Invincible God of War

Chapter 3740: Demon Sword's helplessness

The blood oath has been completed, so naturally there is no need to be afraid of the flame sword.

No matter how strong it is, it has to be obedient.

Now, Qin Feiyang hoped that the Flame Demon Sword could recover quickly.

Because as long as the Flame Demon Sword is restored to its peak state, in the future in Tianzhong Shenzang, apart from the Chaos God King and the Nine Demon Kings, basically no one will be his opponent.

"Since the deity has surrendered to you, there are things that must be told to you."

Qi Ling suddenly spoke.


Qin Feiyang looked at it suspiciously.

"Don't provoke the Chaos God King and the other nine Demon Kings again."

"The blood ancestor and the feather emperor stole the secret technique back then, and they have angered the Chaos God King."

"Now that you kill the Queen of Flames, the new hatred and the old hate add up, and the King of Chaos will definitely be furious."

"May even take the initiative to send someone to find you."

"So in the future, not only can you not provoke them, you'd better act low-key."

"As for the deity."

"Don't say that there are only fragments left now, even in the peak state, it is not an enemy of the Chaos King and Chaos King City, so don't count on the deity to help you."

The tone of the flame sword is extremely solemn, and the attitude is extremely serious.

"We didn't count on you at all."

"Just your hurt, it is impossible to recover before we leave Tianzhong Shenzang."

The blood ancestor snorted coldly.

"Just know."

Flame Demon Sword.


"We must go to the Chaos God King!"

The blood ancestor spoke again.


The Flame Demon Sword was startled and said angrily: "What reason makes you have to find him?"

"do not you know?"

"The Black Flame Demon kidnapped our companion."

The blood ancestor frowned.

"do not know."

"These years, the deity and the Queen of Flames have been meditating here."

The Flame Demon Sword said.

"No wonder you haven't mentioned a word about Li Feng and the three masters of Luding."

The blood ancestor nodded suddenly and sighed: "To be honest, the ancestor does not want to provoke the Chaos God King, but there is no way. There are some things we must do."

"does it worth?"

"You are going to die!"

The flame sword roared.

"Perhaps in your opinion, Li Feng and Luding are not worth mentioning, but in our eyes, they are our partners and we cannot leave them alone."

"Even if this old life is spelled out, I will not hesitate!"

The blood ancestor clenched his hands tightly.

Not to mention the Flame Demon Sword, even Qin Feiyang couldn't help being surprised by what the blood ancestor said.

Unexpectedly, the blood ancestor cared about Li Feng so much.

This seems to have exceeded the concern for the disciple.


"You must go to die, what else can the deity say?"

"It just so happens that when you die in the hands of the Chaos God King, the deity will be able to regain freedom."

The Flame Sword sneered.

Qin Fei raised his brows and frowned slightly. He didn't expect that even the master soldiers of the Flame Demon Sword level would be so afraid of the Chaos God King. He doubted: "How strong are the Chaos God King and the Chaos King City?"

As a former partner, the Flame Demon Sword should know their strength well.

"do not know."

However, this answer was far beyond Qin Feiyang's expectations.

The Flame Demon Sword actually doesn't know the strength of the Chaos King and Chaos King City?

"Although we are often together, no one knows about the methods of the Chaos God King and the Chaos King City, the top ten demon kings, including our top ten masters."

"I just know that whether it is the Chaos God King or the Chaos King City, they have the ability to kill us in seconds."

"all in all."

"No one has seen their true strength."

The Flame Demon Sword said solemnly.

"Kill you in a second?"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.


"A complete spike!"

"The Queen of Flames back then, because of one incident against the King of Chaos, she was suppressed by the King of Chaos with one hand."

When the Flame Demon Sword said this, it was full of fear.

"No way!"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

This is too terrible!

The blood ancestor looked at the Flame Demon Sword and asked, "Then what level are you the master soldier?"


Flame Demon Sword.



Qin Feiyang and the blood ancestor looked at each other, how strong is the Intermediate Ruler?

I originally thought that the Flame Demon Sword was at least the superior dominating the magic weapon, but never expected that the result would only be the intermediate dominating the magic weapon.

Intermediate-level masters are so strong, how terrible is the superior-level masters and peak-level masters?

"In the face of our mid-level dominating magical soldiers, at least ten lower-level dominating magical weapons are required to be qualified to fight us."

"So, when you played against the Queen of Flames, you seemed very unwise."

"If at that time, all the masters of the gods around you all came and beat the deity first, and the twelve masters of the gods could join hands to create this deity in a short time, then when you face the Queen of Flames, you will No need to work so hard."

The Flame Demon Sword said.

Qin Feiyang and the blood ancestor looked at each other.

It was indeed the case at that time.

First, use the Four Swords of Death to dominate the magical weapons, and drag the Flame Demon Sword, so that the four majors of the Sword of Death dominate the magical weapons, and are the first to be hit hard.

Losing the four masters of the sword of death, the eight masters of the ancient castle, and the eight masters of the sword, it seemed a bit difficult to fight against the sword of flames.


They also do not understand these conditions.

If it is known in advance, it must be directed at the Flame Sword first.

"Although based on your current background, you have a chance of winning against a demon king, but if you face the nine great demon kings at the same time, you still have to die."

"After all, the strength of the Nine Great Demon Kings is inherently good, and the magical soldiers around them are all intermediate-level masters."

"You can't even beat the nine demon kings, let alone the Chaos King and Chaos King City."

"Don't be afraid to tell you the truth, even if the Ten Great Demon Kings work together, they can't beat the Chaos God King."

The Flame Sword sighed.

Qin Feiyang heard his scalp numb, what is the fear of Chaos God King and Chaos King City? He couldn't help looking at the blood ancestors and asked: "Old ancestors, how did you escape from their pursuit?"


"When we were discovered by them that year, we immediately fled."

"At that time, we were only chased by the Ten Great Demon Kings. The Chaos God King and Chaos King City did not personally chase us. Maybe we thought we would definitely not be able to escape from the Ten Great Demon Kings."

"And we are also very accurate. The time limit of one thousand years is just right. At the critical juncture, we escaped from the heavens and the gods and escaped."

The blood ancestor shook his head.

"It was true that we were careless back then, otherwise you would never escape."

"But this time, you have to dare to provoke them again and tell you that there is absolutely no way to survive!"

"Because the King of Chaos and King of Chaos will definitely take the action themselves!"

The Flame Sword snorted coldly.

"Even so, we have no retreat."

"must go."

"Of course, if you can save Li Feng and the others without knowing it, it would be great."

Qin Fei said.



"If it is not surprising, this time your companions must be imprisoned in the Chaos King City."

"How could you lurking in the Chaos King City unconsciously and saving them?"

The Flame Sword laughed.

Qin Fei frowned.

The same is true for blood ancestors.

If he was really imprisoned in the Chaos King City, it would really be a problem.

"and many more!"


The blood ancestor looked at the flame sword.

"What are you doing?"

"This look..."

"Tell you, don't take the deity's idea!"

The Flame Sword immediately became vigilant.

Qin Feiyang also looked at the blood ancestor suspiciously.

The blood ancestor Jiejie smiled and said: "Since you are now your own, then you must help us, and you are the easiest person to sneak into the Chaos King City."

"I know I'm not at ease!"

The Flame Demon Sword angered.

Qin Feiyang's eyes also suddenly brightened.

Although the Flame Demon Sword had surrendered to him now, people like the Chaos God King didn't know it.

As long as the Flame Demon Sword is willing to help, you can easily enter the Chaos King City and leave Li Feng and the others if you find an opportunity.

"Brother, let's discuss it."

Qin Feiyang looked at the Flame Demon Sword with a smile.

"Not negotiable."

"Isn't this asking the deity to die?"

The Flame Demon Sword didn't even consider it, and refused directly, and it was almost useless.

"If they know that you have surrendered to me, of course you are going to die."

"But they don't know."

"As long as you are smart, you will be fine."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

"Don't be so sure."

"What if?"

"If they find out, then I can't escape even if I have ten lives!"

The Flame Sword snorted coldly.

"Talk to you well, don't you listen?"

"Do you know that in your current situation, you have no right to resist at all. I can also order you to do so, but I don't have it. Instead, I will discuss with you."

"Besides, we will also support you then."

Qin Fei raised his eyebrows, quite annoyed.


The Flame Sword was very anxious.

"Not finished yet?"

Qin Feiyang stared.


"At that time, you should plan carefully, and it is best to be foolproof."

The flame sword is full of helplessness.

Why are you so unlucky and got on this thief ship?

"That's right!"

"Rest assured, we will never leave any companions behind."

"Even if we die in the end, everyone will live and die together."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"Believe you a ghost."

The Flame Sword snorted secretly.


"From now on, you will restrain your breath and stay in my body with peace of mind. The master soldiers and skeletons who cannot be hidden by the **** of the sky clock will see you with us."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

Before the action, their relationship with the Flame Demon Sword must be kept strictly confidential.

The Flame Demon Sword sighed, condensed its breath, and entered Qin Feiyang's sea of ​​air with a stomach of helplessness.

Qin Feiyang looked at the blood ancestor and said with a smile: "Old ancestor, this is a big crisis, and I have to count on you."


"Try your best!"

The blood ancestor nodded, also weakened physically and mentally, turned his head to look at the Chilong Shield next to him, and smiled: "Why don't you work hard and accompany your ancestor to stroll around?"

The so-called strolling is naturally to hunt the skeletons.

Only by absorbing enough undead souls can he break through quickly.

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