Invincible God of War

Chapter 3680: Meet Bing Ruo Ning again!

Qin Feiyang directly ignored it, looked at the three masters of the White Dragon Sword, and smiled: "These two things are controlled by the blood oath, let alone daring to talk, so even if you continue to return to the dragon clan, even if you face the dragon king, you will not There is any crisis."

"of course."

"If the Dragon King is aware of it, or is facing any crisis, you don't need to ask me, make your own decision."


"The prerequisite for completing the task is to ensure your own safety first."

Qin Feiyang added another sentence.

"For this reason, what can we say?"


"Anyway, I'm on your thief ship."

The three masters smiled helplessly.


"Am I a thief ship?"

Qin Feiyang looked helpless.

Gubao said: "Since we want to continue lurking in the dragon clan, it's best to go our separate ways now."


Qin Feiyang nodded, looked at the three masters, and said, "And when you see us in the future, you have to hate us as before."

"This doesn't need your reminder, we know."

"Take care of yourself!"

"Don't wait for the destruction of the dragon clan, you die on this day Zhong Shenzang."

The three masters and soldiers left a word, then turned around and went away like lightning.

Qin Feiyang watched the three masters and soldiers, with a faint smile on his face.

"This time you did a good job."

"I didn't force them to surrender them, but chose to influence them."

"If you surrender forcibly, you may not be able to get what you want to do."

The castle laughed admiringly.

"I also thought of it temporarily."

"After all, dominating magical soldiers also has feelings!"

"Know the reason and move the affection. As long as you show your sincerity, I believe they can see it."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

"make persistent efforts."

After the old castle said, he returned to Qin Fei with the sword of death.

Now Qin Feiyang and Liangzhanjian are left.

Since Li Feng left, the two war swords have been uneasy in their hearts.

Never be true.

Otherwise, he will have to be a cow and a horse for this human kid.

To dominate the magic weapon, it must be for face!

Qin Feiyang cut his finger, and two drops of purple and gold dragon blood fell on the body of the two swords.


Both swords did not resist.

Acknowledge the Lord successfully completed.

Qin Feiyang also appeared in his mind about the two swords.

——Golden Sun God Sword!

——Silver Moon Excalibur!

The two great swords were born in Tianzhong Shenzang.

Qin Feiyang asked, "How much do you know about Tianzhong Shenzang?"

"What are you doing?"

"Please, we will tell you."

Jinyang Divine Sword smiled arrogantly.

Although the blood oath was taken, the blood oath is limited to never betrayal, and did not say that you must answer your question.

Qin Feiyang's face turned dark.

"Tell you, Tianzhong Shenzang is not as simple as you think."

"Savvy, quickly find a place to hide."

The Silver Moon Divine Sword is also unruly.

Qin Feiyang rubbed his forehead, and it seemed that when he would force the dominator to swear a blood oath in the future, he would have to add another one. He must be honest and answer all questions.

Otherwise, these unruly and rebellious characters are really hard to control.


Just then.

far away.

A rumbling sound sounded.

"Fighting fluctuations?"

Qin Feiyang was taken aback and looked up.

The rumbling is not very loud.


The battle fluctuations are also very weak, and it is impossible to distinguish the atmosphere of the battle.


The fighting position is very far away from him.

And this direction...

Seems to be the direction Li Feng is going?

It seems that Li Feng has found the skeleton and is suppressing the skeleton.

After all, there was a battle to dominate the gods here before, and the nearby skeletons must have escaped far.

With Li Feng's current strength, it should be no problem to suppress the skeletons!

"You really, want to keep going like this?"

Qin Feiyang retracted his gaze and scanned the swords of the two wars maliciously.

"We are so crazy, born, what can you do with us?"

The two war sword sneered.

"is it?"

"Don't forget your current situation, the body has not been repaired yet."

"I also believe that the grievances in the heart of the castle and the sword of death have not yet dissipated."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

The sword of the two wars froze.

Jinyang Divine Sword said quickly as if to please: "Don't don't don't, just kidding, what's more real?"

"In fact, we are not crazy at all, very low-key, very humble, if you don't believe it, you can ask about it. Our character is also inconsistent."

Silver Moon Divine Sword also followed with a flattering smile.

Qin Feiyang's forehead suddenly jumped with blue veins.

Low-key, humble?

Poor character?

Can I have a face?

At any rate, it is the master of the magic weapon, don't you think it is against your heart to say this?

He could see that they were two unreliable **** at all.

Blame him for being blind.

From the initial cooperation to the subsequent chase, you should have seen the behavior of these two bastards.

Staying by your side is simply keeping two troublesome spirits.

But the opponent is the master of the magic weapon, and he is reluctant to let go.

Tangled ah!

He bet.

When they converge with the white-eyed wolf, the two masters of the gods will surely immediately become a traitor with the white-eyed wolf, because they are both a virtue.

"Let's talk then!"

"Which way is the exit of Tianzhong Shenzang?"

"How many masters are there around here?"

"Is there an inheritance of the ultimate profound meaning of the strongest law?"

Qin Feiyang asked weakly.

Since he wants to leave Tianzhong Shenzang, there must be an exit.

Neither Little Rabbit nor Yuhuang told him the location of this exit, so he had to look for it himself.

"You have so many questions, how can we answer?"

The Golden Sun Sword grumbled.


"Of course it is an answer one by one, do I still need to teach this?"

Qin Feiyang roared.

It's crazy.

It was so hard to even say a word.

"No need, no need..."

Jinyang Divine Sword smirked.


But at this moment.

The battle fluctuations in the distance became stronger several times.

Qin Feiyang looked up again and looked away, with a trace of surprise rising between his brows.

This is the breath of supreme prophecy...

There is more than one Supreme Profound meaning.

And, apart from the breath of Supreme Profound meaning, there seems to be another breath...


——Super Forbidden Technique!

"not good!"

Qin Feiyang's expression changed, and he shouted, "Follow me!"


He just stepped in time and space and swept towards the battlefield.

"Don't listen to us answer your question?"

Jinyang Excalibur and Silver Hair Excalibur chased up and asked.

"I'm not in the mood to make trouble with you now, it's best to be funny."

Qin Feiyang had a sullen face.

Asking Li Feng to find a skeleton, he could meet the strongest person with super forbidden technique. On this day, Zhong Shenzang is full of crises.


Skeletons should not be super forbidden!

That must be a person from the Sky Cloud Realm.



Or the Kylin family?


far away.

Over a piece of broken mountains and rivers.

The two figures continued to fight in the void.

One of them is Li Feng.

At this moment, I saw him covered in blood and extremely embarrassed.

The other person is a woman.

He was in his twenties, wearing a tight-fitting white outfit, and outlined that petite and exquisite figure vividly. His long snow-white hair was pulled up high and looked heroic.

"Bing Ruoning, don't deceive people too much!"

Li Feng roared.

That's right!

This woman is Bing Ruoning.

Compared to before, her current strength is much stronger.

Not only stepped into the realm of Dzogchen dominance, but also mastered a kind of supreme profound meaning!

"do not blame me."

"It's just you and Qin Feiyang knowing each other."

Bing Ruoning sneered.

The frost in the sky solidified in an instant, and the world was frozen.

——The law of ice is supreme!

Li Feng opened the law of killing, and the blood-colored thunder and lightning poured down from the sky, colliding with that frost crazily.

"Still struggling?"

Bing Ruoning shook her head and sneered.

But suddenly!

She raised her head to look at the void ahead, and saw a young man in white clothes bursting through the air like lightning, it was Qin Feiyang.

"Bing Ruo Ning!"

Qin Feiyang also saw Bing Ruoning, and his eyes flashed murderously.

"finally come."

"Waiting for you for a long time."

"Know why, did I delay killing this person?"

"Because I am waiting for you."

"Wait for you to come and watch him die under my sword!"

"Ice Phoenix Sword, kill!"

Following Bing Ruoning's sneer, a sword shadow flew out of her body.

It is the master of the magic weapon, the ice phoenix sword!

As soon as the Ice Dragon Sword appeared, a terrifying sword aura erupted, turning into a torrent, shattering the void earth, and killing it towards Li Feng.

"You are here to enjoy the pain of losing your partner!"

Bing Ruoning smiled coldly.


As Bing Ruoning's voice landed, the Bingfeng Sword immediately carried Bing Ruoning, turning around and walking away without looking back.

The torrent of sword energy did not stop at all, and immediately drowned Li Feng.

"Li Feng!"

Qin Feiyang roared.

This time.

Even the ancient castle and the sword of death had no time to rescue, so they could only watch Li Feng be crushed by the sword energy.

"I go."

"Even this human being dares to provoke this woman. It's not easy."


The Golden Sun Excalibur and the Silver Moon Excalibur mumbled.


When Qin Feiyang swept over the battlefield, the sword of death appeared, quickly shattering the sword energy, and Li Feng could not be found.

After all, the Ice Phoenix Sword is the master of the magic weapon.

With a flesh and blood body, how could Li Feng be able to stop the blast of the dominating gods?

No bone scum remains.

"Bing Ruo Ning, I won't let you go!"

Qin Feiyang clenched his hands tightly, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and with a sudden roar, he prepared to chase Bing Ruoning.

"Big Brother Qin..."

But suddenly.

A familiar voice came from behind.

"Li Feng?"

Qin Feiyang was taken aback, turned his head and looked around, and saw a blood-clothed young man flying towards this side.

"What the hell?"

"He didn't die?"

"Who was the person who died under the sword aura before then?"

Not only Qin Feiyang, the sword of death, the sword of the golden sun, and the sword of the silver moon were all stunned on the spot, but I saw Li Feng die here with my own eyes before, hell!

Li Feng flew over, looking at the battlefield below, his face was also full of fear.

"What's the matter?"

Qin Feiyang returned to his senses and asked hurriedly.

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