took the leader, and disappeared instantly.

Wang Changyuan froze for a moment, the thoughts rolled out, and he immediately locked the Xuanwu Realm. The supreme mysterious reappearance of the law of Thunder, slammed toward the Xuanwu Realm.

However, even the Supreme Profound Truth did not cause any damage to Xuanwu Realm.

Although the strength of Xuanwu Realm was severely hurt after the last battle in Baihe Island, the hardness of Xuanwu Realm was not weakened at all, and it was still as hard as the master soldier.

Therefore, only the master soldiers can threaten Xuanwu Realm.


Devil's land.

Qin Feiyang appeared with the leader, waved his hand, broke the bracelet on the leader's hand, looked at the courtyard below, and said, "My wife, come out!"


Before the words fell, Princess Mermaid flew out of the courtyard and fell in front of Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang pointed to the leader and the two fire pythons on his shoulders and said, "Help them repair the sea of ​​air!"


Princess Mermaid nodded and opened the soul of war. A tremendous amount of life energy suddenly surged out and merged into the body of the allied leader and two fire pythons.

At the same moment!

She opened the law of life!

The contained life energy is several times stronger than the life energy of the War Soul.

Whether it's an ally or two fire pythons, the broken sea of ​​air begins to repair at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"this is……"

"Law of life!"

The Allied Master and the Two God Pythons felt the terrifying vitality, and their faces were suddenly full of shock.


Qin Feiyang also looked at Princess Mermaid, with a smile on her face. With this little Nizi in hand, you can actually avoid worrying about being injured in battle outside.


Whether it is the soul of war or the law of life, it can help him repair his injuries.

And the repair effect is far more than the life magic pill!

It can be said that the two are not in the same grade at all.


But ten interest.

The lord, the sea of ​​qi of the two great pythons, was restored as before, and a ray of powerful momentum spread out.

You know, they are all in the dominance of the Great Consummation, and they can all be repaired so quickly. If they are replaced with Qin Feiyang, maybe they can get it done in two or three years.

This effect is really amazing!


The Xuanwu Realm has more than ten breaths, and there is not even a moment outside.

Seeing that the Xuanwu Realm could not be broken, Wang Changyuan decisively took out the stone of sound transmission, and prepared to send a message to the Lord of the Blood Palace.

But at this moment!

A terrifying momentum came.

Wang Changyuan, an excited spirit, quickly looked at the void in front, and saw two figures emerge out of the air.

It is Qin Feiyang and the leader!

The two fire pythons are still lying on the shoulders of the leader, but there is a hint of murder in their eyes at the moment.

"How can it be?"

"Repair the sea of ​​air so quickly?"

Wang Changyuan looked at the leader and the two great pythons, his face pale.

"Old Wang, you have been taking care of us all these years. You said, how should we repay you?"

The leader smiled, as if he were a scholar, he was approachable and gentle, but whether it was Wang Changyuan or Qin Feiyang next to him, he could feel a chill.


Wang Changyuan turned around and directly fled.

The leader shook his head and smiled, and the laws of time and space diffused out. As one step was taken, the next moment appeared in front of Wang Changyuan.

"This is just across time and space!"

Qin Feiyang mumbled, feeling that the leader had merged with time and space, and could not capture his trajectory at all.

"Lao Wang, what are you running? Stay and talk!"

The leader smiled slightly.

"What are we talking about?"

Wang Changyuan turned around and fled in the other direction.

Whoosh! !

But this time.

The female **** python swooped out and traversed Wang Changyuan in front of him, laughing: "It's already so familiar, why didn't you talk?"

Wang Changyuan's face changed, and he fled in the other direction, but the male **** python also flashed out lightning and traversed in front of him.


This man and two beasts are in a triangle shape, surrounding Wang Changyuan in the center.

Wang Changyuan was terrified.

I was puzzled in my heart, why can they repair the sea of ​​air so quickly?

"Lao Wang, you talk about it, how can we thank you for your ‘care’ over the years?"

The leader spoke again.

"Fuck you ‘mom’, I will die with you!”

Wang Changyuan roared with a roar, and the law of thunder came to the highest, and he madly killed the leader.

"perish together?"

The leader murmured and chuckled, "You seem a little naive."

The Allied leader raised his hand and waved, the void in front of him collapsed into an ice crystal-like sharp arrow, dazzling with divine light, slamming into the world-destroying thunder.

Along with a loud bang, the world-destroying thunderlight that made Qin Feiyang and others almost desperate seemed to be vulnerable at the moment, and was instantly under the arrow of the arrow, and the gray smoke disappeared.

"So strong?"

"Is this the ultimate meaning of the law of time and space?"

Qin Feiyang stared at the ice crystal arrow in surprise.


The ice crystal arrow didn't stay at all, just like passing through time and space, and immediately flew to Wang Changyuan's eyebrows, and the blood and flesh of Wang Changyuan's eyebrows suddenly shattered, and a crisis from the soul of the gods surged into his heart.

"Leader, be merciful!"

Qin Feiyang quickly shouted.


When the leader of the alliance waved his hand, Bingjingli arrow stopped at Wang Changyuan's eyebrows, and then looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

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