Invincible God of War

Chapter 3733: Test!

"But there is something I must tell you."

Qin Feiyang turned to look at the white-eyed wolf.

"what's up?"

White-eyed wolf suspicious.

"Princess Huofeng is also here."

Qin Feiyang spoke.


The white-eyed wolf was taken aback for a moment, then quickly scanned the surroundings and asked, "Why didn't you see her?"

"Are you looking forward to it?"

Qin Feiyang and the madman looked at each other, showing a meaningful smile.

"What am I expecting?"

White-eyed wolf slumped.


"When I heard that this woman was there, I couldn't wait to look around."

Crazy people despise.


The white-eyed wolf stared at the lunatic fiercely, raised his eyebrows and said, "Brother just doesn't understand. Since she is here, why didn't she see her to help?"

"Don't mention this!"

When the lunatic heard this, his whole body was angry.


White-eyed wolf wondered.


"I don't want to mention it."

"I go to reshape the body first, you talk slowly."

After the madman said, he sat aside, closed his eyes and meditated.

The white-eyed wolf glanced at the lunatic in amazement, looked up at Qin Feiyang and asked, "What's the situation?"

Qin Feiyang sighed, "Don't blame the seniors for being so angry, this time they are indeed too much."

"What an overkill?"

The white-eyed wolf frowned.

Qin Feiyang was silent for a while, and explained what happened after the encounter with Princess Huofeng, as well as helping her to surrender the ice phoenix sword and other masters, and giving her a microcosm of the law of devouring and the law of fire. .


The white-eyed wolf looked blank.

Unexpectedly, in just ten years, so many major events would happen.

Qin Feiyang said: "If you say good cooperation, you will only run away if you are in danger, so if they are willing to make a move this time, we will not fall to this point."

"Smelly woman!"

"With so much bargain, I can't help it!"

The white-eyed wolf clenched his hands.

Qin Feiyang sighed, "Actually, I can't blame her, because behind the scenes, Dahong Huo must be causing trouble."

"Huo Dahong..."

The white-eyed wolf murmured.

Qin Feiyang's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice, "Senior brother suspected that this Huo Dahong might have other intentions, so we must find out."

The white-eyed wolf was taken aback, and said in surprise: "You mean, he pretended to be afraid of the Queen of Flames, but in fact he used the knife to kill people and want to get rid of you?"


Qin Feiyang nodded.

"Son of a bitch."

"court death!"

The eyes of the white-eyed wolf were full of murderous intent.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said: "One more thing, we said to Princess Huofeng that you are already dead outside. If she shows up, you should change your breath a little."

"Dead outside?"

The white-eyed wolf was surprised and stared at Qin Feiyang and the lunatic angrily, and said angrily: "You can catch a lot of excuses with just one catch. You just find this excuse to curse me, don't you?"

"Don't yell, you have nothing to do with Lao Tzu."

The madman snorted coldly.

When the white-eyed wolf heard it, he only stared at Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang sneered and said, "Isn't this to improve the effect?"

The white-eyed wolf rolled his eyes and asked curiously: "How is the effect?"

"pretty good."

"At that time, she was completely stupid, and she was sad for a long time."

Qin Feiyang laughed low.

"Do you still know sadness?"

The white-eyed wolf was stunned, and snorted coldly: "She still has some conscience."

Qin Feiyang said again: "Also, your name is Bai Shaotian now."

"Bai Shaotian..."

The white-eyed wolf grumbled and nodded: "This name is pretty good."



Although the Throne of Ghosts and Gods entered the battlefield smoothly, they couldn't get close to the center of the battlefield at all.

Because the devastating fluctuations in the central area of ​​the battlefield were too terrifying, it tried to force in, but it didn't even breathe in before the body was hit hard.

As a last resort, I can only quit.

the other side.

The three Princess Huofeng also faced the same situation.

They also want to enter the center of the battlefield to find out.

Especially the fire.

Looking at the central area of ​​the battlefield, I couldn't wait to find the bodies of Qin Feiyang and others immediately.


The fluctuation of the three thousand ultimate profound meanings can't even hold the dominating gods, let alone him.

What happened here before?

Surprisingly left such terrible battle fluctuations.


His eyes gleamed, looking at Princess Huofeng, coldly snorted: "Aren't you worried about them? Why don't you take out all the master soldiers and try to force them in?"

When Princess Huofeng heard this, she looked at Huo Dahong in surprise.

Huo Dahong said: "Grandpa is not really ruthless, but was shocked by the Queen of Flames before. Since we are a cooperative relationship, we should naturally care about them."

Hear the words.

Princess Huofeng was very happy.

Void Mirror and other masters and gods appeared, and joined forces to bring Princess Huofeng into the center of the battlefield, but in the end they couldn't hold it.

"how is this possible?"

The three were dumbfounded.

To know.

Now in their hands, they have four masters: Void Mirror, Fire Phoenix Sword, Fire Phoenix God Jade, Fire Phoenix Knife, God Phoenix Spear, Fire Phoenix God Axe, and Xuan Ice God Hammer.

There are ten masters in total!

With so many masters and gods working together, they can't handle this fluctuation?

Not only the Huofeng Princess three, even the masters of the Void Mirror, were extremely surprised!

This is beyond what they can understand.

"Have the breath of dominating magical soldiers?"

"More than one!"

The ghost and **** throne sensed the aura of the fire and phoenix sword and other masters, and immediately condensed its breath, bypassing the central battlefield, and swept towards the position of the fire and phoenix princess and others.


It saw the three princess Huofeng and the ten masters.


The Throne of Ghosts and Gods did not know the identity of the three princess Huofeng, could not help but feel a little suspicious, could it be Qin Feiyang's friends?


If it was Qin Feiyang's friends, why didn't they see them before?



The Fire Phoenix Sword yelled violently, and his divine thoughts rolled out, rushing towards the throne of ghosts and gods.


Huo Dahong and the three were also shocked and immediately looked up.

Seeing the whereabouts of the ghost and **** throne was exposed, Dang Even turned and fleeed away.

"Dominate the magic weapon!"

"Hurry up!"

Huo Dahong roared in surprise.


The Fire Phoenix Sword, these dominating magical soldiers, led three of them, and began to chase the ghost and **** throne.

"Ten masters..."

"If it's Qin Feiyang's opponent, wouldn't it be more fortunate if you lead it?"

The throne of ghosts and gods is anxious.

"No, you have to notify them quickly."


It contacts Chilong Shield through the mental contract.

Mountain top.

The Chilong Shield who heard the news also changed color suddenly, and shouted: "The old ghost is in big trouble!"

"What's the big trouble?"

Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf were shocked.

The madman and the blood ancestor also opened their eyes immediately.

Chilong Shield said solemnly: "It has just contacted me. There are three humans and ten dominating gods who are pursuing it."


Qin Feiyang, a lunatic, and the blood ancestors looked at each other, it must be the fire of the fire.

The lunatic's eyes sank, and he looked at Qin Feiyang and said, "Old Qin, you can't let Huo Dahong find us at this time."


The blood ancestor also nodded, his face extremely gloomy.

If Huo Dahong really had no intentions, then seeing them like this, he would definitely take the opportunity to attack them.

And now.

The major dominating sacred soldiers were all seriously injured and unconscious, leaving only the ghost and **** throne, golden crow orb, and red dragon shield. How could they be able to stop the dominating sacred soldiers like the Fire Phoenix Sword?

"What about the throne of ghosts and gods?"

"When I fought with the Flame Demon Sword, it was already severely damaged, and now it is not as fast as the Fire Phoenix Sword, which dominates the gods, and it can't last long."

"Even in the end, there will be danger."

Qin Feiyang frowned.

How unexpectedly, will face such a crisis at this moment?

The white-eyed wolf's gaze flickered, and he suddenly looked at Chilong Shield, and said in a deep voice, "Let the ghost and **** throne take them over."


The blood ancestor and the lunatic were shocked.

"I want to see if this woman is worthy of us helping her like this!"

"But to be on the safe side, Golden Crow Shenzhu, you immediately take everyone away and find a place to hide first."

"I will stay here to wait for them alone."

White-eyed wolf said.

"it is good."

Golden Crow Shenzhu nodded.

"It's too dangerous for you to stay alone!"

The madman frowned.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

The white-eyed wolf scolded.

"I'll stay too!"

Qin Feiyang spoke.

"Are you fooling around too?"

The madman glared at Qin Feiyang.

"I also want to see with my own eyes whether this princess will let me down, but we can't really take the risk."

Qin Feiyang's heart moved, and an incarnation appeared, and this incarnation could completely impersonate him.

"You have an avatar, but Brother Wolf doesn't!"

The madman frowned.

Qin Feiyang pondered a little, and smiled: "Simple, split into a soul, even if the fire hits us when the fire is big, we will not really die."


"We can also split into spirits."

"In this case, Lao Tzu will stay."

The madman slapped his head.

"All stay?"

"The ancestor also stay and join in the fun!"

The blood ancestor chuckled.

In fact, they all want to see with their own eyes, does the fire and torrents hide their murderous intentions? If so, what choice will Princess Huofeng make?


The white-eyed wolf, the madman, and the blood ancestor split into a strand of spirits one after another, together with the Qiankun ring, and important things, one after another to Qin Feiyang.


Qin Feiyang followed the Golden Crow Divine Orb, condensed his breath, brought the masters of the gods, and quietly escaped into the distant mountains.

The one who left was naturally Qin Feiyang's deity.

The Xuanwu world is in his body, and he himself certainly can't stay here to take risks.

so now.

It is his incarnation that remains on the top of the mountain!


The lunatics, blood ancestors, and the spirits split by the white-eyed wolf, placed in Qin Feiyang's hands, they can truly feel at ease.


A moment passed.


Accompanied by a sound of breaking through the sky, the throne of ghosts and gods swept over like lightning. Looking at the top of the mountain, there were only Chilong Shield, the three lunatics, and the incarnation of Qin Feiyang, and they couldn't help but wonder.

What about the other masters?

of course.

The ghost and **** throne did not know that Qin Feiyang in front of him was just an incarnation.


Less than three breaths.

Fire Phoenix Sword's ten masters, Shenbing and Huo Dahong, also chased them.

The white-eyed wolf had already changed his breath.

Even though Princess Huofeng stood with him, she couldn't recognize it.

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