Invincible God of War

Chapter 3658: The strong gather (part 2)

"Who is this?"

Huo Qilin looked at the white-eyed wolf curiously.

"Of course he is handsome."

The white-eyed wolf smiled proudly.


The fire unicorn was shocked.

It's a little handsome, but you don't need to boast so much!

Tan Wu and Hellshen Dog looked at the white-eyed wolf curiously.

But suddenly.

The Hell God Dog licked his nose, leaned forward to the white-eyed wolf, and kept sniffing.

"What are you doing?"

The white-eyed wolf raised his eyebrows.

"Why is it a bit familiar?"

The **** dog grumbled.

"Damn, you really belong to a dog."

White-eyed wolf cursed.

The Hell Dog also scolded: "Damn, you are the bastard."

"You are the bastard, the whole family is the bastard!"

The white-eyed wolf glared at the Hell God Dog in anger. This dog's nose was a bit savvy, and he could see through his identity the first time.

"Who is it?"

Tan Wu and Huo Qilin looked suspiciously at the Hell Dog.

The Hell Dog despised: "Who else can it be? That's it..."


The madman quickly made a silent gesture and couldn't help but glance at Princess Huofeng in the sky.

"What are you doing?"

The **** dog is suspicious.

"Don't reveal his identity..."

The madman dragged Qin Feiyang, approached Huo Qilin, Hell Dog, and Tan Wu, and muttered softly.

"What are they whispering?"

People from all forces in the sky looked at a group of people puzzled.

After a long time.

Tan Wu, the fire unicorn, and the **** dog suddenly realized, and then looked at the white-eyed wolf again, their eyes became very strange.

"What are you thinking about?"

The white-eyed wolf raised his eyebrows.

"Nothing is nothing?"

Tan Wu waved his hand and said with a smile: "I wish you every success."


The white-eyed wolf was taken aback, turned to look at Qin Feiyang, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"How would I know?"

Qin Feiyang chuckled.

"I think you must be planning what conspiracy?"

White-eyed wolf is extremely annoyed.

The madman said displeased: "Don't think of us like dragons? We are all honest gentlemen."

The words were spoken very loudly, and everyone from the Dragon Race heard them, and a trace of anger suddenly rose in their eyes.

If you want to be nonsense, you can be nonsense. No one cares about you, but why are they dragged into the dragon clan?

You are all righteous gentlemen, don't think of you like dragons?

What do you mean by these words, are you saying that their dragons are despicable and shameless villains?

Uncle can bear it, aunt can't bear it!

"Be quiet!"

The Dragon King spoke.

A group of people trembled, and the anger in their hearts was suppressed.

"What's your situation?"

The lunatic raised his head and looked suspiciously at the Dragon Clan group. Why did they all seem to have eaten explosives?

"There is still a face to ask us what's the situation?"

The anger of a group of Dragon tribes that was so difficult to suppress, rose again, especially the patriarchs of the ten tribes, with their vicious eyes, it seemed that they could not wait to cramp them!

The lunatic retracted his gaze and looked at the white-eyed wolf and said, "Are they sick?"

"Still very sick."

The white-eyed wolf nodded.

The two sang and got together, making the Golden Dragon patriarch and the others almost crazy.

If it weren't for the Dragon King here, there would certainly be a fierce battle.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the unfamiliar faces in the four restricted areas, and said, "Huo Qilin, Tan Wu, who are they?"

Tan Wu secretly said: "They are all old monsters in the major restricted areas."

"Old monster?"

Qin Feiyang and the three of them were startled and asked, "Are they all possessing the ultimate profound meaning?"

"Whether we have mastered the ultimate meaning, then we are not very clear."

Fire Qilin shook his head.

The lunatic asked suspiciously, "Are you not sure about those old monsters of the unicorn family?"

After all, Tan Wu and the others came with the Qilin family.


"Except for Qi Xiong, the old man with white beard, Qi Shaoyun, and the patriarch of the Nine Clan, we also saw everyone else for the first time."

Fire Qilin nodded.

Qin Feiyang's eyes flickered, and it seems that this trip to the Heavenly Clock God's Treasure must be quite lively.

"Why isn't Qi Zhi here?"

"There is also Bing Changtian, Patriarch Huofeng, also did not see."

The white-eyed wolf suddenly noticed the situation of the Qilin and Huofeng clan, and said suspiciously.

"Qi Zhi gave this opportunity to Qi Shaoyun."

"As for Bing Changtian and Huofeng Patriarch, the same is probably true, after all, Bing Ruoning and Huofeng Princess are both here."

"One more news."

"Qi Shaoyun also successfully climbed the Leifa Ladder."

Fire Kylin Sound Transmission.


Qin Feiyang and the three of them were surprised, and looked up at Qi Shaoyun, this person is really not easy.

Perceiving Qin Feiyang's gazes, Qi Shaoyun also looked down at the three, with a kindly smile on his face.

"Then what rule epitome did he get?"

Qin Feiyang asked secretly.

"Not sure."

"After boarding the Lei Punishment Ladder, he has been practicing in retreat."

Fire Qilin shook his head.

"Not easy!"

Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf knew the level of horror of Lei Punishment Ladder best, as long as they succeeded in the summit, they were people with great perseverance.

Such a person should not be underestimated.



Emperor Yu fell in front of the three.

"I have seen Master Yuhuang."

Fire Qilin, Tan Wu, Hell Dog, immediately saluted, but looking at the Emperor Yu, there seemed to be a trace of confusion in his eyes.


Emperor Yu nodded, looked at one person and two beasts, smiled lightly: "Not bad, it's not in vain that the deity saved your life."

"You saved us?"

Tan Wu, Fire Qilin, Hell Dog is suspicious.

"You don't know yet?"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

"what do you know?"

"We learned the identity of Lord Yu Huang from everyone."

Tan Wu is puzzled.


"You have been in the Kylin Holy Land."

"However, don't you think that his breath is a bit familiar?"

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.

"Familiar with?"

Tan Wu, Fire Qilin, Hell Dog is suspicious.

The breath is strange, but this image is a bit like someone.

Emperor Yu smiled lightly and said: "Back then in Hades Hell, I deliberately concealed my breath, so they can understand it if they don't recognize it."

"Hell of Hades!"

Tan Wu, the **** dog of hell, and Huo Qilin suddenly trembled his eyes when he heard the words.


"He was the one who saved you in the underworld hell."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Huo Qilin, Tan Wu, and the Hell Dog looked at each other and hurriedly bowed and said, "Thank you, Emperor Yu, for your help."

Emperor Yu waved his hand.

Tan Wu smiled bitterly: "In fact, when we saw the Lord Yu appearing, we already thought of the person who saved us in the underworld hell, because although your aura is different from the original, your image is the same."


"That is because the breath is different from the original, we are not sure."

"After all, you are a former big man in the Sky Cloud Realm. We really can't believe it. You were the one who saved us back then."

Fire Qilin also followed.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said, "It was the ancestor who saved their ancestors back then."

Tan Wuyi was taken aback, and said, "It's fate!"


Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed.

This is not fate at all, but the ancestors have been waiting in the underworld hell.

"You all come down."

Emperor Yu looked at Yun Ziyang and the others.

Yun Ziyang, masked Shura, six middle-aged people in black clothes, and the fourteen strange faces all landed on the top of the mountain.

The Emperor Yu glanced at the Dragon, Phoenix, and Qilin clan, looked at the black-clothed middle-aged and others, and ordered: "From now on, you will unconditionally obey Qin Feiyang's orders."


Twenty middle-aged people in black nodded respectfully.

People from the Phoenix, Dragon, and Qilin clan, when they heard this, their hearts suddenly shook.

This is obviously intended to show them.

At all costs, we must protect Qin Feiyang's comprehensiveness in the Tianzhong Shenzang.

Qin Feiyang was also taken aback for a while, and then looked at Emperor Yu with gratefulness. Although this old ancestor is still very strange, he has taken care of him in every possible way.

The Emperor Yu looked at Yun Ziyang and Mask Shura again, and said, "You also have to cooperate sincerely with Qin Feiyang and the others. Don't make any disagreements in Tianzhong Shenzang. In short, you must remember that your opponents are only the Feng Clan and the Dragon Clan. , The unicorn family."


The two bowed.


Yun Ziyang looked at Qin Feiyang and said with a smile: "Brother Qin, happy cooperation."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

I did not expect that there would be a day of cooperation with Yun Ziyang and Mask Shura.

As the disciples of the ancestor Zijin Shenlong, the strength of Yun Ziyang and Mask Shura should be very simple!


The voice of the Phoenix Empress sounded high in the sky: "Qin Feiyang, you have taken away the masters of the Heavenly Hall and the Demon Hall. You shouldn't need the masters of my Feng Clan!"

Qin Feiyang's heart shuddered.


The Feng clan wanted to return to the Phoenix God Jade and the Fire Phoenix Sword.

"Fire Phoenix God Jade, Fire Phoenix Sword!"

Shouted Feng Empress.


The two masters of the gods immediately swept out of Qin Feiyang's body and flew behind the phoenix. With a wave of the phoenix queen, the two masters of the gods fell in front of Princess Huofeng again.

"Master Feng, what are you?"

Princess Huofeng looked at Feng Empress in surprise.

Queen Feng said, "You are the eldest princess of the Fire and Phoenix clan, and you must remember your responsibilities at any time."

When Princess Huofeng heard the words, she lowered her head and glanced at Qin Feiyang and the others, and bowed and said, "Wu'er, remember."


Empress Feng nodded, looked up at the sky, and said, "There will be a while before the gods are opened, so please adjust the state first!"


The people up and down of the Feng clan responded respectfully, and sat in the void, closing their eyes and meditating.

The dragons and the unicorns also followed suit.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the people in the three directions, turned his head to look at Huo Qilin, Tan Wu, the Hell Dog, and said, "Do you want to be with us?"

"No need to."

"I also know your concerns."

"No matter how you quarrel with Qilin Holy Land, we will not interfere."

Huo Qilin smiled faintly.


"Our goal is just a treasure hidden by God."

The **** dog bared his teeth.

Qin Feiyang seemed to laugh, and solemnly promised: "No matter what your position is, you will always be my friend of Qin Feiyang."

"Thank you for your trust."

Huo Qilin, Tan Wu, and the Hell Dog looked at each other with a smile, and then flew to the side of the Qilin Lord.

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