Invincible God of War

Chapter 3488: The Yun family's decision!

The ancestors of the Yun family and Yun Guanghui couldn't help but shudder upon hearing this.

Is this a warning to them?

Warn them, don't make him an enemy?


Let He Tian blew himself up in front of the two He Chenggang, this method is really terrible.

And it's cruel.

The ancestors of the Yun family pondered a little, and asked, "What is the Dragon Clan?"

"Dragons come from the land of the evil demon."

"In the core area of ​​the Land of Yin Devil, there is a place called the Dragon's Nest, and the dragons live in this Dragon Nest."

Qin Fei said.


The ancestor of the Yun family's expression changed.

Yun Guanghui and Yun Zifeng looked at each other, their faces were also full of incredible.

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly and said, "It's normal for you to have such a reaction, because when I entered the land of the evil demon, I was surprised to learn about the existence of the dragon clan."

"The old man really didn't expect that such a mysterious power is still hidden in the core area of ​​the Devil Land."

The ancestor of the Yun Family shook his head and asked, "So, have you been to the core area?"


"At the beginning, we were chased and killed by the dragon clan, we just wandered around the inner area.

Qin Feiyang smiled.

Rao was so, the ancestors of the Yun family couldn't help but take a breath.

The Land of the Yin Demon is located between the Southern Continent and the East Continent, so he is also very much in the situation of the Land of the Yin Demon.

Even with his strength, he didn't dare to step into the inner area, because he couldn't bear the erosion of the power of the evil spirit, but the young man in front of him had actually been to the inner area.

Just this ability is enough to make people unmatched.

"Is the dragon strong?"

Yun Guanghui asked.

"I don't know the overall strength of the Dragon Race."

"Because for now, I have also met the princes and princesses of the dragon clan and the followers around them."


"These followers are not terrifying in strength."

"Each of them holds the two supreme prophecies, and even some of them also master the supreme prophecy of the strongest law. It can be said that when they reshape their bodies, their strength alone will be enough to destroy your Yun Family. "

Qin Fei said.

Yun Guanghui's expression froze, so powerful.

"It's really not a big deal?"

"The most terrifying are the princesses and princes of the dragon clan. They are almost the masters of the gods."

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly.


"One man dominates the magic weapon!"

The ancestors of the Yun family and Yun Guanghui's eyes trembled. This is too terrifying!

Needless to say, Yun Zifeng was so scared that he looked pale, and asked tremblingly, "Then how many princes and princesses do they have?"

"From what I have seen so far, there are ten."

Qin Fei said.


Yun Zifeng's face was dumbfounded, isn't this the ten dominating magical soldiers?

Ten dominating magical soldiers, how do you play this?

To know.

In the entire Southern Continent, there is only one dominating magic weapon.

Even though it was the entire Sky Cloud Realm, it was just four dominating magical weapons, not even Dragon Clan.

In other words.

Even the prince and princess are enough to destroy the entire Sky Cloud Realm.

Involuntarily, Yun Zifeng looked at Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf.

Even in the face of such a terrifying dragon clan, these people can still do not change their face, and are as stable as Mount Tai. This kind of disposition and means is really unmatched.


Compared with these people, he, the son of the Yun Family Patriarch, is too far apart in terms of courage and courage.

"You can imagine that even the followers around these princes and princesses are so strong, not to mention the high-level figures of the dragon clan. I even heard that the dragon clan has a supreme existence."

"He is named Dragon King and he controls the entire dragon family."

"I think this person's strength is even more shocking."

"So I want to know, do you Yun Family have this certainty to deal with the Dragon Race?"

"If you say yes, I will leave immediately and never come to bother you again."

"But if not, then please think about how you can escape this disaster."

After Qin Feiyang said, he picked up the tea cup and looked at the two ancestors of the Yun family quietly.

The ancestors of the Yun family and Yun Guanghui were silent.

Just kidding!

Facing such a terrifying dragon clan, how could his Yun family be able to deal with it?

The only ruler of the temple, their Yun Family only had half the control.


If you really want to cooperate with Qin Feiyang, you still have to face the Dragon Clan, and the future is also worrying.


The white-eyed wolf looked at the two and said, "In fact, you still have a third choice."

"What choice?"

Yun Guanghui looked at the white-eyed wolf suspiciously.

The white-eyed wolf plays with the taste: "Give up everything you have now, take your people and hide in the deep mountains and old forests. I think this way, the He family shouldn't go and kill them!"

The two of them turned dark.

How can it be possible to give up all this you have now?

You must know that all of the Yun Family's current situation was acquired by countless ancestors with their lives and blood.

No matter how cowardly people are, they won't do this kind of abandoning their family business and surreptitiously.

Say it again.

Even if they are willing to let go, the He family will definitely not let them go with the grievances that the Yun family and He family have for many years.

In other words.

It is inevitable to cut the weeds and roots and kill them all.

"Not willing?"

"Then you have only two choices, one is to cooperate with us, and the other is to cooperate with the dragon clan."

"You have to make a choice."

"Don't get me wrong, it's not that we are forcing you, but the He family is forcing you."

"He's backing on the Dragon Clan next to it will inevitably begin to swell. By then, the first target will be your Yun Family."

The white-eyed wolf looked at the two jokingly.

For the Yun family, this was a catastrophe of extermination.

In fact, the Yun family was wronged.

Because before, the Yun Family had never checked the fight between Qin Feiyang and the Dragon Clan, and had not even helped Qin Feiyang at all.

This is completely a disaster to Xiao Qiang, and the innocent suffers.

The two Yun Guanghui were silent.

Naturally, Yun Zifeng dared not express any opinions.

He also has no determination.

For a time.

The whole hall fell into a dead silence.

After a long time, the ancestor of the Yun family took a deep breath and looked at Qin Feiyang and said solemnly, "If you cooperate with you, are you sure to help my Yun family survive this disaster?"

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly.

This is a good beginning.

Because the ancestors of the Yun family asked that, they were more inclined to cooperate with him.

In fact, the ancestors of the Yun family are not stupid, and cooperating with the dragon clan now is tantamount to self-destruction.

Because the Dragon Clan first cooperated with the He family, the He family would definitely be obstructive at that time, such as forcing their Yun family to surrender control of the other half of the gods, or forcing them to become an affiliate of the He family in the future.

Although the Yun family can be saved for the time being, with the ambition of the He family, sooner or later they will swallow the Yun family.

By then, their Yun family hadn't had the strength to fight back.

Because they have given up control of the dominating magical soldiers, the He family will screw the dominating magical soldiers to kill, what can they do? Only obediently suffer death.

Qin Feiyang put down his teacup and said with a smile: "To be honest, so far, I am not sure to defeat the Dragon Clan, I believe you are all aware of it."

"The old man knows."

"With your current strength, there is still no way to confront the dragons head-on."

"This is not an issue that the old man cares about."

"The old man only cares, can you keep the Yun family, and even help us to gain the control of the gods, and dominate the southern continent?"

The ancestor of the Yun family said solemnly.

Qin Feiyang's eyes were radiant, like two rounds of bright moons, and said, "Give me some time and I can assure you that the ruler of the southern continent will eventually be your Yun family."

The ancestors of the Yun Family stared at Qin Feiyang, with an inexplicable light in his eyes.

The old and the young looked at each other like this.



The ancestors of the Yun family laughed loudly and said: "It is really terrifying. When I first met you at the exchange meeting, the old man felt that you are not an ordinary young man. As expected, your achievements today are beyond countless young people. of."

"The exchange conference that year, were you there?"

Qin Feiyang was taken aback.

"Did you not see the old man?"

"The old man always sits in the front row."

"And that time, the old man led the team."

The ancestors of the Yun family were shocked.

When Qin Feiyang heard the words, his face was quite embarrassed, and he smirked: "I'm sorry, the attention at the time was on the side of the blood palace, and he didn't pay much attention to the people in the temple and the heaven."


"Thinking that the deputy master of the old man's hall was actually ignored by a junior."

The ancestors of the Yun family shook his head and smiled bitterly. This is really a shock!

"Sorry sorry."

Qin Feiyang chuckled.

At that time, he was concerned about the safety of the Sword Emperor, and he did not pay too much attention to the people in the temple and the temple.

"These are small things."

The ancestor of the Yun family waved his hand and said with a smile: "The old man doesn't like dragging things around. The little brother can come to my Yun family in person. It shows that he is really sincere, and he can also value my Yun family. It is also not rude to come and go. The old man will give you now. An answer."

Qin Feiyang heard the words and looked at the ancestors of the Yun family expectantly.

Yun Guanghui and Yun Zifeng also stared nervously at the ancestors of the Yun family.

Because the current decision of the ancestors is related to the future of the Yun family.

How would you choose?

The ancestors of the Yun family glanced at the father and son, holding the tea cups, pondered a little, drank the tea in the cup with his head up, and looked at Qin Feiyang and said: "As long as one day in the future, you can fulfill today's promise, my Yun family, I am willing to give you life and death, and share adversity!"

When Qin Feiyang heard this, his hand holding the teacup trembled slightly, unable to hide the joy in his heart.

Father and son Yun Guanghui glanced at each other and sighed secretly. This is really a gamble, taking the fate of the Yun family to gamble.


When the ancestors of the Yun family made this decision, they seemed to feel relieved.

Although the Dragon Clan is very strong, although Qin Feiyang is not an opponent of the Dragon Clan now, there is a strange feeling in their hearts.


In this contest between the Dragon Race and Qin Feiyang, Qin Feiyang will definitely win in the end.


This is the decision of the ancestors, they believe in the vision of the ancestors.

Since the ancestors chose to cooperate with Qin Feiyang, he must have certain confidence in Qin Feiyang.

Say it again.

It is useless for them to object.

And this, under the current situation, is also the best choice.

Because cooperating with Qin Feiyang, there is at least a little hope.

All in all, since you have already sat down and decided, there is no need to think about it so much, just go all out.

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