Invincible God of War

Chapter 3537: White-eyed wolf kills

Seeing Qin Feiyang being frozen by ice, the old white-haired woman and Bing Ruoning couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the laws that this man mastered were not strong, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with his ridiculously strong body.

Bing Ruo Ning said: "This person must have a lot of background, take it back and have a good interrogation."

"it is good."

The white-haired old woman nodded, and Qin Feiyang, who was transformed into an ice sculpture, quickly flew towards the two of them.

In their eyes, Qin Feiyang was completely frozen!

Because this is the Supreme Profound Righteousness, a small perfect master can hold the ice of the Supreme Profound Righteousness?


Just when they thought they were in their hands, a majestic breath suddenly emerged from within the ice sculpture.


The two were taken aback, staring at the ice sculpture in surprise.

The breath becomes more terrifying!

With a click, the ice sculpture cracked.

"how can that be?"

The white-haired old woman trembled, but she was not sealed by ice?

"This breath..."


Bing Ruoning's eyes also had a trace of shock, and she cried out in disbelief, "The law of cause and effect!"

"It is indeed the law of cause and effect!"

"Unexpectedly, such a young human would actually realize the law of cause and effect!"

The face of the old white-haired woman was also full of shock.

But follow closely.

The shock on her face turned into doubt.

Even if it is the law of cause and effect, it is impossible to break the ice of the law of ice.



She shook her body and shouted: "The Supreme Profound Truth!"

"What is the supreme meaning?"

Bing Ruoning was startled by the white-haired old woman and asked.

"The supreme meaning of the law of cause and effect!"

The white-haired old woman roared in disbelief, and a dagger suddenly appeared in front of her. The whole body was crystal clear, exuding a world-destroying edge.

This is a supreme-level **** against the sky!

I wanted to stay alive, but now this situation is no longer allowed.

If the other party really grasps the supreme meaning of the law of cause and effect, then even she will fall into a bitter battle.

and so.

She grabbed the dagger and killed Qin Feiyang.


Just when the white-haired old woman was killed in front of Qin Feiyang, dazzling golden lights rushed out from inside, and the ice covering Qin Feiyang's body was immediately shattered!

Follow closely.

A big hand poked out from the frost mist and grabbed the dagger.


The white-haired old woman's eyes trembled, how dare she grab the Supreme Heaven-defending artifact with her bare hands?

The most terrifying thing is.

Even if he grabbed the dagger with his bare hands, there were no scars on that hand.

How strong is this physical body?

Could it be that……

This son broke the legendary physical limit?

"Is your law strong?"

Qin Feiyang slowly raised his head and looked at the white-haired old woman who was standing opposite. Ten golden lotuses emerged, flying around them, exuding world-destroying power.

"Really the supreme meaning of the law of cause and effect!"

The old white-haired woman was stunned.

Who the **** is this?

It is too ridiculous to realize the supreme meaning of the strongest law at a young age!

"I'm asking you!"

"Your law, is it strong?"

The corner of Qin Feiyang's mouth raised slightly, with a deep ridicule.

The old white-haired woman was dumb.

No matter how strong the supreme prophecy of the law of ice is, it cannot compare to the supreme prophecy of the strongest law!

Earlier, he said without shame that the other party's law was not as powerful as her, but in a blink of an eye, the other party revealed the supreme meaning of the law of cause and effect, which is equivalent to an invisible slap, slapped her face fiercely.

"To tell you the truth, people like you who have not mastered the strongest law and supremacy make me uninterested."

Qin Feiyang smiled, and shook his big hand suddenly, and there were cracks in the dagger.

Seeing this, the old white-haired woman slapped Qin Feiyang with a palm, and the law of ice rolled out, shattering the sky.

Qin Feiyang let go of the dagger and retreated in a violent step. At the same time, the ten golden lotus floating beside him released the power of destroying the world and blasted the white-haired old woman.


The white-haired old woman was blasted out immediately, with rage and blood spurting from her mouth, her clothes in ragged clothes, and she was extremely embarrassed.

"So strong!"

Bing Ruo Ning's eyes trembled.

Unexpectedly, this person not only has the dominating magic weapon, but his own strength is also so strong.

just now.

In front of this person, she, the princess of the Shenfeng family, felt like a joke.

Qin Feiyang turned his gaze, fell on Bing Ruoning, and smiled: "Before I saw you, I laughed very happy, why? I don't laugh now?"

Bing Ruoning's pupils shrank, and there was a trace of unconcealed fear between her eyebrows.

"Although you don't know what your identity is in the Shenfeng family, as long as you provoke me, no matter who it is, you will basically not end well."

"Come on, let me see, what can you do to dare to be so arrogant in front of me."

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly, and a causal force emerged from his hand up, like a huge wave, the overwhelming ice surging forward.

"His Royal Highness, be careful!"

The white-haired old woman's complexion changed, and she quickly rushed to Bing Ruo Ning's body. The profound meanings of the major laws rushed out, rushing to the law of cause and effect, and the power of cause and effect was shattered instantly.

"Dare to jump in front of me?"

Qin Feiyang's eyes were cold, ten golden lotus roared out, and the terrifying power shook all directions. The great principles of the white-haired old woman were as vulnerable as dead wood and shattered one after another.

"Do you really think that if you master the supreme meaning of the strongest law, you can do whatever you want?"

The old white-haired woman yelled.

Pieces of ice flame burst out of the body.


Qin Feiyang frowned.

Looking at Bing Ruo Ning's body again, the same ice flame appeared.

It is very similar to the Shenyan of the Fengyi Lady.

The difference is that the phoenix woman's magical flame is fiery red, the same as an ordinary flame, but the magical flames on the two of them are like ice.

The ten golden lotus blasted off aggressively.

The two of them didn't hide, they just stood there, calmly looking at ten golden lotus.


Accompanied by a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, a power of exterminating the world erupted, and the wind roared and the dust covered the sky!

Standing in the midst of the strong wind, Qin Feiyang looked at the old and the young with shock in his eyes.

Facing the bombardment of ten golden lotus, there was no scar on the two of them. The ice flame was like an indestructible shield, blocking all the bombardment for them.

"Could it be the same as that divine flame?"

Qin Feiyang murmured.

This is too strong!

Why didn't such an ice flame appear on the white-haired old man before?


The white-haired old man was killed unprepared, and was killed by the sword of death, so there shouldn't be time to activate this ice flame.

It seems that this Shenfeng clan has its own life-saving ability.

"With the protection of the ice phoenix flame, unless you dominate the magic weapon, or even if you have the means against the sky, you can't break it, and your dominating magic weapon is now fighting with the ice phoenix sword, so next, you will only be beaten. Copies!"

The old white-haired woman sneered.

"Ice Phoenix Flame?"

Qin Feiyang was taken aback.

Flame of Ice Phoenix...

Could it be that their body is the ice phoenix?

The women in phoenix clothes belong to the fire and phoenix clan, and these two are the ice phoenix clan, which means that there are two races in the **** and phoenix clan?

"We consume and consume you!"

Bing Ruo Ning snorted coldly, the power of the law surging around him.

Qin Feiyang looked up and found that Bing Ruoning's five laws found the law of swallowing. Like the Fengyi woman, they all mastered the law of swallowing.

No wonder the two become enemies.

One is the ice phoenix and the other is the fire phoenix. Ice and fire are inherently incompatible, and coupled with the same mastery of the swallowing law, they will naturally compete secretly with each other.


Whether it's an ice phoenix or a fire phoenix, it belongs to the Feng clan. Is it necessary?

In Qin Feiyang's opinion, there is no such need.

They are all tribesmen, so why bother making such a fuss?


The old white-haired woman also opened the six principles of profound meaning.

In addition to the supreme meaning of the law of ice, there is another kind of supreme meaning, which is the supreme meaning of the law of sword!

"You still have the two supreme prophecies?"

Qin Feiyang was taken aback.


"Don't underestimate the people of our Ice Phoenix clan!"

The old white-haired woman snorted coldly.

The two shot at the same time, and the major uprights suddenly turned into a torrent, carrying the world-destroying power, and killed Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang shot back.

Gradually, without frowning.

Both of them have the protection of Ice Flame, even if they destroy the principle of the two, they cannot break the protection of Ice Flame, and everything they do is useless.


As the two said, with constant consumption, Qin Feiyang felt a little weak.

Do you want to open the law of destruction?

But even if the supreme meaning of the law of destruction is turned on, there is no way to break through the defense of the ice flame!

Killing words?

Zhan Zi Jue?

These are his killer features.


These may not be able to break through the defense of Ice Flame.

Unless you kill the domain!

But now, unable to enter the basalt realm, there is no point in opening the killing domain.

"and many more!"

"Aren't there three thousand incarnations?"

Qin Feiyang patted his head.

Three thousand incarnations, if the supreme meaning of the law of cause and effect and the law of destruction are activated at the same time, how powerful is that?


Is Three Thousand Incarnation really possible?

After all, the white-haired old woman said before that only by dominating the magic weapon can the ice flame's defense be broken.

do not care.

Try it first!


But just when Qin Feiyang was about to start the avatar of Three Thousand, a loud howl of a wolf suddenly sounded in the desert behind.


Qin Feiyang was stunned, turned his head to look, this seemed to be the howling of a white-eyed wolf?


"Brother is here!"


The arrogant figure of the white-eyed wolf appeared under Qin Feiyang's sight.


It is also flying in the air.


Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Has broken the limit of the last step and raised the physical body to the supreme level?

That's not right!

He can break this limit by entering the inner area, and can the white-eyed wolf break through the middle area?

Wait a minute.

White-eyed Wolf is the cultivation base of Dacheng's dominating realm, and he is the cultivation base of Consummation dominating realm.

Because of the difference in cultivation level, the gravity he faces is also different, so he has to go to the inner area to break the final step limit, and the white-eyed wolf does not need to go to the inner area.

"not bad!"

A smile appeared on Qin Feiyang's face, and he really deserved to be his partner from death to life.

[Ps; The remaining two will be later, one chapter will be released at 9:30, and one chapter will be released at 11:00. Friends who can’t wait, get up and watch them tomorrow morning. 】

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