Invincible God of War

Chapter 3773: Old poison!

A tall and majestic summit is located in a huge building.

This is an ancient temple.

Gao Baizhang, the whole body is blood red, filled with a terrible evil spirit.

This place is darker than other places, and the void is also filled with wisps of blood mist, like a **** of the underworld.

Most critical.

In all directions, whether it is the undead or the master of the gods, they dare not approach this place for half a step, as if this is a forbidden zone that must not be set foot!


The gate of the ancient temple is closed.

That is, in the closed hall, there was a blood-clothed child sitting cross-legged.

This child, who was only seven or eight years old, was wearing a blood-red long dress and his hair was blood-red. The whole figure seemed to have just been soaked in blood.

He closed his eyes, seemed to be meditating, and seemed to fall into a deep sleep, looking very peaceful, but there was a strong suffocation between his brows!

"There is news from the master gods."


A voice sounded in the void of the hall.

The blood-clothed child moved his eyelids, but did not open his eyes, and asked, "What news?"

"They found the blood ancestor."

The voice sounded again.

"Blood Progenitor!"

The blood-clothed child finally opened his eyes, revealing two crimson pupils, as if inside those pupils, there were two seas of blood surging.


He got up again, took a step forward, appeared outside the ancient temple, looked at the ancient temple in front of him and said, "Lead the way."

The Scarlet Ancient Temple, located on the top of the mountain, rose into the sky, carrying the blood-clothed children, turning into a **** light, and pierced through the air like lightning.

Wherever they went, whether it was a skeleton or an undead condensed from the flesh, they knelt down and bowed.


Three more days passed.

Another vast mountain and river!

This place is shrouded in flames all year round, the earth is red, and the magma is rolling, like a hot furnace.

This is the Flame Mountain!

Whoosh! !

A group of people skimmed over the edge of the mountain and looked at the Flame Mountain.

"That's it."

A cold and proud woman spoke.

It is Qiao Xue.

The lunatic sensed for a moment, and he laughed: "I didn't notice the aura of the law of fire. Looking at this place is purely a volcano, it's nothing to worry about."

"Where is Zhiyang Thunder Fire?"

Qin Feiyang turned to look at Qiao Xue and asked.

"It's in the crater in the middle of the mountain."

Qiao Xue said.


Qin Feiyang waved his hand, and the group of people entered the sky above the mountain range and went straight to the center.

After a while.

They saw the crater.

The crater is about a hundred meters high, and slices of crimson magma are constantly gushing out of it.


Qiao Xue frowned as she looked at the crater.


Qin Feiyang and others were suspicious.

Qiao Xue scanned the crater and said: "I used to be here, and I could sense the thunder and fire of the sun from far away. Why can't I sense anything now?"

Qin Feiyang and the others were taken aback for a moment, their divine thoughts rolled out, rushing in all directions.


A group of people couldn't help frowning.

In this mountain range, and at the bottom of the mountain range, apart from the flames and magma, there is no sun and thunder at all.

"It seems to have been taken away by other undead."

Li Chongsheng turned to look at Qin Feiyang, and shook his head regretfully.

"It's really unlucky to run all the way, but it's a waste of time."

Yun Ziyang was quite upset.

"It's a very common thing, it's nothing to be angry."

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly.

Although Qiao Xue and Li Chongsheng had no interest in the Thunder and Fire of the Sun, they did not mean other undead, nor were they interested.

Such as the black robe old man.

Isn't the Universe Ring sealed with a Sun Thunder and Fire?

The lunatic turned his head to look at Li Chongsheng and Qiao Xue, and asked, "You seem to have said that there is an undead in a nearby valley? Could he take it away?"


"I will take you over."

"However, it is best to keep your breath away so as not to startle him and slip away early."

Qiao Xuedao.

After hearing the words, everyone converged, and followed Qiao Xue to the outside of the mountain range.

About half a day.

They came silently to a barren mountain.

Looking around, the entire barren mountain was filled with a layer of miasma, and the vegetation rotted like a dead zone.

"He hasn't left yet."

Qiao Xue glanced at the miasma in the barren mountain, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Why see?"

Qin Feiyang was puzzled by several people.

"Because this miasma is one of his methods."

Qiao Xue smiled.


Qin Feiyang and others were even more puzzled.

Miasma can also be used as a means of attack?

"Don't underestimate these miasma."

"This is actually toxic."

"Because this person is an old poison in itself."

"A hair and a drop of sweat are poisonous."

Qiao Xue explained.

"So exaggerated?"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

"It's not an exaggeration at all."

"He likes all kinds of highly toxic substances, and he likes to feed on these highly toxic substances. To him, nothing in the world is more tempting than poison."

"all in all."

"The more poisonous things, the more interested he is."

"It may be related to his physique, or it may be due to other reasons. He is not afraid of any poisons. Even those poisons that kill us instantly are the same as delicious food in his eyes."

"And these miasma are the poisonous gas naturally emitted from his body."

Qiao Xuedao.

"I go."

"Really an old poison."

The lunatic was secretly speechless.

"So be careful later."

"To be honest, I don't want to provoke him at all."

"The last time we saw him, we had a few conversations face-to-face, and the result was almost poisonous. If I hadn't used the force of the law to expel the poison in time, I'm afraid I would have encountered an accident.

Qiao Xue's face was extremely solemn.

"Even the strong who dominate the realm can be poisoned?"

Qin Feiyang and others were surprised.


Qiao Xue nodded.

Qin Feiyang and the others looked at each other, it seemed that they really had to be careful.

"I know something about this old poison. Although it's terrible, it's a lot worse than another old poison."

Li Chongsheng said solemnly.

"You mean him?"

Qiao Xue looked at Li Chongsheng suspiciously.


Li Chongsheng nodded.

Qiao Xue was immediately agitated, with fear in her eyes.

"There is another old poison?"

Qin Feiyang and others were surprised.


"This old poison is the Ten Thousand Poison Demon King, one of the ten great demon kings."

"It is said that this person was born with a special physique that is extremely poisonous. The poisonous gas in his body is said to be able to contend only with the master of the gods and the ultimate secret."

Li Chongsheng said.


Qin Feiyang set off stormy waves in his heart.

This is too scary!

If this kind of person descends into the sky cloud realm, wouldn't it turn the sky cloud realm into a place of death in minutes?

"I hope I won't meet the Poison Lord in the future!"

Li Chongsheng shook his head and sighed. He looked at the miasma in the barren mountain and asked, "Sister Xue, these poisonous gases shouldn't pose a threat to us?"

Qiao Xue said: "With our strength, it won't be possible for a short time, but over time, it will be poisonous."

"Then a quick fight!"

A cold light flashed in Li Chongsheng's eyes.

Since Qiao Xue personally said that he is like a child, he has been working hard to change.

Compared to before, now, he has become a lot more calm.


A group of people rushed into the barren mountain, and poisonous gas suddenly poured in from all directions, and an unbearable itching appeared on their bodies, as if countless small bugs crawled on them, gnawing their flesh and blood.

They don't dare to use the power of law to expel them, so they can only endure it.

About ten breaths.

They finally saw a wooden building.

The wooden building fell beside a lake.

The water of the lake was a strange green color. There is no doubt that the lake water must also contain highly poisonous.

"Have friends come from afar."


A hoarse voice rang from the wooden building.


Qin Feiyang and others were surprised.

Have actually found them?

How did you find it?

To know.

They didn't show any breath during the whole process, let alone make any movement.

Even the Nine Flames God Cudgel was like a ghost.

"Snow sister?"

Li Chongsheng turned to look at Qiao Xue.

"I met him once."

Qiao Xue shook her head.

Obviously don't know what's going on?


Now that it has been discovered, there is nothing to hide.

Qin Feiyang and others turned on the power of the law to dissipate the poisonous gas in and inside the body.

Within ten breaths, a large amount of poison gas has penetrated into their flesh and bones, and they can feel that the flesh and bones are rotting a little bit.

If this is not expelled quickly, it is estimated that even their whole person will turn into blood.

And they also found out.

The power of the law of the Fifth Profound Truth cannot expel these poisonous gases. It can only be expelled or refined by the law of the highest Profound Strength.

This is incredible!

The mere poisonous gas can reach the highest level of profundity?

For them, it is simply unheard of.

It turns out that poison can be so strong.

"must be careful."

Qinglong secretly told.

They haven't officially met yet, this old poison has brought such a terrible crisis to them, and naturally they dare not care about it.

Qin Feiyang landed in front of the wooden building, and said, "Junior Qin Feiyang, he hastily visited the door, and I hope my seniors will forgive me."

"Qin Feiyang?"

The killing domain's voice was taken aback, it seemed a bit unexpected, and it seemed that he knew the chasing order of the Chaos God King.


The door slowly opened.

An old man in a black-gray robe walked out of the wooden building.

With a crutch in his hand, he was skinny and trembling, as if it would fall when the wind blows, but the deep sunken eye sockets and snake-like pupils gave a dangerous breath.

On its body, there are also patches of black and gray air currents.

This is the poison gas!

The poisonous gas has already materialized, and one can imagine how amazing the toxins in his body are.

"It's really you."

The old poison looked at Qin Feiyang, and smiled hoarsely, but the laughter showed a bitter coldness.

"It's really an honor for the junior to be known by the senior."

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly.

The old poison was stunned, he was not nervous at all when facing him? Then he looked at the lunatic, Yun Ziyang, Qinglong, Dafu, Li Chongsheng, Qiao Xue...

"Qiao Xue?"

When he looked at Qiao Xue, the old poison was shocked.

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