Invincible God of War

Chapter 3606: Embrace the injustice and anger Qi Yuefeng!

Unable to attack the Lord of the Temple of Heaven, naturally he had to find another goal.

But to be honest.

The law of life, the law of healing, is still quite rare.

Over the years, they have traveled through the four continents. The other strongest laws are not uncommon, but the laws of life are really rare.

Even if it did, it did not realize the highest meaning.

There is no supreme law of life, and in the eyes of the white-eyed wolf, there is no allure at all.

just now.

The patriarch of the Nine Tribes plus Qi Xiong, the top ten super strong, there should always be a supreme prophecy that holds the law of life!


It now expects Qi Xiong and others' answers more than anyone.

But after waiting for a while, all that was waiting was ridicule, and none of them responded positively to Qin Feiyang's question.

The white-eyed wolf raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer: "A dignified group of super giants, don't they even have the courage to answer this little question?"


"It doesn't matter if I tell you, this seat holds the supreme meaning of the law of life."

A woman among the patriarch of the Nine Clan said proudly.

Qin Feiyang and the white-eyed wolf immediately looked at the woman, with an inexplicable light in their eyes.

The appearance of the woman in her thirties, wearing a light green long skirt, plus soft blue silk, and a girl-like face, looks beautiful and refined.

"Little Qinzi, she must be taken down!"

The white-eyed wolf transmitted the sound, very excited.

"Don't worry."

"Just wait for the fusion of her law of life with peace of mind!"

Qin Feiyang smiled secretly, roared out with a billowing aura, pointing at the woman in green clothes, a majestic fighting spirit, pouring towards the woman.

"The first one to provoke this seat?"

The woman in green raised her eyebrows.

The nine patriarchs and Qi Xiong were there, and they were the first to challenge her.


When she is a soft persimmon, how good is it?

Qi Xiong turned his head to look at the woman, and said, "Qi Yuefeng, he is a junior, and it is not easy for us to attack in a group so as not to be laughed at, so it's up to you next. Don't lose to a junior. "

In addition, the patriarchs of the eight tribes are also not smiling.

They all have to use Qi Yuefeng's hands to see how Qin Feiyang's strength is?

Qi Yuefeng snorted coldly: "As the head of the Muqilin clan, how can this seat tolerate the arrogance and domineering of a junior!"


An aura burst out.

Seeing that the war was about to begin, Princess Huofeng stood up and looked at Qi Yuefeng, frowning and said, "Senior patriarch, you bully a junior like this, it's not right!"

"do you have any opinion?"

Qi Yuefeng raised her eyebrows.

Qi Xiong and others also looked at Princess Huofeng, their brows frowned.

The Feng Clan actually stood up to protect Qin Feiyang?

This is what Feng Empress meant?

Or is it the personal position of Princess Huofeng?

"Don't dare."

Princess Huofeng shook her head, and then sneered: "However, Qi Yu and others are indeed provoking first in this matter. Seniors, so regardless of right or wrong, are you really afraid of being laughed at by the world?"

Qi Yuefeng was furious and shouted: "A little yellow-haired girl dares to point fingers at me and other elders. I am afraid that even your father Huofeng Patriarch does not have the courage!"

"The juniors are just talking about matters."

"Besides, seniors claim to be our elders, so naturally they should have the style of elders."

"Not to mention my father, but the patriarch of the Bingfeng clan. Even if Bing Ruoning and Qin Feiyang are not at odds, he has not personally intervened in the grievances between the juniors."

Princess Huofeng looked at Qi Yuefeng without squinting, without any fear.

The implication.

They are all the patriarchs of the same clan, but their character is very different.

"What a shame."

"Why haven't I noticed before, you girl is still so smart?"

"However, I really want to know that now you stand up to protect Qin Feiyang and the Golden Winged Wolf King. Is this your personal intention, or is it an order from your father and Feng Empress?"

Qi Yuefeng sneered.

"This matter has nothing to do with my father, and it has nothing to do with Master Feng."

"The juniors are not offending the seniors, they just hope that the seniors can be somewhat elderly."

Princess Huofeng said.

"Since even Empress Feng didn't speak, what can you do as a little girl running out?"

"This is not your Phoenix Nest, and will not tolerate your willful recklessness!"

Qi Yuefeng yelled violently, and a force of death rolled out towards Princess Huofeng.

Upon seeing this.

Dafu hurriedly stepped across in front of Princess Huofeng, the power of time and space roared out, and the power of the two strongest laws suddenly met.

A devastating momentum broke out in the sky right now.

Fire Qilin patriarch Qi Zhi raised his eyebrows, and there was a terrifying power in his body. This is the aura that dominates the gods, and instantly wiped out the destructive aura created by the collision of the two laws, and shouted: Go to Xinghe, don't be in the Kylin Holy Land!"

"it is good!"

"This constellation is waiting for you in Galaxy!"

Qi Yuefeng stared at Qin Feiyang and the others coldly and dropped a word, and the whole person instantly rushed into the sky and stepped into the galaxy.

Qin Feiyang and the white-eyed wolf looked at Princess Huofeng. This woman was quite loyal and courageous. She was in the sacred land of Qilin and even dared to stand up and fight for them.

It seems that it is worthwhile to help her open the door to potential.

"Let's go!"

Qin Feiyang stepped forward and quickly stepped into the galaxy.

"Wait for entering Galaxy, stop talking."

The white-eyed wolf glared at Princess Huofeng and rushed into the galaxy like lightning, with a hint of concern in his words.


Princess Huofeng snorted coldly.

I didn't even have a word of thanks for helping them like this, but instead blamed her for talking too much.

"Princess, you really shouldn't interrupt, after all, this is the sacred land of unicorns."

Dafu sighed secretly.

"so what?"

"Could it be that in the Kylin Holy Land, they can bully people at will? It's really unreasonable!"

Princess Huofeng was dissatisfied.

Dafu smiled bitterly.

But when he glanced at Qi Xiong and the others, he couldn't help but stunned. In these people's eyes, there seemed to be a trace of murderous intent.

This is not a murderous intent against Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf, but a murderous intent against them!

Although they are members of the Feng clan, and although the two His Royal Highnesses are both heirs of the patriarch, even if people like Qi Xiong have killed them now, the patriarch cannot find a reason to blame.

Because they broke in on their own.


"This princess wants to see, what can they do with us!"

Princess Huofeng also noticed these abnormalities, snorted from her nose, and went straight to the Galaxy.


Dafu sighed secretly, and had to bring Huo Zihui and Xiaofu to catch up.

In fact, it cannot be avoided.

Now that they are in the sacred land of Qilin, they are no longer in charge.

Qi Xiong and others looked at each other with a sneer, and quickly followed, Qi Yu and others would naturally not miss such a good show.

Qi Zhi looked at the back of Princess Huofeng and whispered: "Lao Bai, the reaction of the eldest princess of the Feng clan seems a bit unexpected."


"The Phoenix Clan’s millennium agreement should have something to do with the princess."

The old man with white beard nodded.

"Go and see!"

"Frankly speaking, I also look forward to Qin Feiyang's performance."

Qi Zhi smiled faintly, and the old man with a white beard stepped away.

The battle of the strongest cannot naturally be carried out in the sacred land of Qilin.

Because of this level of battle, once a complete outbreak, the entire Qilin Holy Land will be razed to the ground.


far away.

A courtyard surrounded by mountains and rivers is extremely quiet.

Before the hospital.

A woman in red looked up at the sky, her face full of surprise.

Sure enough, it was Qin Feiyang, who dared to fight against such superpowers as the patriarch of the nine tribes and Qi Xiong.

When a group of people disappeared in the galaxy, the woman in red turned her gaze back and turned to look at a tea plantation not far away. A white figure in the tea plantation seemed to be watering the tea trees and asked: "My son, are you going to see it?"

"What is there to see in a certain win situation?"

The white figure smiled without looking back.

"Sure to win?"

The woman in red was taken aback, and said suspiciously: "Are you saying that Qi Yuefeng will win, or Qin Feiyang will win?"

"Do you care about their winning or losing so much?"

The white figure asked back, the wind was light and the clouds were calm.

The woman in red couldn't help laughing bitterly when she heard the words.

At this moment, the entire Kylin clan is paying attention, only the son does not care, and it is not blamed for the patriarch to scold him all day for not doing his job properly.



Now the entire Kylin clan is paying attention to this battle.


When they felt the top of the sky, they were stopped by the white beard old man outside the galaxy.

"Old Bai, what do you mean by stopping us?"

There are many genius teenagers of the Qilin clan, and there are also a large number of the strongest, all looking at the old white beard with dissatisfaction.


"This is an order from the patriarch."

"No one may step into the galaxy until the battle is over."

The old white beard smiled apologetically.


Everyone is aggrieved.

"The command of the patriarch, I shouldn't need to explain it to you!"

The old white beard smiled, and a power of darkness emerged. This is the law of darkness, exuding a terrifying breath, and directly blocked the entrance of the Galaxy.


The old man with white beard flew towards the galaxy without looking back.

"Asshole old man!"

"Isn't it just Qi Shaoyun's teacher? After all, he's just a foreigner, what arrogance!"

The people who were kept out scolded.

It is worth mentioning that many people have opened the strongest law, and they are unable to break the blockade of the power of darkness.




Qin Feiyang and Qi Yuefeng stood apart, the two powerful auras collided wildly, and the stars around them were shaking.

The four Princess Huofeng, Qi Zhi, Qi Xiong and others, stood at the exit of Xinghe, watching the battle from a distance.

The white-eyed wolf kept a distance from a group of people, and looked at Qi Yuefeng with scornful eyes.


It opened for an instant, and flew to Qin Feiyang like lightning.

"Want two to one?"


"Anyway, it's all ants."

Qi Yuefeng smiled contemptuously.

"Just you are worthy of us to join forces?"

The white-eyed wolf was full of contempt, and the sound transmission said: "Little Qinzi, send my brother to the ancient castle, and when you abolish her cultivation base, you will also send her to the ancient castle, lest Qi Xiong and others block Brother from fusing the law of life. "

"It's very thoughtful!"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

"Just kidding, it's about Brother's future, so I must bother."

The white-eyed wolf bared its teeth.

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