Invincible God of War

Chapter 3507: My reverse scale

Devil's land.

Qin Feiyang returned to the Devil's Land and sat in the tea garden to drink tea, trying to calm his inner irritability.

White-eyed wolf and Yun Zifeng are still heartless people twisting an altar of basalt brew.

The white-eyed wolf drank for a while, feeling a little depressed in anger, he couldn't help but raised his head to look at Qin Feiyang, and said: "Little Qinzi, if you are really upset, just kick them out, do you need to be sulking there?"


"Some people who don't know good and bad, there is no need to help them."

Yun Zifeng also nodded.


Qin Feiyang and Baiyanlang couldn't help but stare at Yun Zifeng in astonishment.

"Why look at me like this?"

"Although Yun Guangrong and Yun Guangyao are my second and third uncles, although the two of Yunzishan are my cousins, I have no affection for them."

"After a sentence, I have never had a good impression of these two cousins."

"Not only in the Xuanwu realm, but also in the Southern Continent. They are also two standard dudes."

"If it wasn't for this matter, let alone you, I would have already eliminated harm for the people a long time ago."

Yun Zifeng said lightly, not caring about the death of the two.

Qin Feiyang laughed blankly.

This kid is really different.

Apart from other things, this Yun Zifeng, at least not looking at him, is indeed a good young man.

Yun Zifeng gritted his teeth again: "But Brother Qin, don't drive me away. I don't want you. It's just now. I can't do without this magic brew."

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

It seems that this kid has been given to Huohuo by the white-eyed wolf.

The white-eyed wolf patted Yun Zifeng's shoulder, hehe smiled: "Little brother, don't worry, with your brother wolf, he won't dare to drive you away even if he gives him some courage."

"Are you amazing?"

Qin Feiyang's face turned dark.

Do not teach all day well, do all the bells and whistles.

"I didn't say it, you said it. Since you said that brother is great, then it seems that brother is really great."

The white-eyed wolf grinned.

Seeing the shameless appearance of the white-eyed wolf, Qin Feiyang was speechless to the extreme.

It's a kind of skill to be able to get such a thick skin!

Whoosh! !

At this time.

Brother and sister Yun Zhongtian broke through the sky.

"Sister Yue."

Yun Zifeng immediately waved and shouted.

Yun Zhongyue looked down, a smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she fell directly next to the white-eyed wolf and Yun Zifeng, and then stretched her hand in front of the white-eyed wolf.

"You really don't know what polite is!"

The white-eyed wolf snorted coldly and took out a sigh of basalt brew.

"Yue'er, we are here to do business, why are you still drinking it?"

Seeing this scene, Yun Zhongtian was extremely helpless. If it weren't for this age, he really wanted to go up and give Yun Zhongyue and Yun Zifeng a slap in the face.

With such a big event happening, as a member of the Yun family, or a core member of the Yun family, can't you help me worry more?

It's fine now, I drank them one by one, as if they had nothing to do with me.

Qin Feiyang looked at Yun Zhongyue, but also a little speechless, why does a woman like to drink so much? Is it because of being too old?

"Brother Qin..."

Yun Zhongtian looked at Qin Feiyang, bowed and said, "I'm really sorry about what happened today. I hope you will bear with me."

Qin Feiyang looked at Yun Zhongtian, pondered a little, and smiled lightly: "Senior Yun, sit down!"


Yun Zhongtian hesitated.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said, "Don't tell me, if I don't forgive you, you will always stand."

The sky in the clouds smiled.

He really had this idea, but when Qin Feiyang said so, he felt that a person of an age seemed a little naive to do such things, so he sat next to Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang poured a cup of tea, retreated gently to Yun Zhongtian, and sighed: "Old predecessor, in fact, I am not angry with you. I just think, many of your Yun family members do not have a picture of knowledge and grace. The heart of the report, to be honest, if this happens to you, you will be more angry than me."


Yun Zhongtian nodded, then sighed again, and said, "But there is no way. After all, the ethics and quality of the people below are hundreds of thousands."

"Of course I know this, so I didn't make a big fight just now, so let's just give them a wake-up call!"

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly.

"Thank you."

Yun Zhongtian's face was full of gratitude.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, pondered, while drinking tea, suddenly said: "Old man, let me take you to a place!"


Yun Zhongtian nodded.

"Brother Qin, where are you going?"

Upon hearing this, Yun Zifeng raised his head and asked Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

"A place where you can understand me."

Qin Feiyang smiled.


Yun Zifeng and Yunzhong looked at each other, and their eyes were suddenly full of curiosity.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the two, put down the teacup in his hand, got up and waved, a group of people immediately descended over the Western Regions.

"here is?"

The three Yun Zhongtian looked at the sea of ​​blood below in shock.

They are also very knowledgeable, but this is the first time they have seen such a big sea of ​​blood.

Qin Feiyang said: "You don't know what, in fact, the Western Regions are all blood seas, without a single creature."


The three were surprised.

They really don't know this.

Although they have been in the Xuanwu world for decades, they have always been in Zhongzhou.

Needless to say, Yun Zifeng has always been in the Devil's Land and has not been to other places.

Such a big Western Region, there is not even a single creature, it is all a sea of ​​blood?

Qin Feiyang waved his hand again, and now in the void in all directions, a picture emerged. In the picture there are humans, fierce beasts, elderly people over 70, and children five or six years old.

And without exception, they are all donating blood!

"What's the situation?"

The three of them looked at this scene with puzzled faces.

Qin Feiyang sighed: "They are all creatures from the Eastern Region, Southern Region, Northern Region, and Central Region, and they travel all the way to the Western Region to donate blood because of me."

"because of you?"

The three looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.


Qin Feiyang nodded and asked, "You all know the killing domain!"

"of course I know."

"It's comparable to the existence of the dominating gods."

The three nodded.


"Killing the domain can compete with the master gods."

"However, it takes a lot of blood to unlock the full power of the killing domain."

Qin Fei said.


The three of them looked at each other, then scanned the surrounding pictures, and suddenly said, "In other words, they donated blood to prepare for you to start the killing field?"


"In the past few years, I don't know how many killing domains have been activated, let alone how much blood has been absorbed."

"But every time I turn on the killing domain, I absorb their blood."

"Also, I never forced them to donate blood, it was all voluntary."

"Because they know that I need a lot of blood to open the killing domain, so whenever the blood sea dries up, they will spontaneously come to donate their blood."

"Look at it, even those five or six-year-old children donated precious blood."

"Senior Yun, you say, can I let people hurt them?"

Qin Feiyang sighed deeply, and felt guilty every time he thought of the contributions the creatures of the Xuanwu world had done to him.

"That's it."

The three of Yun Zhongtian grumbled.

This scene gave them too much feeling.

Without any compulsion, all of them took the initiative to donate blood, even cold-blooded beasts and children who did not change things.

What a kindness this is.

They finally understood why Qin Feiyang was so protecting the creatures of the Xuanwu world, this was repaying his favor!

"Although the crystal veins, soul veins, and medicinal materials of the Xuanwu realm, including pill medicine, divine tools, and magic arts, are all given to them, but compared to their contributions, I feel that these things I gave them are simply small favors. "

"Therefore, I keep swearing in my heart that I will protect them and not allow anyone to bully them."

"So before, when I learned that Yunzishan and the others were bullying the people in Qianshan City, I was really angry, especially when I saw the slap print on that little girl's face. I tell you, I really have a bloodbath for you. The impulse of home."

Qin Fei said.

The three Yun Zhongtian were silent.

"In fact, things like this are really just a small thing, but in my eyes, it can't be tolerated."

"Because they are my bottom line, my reverse scale."

"Therefore, please also senior Yun, who can understand the younger generation, and restrain the people in the future."

Qin Feiyang looked at Yun Zhongtian pleadingly.

Yun Zhongtian took a deep breath and nodded: "Don't worry, if this kind of thing happens again, the old man will take off his head directly and send it to you to apologize!"

"Thank you."

Qin Feiyang bowed and looked around again.

One of the pictures.

A little boy of about six years old just finished donating blood. He pressed the Haikou on his wrist, looked up at a middle-aged man next to him, and asked, "Daddy, why do we come here to donate blood every year?"

The middle-aged man rubbed the little boy's head and said with a smile, "Because our master needs it!"

"Why does Master Master need such blood?"

The little boy asked innocently.

"You are too young to say that you will not understand now."

"Just remember that we can have such a beautiful life now and such a superior cultivation environment, which is bestowed by the master."

"He is our patron saint."

"Whether it's a human being or something else, we must understand the rewards of Entu, so we must also contribute our own strength to help dominate adults."

The middle-aged man smiled.


"I must remember what my father said, and I will be a man who knows his gratitude in the future."

The little boy nodded with a firm light in his eyes.


"Not only to know the gratitude, but also to strive to become a responsible and responsible man like a master."

"In this way, it won't be a waste of life."

The middle-aged man smiled slightly.


The little boy nodded vigorously.

"All right, let's go home!"

The middle-aged man smiled, then took the little boy and turned away happily.

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