Invincible God of War

Chapter 3524: Women in tight clothes


When the blood of the Zijin dragon fell on the Monument of Killing the Gods, the expectations in the eyes of Qin Feiyang and Yun Zhongtian couldn't help becoming stronger.


As time passed by, the Zijin dragon blood did not melt into the Monument of Killing God, and slowly flowed down until it finally dripped on the sand below and was swallowed by the sand.

"what's the situation?"

The two looked at this scene in astonishment.

Can't shed blood to recognize the Lord?

Could it be...

In the minds of the two of them, a thought came up at the same time.

Is this god-killing stele something possessed?

Because of this reason, there is already a master on the Monument of Killing Gods, and it is impossible to shed blood to recognize the master.

Qin Feiyang immediately released his spiritual thoughts and walked toward the Monument of Killing God.

When the spirit of God was integrated into the Monument of Killing God, he really discovered that there was a blood contract!

The two looked at each other, quite speechless.

After fighting for a long time, it turned out to be a masterful thing.

But the problem also followed.

Since the Monument of Killing the Gods is a master, who is its owner?

To know.

This is the place of heavy territory, not outside.

Moreover, this is a heaven-defying artifact that surpasses the supreme level and has the hope of evolving to dominate the heavenly soldiers. Who is willing to throw it here?

Yun Zhongtian asked: "The god-defying artifacts all have tool spirits, why don't we ask about them?"

"it is good."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Yun Zhongtian looked up at the Monument of Killing the Gods, and shouted: "The Monument of Killing the Gods, can you hear it? There is something wrong, we want to ask you about it."

Time passed a little bit.

There was no sound from the Monument of Killing God.

"what's the situation?"

Yun Zhongtian was taken aback for a moment, and he couldn't help but release his spiritual thoughts, blending into the Monument of Killing God, looking for the spirit of the instrument.

But in the Monument of Killing Gods, there was no tool spirit found.

No way!

Such a powerful artifact, without its spirit?


Yun Zhongtian once again expanded the scope to search.


His eyes lit up.


Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

Yunzhongtian said: "Look at the bottom of the Monument of Killing God."

Qin Feiyang was stunned, and once again released his spiritual thoughts, pouring into the desert below the God Killing Monument, his eyes flashed immediately.

I saw that right below the God Killing Monument, in the black sand, there was a large enchantment on the left and right sides of the washbasin, emitting a faint light, and within that enchantment, there was a blood-red light and shadow.

Yun Zhongtian frowned and said, "It should be the spirit of the God Killing Tablet, but why is there no movement at all?"

To know.

The previous battle fluctuated so strongly that it was impossible for the spirit to be unconscious.

But at this moment, even in the face of their divine mind search, the tool spirit did not move.

Is it asleep?

But sleeping, it is impossible to sleep so dead!

The two Qin Feiyang looked at Qi Ling, puzzled.

Qin Feiyang pondered for a moment, and looked at Yunzhongtiandao: "No matter what it is doing, try first to see if it can erase the blood contract in its body."

"it is good."

Yun Zhongtian nodded, and the spirit of spirit poured into the Monument of Killing God again, surging towards the blood bond.

Although he was destroyed in the sea of ​​anger, the soul was not damaged, so as long as the master of Killing the God Monument, the cultivation base is in the dominance realm, Yunzhongtian can be erased.


The spirit of Yunzhongtian enveloped the blood contract.

As his mind moved, Shennian immediately embraced him and began to crush the blood contract.

Unexpectedly, this blood contract was very fragile in front of Yun Zhongtian's divine mind, but the blood contract was shattered with the blink of an eye.


This actually made Yun Zhongtian a little surprised.

Because in his opinion, the master of this God Killing Tablet should also be in the realm of Dzogchen dominance.

After all, the Monument to Killing God is so strong, can the owner be worse?

In the face of the blood deed left by Dzogchen's dominating realm, even Yun Zhongtian in the same realm would need to spend a lot of effort, but never thought that this blood deed would be so fragile.

Judging from the strength of the blood contract, the owner of the Monument of Killing God, Dingtian also satisfactorily dominated the realm of cultivation.


Qin Feiyang looked at Yun Zhongtian suspiciously, it was a good thing to erase the blood contract, why did he still have such a reaction.

Yun Zhongtian told Qin Feiyang the doubt in his heart.

Qin Feiyang was also surprised when he heard this.

Who could have imagined that the owner of the Monument of Killing God was so weak?


For them, this is not important.

The important thing is to successfully erase the blood contract and take it for yourself.

Qin Feiyang once again dripped his blood to recognize the master, and this time the recognition was completed smoothly.

Although Qin Feiyang waved his hand, accompanied by a rumbling sound, the Monument of Killing God slowly rose from the ground, and the spirit of the weapon also rose slowly.

But even so, there is no sign of Qi Ling awakening!

This abnormal phenomenon makes Qin Feiyang and Yun Zhongtian more suspicious, even a pig, it is impossible to sleep like this!



What the two did not know was.

A sea of ​​fire, lava billowing, and fire waves covering the sky.

A woman wearing a phoenix dress, sitting in the flames with a serene expression.

She is about 20 years old, with crystal clear skin, exquisite figure, long eyelashes trembling, and long fiery red hair, floating with the tumbling waves of fire, like a goddess.

Just as Qin Feiyang wiped out the blood contract between the two of Qin Feiyang, the woman's delicate body wrinkled slightly and opened her eyes suddenly, revealing a pair of flame-like eyes, and a ray of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth.

Moreover, the blood was not ordinary blood. It was like a strand of divine inflammation condensing, and even in the blood, a trace of flame could be seen.

"They found the Monument of Killing God!"

The woman opened her eyes and stood up suddenly, her flame-like eyes shining with a ray of cold light, and immediately after raising her hand, an ancient stone door opened in front of her.


Central area.

Qin Feiyang and Yun Zhongtian were standing together at this moment, both looking at the Monument of Killing God curiously.

The current monument of the killing of the gods has become a big palm, suspended in front of the two of them, and the spirits are also floating beside the monument of killing the gods.

"Hey, hey, wake up."

Qin Feiyang stretched out his hand and couldn't help but poke the barrier where Qi Ling was.

But Qi Ling still did not respond.

"What's the situation?"

Qin Feiyang clutched his scalp, and it was the first time he saw such a special spirit.

"and many more."


Yun Zhongtian stretched out his hand, lowered his head and pondered a little, and looked at Qin Feiyang and said, "Is it possible that this spirit was severely injured and fell asleep?"

Qin Feiyang was taken aback, pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "It's possible."


As soon as the voice fell, a loud noise suddenly sounded in the sky above, deafening.


Qin Feiyang and Yun Zhongtian looked up suspiciously, and saw a stone gate opened quickly. Looking at the stone gate, the two of them were stunned first, and then their faces were full of disbelief.

This stone gate is a time-space teleportation artifact!

To know.

There are rules and restrictions in the land of the heavy domain, and it is impossible to open the time and space transmission artifact.

But now, there is actually a time and space teleportation artifact, how can they not be surprised?

"Brother Qin, be careful."

Yun Zhongtian looked vigilant.

It is by no means ordinary people to be able to open the time and space teleportation artifact in the land of the heavy domain.

Qin Feiyang's eyes flickered, and he decisively collected the Killing God Tablet and Qi Ling into the sea to warm up.

Because he has thought of a possibility.

The person who came may be the owner of the Monument of Killing God.

Because it can't be such a coincidence.

They had just erased the blood contract of the Monument of Killing Gods, and someone turned on the time-space teleportation artifact and ran to the land of the Great Region, and it happened to be just above the Monument of Killing Gods.

This can already show that even if the person is not the owner of the Monument of Killing the Gods, it must have something to do with the Monument of Killing Gods.


Under the gazes of the two, a woman wearing a long phoenix dress walked out of Shimen quickly.


The two were shocked.

Why is it still a woman?


After the woman in Fengyi appeared, her gaze swept straight down, and she immediately saw Qin Feiyang and Yun Zhongtian.

When she saw the two, the woman's expression was also slightly taken aback. It turned out that it was two strange humans who found the Monument of Killing God.


The woman in Fengyi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Lao Yun looked at the woman and said through the sound transmission: "Only the cultivation base of perfection dominates, is she the master of the Monument of Killing God?"


Qin Feiyang secretly said.

The cultivation base of Consummation is naturally not a concern, but there is one thing that Qin Feiyang dare not ignore.

Why can this woman ignore the rules of the important domain?

"and many more!"


Qin Feiyang's eyes trembled.

He thought of the land of the evil demon.

Dragons in the land of the evil demon can also ignore the rules of the land of the evil demon.

Could it be that the woman in front of me is the one who lives in the core area of ​​the land?

"Where is the Monument to Kill God?"

The phoenix woman put away the Shimen and landed on the opposite side of Qin Feiyang with one step, without being affected by gravity at all, and asked indifferently.

Qin Feiyang and Yun Zhongtian were stunned, and they were indeed directed at the God Killing Tablet.

"God Killing Monument?"

Qin Feiyang pretended to be stunned, looked at the woman suspiciously, and said, "What is the Monument to Killing God?"

The woman in Fengyi raised her eyebrows.

Still playing stupid in front of her?

The air here is filled with a **** smell, and there are residual battle fluctuations. Obviously, there has been a battle here before, and it should be for the fight for the Monument of Killing God.

"Girl, I really don't know what you are talking about?"

"Look at it for yourself, there are bare deserts everywhere, where can I find a monument?"

Qin Feiyang pointed around and said innocently.

The corner of the woman in Fengyi's mouth twitched, and she pretended to be alive, and said with a blank expression: "Don't force me to do it. One of you is wounded, the other is destroyed, and you are still being pressed by gravity. If I do, you will all die. ."

"Don't don't don't."

"I have something to say."

"We really didn't see any monuments."

"It's you girl, why can you turn on the temporal teleportation artifact? Why can you fly in the air? Don't you feel gravity?"

Qin Feiyang was curious, like a curious baby, making Yun Zhongtian beside him want to laugh.

The face of the woman in Fengyi gradually darkened, and she suddenly released her divine thoughts and walked towards Qin Feiyang.


Want to search Qin Feiyang's sea of ​​air.


Qin Feiyang barked his teeth, and also released a wave of divine thoughts, violently colliding with the woman's divine thoughts.

"It seems you really want to force me to do it!"

The woman in Fengyi's complexion sank, staring at Qin Feiyang, her eyes shone with astonishing cold light.

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