Invincible God of War

Chapter 3619: Is indeed a monster

"what's the situation?"

This sudden scene made everyone present in shock.

Why did Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf, who were dying, suddenly burst into such a terrible breath?

The old man with white beard shrank his pupils, and exclaimed: "This is the spirit and will, the life is endless, the will is immortal, these two little guys are really geniuses."

"I don't agree with that."

Qi Zhi shook his head.


The old white beard looked at Qi Zhi suspiciously.

"Spirit, will, nothing to do with talent."

"This is cultivated in later stages."

"Of course, their talents cannot be denied, but I am even more curious about what they have experienced along the way to exercise such terrible will."

Qi Zhi also felt extremely incredible.

Not to mention the younger generation, even the older generation, they are ashamed.

"Do not!"

"No matter how talented Tianzong is, he will never reach the top!"

When Qi Xiong heard the conversation between the two, his expression suddenly looked terrifying, staring at Lei Jie above the Lei Punishment Ladder, he must stop them both!

But at this moment Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf are like two overlords standing in the heavens and the earth.

Although their bodies were still being wiped out by Thunder Tribulation a little bit, their footsteps never stopped.

And every step is as stable as Mount Tai.

Twenty steps.

Eighteen steps.

Fifteen steps...

Seeing getting closer and closer to the summit, everyone present held their breath.

Especially Huo Qilin, Tan Wu, Hell Dog, Uncle God Beast.

His expression was expectant and nervous, and his heart was like a roller coaster with ups and downs.


The father and son Qi Xiong, the patriarch of the nine clans, the princes and princesses of the nine clans, are mad at this moment. Why can a human being, a humble wolf, have such an ability?

Do not!

I do not believe!

This must be dreaming.

"Lee Punishment Ladder, I beg you, beg you, let them end their lives!"

They kept roaring in their hearts.

Especially Qi Xiong and Qi Yu, if it weren't for the power of Thunder Tribulation, I'm afraid they would have rushed forward now.

Ten steps!

Eight steps!

Five steps!

at this time.

Qin Feiyang and White Eyed Wolf are only five steps away from the summit, and they can already see the scene of the summit.

The peak, shrouded by dark clouds.

Through the dark clouds, they could faintly see a stone platform several meters wide, exuding an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

This is the pinnacle!

But at this time!

Accompanied by a clanging loud noise, a sharp sword light killed Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf like lightning.


The audience was surprised.

Follow closely.

Everyone's eyes instantly locked on that sword light.

This is the sword light that dominates the magic weapon!

"Qixiong, what are you doing?"

The violent shout of Fire Qilin sounded.

"Qi Xiong?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment and looked at Qi Xiong one after another.

He saw Qi Xiong's murderous aura, his eyes full of ruthlessness, and he was holding a war sword in his hand!

This war sword is Qi Yuefeng's dominating magic weapon!

"Sword of Reaper, whisk, hurry!"

Princess Huofeng recovered and shouted.

The Reaper Sword and Fuchen were originally staring at Qi Xiong and others, but as Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf were about to reach the summit, they couldn't help but look forward to watching one person and one wolf.

And this matter, with the consent of the Kylin Lord, Qi Xiong, no matter how courageous, would not dare to mess around!

However, he did not expect that he was so bold and daring to do it under the eyes of the Qilin Lord.

Hearing the cries of Princess Huofeng, the two masters and gods broke out immediately to intercept the sword light.


Qi Xiongyin smiled coldly.

Is it too late to intercept now?

As for the Lord of Kylin.

The big deal then is to be punished.

As long as this person and one wolf can be eliminated, it is worth the punishment.


Look at Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf again.

As if he hadn't seen the sword light he had killed, he stepped onto the 997th step.

Did not stay.

Stepped on the ninth and ninety-eighth steps.

At this time.

Jian Guang had already killed them behind.

Seeing that they were about to die, but with a loud bang, the castle appeared out of thin air, lying behind a person and a wolf, blocking the sword light strongly.


At the same time.

Qin Feiyang and Baiyanlang took one step at the same time, stepped onto the 999th step, and successfully reached the top!

At the moment they reached the summit, the audience fell silent again.

Everyone is looking at Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf standing on the top, the waves are rolling in their hearts.

Actually reached the top successfully!

At this moment, in their eyes, these two bloody, extremely weak backs are as tall as two Primordial gods.


The cheers of Huo Qilin, Tan Wu, Uncle God Beast, and Hell God Dog rang.

Princess Huofeng was also happy.

Qi Zhi, the white-bearded old man, and other members of the Qilin clan were also amazed, showing admiration.


Qi Xiong's group of people's faces were pale.

Especially Qi Xiong.

Anger is mixed, hard to extricate yourself!

The arm was shaking, and the sword made a sonorous sound.

"you wanna die!"

The Reaper's Sword and Fuchen were also sincerely happy for Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf, and as soon as their swords turned around, they carried the mighty power of the world to kill Qi Xiong.

Because before stepping on the ladder, Qin Feiyang explained that anyone who dares to think carefully will kill him!

Even if he is in the sacred land of Qilin now, even if Qi Xiong is Qi Zhi's own younger brother, he absolutely cannot forgive him!

"Be merciful!"

Seeing this, Qi Zhi quickly shouted.

But the two masters turned a deaf ear.

Before Qi Xiong took action, I didn't see you stand up and talk. Now if you want to kill your brother, you run out and stop it. Is it such a hypocritical person?

Qi Zhi raised his head to look at Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf standing on the top, and said, "Qin Feiyang, Golden Winged Wolf King, I apologize to you for Qi Xiong."

"Who needs to apologize to them?"

"If you want to fight, fight, I'm a dignified Kylin clan, are you afraid of these two little things?"

Qi Xiong roared, twisting his sword, and slew towards the top of the ladder.

"Get out!"

However at this time.

A hoarse shout sounded.

Follow closely.

On the Lei Punishment ladder, a thunder robbery cut through the sky, and fell into Qi Xiong's sea of ​​anger with a chuckle.


Qi Xiong let out a scream on the spot, and a blood hole suddenly appeared in his lower abdomen, blood flowing like a shot.

"Old ancestors!"

The patriarch of the Nine Clan still wanted to help Qi Xiong, but when he saw this, his souls were all gone.

Especially Qi Yuefeng.

Because it is she who will dominate the magic weapon and hand it over to Qi Xiong.

Qi Xiong steadied his body, glanced at the blood hole in his lower abdomen, and shouted unwillingly, "Old ancestors, they are just a foreigner, why are you protecting them?"

"Qixiong, you are presumptuous!"

Qi Zhi suddenly changed his color and dared to openly confront the ancestor. He slapped Qi Xiong's face with a slap on the face, and shouted secretly: "Do you really want to die? I didn't see it, the ancestor is saving you , Otherwise you think Qin Feiyang will let you go? I don't know what it is!"

Qi Xiong's eyes trembled.

The voice of the lord of the unicorns sounded again: "Qi Yuefeng, if you can't even stand the master of the gods, then from now on, you will not be the head of the wooden unicorn clan."

Qi Yuefeng suddenly became agitated, and quickly knelt in the void, and cried out in horror: "Old ancestors show favor, and I will never dare to ask ancestors to open up the net!"

Don't talk about Qi Yuefeng, even Qi Xiong's master soldier didn't dare to make trouble. He broke free and flew in front of Qi Yuefeng, as honest as a little sheep.

"It's really embarrassing to the unicorn family!"

The Kylin Lord snorted coldly.

People never appeared.


As the voice fell, two divine lights broke through the air and fell in front of Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf, saying: "This is the super forbidden technique that the deity promised to you, repair the injury, and leave quickly!"

"As for Qi Xiong..."

"You can't kill."

After that, the voice of the Kylin Lord never remembered.

The scene fell into a dead silence again.

Everyone looked at Qi Xiong and Qi Yuefeng with a little sympathy.

Looking at Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf, he looked envious. Not only did he successfully climb to the top of the Thunder Punishment Ladder, but he also received two super forbidden techniques from the Lord of Qilin, which can be said to be fame and fortune.


Why are they not talking?

Since reaching the summit, the two have been standing motionless, even in the face of Qixiong's sneak attack, they have not said a word.

in fact!

It's not that Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf don't want to talk, but they can't tell at all.

Before reaching the top, they were all exhausted, let alone now.

When they reached the summit, they completely lost their strength, and the accumulated weakness also swept forward, let alone talking, even if they were standing, their legs were shaking.

The key is.

Their Sea of ​​Consciousness and Soul have also been hit hard, and their consciousness is being swallowed by darkness.


The voice of the white-eyed wolf sounded in Qin Feiyang's mind.

This is the exchange of consciousness.


"You can have a good rest."


One person and one wolf fell down, lying on the stone platform, falling into a deep coma, and the surrounding dark clouds gradually drowned them.

"Are they okay?"

Princess Huofeng was surprised.

Huo Qilin, Tan Wu, Hell Dog, and Uncle God Beast were also worried.

"They should just pass out."

The old white beard smiled.


Why does this sound so unreliable?

Tan Wu asked, "Is there a way to go up and give them pills?"

The old man with white beard said, "If you can pass thunder punishment ladder with confidence, you can go up and try."

Hearing this, Tan Wu couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"They are fine."

The voice of the old castle sounded in the minds of Tan Wu and others.

A group of people looked up and saw that the castle was suspended on the top, seeming to be protecting Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf.

The castle would definitely not lie to them.

The hanging heart finally let go.

Huo Zihui turned his eyes and turned to look at Princess Huofeng. The rumors asked: "Sister, I am also very curious, are you worried about Qin Feiyang or the white-eyed wolf?"


"With this idle time, it is better to learn from others like Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf, and work hard to enhance your own strength and value."

Princess Huofeng glared at him.

this time.

Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf not only gained fame and fortune, but also enhanced their potential value.

Because it is not difficult to see from the previous attitude of the Kylin Lord, the Kylin Lord admires Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf very much.


When this matter spreads to the Phoenix and Dragon tribes, it will inevitably cause a huge sensation, and even alarm the dragon and the Phoenix queen.

"Learn from them?"

"Do you think everyone is a monster like them?"

Huo Zihui narrowed his mouth.

I also learn first, but the strength does not allow me, what should I do?

Princess Huofeng wanted to refute when she heard this, but for a while, she really couldn't find a reason to refute.

Because these two guys are indeed monsters.

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