Invincible God of War

Chapter 3743: All surrender!


How can I have this idea?

The blood ancestor is the brother of the human emperor and the feather emperor, which is equivalent to his elders. It is a good thing not to cross the catastrophe. You should be happy for him. How can you still envy and hate?

Make it impossible.

No longer have such thoughts, it will affect the mentality.

"How about you?"

"How is your understanding now?"

Qin Feiyang looked at Princess Huofeng and asked.

"This one……"

The princess Huofeng froze and coughed dryly, "Maybe because the talent is not as good as a madman, so I haven't completely mastered it."

Qin Fei raised the corner of his mouth twitching, playing with the taste: "Is your talent not as good as a lunatic, or you and the white-eyed wolf are tired of being together all day, and haven't focused on understanding?"

"Are you alluding that brother dragged her down?"

The white-eyed wolf angered.

"if not?"

"When you are in love, it is really understandable to stick together all day long."

"But how many years have passed since?"

Qin Feiyang was helpless.

"What do you know?"

"We said that no matter how many years in the future, every day we get along will be as sweet as when we were in love."

The white-eyed wolf walked up to Princess Huofeng, hugged Princess Huofeng's waist, and smiled triumphantly.

Hearing this, the goose bumps on Qin Feiyang and the lunatic appeared.

Why did the white-eyed wolf after love become so tired?

The white-eyed wolf glanced down at the princess Huofeng in his arms, and spoke to Qin Feiyang and the lunatic, "Speaking of business, it's time to frighten them!"

Qin Feiyang's eyes flashed when they heard the words.

Follow closely.

Qin Feiyang secretly explained his psychological thoughts to the ancient castle and other major masters and soldiers, and none of them objected.


The masters and soldiers dispersed privately, enclosing Princess Huofeng and the white-eyed wolf.

"what's the situation?"

Princess Huofeng was surprised.

Dafu also took a moment to look at Qin Feiyang, and said suspiciously, "Brother Qin, what are you going to do?"

"Don't worry about it."

"I'm doing this for your princess."

Qin Feiyang gently pushed Dafu aside, looked up at Princess Huofeng, and said faintly: "Fire Phoenix God Axe, Fire Phoenix Sword, Fire Phoenix Knife, God Phoenix Spear, Fire Phoenix God Jade, come out. !"


The five masters appeared.

Void Mirror and Xuanbing Divine Hammer also appeared one after another, looking at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang focused his eyes on the five great soldiers, including the Fire Phoenix God Axe, and smiled lightly: "I don't want to force you. You consciously made a blood oath to be loyal to your princess forever."


The five masters were surprised.

Princess Huofeng and Dafu looked at each other and finally understood Qin Feiyang's thoughts, which was paving the way for them in the future.

So as not to wait to return to the Phoenix Nest, the Queen Feng and the patriarch would be against them.

in contrast.

As long as the Feng Clan's control of all the masters of the divine weapons fell into their hands, even the Phoenix Queen would not dare to do anything with them in the future.

Huofengjian, the five masters of the gods, pondered a little, and they all understood what Qin Feiyang wanted to do.

And now.

They also seem to have no choice.

Although Qin Feiyang said very politely, if they refused, he would definitely turn his face on the spot.


The lunatic smiled.


"I didn't expect that one day, even we would not escape your clutches."

Huofengjian sighed.

"Don't say that."

"We have been together for so many years, and we actually respect you."

"I did this not only for Princess Huofeng, but also for your consideration."

"Because I don't want to be your enemy in the future."

"But if you don't make a blood oath, then we'll probably meet each other sooner or later."

Qin Feiyang looked at the four masters of the Fire Phoenix Sword and said.

As for the Fire Phoenix God Axe, there is no good impression.

"Are you sure you want this?"

Huofeng Shenyu asked.

"For the good of everyone, it must be so."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

"Never mind!"

Fire Phoenix Shenyu sighed.

Void Mirror and Xuanbing hammer obviously won't help them.

Moreover, even if it helps, it doesn't make much sense.

Because Qin Feiyang's dominating geniuses are far more numerous than them.

Qin Feiyang himself now has twelve dominating magical weapons, plus the blood ancestor's magic orb, and the three dominating magical weapons of the white-eyed wolf, that is sixteen.

Even if they fight, they have no chance of winning.


The fire phoenix **** jade, fire phoenix sword, fire phoenix sword, and **** phoenix spear all made blood oaths, leaving only the fire phoenix **** axe.

Everyone's eyes fell on Fire Phoenix God Axe.

Although the Fire Phoenix God Axe dominates the God Weapon, but at this moment, he also feels a strong oppression.


It also compromised and made a blood oath of allegiance.

The lunatic Jie smiled and said, "Isn't this a happy thing for everyone?"

Fire Phoenix God Jade, these masters, were not happy.

Because of the relationship between the Golden Winged Wolf King and the princess, Qin Feiyang now controls all of the Feng Clan's master soldiers.

The future fate of the Feng Clan is worrying!

"Is this your idea?"

Princess Huofeng took a deep breath, turned to look at the white-eyed wolf, and asked in secret.

"Like it?"

The white-eyed wolf smiled.

Princess Huofeng was silent for a while, and sighed: "I know you are doing it for me, but I am worried that doing so will make Queen Feng irritated."

"What about becoming angry?"

"The ten masters are in your hands, what dare she do to you?"

"Not convinced, even her will be slaughtered."

The white-eyed wolf snorted coldly.

"Can't say such a thing."

"Aside from the grievances and grievances with the Human Race, it is obvious to all that the Queen of Phoenix has done to our Feng Clan. As a member of the Feng Clan, I must respect and appreciate her."

"Besides, you will still be the son-in-law of the Feng clan in the future, so can't you be more generous?"

Princess Huofeng was dissatisfied.

"Yes Yes Yes."

"I will respect her as much as possible in the future, okay?"

The white-eyed wolf pinched Princess Huofeng's nose and said with a loving smile.

"It's about the same."

Princess Huofeng smiled with joy.

Seeing that greasy look, the madman Yang Tian roared: "I can't stand it, God, come and take these two enchanting evildoers!"

Show affection, spread dog food, why not object, but can there be a limit?

It has been like this, who can stand it?

The white-eyed wolf smiled, probably irritating the lunatic, and said, "Sister Feng, come and kiss one."

"it's not good!"

Princess Huofeng lowered her head shyly.

"You don't love me anymore."

The white-eyed wolf said sadly.


"Too many people."

Princess Huofeng shook her head.

"What are you afraid of?"

"It's a free love, and it's not something to be seen."

"come on!"

The white-eyed wolf pressed his mouth and leaned forward.

"You really can't help it."

Princess Huofeng glared at him angrily and quickly kissed.

"My God, kill Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu really doesn't want to see these two silly missing."

The madman patted his forehead, looking speechless.

Qin Feiyang and Dafu looked at each other with helpless faces.

This is simply not letting people live.


Three days passed.

The blood ancestor returned from sitting on the throne of ghosts and gods.

"Damn it."

"Are you still sitting there?"

"Brother haven't sat down yet!"

Seeing this, the white-eyed wolf stared at the eyeballs, and immediately glared at the blood ancestor and shouted.

The blood ancestor smiled triumphantly: "Who tells you that your character is not good? The throne of ghosts and gods is not willing to let you sit."


The white-eyed wolf rushed up, grabbed the blood ancestor, and sat on the throne of ghosts and gods.

The throne of ghosts and gods didn't give any face, and directly set off the white-eyed wolf.

"Hey Hey hey."

"Brother is your master."

The white-eyed wolf roared.

"disappear as far as you can."

The throne of ghosts and gods despise.

The white-eyed wolf was trembling with anger, and said annoyed: "Brother is really blind, and he actually fell in love with you, something with no conscience."

"Then you'd better dig out your eyeballs."

The ghost and **** throne sneered.

"Your uncle."

The white-eyed wolf rubbed his forehead with regret.

When I ignored the throne of ghosts and gods and made the blood oath, I should say that I would follow his orders unconditionally in the future.

Just playing for him, this is a big difference!

Because of effectiveness, you only need to help him, and you must listen to him if you don't include it.

It's all careless.

The blood ancestor fell beside Qin Feiyang and the lunatic, and asked, "Ting Chilong Shield and said, you are going to the Black Mountain Canyon?"


Qin Feiyang nodded.

The blood ancestor frowned and said: "It is said that this is the former lair of the Dark Demon. Are you sure you want to go?"

"The Flame Demon Sword is right. With our current strength, as long as we don't encounter the Chaos God King, the Chaos King City, or the Nine Demon Kings together, there is basically no danger."

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly.

"Then it seems that you have decided. Okay, let's go to the Black Mountain Gorge. If we can really meet the Dark Demon, the ancestor will just find him to avenge his past pursuit!"

The blood ancestor sneered.

Qin Feiyang asked curiously: "Then how are your gains over the years?"

"How easy is it."

"If you want to elevate a law to the ultimate meaning, the soul of the undead is beyond imagination."

"The ultimate meaning of my law of death is because I have understood it almost before, and I have also swallowed a lot of souls of the undead."


"If the souls of the nine demon kings can be swallowed, I think there will be a big breakthrough."

The blood ancestor Jiejie smiled.


Qin Feiyang was stunned.

Swallow the souls of the nine demon kings? This idea is a bit crazy.

"Then let's go!"

Said the madman.

"Sister Feng, let's go."

The white-eyed wolf awakened Princess Huofeng who had been retreating and comprehending the law.

"Okay, Brother Wolf."

Princess Fire Phoenix got up and smiled sweetly.

"Brother Wolf?"

"You definitely disgusted Lao Tzu deliberately."

The madman stared at the two men and roared.


"It was intentional, what can you do?"

The white-eyed wolf laughed.

The lunatic said fiercely: "I will part ways with him, there will be a period later, not right, there will be an indefinite period, and leave."


The white-eyed wolf laughed triumphantly.

Princess Huofeng couldn't help but smile, and looked at Dafu, "I have to trouble you."

"It's okay."

Dafu waved his hand and instantly changed back to his body.

Several people put away their own masters, they jumped up and landed on Dafu's back.


With a phoenix sound, Dafu took a few people and flew to the southeast with lightning.

Still the same, the blood ancestor laid a time magic circle on Dafu's back, and everyone sat in the time magic circle to meditate.

The blood ancestor stood on Dafu's head and noticed the movement around him.

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