Invincible God of War

Chapter 3746: Hunt down!

They have always connected this matter with the nine demon kings, completely ignoring the other skeletons hidden by the Tianzhong God.

in fact.

Apart from the Chaos God King and the Nine Demon Kings, Tianzhong Shenzang also hides many terrifying existences.

"The Flame Demon Sword, in addition to the Chaos God King and the Top Ten Demon Kings, does the Tianzhong God Zang have any other undead who holds the strongest law and the ultimate secret?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

"Of course."

"And there are still a lot of them, but it's hard to see them usually."

"Although their strength is not comparable to that of the Chaos God King and the Top Ten Demon Kings, each of them has its own dominating magic weapon, and for you, it is also an extremely difficult opponent."

Flame Demon Sword.

Qin Feiyang looked at each other when they heard the words, their eyes gloomy.

It seems that he really underestimated the danger of Tianzhong Shenzang.

Judging from the current situation, it really has nothing to do with the Chaos God King and the Nine Demon Kings. It is the other undead who are chasing and killing the Qilin family.

And among these undead, there are people who hold the ultimate meaning of the strongest law.

There should be more than one.

Because if there are only one or two, it can't threaten the Qilin family.

"It is estimated that the Qilin clan provoked them, otherwise they would not be so chasing after them."

The Flame Sword sneered.

"What does this mean?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

"These undead who master the strongest law and the profound meaning are generally hidden in a certain place for retreat and practice, and rarely walk outside."

"Even if someone breaks into their territory, most of them will choose to ignore it."

"After all, with such a strength as them, I disdain to shoot at the weak."

"So, if they didn't provoke them, they wouldn't hunt and kill someone like this."

The flame sword said with a smile, with a sense of gloating.

"But no wonder we are."

"Our purpose of coming to Tianzhong Shenzang is to find divine things and good fortune."

"It's really to blame. I have to blame the person who opened the Tianzhong Shenzang. If he does not open the Tianzhong Shenzang, we will come in?"

The blood ancestor snorted coldly.

"There are many things, and there are many reasons for them."

"In short, the strong is respected."

"But your strength is really not very good in Tianzhong Shenzang."

Flame Demon Sword laughed unabashedly.

"That's just now. In the future, who is strong and who is weak is not necessarily true!"

The blood ancestor clenched his hands.

Had it not been calculated by the Dragon King three years ago, what is his strength now?

"The deity will wait and see!"

Jie Jie said with a smile.


The blood ancestor looked at the Heavenly Star Divine Sword.


The Heavenly Star Divine Sword took a few people, slashed out of the glacier like lightning, and entered the plain outside.

Outside the glacier, there is a vast plain.

The plains were also devastated, with traces of fighting clearly visible.

And on the broken ground, a lot of blood can be seen.

Although the bloodstains did not dry up, the fluctuations in the battle had long since disappeared. Obviously, the battle here has taken place for a long time.

As for blood.

Such as their current cultivation base, in the absence of a special illusion, the blood will generally not dry up.

Two days later.

Following the traces of the battle, they finally traversed the entire plain, came to the sky above the edge, and saw two more words.

And these two characters are written on the plain below, composed of sword marks.

If you don't look closely, you think it's a crack left by the battle.

After careful observation by a group of people, they found that it was the word ‘Southwest’.

"Sure enough, as we expected, they fled to the southwest."

"Then their destination must be the exit of Zhengxi Tianzhong Shenzang!"

A group of people continued to follow.

After leaving the plains, they never encountered any signs of fighting again, and they should have been temporarily out of danger.

Don't know how many people are left in the Kylin clan?

Although there were more than 20 people from the Qilin clan, the corpses on the glacier with broken arms were too messy to tell the specific number of people.


And at the moment.


Over a mountain and river.

A flaming long sword, with two people and two beasts, fleeing frantically.

This long sword is like fire, and there seems to be a beast shadow hovering a fire unicorn on it. This is the patriarch of the fire unicorn clan, Qi Zhi's master of the magic weapon, the unicorn sword!

The two and two beasts are Qi Shaoyun, Tan Wu, Huo Qilin, and Hell Dog!

at this time.

All four of them were missing arms and legs, and were extremely embarrassed.

Even the Qilin Excalibur has cracks on its body.

Their faces are also extremely gloomy.

And just behind!

There is also a dominating **** soldier, that is a black battle axe with a black tiger pattern engraved on it, and the blade of the axe shone with astonishing cold light.

at this time.

This black tomahawk is carrying a dozen people and a group of skeletons, chasing Qi Shaoyun frantically!

The dozen or so people, including men and women, old and young, each exudes a frightening atmosphere.

Especially the three men and two women headed by the power of the laws lingering around the body are all the strongest laws, and in terms of strength, they have all reached the level of ultimate profound meaning!

As for the skeletons, there are two to three hundred.

Among them, most of them are blood and golden skulls, and a small part are purple and gold skulls.

Without exception.

Whether it was the dozen or so people or the skeletons, staring at the Qi Shaoyun who was fleeing ahead, there was an astonishing fierce light in their eyes!

"It's been half a year, still chasing us, endless?"

The Hell Dog turned his head and looked at the dozens and skeletons behind him, and couldn't help roaring in anger.

Tan Wu said solemnly: "It seems that if we don't kill us this time, they will never give up."

"There will be no more fighting."

"The ancestors and clan elders worked hard to fight for us to survive. There must be no more sacrifices."

Qi Shaoyun whispered, his eyes full of sadness.

Not only the great ancestors and clan elders all died in battle, but the great masters and soldiers also suffered heavy losses.

Take Qilin Excalibur as an example, it is impossible to exert its peak combat power at all.

The degree of danger of Tianzhong Shenzang far exceeded their imagination.

"What are you going to escape to?"

The **** dog roared.

"What can we do besides escape?"

"Now I only hope that I can meet people from the Dragon and Feng clan, and there is still a glimmer of hope for joining them."

Qi Shaoyun shook his head.

"Meet them?"

"Huh, it's good not to fall into trouble when meeting them."

"The emperor hopes to meet Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf."

"Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf are much more reliable than the Feng and Dragon tribes."

The Hell Dog sneered.


Qi Shaoyun was taken aback, nodded and smiled.


"We are all going to live."

Huo Qilin glanced at the dozens and skeletons behind his eyes, and said solemnly.


"None of us left the soul to save our lives. If we die here, then everything is over."

Qi Shaoyun nodded.

If these words were heard by Qin Feiyang and others, he would definitely be shocked.

They didn't even leave a soul in the Qilin Holy Land.

This is desperate behavior!

If it is dead, it is completely gone.

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