Invincible God of War

Chapter 3568: The madness of the prince!


"Purple Golden Dragon and human beings fall in love? Still leaving behind offspring?"

The people looked at each other.

not far away.

When Huo and others heard these words, they looked at the old man with white beard, their eyes flickering.

This old man seemed to be talking nonsense, but after careful consideration, he felt as if he was explaining a fact.

The Lord of the Demon Temple flashed his eyes, turned his head to look at Chu Yun, and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Yun, did this old man behave differently when you dealt with the dragon prince last time?"


"Always looks timid."

Chu Yun shook her head.


The Lord of the Demon Temple pondered a little, and frowned: "But how do you see his current performance, doesn't he look like a timid person?"

Chu Yun glanced at the old man with white beard and said lightly: "He is just a storyteller, what's worth noting?"

The Lord of the Demon Temple looked at each other with Huo Lao, and said nothing more.


Someone called out: "Old man, don't you mean that Qin Feiyang is their offspring, and the blood that flows out is also the blood of the purple dragon?"

"The old man didn't say that Qin Feiyang is their offspring."

"We can't talk nonsense about things that are uncertain."

The old man with white beard waved his hand hurriedly, and then said: "But what is certain is that the blood he shed is the legendary Zijin dragon blood."

"Purple Gold Dragon Blood!"

Everyone's eyes trembled.

In this case, isn't Qin Feiyang their offspring?

The descendants of the Zijin Dragon and humans...

This sounds so mysterious!


high altitude.

Both Qin Feiyang and the dragon prince showed amazing fighting consciousness. You are incompatible with each other.

The sky is pouring rain!

But no matter how heavy the torrential rain is, they cannot be approached.

Because they hadn't gotten closer yet, they had been evaporated by their powerful aura.

"It seems that the strength of the legendary level against the sky is already your limit!"

The dragon prince smiled coldly, the aura and strength of his flesh soared again crazily, but he reached the supreme level in the blink of an eye!


Follow closely.

With thick contempt in his eyes, he blasted Qin Feiyang's head with a punch.


"This will not be the strength of the Supreme Grade Guards against the sky!"

"Obviously, yes!"

"Because the power of the great prince has made me feel a strong crisis in the Dzogchen dominance!"

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Unexpectedly raise the physical body to this level!"

"This is the existence I can only look up to in my whole life!"

People were shocked.

Facing such a powerful dragon prince, does Qin Feiyang have a chance of winning?

But as soon as this idea came up, another powerful aura broke out, and everyone looked at Qin Feiyang again, their expressions stunned.

His physical body has reached this level?



Qin Feiyang's eyes were sharp like a blade, and he blasted the dragon prince's fist.

Both of them are exuding dazzling divine light, as if the state of the resurrection of the magic soldiers, terrifying to the extreme!

With a loud bang, the two fists slammed into each other, and a shocking might immediately rolled out centering on the two of them, shattering tens of millions of miles of void.

"This is simply an extinction scene!"

"so horrible."

People were horrified.

The giants of all parties can no longer stand idly by.

For example, the three Huo Lao from the Eastern Continent, the three leaders from the Western Continent, He Zhongtian from the Southern Continent, and the Tiandian giants from the Northern Continent... all stood up to protect the people around.

Because the battle is fierce.

Among these people, many have not reached the cultivation base of Dzogchen, and there are even many people who are immortal.

With their cultivation base, they couldn't bear the fluctuating battle between Qin Feiyang and the dragon prince.


high altitude.

Qin Feiyang and the two are like two gods of war, hunting in clothes, long hair flying, and between their fists, two invisible forces collide wildly.

But compared to Qin Feiyang, who was calm and composed, the look of the dragon prince looked a bit hideous.

This person's physical body has actually reached the strength of the supreme level against the sky!

Originally, seeing that Qin Feiyang had always maintained the strength of the legendary level against the sky, he thought that Qin Feiyang's physical body had only reached this level.

The strength of the legendary level against the sky, in the eyes of others, it is like a god.

But in his eyes, it was simply vulnerable!

He had already thought about it, and first used the power of his physical body to give Qin Feiyang a fatal blow.

But never expected that Qin Feiyang could hide so much, and never showed his true strength.

"How did you do it?"

"It took me hundreds of thousands of years to raise the strength of my physical body to the supreme level against the sky."

"But you, unexpectedly, in just a few years, raised your physical body to this level, I really can't accept it!"

The dragon prince roared like crazy.

He had already planned, this time not only to defeat Qin Feiyang, but also to make Qin Feiyang face disgraced. Even if he survived by chance, he would not dare to look up to see people in the future.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feiyang's current physical strength is not inferior to him!

"Who stipulates that it will take hundreds of thousands of years to be the same as you?"

"If you have to give you a reason, you can only say that I work harder than you."

Qin Feiyang spoke lightly.

"Work harder than me?"

"Do you know how much effort and sweat I have put in to become stronger and inherit the patriarch of the Golden Dragon clan?"

"I was cultivating while other brothers and sisters were eating, drinking, and having fun."

"I'm also cultivating when other brothers and sisters are acting like a baby next to my parents."

"All the time, I am thinking how to become stronger?"

"You dare to say, work harder than me? What a ridiculous joke!"

The dragon prince roared, and the power in his body poured out like a torrent of torrents.

"There is a sentence, don't you know?"

"There are people outside, and there are people outside the mountains."

"When you think that your road is difficult everywhere, in some other places, some people are more difficult than the road you have to take."

Qin Feiyang spoke indifferently, and his power surged out like a tide.


When the two forces met, the two retreated violently.

"What you said may make sense."

"But I didn't see it, I only saw my own hardship!"

"So today, you must fall under my feet!"

The dragon prince uttered a long roar, and a terrifying aura broke out in his body.

next moment.

His cultivation level soared to the Dzogchen Domination Realm!

"How about a strong body?"

"Faced with the absolute suppression of the cultivation base, you can only get down to beg for mercy!"

At this moment, the dragon prince, like a mad bison, with his fist like a meteor, greeted Qin Feiyang.

"No way!"

"He is hiding his cultivation base?"

"Dzogchen dominates the realm..."

"A little higher than Qin Feiyang, isn't this a situation of crushing?"

Seeing that Qin Feiyang was steadily defeated by the dragon prince, many people couldn't help but worry about Qin Feiyang.

"Sister, this person's strength isn't great!"

Huo Zihui narrowed his mouth.

"It's not good, you were still slapped into the sea by him?"

Princess Huofeng glanced at him.

"This is because his physical body is very strong, aside from the physical body, he is just average."

Huo Zihui smiled contemptuously.


Princess Huofeng didn't bother to talk nonsense about this person with arrears.

"How do you curse?"

Huo Zihui was dissatisfied.

Dafu laughed and said, "His Royal Highness is not wrong."

"Dafu, what do you mean?"

Huo Zihui frowned.

Dafu said: "His Royal Highness, think about it, if Qin Feiyang is just an ordinary human as you said, then can he break the limit of his physical body?"


Huo Zihui was speechless for a while, and said with a narrow mouth: "He's lucky!"


Dafu couldn't laugh or cry.

Can good luck break the limits of the physical body? This statement is too naive.

Princess Huofeng said lightly: "Dafu, don't talk nonsense with this kind of mentally retarded, lest you also lower your IQ."

"Sister, you are a personal attack."

"If it wasn't for a parent, I'll just turn my face with you!"

When Huo Zihui heard this, a trace of anger suddenly appeared on his face.

"I'm also wondering, why is the difference between the same parents?"

Princess Huofeng shook her head and sighed.

Huo Zihui gritted his teeth with anger.

Dafu, Xiaofu, and the two women couldn't help laughing.

The brothers and sisters are really enemies, they pinch each other if they don't agree.


the other side.

The white-haired old woman, the white-haired old man, and the middle-aged man have also been watching the battlefield.

Seeing Qin Feiyang getting more and more embarrassed under the hands of the prince of the dragon clan, he felt quite at ease.


A murmur sounded.

The three of them immediately looked at Bing Ruoning floating nearby, and saw Bing Ruoning's eyelids move, and slowly opened his eyes.

"what happened?"

"Head hurts."

"It seems to have been beaten?"

Bing Ruo Ning got up, rubbed the back of his head, and frowned.

"I did it."

The white-haired old man said.


Bing Ruoning asked for a moment, looked at the white-haired old man, and said angrily: "Why?"

"His Royal Highness, you really need to calm down."

The gray-haired old man sighed.

The old white-haired woman and the middle-aged man also nodded one after another.


Bing Ruoning glanced at the three of them, snorted from his nose, looked up at the high-altitude battlefield, her expression was taken aback.

"The great prince of the Dragon Race is actually the cultivation base of Dzogchen."

"And, they both broke the limits of the physical body."

"But from the current situation, Qin Feiyang is bound to die!"

The old white-haired woman smiled.

"Dzogchen dominates?"

Bing Ruo Ning looked at the Dragon Gambling Prince in surprise, then looked at the embarrassed Qin Feiyang, and sneered: "It's best to cut him a thousand knives and burn his bones!"

"But so far, I haven't seen them open the rules of the profound meaning and dominate the gods. It is estimated that they still have back players."

The gray-haired old man is relatively sensible.

Qin Feiyang dared to face the dragon prince, and he must have been fully prepared.

In his personal view, the outcome of this battle is still very difficult to predict.

However, he didn't say it directly, for fear of causing Bing Ruoning's dissatisfaction.

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