Invincible God of War

Chapter 3631: Qin Feiyang's plan

The little princess of the dragon clan lowered her head, seeming a little afraid, but also a little wronged.

Seeing her appearance, the patriarch Yinlong couldn't help feeling distressed. He stepped forward and held the hair on his daughter's forehead, and sighed: "Linglong, after so many years, can you still not let go?"

The little dragon princess patted her father's hand away, turned her head to look at the ground behind her, her eyes were slightly red, and tears interrupted her.

The Yinlong clan members felt very guilty and said, "In your eyes these years, my father should be a very useless person!"


Upon hearing the words, the little princess of the dragon clan quickly turned to look at her father, shook her head and said: "My daughter has never thought about it this way, because the daughter knows that father has its own problems."

"Thank you for understanding."

The silver-haired patriarch smiled slightly.

"My daughter is too considerate of her father, so she didn't dare to tell you because I don't want to make it difficult for you."

"But there are some things that my daughter must do!"

"Otherwise, my daughter will not be at ease for the rest of her life."

"Although I have cooperation with Qin Feiyang now, please father believe me, I know what a measure is."

The little dragon princess said pleadingly.

Seeing that his daughter was not selfish, the Yinlong clan chief said, "But you know, if this incident is revealed, what consequences will it bring to you?"

"Daughter knew it when she took the first step."

"But my daughter does not regret it."

"It won't involve my father, or the members of our silver dragon clan."

Said the little princess of the dragon clan.

"Linglong, why are you doing this?"

"In this world, there are actually many things that you should cherish."

Yinlong clan leader said anxiously.

"Yes, I admit."

"But no matter what, it can never replace my brother's love!"

"Father, if you really want to stop me, you'd better kill me now, otherwise I won't stop taking revenge on them!"

The little dragon princess showed a stubborn side, and her eyes were full of hatred.


Patriarch Yinlong raised his arm.

The little princess of the Dragon clan was not afraid at all, but on tiptoe, leaned in front of the silver-haired patriarch's hand.

Looking at this stubborn daughter, Patriarch Yinlong felt heartache inexplicably, slowly lowered his arms, and sighed: "You let go and do it. Father will help you carry the big things."

After speaking, he turned around to disperse the soundproof barrier and walked outside the door.

But suddenly.

He stopped again, pondered a little, and exhorted: "Protect yourself well and don't be used by Qin Feiyang."

After that, he walked out without looking back and disappeared under the sight of the little princess of the dragon clan.

"Father, thank you."

The little dragon princess murmured.




Several terrifying divine might appeared above the dragon's nest.

"Dominate the magic weapon!"

The little princess of the dragon clan was shocked, and quickly walked out of the attic, and looked up, she saw the white dragon sword and other nine masters and soldiers appeared, and went straight to the depths of the dragon nest.

"Really only they are back..."

"Qin Feiyang, you are really amazing."


Xuanwu world!

Seal the soul valley.

After finishing the conversation with the little princess of the dragon clan, Qin Feiyang came to Fenghungu.

at this time.

Qi Xiong's group of people have been suppressed in the Sealed Soul Valley by the white-eyed wolf and the blood dragon blade.

Without exception, they roared bitterly.

They never expected to face such torture.

Don't talk about them, even if it is the Blood Dragon Blade, looking at the Sealed Soul Valley, he couldn't help but wonder.

This is simply the behavior of the devil!

"Call it!"

"Let's call it hysterical, it will be more exciting."

The white-eyed wolf stood in the sky, blocking his nostrils, laughing.

Seeing each of them struggling and roaring in the Soul Valley, it was more enjoyable than killing them directly.

"Qin Feiyang?"

Blood Dragon Blade noticed Qin Feiyang's arrival, and he couldn't help but feel jealous. Then he flew to Qin Feiyang and said in admiration, "You are so clever to torture people. How did you think of it?"

In the words, there seemed to be a hint of flattery.

"You have to ask the white-eyed wolf."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

"It really is this shameless wolf pup."

The Blood Dragon Blade grumbled.

It had thought about it before, because although Qin Feiyang was cruel to the enemy, he still did not come up with such a wicked trick.

"Afraid of Dragon King's revenge?"

Qin Feiyang suddenly looked at the Blood Dragon Blade and asked.

The Blood Dragon Blade sighed: "I have already come to a step, what's the use for fear?"

"It seems to be afraid."

"How strong is this Dragon King?"

Qin Feiyang was curious.

"Very strong."

"You will know when you fight him in the future."

There was awe in the words of the Blood Dragon Blade.

"do not worry."

"Since you have defected to me, no matter what happens, I will stand with you."

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly.

The Blood Dragon Blade was taken aback, and these words sounded quite comfortable.

"Little Qinzi."

"Look at them, it's so cute."

The white-eyed wolf also ran over at this time, hehe with a smile.


The Blood Dragon Blade was speechless.

Is this an abomination?

I really don't know what the look in this wolf cub's eyes.

"Let them bubble more!"

Qin Feiyang smiled.

The white-eyed wolf asked: "When will it be killed?"

"do not kill."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

"do not kill?"

Both the White-eyed Wolf and the Blood Dragon Blade were startled.


Qin Feiyang nodded and asked, "What do we need most now?"


"Of course we need more bargaining chips to let the Dragon King and the others cast a rat avoidance weapon."

The white-eyed wolf said without hesitation.


"The time we need."

"As for the bargaining chips, if you really provoke the Dragon King, it's no use more."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

The blood dragon blade said: "This is reasonable, the character of the dragon king, once angered him, even his own people will be killed."

"Kill your own people?"

The white-eyed wolf was surprised.

"You don't know him."

"He is a devil."

"The deity has been in the world for so many years, and has never met someone more cruel than him, so when you face him in the future, it is best to stop everything."

The blood dragon blade urged.

Qin Feiyang nodded and looked at the white-eyed wolf and explained: "The Golden Dragon patriarch is nothing to worry about. We can kill them at any time, but now they are very good bargaining chips because they can help us fight for them. By the time of a thousand years."

"That's it."

"Now the Feng Clan and the Qilin Clan have a thousand-year agreement with us, but the Dragon Clan is the only one."

"You just want to use these people to discuss this condition with the Dragon King."

The white-eyed wolf suddenly realized.


"If the Dragon King also promises us more than a thousand years, then within these thousand years, we can concentrate on practicing without any worries."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

The white-eyed wolf asked: "If this is the case, why not ten thousand years? One hundred thousand years?"

"The Feng Clan and the Qilin Clan have a thousand-year agreement with us. Do you think the Dragon King will promise us ten thousand years, or one hundred thousand years?"

"Say it."

"Blood Dragon Blade just said that for this Dragon King, if you can stop, you can't push him too quickly."

Qin Feiyang cast a blank look at it.


"The people like the Golden Dragon patriarch are really nothing to us. It doesn't matter if they live longer."

"However, capital crimes are forgiven, and living crimes cannot escape."

The white-eyed wolf nodded.

right now.

The only thing they fear is the Dragon King, the Lord of Qilin, the Queen of Phoenix, and the masters of the three restricted areas.

"The Xuanwu world is now five thousand years a day. Even if only half an hour has passed outside, it has been here for many years, and they have suffered."

Qin Feiyang chuckled.

"No way."

"No matter how you say it, it will take at least ten thousand years."

The white-eyed wolf shook his head.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said, "It depends on whether you can hold it until the next day and the day after the Dragon King arrives."

"let's discuss it later!"

The white-eyed wolf pondered a little, said with his paws, and then asked: "Then Qixiong and his son, they can always kill!"

"It stands to reason that even if we kill them now, the Kylin Lord will not say much, after all, they are coming to die by themselves."

"But we still have to give this face."

"This is also the reason why I asked the Lord of Qilin and Queen Feng to come together."

"They have a thousand-year agreement with us. From another perspective, they are now our allies."

"With them, plus the little rabbit, the Dragon King will more easily agree to our terms."

"all in all."

"Qi Xiong, these little guys, you can kill anytime, not in a hurry."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

"to make."

"Listen to you."

"Who makes you make sense?"

The white-eyed wolf laughed.

"Then go, go out and wait for these big people."

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly and appeared on the top of the mountain with the blood dragon blade and the white-eyed wolf.


As soon as I came out, I saw Huo Zihui holding a wine jar, drinking leisurely.

Qin Feiyang saw that the Wushuang Shennong who had been on the table before disappeared, and his face suddenly turned dark. Does this **** really know what politeness is?

"This one……"

"I do not know him."

Princess Huofeng smiled awkwardly and turned to look away.

Helpless, Qin Feiyang took out another jar of Wushuang Divine Brew and put it on the table.

Huo Zihui immediately pointed at Shennong and shouted at the white-eyed wolf: "Brother Lang, Brother Qin treats you, you are welcome."

The white-eyed wolf's mouth twitched, looked at Princess Huofeng, and whispered: "You brother...seems to be shameless than Brother."

"I said I don't know him!"

Princess Huofeng glared at the wolf.

"Still venting your anger with brother?"

"Get off now."

The white-eyed wolf suddenly became angry.

"Want me to go?"

"I just won't leave now."

"I'm still waiting for the Monument of Killing God to evolve into the master of the gods!"

Princess Huofeng said angrily.

"The Killing of God Monument is now Brother's artifact, it has half a dime to you?"

The white-eyed wolf raised his eyebrows.

"Do you want to be shameless?"

Princess Huofeng gnashed her teeth.

"Two little ancestors, can you stop arguing? The Killing of the Gods Tablet has not yet evolved successfully, what's the dispute now?"

Qin Feiyang was helpless.

Obviously they like each other, but they are all hidden in their hearts, so they have to be happy friends.


Anyway, now, Qin Feiyang despise the white-eyed wolf.

Dare to love, not to admit.

There is no domineering male compatriot at all.

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