Invincible God of War

Chapter 3460: wanted

Yunhai City, outside the city.

There are ridges and lush vegetation.

In a certain dense forest, one person and one wolf came out from a crack in time and space.

Not far away, there happened to be two humans and a few fierce beasts fighting each other.

But when they saw this person and a wolf, whether it was two humans or a few fierce beasts, they stopped one after another, looking at one person and one wolf, with awe in their eyes.

That's right!

This one-wolf is Qin Feiyang and the white-eyed wolf!

When Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf saw the two humans and a few fierce beasts, their expressions were slightly taken aback, and he laughed and said, "You continue."

Talk about it.

One man and one wolf were about to turn around and leave.

"Brother Qin, wait!"


Two humans speak.

These are two middle-aged men, dressed in general, fighting with a few fierce beasts, they look more embarrassed.

Qin Feiyang was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at the two suspiciously.

A few fierce beasts looked at each other, turned around and fled in a swift smoke, obviously fearing Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf.

"I didn't expect to meet Brother Qin here."

"The last time I saw Brother Qin was when he killed the ten elders of the Sanxiu Alliance."

The two middle-aged men didn't pursue the fierce beasts either, and ran in front of Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf, their faces were full of obscene smiles.

"It's been a long time since I came to Yunhai City."

Qin Feiyang nodded and smiled.

In fact, they had been to Yunhai City when they first came out of the land of the evil demons. No one knew about it.

"Brother Qin, where are you going?"

One of the middle-aged men asked.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said, "Why don't you just go around? Something?"

"Wandering around?"

The two looked at each other, looking at Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf, and sighed: "You are really bold, and you dare to run around in this situation."

"What do you mean?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

The two looked at each other and remained silent for a while. One of them said with a flattering smile: "Meeting is fate. If Brother Qin is willing to give us some benefits, we can tell you an important news."

"Important news?"

Qin Feiyang was taken aback.

The white-eyed wolf said impatiently: "If you have anything to say, if it is really important, we will not treat you badly."

"It must be important to you."

"Besides, in front of you, we dare not talk nonsense."

Their faces were extremely serious, not as if they were joking.

Qin Feiyang looked at the two of them and said with a faint smile: "Well, let me use two legendary anti-sky artifacts to buy your news."

"Brother Qin, are you kidding me!"

"Two legendary anti-sky artifacts, just want to buy this news?"

"Send a beggar?"

The two looked unhappy.

"Push your nose to your face?"

The white-eyed wolf raised his eyebrows.

Qin Feiyang stopped the white-eyed wolf, looked at the two and smiled: "Then you talk, what do you need?"

"Two supreme-level god-defying artifacts."

"Two Supreme-level Heaven-defying God Techniques, plus two Supreme-grade Heaven-defying God Skills."

The two thought for a while and said.

"Damn it."

"Do you still dare to speak?"

Murderous intent appeared in the eyes of the white-eyed wolf, and said with a smile: "Do you know that we have a controlling secret technique that can forcefully read the memories of others?"

The two of them shrank their pupils, instinctively feeling a threat of death, and hurriedly said: "Lord Wolf calms down, our news is guaranteed to be worth the money."

"First tell me what the news is."

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly.


"After telling you, what should you do if you don't accept it?"

The two shook their heads.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said, "If it's really worth it, it will definitely be given to you."


The two hesitated.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the two, and smiled at the white-eyed wolf: "Let's go!"

He really didn't believe that there was any news that could be worth the six supreme level god-defying creatures.

"Don't go!"

Upon seeing this.

The two hurriedly crossed in front of Qin Feiyang and Baiyanlang.

"Don't get into it."

The cold light flickered in the white-eyed wolf eyes.

"No no."

The two hurriedly waved their hands, clenched their teeth, and looked at them and said: "Ok, let's tell you first, what do you think is worth?"

One person and one wolf looked at them, silent, waiting for them to speak.

"The Demon Temple is looking for you now."

The two glanced around, saw no one around, whispered.

"We are wanted?"

Qin Feiyang was shocked by the white-eyed wolf.


One of them nodded and said solemnly: "And this is wanted. They did not announce it to the public. They did it in secret, so few people know about it now."

"In other words, are they looking for us in secret?"

Qin Feiyang asked.


The two nodded.

"Since it hasn't been announced to the public, how did you know?"

Qin Feiyang looked at the two curiously.

"Of course it's because we have special channels."

The two laughed.

"is it?"

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly and asked, "Do you know why the Demon Temple wants us?"

"We don't know this."

"Anyway, now, the law enforcement officers of the Demon Temple are searching for you everywhere."

"how about it?"

"This news is worth the money!"

The two looked at Qin Feiyang, looking forward to it.

Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf smiled at each other and shook their heads: "You can inquire about such internal news. It is indeed a bit of a doorway, but you don't know why the Demon Temple wants us, but we know, so you think that your news is still valuable. ?"


The two looked at Qin Feiyang in astonishment.

Is it possible that this person already knew?

In fact, Qin Feiyang didn't know, but when he heard the news, he was not too surprised.

Because the dragon prince came to the Demon Hall, he would definitely find him by any means, and the dragon prince himself came out with the fire dragon and four followers.

Just a few people, how come to him?

Therefore, the dragon prince can only let the Demon Temple help in the hunt.

Facing the dragon clan, the Demon Palace naturally did not dare to resist.

Therefore, this is also expected.

"Although it is of little value, but I also want to thank you for your kindness. These are my little intentions, don't dislike it."

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly, and then took out three hundred pills, one hundred life **** pills, one hundred heaven sun **** pills, and one hundred yuan sea **** pills.

Every pill has seven dragon-shaped pill qi.

It can be said that this is also a great wealth.

Because there are at most two or three dragon-shaped pills on the market.

Like these two middle-aged men, they are only the cultivation base of the Immortal Realm of Great Perfection. I am afraid that they have never seen seven dragon-shaped pill qi in their entire life.

The two looked at the three hundred pills, their expressions a little dull.

"Thanks again."

Qin Feiyang smiled, then took the white-eyed wolf and left.


"Send a beggar?"

After Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf left, one of them suddenly burst into anger.

Another person smiled cheerfully: "Be contented, brother, these are seven dragon-shaped pills, each one is priceless."

"It's good, but can it be compared with the Supreme Grade Heaven Defying Artifact and Divine Jue?"


"Can't just make them cheap!"

The man snorted coldly and slid towards Yunhai City.

"Why are you going, don't be impulsive, come back quickly, Qin Feiyang is not something you can provoke, just accept it when you see it."

Facing the obstruction and shouting from his companions, the man turned a deaf ear.

"Okay, I'm going to die by myself, I can't blame others, you don't want it, I want it."

With a cold snort, the other person put away three hundred pills, turned his head and sank into the jungle, disappearing without a trace.


After the two left, Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf, who had already left, walked out of the dark.

"This man is really greedy."

"Three hundred pills are still not enough."

Murderous flashes in the eyes of the white-eyed wolf.

Life God Pill, Heavenly Sun God Pill, Yuanhai God Pill, these three medicines, not to mention everyone know, are all coming to save lives.

Especially the Heavenly Sun God Pill and Yuanhai God Pill, one is to repair the sea of ​​consciousness and the other is to repair the sea of ​​qi.

The most important thing is the seven dragon-shaped pill.

A pill of this level, even the core disciples of the major superpowers, is beyond reach.

in short.

Only the super giants of the major forces are qualified to enjoy such a medicine.

It can be said that any one can be sold at a sky-high price.

But that person is fine.

I was not satisfied with giving him so much.

Because even if the two are evenly divided, they can get one hundred and fifty.

The human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, this ancient saying is really reasonable.

"Do you want to kill him?"

Asked the white-eyed wolf.

"No need to."

"This is what I want."

Qin Feiyang waved his hand.


The white-eyed wolf looked at Qin Feiyang in astonishment. What does this mean?

Qin Feiyang smiled and said, "We must have a little friction with the Demon Temple, so that it will appear more real."

"That's it!"

The white-eyed wolf suddenly realized.

This is to deliberately let that person attract the law enforcement of the Demon Temple.

"Let's go, first go to Xuanwu Realm for a cup of tea."

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly.

Unsurprisingly, except for Huo Lao, no one knew they were acting.

So when the law enforcement officers arrived, they would not be merciful to them.

of course.

Nor does law enforcement dare to take action.

After all, everyone now knows that they have masters in hand.

However, they will definitely come quietly to investigate their whereabouts.

at the same time!

Fenghai City.

In front of the city gate, the four city guards all held a sky-eye stone in their hands, and showed and investigated the people coming in and out one by one.

The current guards of the city are not from the Sanxiu Alliance, they are all under the Demon Temple.

But other than that, I didn't see the law enforcers in the magic temple.

It looks like it is undergoing a routine inspection, and it does not make people think, who are you looking for?

Not only the major city gates, but even the City Lord's Mansion, it seemed to be the same as usual, and there was no tension at all.

However, in an other courtyard in the back mountain of the city lord's mansion, it was filled with a chill.

Outside the yard, ten men in black have straight waists, their eyes are not squinted, and their eyes are extremely sharp.

That's right!

They are the law enforcers of the magic temple.

There are high and low cultivation bases.

And in the attic of the yard, an old man in black was sitting next to the coffee table, watching the teapot with wisps of smoke wafting from the table, and there was also a cold light in his eyes.

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