Invincible God of War

Chapter 3728: Super killing sword array!

"It's really a group of ants who do not live or die!"

Seeing this, the Flame Demon Sword couldn't help but smile arrogantly. The blood and scarlet sword body exuded a monstrous evil spirit, and the terrifying edge flooded toward the main rulers and gods.



The eight masters, such as the ancient castle, did not flinch, and the power and edge swept the world, facing the edge of the flame sword.

The world and mountains here were also annihilated instantly!

Fortunately, there are no other creatures here. Skeletons dare not approach this place because of the Queen of Flames, otherwise it would be a disaster.

"The ants shake the tree!"

The Queen of Flames didn't bother to smile.

The law of destruction and the law of time and space are rolling out.


She wants to unlock the ultimate meaning of the two strongest laws!

But this time!

She raised her brows, looked down at herself, and found that her body was rapidly petrifying.

"what happened?"

A trace of suspicion rose in the eyes of the Queen of Flames, and the power of the two laws surged, forcibly interrupting the petrified state.

"The strength of the strongest law to reach the ultimate profound meaning is really different."

The madman whispered.


His blood eyes were opened, staring at the Queen of Flames, but even so, he couldn't really petrify the Queen of Flames.

Because of the two strongest laws of the Queen of Flames, his petrification ability can be forcibly broken.


The blood eye also brought a lot of trouble to the Queen of Flames.

Because as long as the madman keeps the blood eye open, he will always petrify the flame queen, making the flame queen irritable.


The Queen of Flames also noticed the source of petrification, which came from the **** eyes between the lunatic's brows.

I was even more shocked.

Generally speaking, as long as you reach the Domination Realm, no matter how powerful the battle spirits were before, they are all tasteless and useless.

But now, why such a blood eye can actually pose such a big threat to the powerhouse in the dominating realm?

Is this also one of the ten strongest fighting spirits?

But the ten strongest fighting spirits don't seem to have such blood eyes!


It's too late to say, then soon

Ten breaths pass!

Three thousand incarnations have replicated the second hell.

The eyes of God Qin Feiyang's deity have replicated the fifth level of hell.

But still too slow!

Qin Feiyang wanted to speed up, but couldn't do it at all. This was the limit.

"Don't worry."

"Judging from the current situation, the castle can still last a while."

Blood ancestor appease.

Now they can only pin their hopes on the masters of the ancient castle.

"I wonder."

"Why is the Flame Demon Sword so powerful?"

Qin Feiyang said solemnly.

"It's like a god-defying artifact."

"An intermediate-level heaven-defying artifact, which has the ability to crush a lower-level heaven-defying artifact."

The blood ancestor sighed.

"In fact, I also understand these principles, but because I haven't been in contact with such a master soldier before, it's a bit difficult to accept."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

Sure enough, there are people outside, and there are heaven outside.

The blood ancestor pondered a little, and sighed: "To be honest, what the ancestor is most worried about now is how to rescue Li Feng and Luding in the future?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Feiyang's heart also seemed particularly heavy.

A flame queen, a flame sword, forced them to this point, not to mention the flame queen and the stronger Chaos God King and Chaos King City with the flame sword.

And don’t forget.

In addition to the Chaos King and Chaos King City, there are other nine demon kings and nine masters of the gods.

The strength of these nine demon kings and the nine masters of the gods is not inferior to the queen of flames and the sword of flames.

I am afraid that even if he unites with the Phoenix, Dragon, Qilin, God Burial Grounds, and the Sea Lion King in the Sea of ​​Heavenly Clouds, he may not be their opponent.

It was only now that he realized that he had simply underestimated the strength of the Chaos God King and the Top Ten Demon Kings, thinking that there was a chance to unite everyone, but in fact, it was still far away.

The road ahead is worrying!



The battle is fierce!

The eight masters, including the ancient castle, suffered heavy losses one after another.

The Five Dominant Warriors, such as the Wanwuding Ding, are hurting even more!

However, fortunately, under the crazy bombardment of the Thirteen Dominant Warriors such as the ancient castle, the injury of the Flame Sword was also increasing.

"It's annoying!"

The Queen of Flames is still troubled by petrification.

Anyway, the madman doesn't care about anything now, just staring at the Queen of Flames.

And his **** eyes, facing the powerful Queen of Flames, also looked extremely uncomfortable, not only extremely painful, but also a sense of tearing and exhaustion.

This is because of the excessive consumption of blood eyes, and the lunatic is already desperately old!

The time at this moment seems to be very long.

Every second is like a century.

Another thirty breaths passed.

Three thousand incarnations have replicated eight levels of hell.

Qin Feiyang himself replicated the eleven layers of hell.

Seven floors short!

Three thousand incarnations are still ten levels short, and it takes fifty breaths to replicate eighteen levels of hell!

Since stepping into the dominance, Qin Feiyang and the lunatic have never been so urgent when fighting others.


Further away.

Feeling the fluctuations in the battle here, Princess Huofeng was extremely anxious.

Huo Dahong looked at Princess Huofeng and said in a deep voice, "If you dare to go, the old man will cut off relations with you!"

"But they are in danger!"

Princess Huofeng shouted.

"It is precisely because of the danger that the old man can't let you die!"

Huo Dahong snorted coldly, looking at the battlefield in the distance, a murderous intent flashed deep in his eyes. Isn't this a good opportunity to get rid of Qin Feiyang, the lunatic, and the blood ancestor?

No matter how great they can endure, it is impossible to fight the Queen of Flames and the Sword of Flames!

As long as his granddaughter does not support, the three of them will undoubtedly die!


Princess Huofeng held her hands tightly together, her expression filled with helplessness.

This pro-grandfather has already moved out of the words "sever the relationship", what else can she do? I can only raise 10,000 guilt towards Qin Feiyang and others.

Daifuku didn't interrupt.

Because he didn't have the right to interrupt, he didn't dare to stand up to the fire.

In fact, his intention was to help.

But there was no way, if Princess Huofeng and Huo Dahong didn't make a move, he wouldn't even have the qualifications to be cannon fodder because of his strength.




The madman let out a miserable cry.

Qin Feiyang and Xue Ancestor hurriedly turned their heads to look at the lunatic, and found that the **** eyes between the lunatic's eyebrows had burst, and wisps of blood rushed out, instantly dyeing the entire face red, which seemed shocking.

"Sorry, the blood eye has reached its limit."

The madman apologized.

At this moment, he also had a strong fear of the ultimate profound meaning in his heart.

Because before, it has never happened before, the blood eye reaches its limit.

If the law of destruction and the law of time and space of the Queen of Flames did not reach the strength of the ultimate profound meaning, then he would have 100% confidence that he could completely petrify it.

But now, strength does not allow it.

The power of the two laws can easily break his petrification.

Central battlefield!

While the lunatic's **** eyes were broken, the Queen of Flames finally made a move!

The law of destruction is the ultimate secret, the eye of destruction is visible in the sky, and the light of destruction is constantly gushing out, killing the sword of death and other five masters.


The Sword of Death, the Cauldron of All Things, the Magic Orb, the Edgeless Epee, and the Scarlet Longsword, which had been seriously injured, were severely damaged once again, and their bodies collapsed!

If it is the peak state, they certainly are not afraid of this light of destruction.

but now.

They didn't even have a tenth of their peak strength, and they were hit hard by the Flame Demon Sword and the Flame Queen one after another, their bodies dimmed, and their aura seemed extremely weak!

"Son of a bitch!"

The lunatic roared, and his whole body rushed out with a terrifying suffocation, and his body instantly turned into a ten-thousand-footed body, like the return of the former Blood Demon, with a terrifying aura!

"do not go!"

Seeing this, the blood ancestor hurriedly shouted.

But it was too late.

Kill the lunatic in one step.

However, the second step had not been taken yet, a light of destruction struck like lightning, passing directly through the lunatic's chest.

The madman's body of the blood demon was shattered in the void at the beginning, the blood stained the sky, and even the soul was wiped out.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the blood ancestor rushed to the lunatic in one step, grabbed the remaining soul of the madman, and quickly used the power of death to protect it.

"So strong!"

Although the lunatic is in the form of a remnant soul at the moment, it feels as if cold sweat is flowing down.

A ray of destruction could actually crush his blood demon's body?

He has fought countless powerful enemies, and has never flinched, but at this moment, he has uncontrollably raised a heart of retreat.

This is simply an invincible existence of terror!

"Don't be impatient!"

"As long as three thousand incarnations can copy all the eighteen layers of hell, that is their doom!"

The blood ancestor said solemnly.

However, when the voice fell, another light of destruction came, and Qin Feiyang's breath was firmly locked.

"Damn it!"

The blood ancestor was furious, and handed over the remnant soul of the lunatic to Qin Feiyang, carrying the monstrous power of death, decisively facing the light of destruction.

at this time.

He couldn't compete with eighteen layers of hell.

Because Qin Feiyang is copying.

If the eighteen layers of **** collapse in the middle, it will be abandoned halfway.

This kind of thing must never happen!

Because all the bets now are on this.

But the blood ancestor did not use his fists to force the light of destruction.

The law of death is open with the highest and profound meaning, and a round of blood-red waning moon rises into the sky, carrying a monstrous might, slaying to the light of destruction!


The two great meanings suddenly met.

Even though it was just a light of destruction, the waning moon could not be blocked and shattered on the spot!

"Take the heavens and the earth as the formation, use the killing heart as the lead, the killing sword array, open!"

The blood ancestor roared, and the blood spread in the void.


next moment!

Pieces of blood surged out, centered on the blood ancestors, rushing in all directions, but instantly flooded the world.

Clang! !

Follow closely.

A blood sword turned out!

A total of nine hundred and ninety-nine blood swords.

Each blood sword is more than ten thousand feet long, like a blood condensed, filled half of the sky, exuding a world-destroying edge and a murderous aura!

"This is the ultimate meaning of the law of killing?"

Qin Feiyang murmured.

Taking the heaven and the earth as the formation and the killing heart as the lead, the super killing sword array summoned...

The blood ancestor is now the eye of this sword formation!

The blood ancestor at this time, like a true killing god, came to the world, turning this world into a killing ocean.


The blood ancestor roared to the sky, nine hundred and ninety-nine blood swords, shattered the sky, and madly slew towards the light of destruction.

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