Invincible God of War

Chapter 3707: Not a long memory!

"Qin Feiyang, we can't hold it anymore."

After hundreds of rounds of war, the sword of death roared.

"Surrender if you can't hold it, don't hold on."

"I, the ice phoenix clan, are also willing to abandon the past and accept you."

The four Bingfeng clan spoke.

"Abandon the antagonism and accept us?"

"What kind of stuff are the Ice Phoenix clan? Is it eligible for us to play?"

The Reaper Sword sneered.

"Don't be shameless!"

"We can take you in, that is worthy of you!"

"If you really want to die, then we can also fulfill you!"

The four sneered.

"Do you really think you have a chance to win?"

The sword of death sneered secretly.

Qin Feiyang was always paying attention to his surroundings. Seeing that no one came out, he couldn't help but frown, turned his head to look at the blood ancestor, and secretly said: "Thank you for the old, help finish this play."

"Can't you be considerate of the old man?"

"A handful of old bones, how can it withstand such a toss?"

The blood ancestor was helpless.

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly: "It's not because you threaten them too much. As long as you are here, how can they dare to show up?"


"Able people should do more work."

The blood ancestor nodded, and the force of death rolled out immediately, and then opened the instant time, rushing to the battlefield like lightning.


Seeing this scene, the four members of the Bingfeng clan were full of surprise and suspicion.

How dare to intervene in the battle to dominate the gods?

The blood ancestor is crazy!

Although it was really strong during the peak period, hasn't it been restored to the peak state yet?

and many more!


They looked at the surging death force around the blood ancestors, their expressions suddenly changed.

This breath...

This intensity...

What the hell?

His law of death has actually reached the level of ultimate profound meaning?

Why didn't those three old things say such a big thing?

"Don't panic."

"We don't know that his power of death has reached the level of the ultimate profound meaning."

"But it doesn't matter."

"Now that the three masters of the gods and blood ancestors are controlled by the profound ice hammer and them, we can also wait for the opportunity to attack Qin Feiyang and Mo lunatic."

The voices of the three old men in green robes resounded in their minds.

This is actually just to appease the four.

If you let the four of you know that you have concealed something from them before, it will undoubtedly irritate the four of them, and maybe the target will turn to them.


The four members of the Bingfeng clan glanced at each other without hesitation.

After all, hiding strength is very common.


They volleyed around, around the battlefield, and killed Qin Feiyang and the lunatic.

at the same time.

The three elders in green robes finally moved, a murderous intent flashed in their eyes, and silently entered the mountains below, lurking towards the place where Qin Feiyang and the two were.

Although they can kill Qin Feiyang and the lunatic with their strength, these two young people have always been full of miracles.

So, if you have a chance to kill with one blow, it's best.

"I feel that murderous opportunity again."

"It's not wrong, there are still a group of people lurking here, be careful!"

Qin Feiyang narrowed his eyes slightly, and secretly told the madman.

"it is good."

The madman answered.


The two turned to look at the four of the Bingfeng clan.

When Princess Huofeng saw this, she secretly reminded: "You two are careful, the four of them are the same level as Bing Changtian, and my father's existence."


Qin Feiyang and the lunatic were taken aback.

Exist on the same level as Bing Changtian and Huofeng Patriarch? Doesn't it mean that it is just a super strong person, and has not mastered the ultimate meaning?

They have always thought that these four people are also veterans of the Feng Clan!

"A total of twenty-five people from our Feng clan came this time."

"I, Dafu, except Bing Ruoning, the other 22 people, ten of whom are the ancestors of our Feng clan, who hold the ultimate meaning, and the remaining twelve are the elders of the He clan. "

"Their strength is about the same as my father."

"These four are the elders of the Bingfeng clan, and they have a good relationship with Bing Changtian, so these four masters of the gods were handed over to them."

Princess Huofeng explained secretly.

"That's it!"

Qin Feiyang nodded suddenly.

Because the Feng Clan has only two major races, the Ice Phoenix and the Fire Phoenix, there are only two patriarchs, unlike the Qilin clan and the Dragon clan, who both have ten patriarchs.

of course.

Based on this alone, it cannot be said that the Feng clan is inferior to the dragon and unicorn clan.

It's just that the other super strong people of the Ice Phoenix and Fire Phoenix clan did not serve as the patriarch, so they usually seem relatively unknown and not many people pay attention.

"It's just a super strong, then you go and solve it!"

The lunatic smiled.

"There is no need for me to make a move!"

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly, and as the voice landed, four incarnations appeared and said, "I'll leave it to you."

"Little meaning!"

The four avatars laughed, then jumped and killed them.

"Surely only let the avatar come to fight us?"

"Who look down on?"

The four of them were furious, all the laws were supreme and profound, and they all opened in an instant. Basically, one of them mastered the strongest law.

This strength is also quite terrifying.

Changed to other young people, did not dare to fight at all.


What they met was Qin Feiyang.

Although there are only four incarnations, if you look down on them because of this, you will suffer a blood loss.

"How about looking down on you?"

The four incarnations clamored.

The eyes of God opened.

All the supreme prophecies of the four were copied in an instant.


A melee began.

The four members of the Bingfeng clan grew more and more frightened.

Is this a man or a ghost?

All four incarnations possess the methods Qin Feiyang possesses.

But it doesn't matter, there are those three old antiques!

No matter how strong Qin Feiyang's methods are, he will only lose his life when they take action.


Look at the three old men in green robes.

At this time, it was already lurking.

"Lao Qin, you said, if another group of people have hidden old antiques, do you think we should seize this opportunity to surrender them?"

The lunatic always pays attention to the surrounding movement and asked through Voice.


Qin Feiyang was taken aback for a moment, and secretly said: "The idea is good, after all, the hidden old antiques have the ultimate meaning, but the other party must also have the soul out, and they are not afraid of death, so they must be surrendered unless they volunteer."


"Forget it then!"

The madman shook his head.

How can the old antiques of the three major races voluntarily surrender to them?

Whether it was the battle between the demon ancestor and the seven masters, the battle between the four incarnations and the four members of the ice and phoenix clan, it was extremely fierce.

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic wanted to observe the ultimate meaning of the law of death, but now they dare not be distracted.

at last!

The three old men in green robes shot.

The emergence of the three major laws all burst out a terrifying destructive power instantly, killing Qin Feiyang and the lunatic.

"There are three more?"

The madman was taken aback.

Fortunately, Qin Feiyang has always been keen on killing, and he realized in advance, otherwise he might suffer a big loss in the face of a sneak attack by three hidden old antiques.


The four members of the Ice Phoenix clan also laughed sharply.

on site.

Also Princess Huofeng was a little lost, but she didn't expect that she still had three old antiques hidden.

I became nervous.

However, when he thought that Qin Feiyang still had the Ice Phoenix Sword and the two divine swords, he immediately relaxed, but felt a little sympathetic to the three hidden old antiques.

Because she also wants to understand.

The reason why Qin Feiyang kept preventing the Ice Dragon Sword and the two great divine swords from showing up was definitely because he noticed that there were other people nearby.

In other words.

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic were waiting for these three to appear on their own initiative.



The three old men in green robes don't know!

I thought that Qin Feiyang and the lunatic were already the fish on the chopping board and let them kill them.

There was a smug smile on his face.

But suddenly!

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic looked down at the three of them.

The three of them were taken aback.

what happened?

Why didn't they find even the slightest panic on the faces of these two little beasts?

"Wait for a long time for you."

The madman grinned.


"Wait for a long time?"

"I found us long ago?"

"How can this be?"

The three of them were incredible.

They didn't show the slightest aura before, let alone make a sound, how could they be discovered by Qin Feiyang and Madman Mo?

"Don't panic!"

"What about discovering?"

"Without dominating the magic weapon, they are not your opponents at all!"

The four Bingfeng clan shouted.


"We have the ultimate meaning!"

The four green-robed old men finally stabilized their minds, and the power of the three laws was like a tide, destroying all directions, rushing towards the two Qin Feiyang.

"Your three major races have suffered a lot in our hands, right? You don't even have a long memory."

"Since we have discovered you, then we are sure to deal with you, otherwise, why are we still playing here for so long? We have already escaped."

Qin Feiyang shook his head and sneered, before the Ice Phoenix Sword came out.


"Ice Phoenix Sword!"

"Why is the Ice Phoenix Sword in his hands?"

Whether it was the three old men in the green robe or the four of the Bingfeng clan, they all looked shocked.

Even the four masters of the Xuanbing Divine Hammer were shocked to the extreme.

The Ice Phoenix Sword, that is the master of their Ice Phoenix clan, has always been in Bing Ruoning's hands, but now it actually ran into Qin Feiyang's hands?

What's the situation?


As soon as the ice phoenix sword appeared, the terrifying edge was overwhelmed, and the power of the three major laws had no resistance at all, and it turned into nothingness.

"Give you a chance to submit to Qin Feiyang!"

Bingfengjian shouted condescendingly.


"Also help Qin Feiyang recruit troops?"

The four people of the Bingfeng clan were a little confused, what is going on?

In fact, they had already thought that the Ice Phoenix Sword had already returned to Qin Feiyang, but this fact was too terrifying, and they couldn't help being creepy after thinking about it, so they didn't want to believe it.

"Surrender Qin Feiyang?"

"Are you dreaming of Spring and Autumn?"

The three elderly men in green robes were taken aback, and suddenly laughed angrily.

"If this is the case, then you can only declare that your trip to Tianzhong Shenzang will end here."

Bingfengjian smiled indifferently, smashing the heaven and the earth, killing the three of them.

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