Invincible God of War

Chapter 3748: Yin and Yang mirror, Yun Ziyang!

The danger of Tianzhong God hiding is everywhere.

Although good fortune can be seen everywhere, but if you want to get these good fortune, it depends on whether you have strong means.

Under the leadership of the Heavenly Star Divine Sword, Qin Feiyang and others have been tracking it for a month.

But this month passed, and did not catch up with Qi Shaoyun and others.

Not only Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf, but the old man with white beard became more anxious.

Fortunately, every some distance, the marks left by Qi Shaoyun can be found, otherwise they would all think that a group of people has encountered an accident.

"Don't worry."

"Along the way, they have faced each other more than once."

"In such a fierce battle, the men and the ruling soldiers on both sides must have been injured. After being injured, they cannot play to the extreme speed."

"So, with the speed of the Heavenly Star Divine Sword, sooner or later we can catch up with them."

The madman appeased.

He could clearly feel Qin Feiyang's current irritable mood.

"It makes sense."

"The Heavenly Star Divine Sword is in its heyday, so the speed is naturally faster than them."

The blood ancestor nodded.


"It would be great if the time and space teleportation channel could be opened, or the time and space teleportation artifact."

The old man with white beard sighed worriedly.

Entering a large mountain, Qin Feiyang and others were on the broken ground below, and saw the word'West' composed of sword marks.

"This sign is actually not only a guide for us, but also a signal for help they left behind."

Dafu sighed.

Qi Shaoyun did not know that Qin Feiyang and others were following them.

They don't even know if they can escape to life in the end.


They did not give up, with a fluke mentality, they left marks along the way.

If you really meet someone who is familiar with them and recognize their handwriting, you might follow the signs and come to rescue them.

Although in Tianzhong Shenzang, the probability of this is very small, but there is at least a glimmer of hope.


Cang! !

Over a mountain range.

Under Qi Shaoyun's instruction, the Qilin Divine Sword released a wave of sword aura and swept towards the ground below. The mountains and rivers collapsed and the ground cracked, leaving another mark.

"Hope this mark can really bring us hope."

Huo Qilin sighed.

"We can't count on others to rescue us, we must find a way to get rid of their pursuit."

Tan Wu shook his head and scanned the mountains and rivers, his eyes flickering.


A dozen people and a group of skeletons are murderous.

"I can really escape!"

The head of a black robe old man said with cold eyes.


"If they escape like this, they will have a dead end."

This voice came from the black battle axe, and there was a deep ridicule in the words.

"What does this mean?"

The black robe old man looked up at the black battle axe.

"In front is Yin Yang Lake."

"Yin-Yang Lake has a dominating magic weapon called Yin-Yang Mirror."

"In the early years, the deity had several intersections with it. Before, the deity had contacted it secretly and asked it to help intercept it."

The black battle axe sneered.

"Well done!"

The black-robed old man was overjoyed when he heard the words, and once again looked up at the backs of Qi Shaoyun and his eyes immediately filled with mockery.

Qi Shaoyun and the others didn't know that the crisis was coming, or they were still fleeing straight ahead.

As Qin Feiyang and others expected, their goal was the exit of Tianzhong Shenzang.

Perhaps in the direction of export, we can meet tribesmen and allies.

The so-called allies are naturally the Feng Clan and the Dragon Clan.


Whether it is Feng Clan, Dragon Clan, God Burial Ground, Sky Cloud Sea, or Human Clan’s Qin Feiyang, as long as they can meet, they can help them.

Why do you say that?

Because there are Fire Qilin, Tan Wu, Hell Dog.

Although the Kylin family is in opposition to the land of the burial of the gods and the sea of ​​heavenly clouds, because of the relationship between the Huo Qilin, Tan Wu, the dog of **** and Qin Feiyang and others, people in the land of the burial of the gods and the sea of ​​heavenly clouds see When they were hunted down, they would certainly not die.

and so.

For them, no matter which power they encounter, they can temporarily relieve their urgent need.

Half a day passed.

A lake appeared in front.

The lake is vast and boundless, like a vast ocean.

The strange thing is that the lake is half white and half black.

"That is Yin Yang Lake!"

The black tomahawk grinned.

Hearing this, a group of black-robed elderly people suddenly saw murderous intent in their eyes!

"This lake is a bit strange."

Qi Shaoyun stared at Yinyang Lake, frowning.


"It looks too weird."

Tan Wu nodded.

"It's better to get around."

The Hell Dog also felt a bad premonition.

boom! !

But just as they were about to bypass the lake, a wave of terrifying power erupted from the rear.

They turned their heads and looked at them, suddenly changing their colors.

The five people, including the black robe old man, all exploded with an astonishing force of law.

The black robe old man was filled with a breath of death.

With a wave of the black robe old man's hand, a giant appeared in the void above, which is the ultimate meaning of the law of death, eighteen layers of hell!

At the same moment!

Above the heads of the two men and two women, the ultimate meaning of the strongest law was also revealed.

They are, the law of destruction, the law of causation, the law of devouring, and the law of time and space!


Following the black robe old man's stern laugh, the Five Ultimate Upanishads suddenly shattered the void and blasted towards the mountains and rivers on both sides of Qi Shaoyun.

That's right!

Their goal is not Qi Shaoyun.

And in the blockade route, they are not given a chance to bypass the Yin Yang Lake.

"Damn it!"

The **** dog roared.

As a last resort, the Qilin Excalibur could only take a few people and swept towards Yinyang Lake.


When they entered the sky above Yinyang Lake, an amazing power erupted from the bottom of the lake.


The two men and the two beasts suddenly changed color.

next moment.

The lake was surging, setting off huge waves.

An ancient mirror with a large palm, swept out of the lake, carrying a rolling divine might, horizontally in front of the Tan Wus.

This ancient mirror also looked strange, half black, generally white, two divine lights intertwined, exuding a destructive atmosphere.

"Dominate the magic weapon!"

The two men and the two beasts looked at the yin-yang mirror, and their faces turned pale.

Obviously, this dominating magic weapon was to help intercept them, and I didn't expect that this place was actually dominating the magic weapon.


At the same moment.

A huge peak on the left bank of the lake.

The two figures stand side by side.

One of them was wearing a black long dress, tall and straight, and his eyes were as rich as jade, and his dark eyes looked unfathomable like a vast ocean.

The other was an old man, dressed in a blue long dress with his hands on his back, and his old face was kind and kind.

If Qin Feiyang were here, he would definitely recognize that this young man was one of the disciples of Zijin Shenlong, Yun Ziyang!

The old man in Tsing Yi is also a hidden old man in the place where the gods are buried.

"How could it be Qi Shaoyun of the Qilin family, the son of Qilin, Tan Wu, the dog of hell?"

Yun Ziyang was suspicious.

"They seem to be being hunted down..."

The old man in Tsing Yi whispered, his eyes moved to a group of old people in black robe, his pupils shrank immediately, these people were actually followed by so many skeletons?

There is only one explanation for this situation.

The black robe old man and more than a dozen people are all undead with a **** body!

Otherwise, who can order these skeletons?

"Where are the others in the Kylin clan?"

"Why are they four?"

Yun Ziyang was suspicious.

"Have you seen the profound meaning of the law that the five people opened before?"

The old man in Tsing Yi asked.


Yun Ziyang nodded.

"Those are the ultimate meanings of the strongest laws!"

"And beside them, there is still a dominating magic weapon."

"As the old man expected, the rest of the Qilin clan may already be ill-fortuned."

The old man in Tsing Yi said solemnly.

Yun Ziyang was taken aback for a moment, his face was full of gloat, and he smiled: "This is what they deserved!"

"The Kirin family really deserves it."

"Waiting for Saint Qilin, Tan Wu, Hell Dog, we can't leave it alone."

The old man in Tsing Yi shook his head.


Yun Ziyang frowned.

The old man Tsing Yi said: "Because Lord Yu once confessed that they are all Qin Feiyang's best friends."

"Are they friends of Qin Feiyang?"

"Why don't I know about this?"

Yun Ziyang was shocked.

"As soon as they arrived in the Heavenly Cloud Realm, they entered the Qilin Holy Land and never showed up outside."

"Remember the last time Qin Feiyang and the others broke into the Kylin Holy Land?"

"They just went to find Huo Qilin, Tan Wu, Hell Dog, and an uncle of the animal in their mouth."

"And these people have a connection with Lord Yu Huang."

"Master Yu was in the lower realm and helped them."

The old man in Tsing Yi said.

"That's it."

Yun Ziyang nodded suddenly, frowning and said, "That said, we can't help but die?"

"Of course not."

"Besides, when we come here, aren't we just looking for an opportunity to surrender this yin and Yang mirror?"


"The situation now seems a little bit optimistic."

The old man in Tsing Yi scanned the Yin Yang mirror, the black battle axe, the black robe old man and others, as well as the hundreds of skeletons, frowning.



The mood of Qi Shaoyun and others sank to the bottom.

Unexpectedly, the old man in black robe and others actually have helpers?

"You can't just sit and wait, just get out!"

Tan Wu looked at Qi Shaoyun and roared.

Qi Shaoyun returned to his senses, with a ray of madness in his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, another eight masters appeared!


"Except for the Heavenly Star Divine Sword, the other nine dominating divine weapons are actually on them."

"In that case, the members of the Qilin clan have almost all joined together."

Yun Ziyang was surprised.

"But it also reflects from the other side that the other members of the Qilin clan have indeed encountered accidents, otherwise these dominating magical soldiers will not all be on Qi Shaoyun."

"These undead are definitely more than the battle axe dominating the magic weapon!"

"It seems we have to re-plan."

The old man in Tsing Yi said solemnly.

If there were only five people, including the black battle axe and the old man in black, even if they all mastered the strongest law and ultimate meaning, they would not be able to beat the nine masters of Qi Shaoyun.

Not to mention chasing Qi Shaoyun and others like this!

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