Invincible God of War

Chapter 3799: Business is coming


At this time.

The Dark Lord's calamity has also come, and the terrifying heavenly majesty has enveloped all directions.

The big man in black looked up, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and asked, "Is the Dark Demon Lord also trying to cross the catastrophe because of the undead Pill Breaking Pill?"


The madman nodded.

"This Heavenly Tribulation is too strong!"

The man in black said solemnly.

"Of course."

"If you don't have the help of six or seven dominating magical soldiers, don't think about successfully crossing the catastrophe."

Lunatic said.


"Need so many masters?"

The man in black was surprised.


"Otherwise what do you think?"

The madman nodded.

"Then how can I survive the catastrophe later?"

"I don't even have a master soldier."

The man in black had a pale face.

If you can't successfully overcome the catastrophe, then you can count as the Undead Breaking Pill, what's the use?

"Doesn't rule the magic weapon?"

"Then you are hopeless."

The madman shook his head.

and many more!

Isn't this another business opportunity?

And this business opportunity is to help these undead cross the robbery.

These undead, even if there is a dominating magic weapon, there will be at most one.

A dominating magic weapon is useless at all.

So when crossing the robbery, they definitely need help.

Thought of this!

The lunatic looked at the man in black and smiled: "Actually, we still have a service."

"What service?"

The man in black looked at the lunatic in doubt.

"The service to help cross the robbery."

The madman laughed.

"And this service?"

The man in black was surprised.

"of course."

"Well, this is a one-stop service, guaranteed to satisfy you."

"However, if you want to enjoy this service, you must have..."

The madman rubbed his fingers, his eyes were full of smirks, just like a profiteer.

"Understand, pay!"

The black man nodded.


The madman laughed.

"Then this help to cross the robbery? How much is the payment?"

Asked the black man.

"Look, the Undead Breaks the Barrier Pill requires hundreds of medicinal materials, and in order to take care of you, we have posted other medicinal materials upside down. To put it bluntly, this is a loss of money."

The madman sighed.

"Understood, thank you for taking care of us."

The man in black nodded, thanking him again and again.

"In exchange for your thank you, our effort is worth it."

"As for crossing the robbery..."

"We are also based on the principle of conscience, just like helping you refine the Undead Breaking Pill, the epitome of two common laws, or the epitome of the strongest law, to help overcome the catastrophe."

"This is not too much!"

The madman smiled.

"Not too much."

The black man waved his hand quickly.

As long as he can successfully overcome the catastrophe, let alone the epitome of one or two laws, he is willing to epitomize the four or five laws.

"Then do you bring so many microcosms of the laws?"

"If it doesn't, it doesn't matter, we can keep the account here first, and you can send it to us then."

The madman smiled openly.

"You've all taken care of us so much, how am I ashamed to owe a debt?"

"I'll give you a lot later."

The man in black laughed.

"Good, good."

"I like doing business with honest people like you the most..."


"It's wrong, it's not business, it's making friends, making friends with honest people like you."

The madman gave a dry cough and laughed.


Qin Feiyang walked out with the pill, watching the lunatic and the man in black talking and laughing, and said with a smile: "Have a good chat?"

The madman laughed haha, walked to Qin Feiyang's side, and said in a low voice: "Doing business with others must be polite. To tell you a good news, I found another business opportunity and have already negotiated with him. ."

"What business opportunity?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

"Help out the robbery."

The madman secretly said what was in his heart.

"good idea."

Qin Feiyang's eyes lit up, and the sound transmission said: "Brother, that's all right, I didn't even think of this matter."

The madman proudly said: "Of course, I thought that in the ancient world, the pavilion owner of the North Territory Pavilion came to Lao Tzu several times and wanted to accept Lao Tzu as a disciple. It was because Lao Tzu was born with a gift for business..."

Qin Feiyang couldn't listen anymore when he heard this.

I thought what the lunatic was saying, but started to brag again.

Ignoring it directly, he handed the Undead Breakthrough Pill to the black man.

"This is the undead barrier breaking pill..."

The man in black grabbed the pill and looked down, his eyes filled with excitement.

"Do you need help crossing the robbery?"

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile, and instantly turned into a profiteer.

"I want it."

The black man nodded.


Qin Feiyang waved his hand.

Ten Great Swords, Golden Dragon Spear, Black Dragon Mirror, Golden Sun Excalibur, Silver Moon Excalibur, Sky Star Excalibur, Ice Phoenix Sword, White Dragon Sword, Golden Dragon Spear, and Black Dragon Mirror appear.

Qin Feiyang secretly smiled and said, "You all know the situation, and I beg you to join hands to make a lot of money."

"It's a pity that you don't become a profiteer."

Ice Phoenix Sword despised.


Qin Feiyang coughed awkwardly, don't be so blunt!

"So many dominating magical soldiers?"

"Really well-deserved."

When the black-clothed man saw the ten masters, he suddenly felt awe.

"Hurry up!"

Qin Feiyang looked at the black man with a smile.

"Good, good."

The big man in black nodded, and quickly subdued the Undead Breaking Pill.

"You just help him out on the wall, don't leave the city."

Qin Feiyang sound transmission.

Although the major masters and soldiers did not make a blood oath, even if they left the city, it would be fine, but they could not leave a handle to Fengtian Demon King.

"You don't need to remind the profiteer, we know."

Bingfengjian said lightly.

Qin Feiyang's face turned dark, so he really put the word profiteer on his head?



Jie Yun appeared.

The robbery also came.

Even though the black-clothed man crossed the robbery, he did not set foot on the wall.

Because the Chaos King City was in the eyes of the undead, it was a forbidden area. Without the consent of the Chaos God King or the Chaos King City himself, no one would dare to enter, even if it just stepped into the empty space on the wall.

However, this did not prevent the ice phoenix sword's ten master **** soldiers from helping him through the catastrophe.

Because the ice phoenix sword's top ten dominates the divine weapons, you only need to release the divine might.

the other side.

The Dark Demon, who was crossing the catastrophe, watched the scene here, his mouth twitched slightly, and he really opened the door here and started a business.

This matter has long been heard in Tianzhong Shenzang.

So when she looked for the Thunder and Fire, she had already heard about it.

At first, she still couldn't believe it. How could Lord God King allow this kind of farce to happen? Unexpectedly, now, the two of them really started to act.

The key is.

The Chaos God King did not come out to stop it.

Let’s not talk about the King of Gods. You may not know this in the retreat, but it’s hard to know if you don’t want to know about Chaos King City!

After all, the big man in black was just beside him.

But Chaos King City didn't say a word either.

What's the situation?

"Concentrate on the robbery and leave them alone."


The voice of Chaos King City rang in her mind.

"it is good."

The Dark Lord answered, looking at the Chaos King City, he didn't mean to explain, and he didn't ask much.

In contrast, the Dark Demon King's crossing the catastrophe was much easier, after all, the Chaos King City helped.


The Dark Demon's catastrophe was over. When the body was reshaped, the joy on her face was not concealed, and then she did not leave, standing silently in the sky, looking down at Qin Feiyang and the others.

After a while.

The black-clothed man also succeeded in crossing the catastrophe with the help of the ice phoenix sword's ten masters.

The whole person is also extremely excited.

I even shed tears with excitement.

The madman comforted: "Okay, well, understand your mood, from this moment, everything before is over, a new life is waiting for you, come on."

Look, how tiring this business is, not only does it have to be good service, but it also has to comfort each other.

"Thank you."

"Thank you so much!"

The black-clothed man wiped away his tears and fell in front of Qin Feiyang and bowed deeply.

"no, I'm fine."

"Everyone takes what they need..."


"I mean, we are also very pleased to see you get rid of the undead body."

The madman laughed.

The man in black shook his head and smiled, took out three iron boxes from Qiankun Ring, and handed them in front of them.

The lunatic's eyes suddenly flashed green.

Three boxes.

In that, there must be a microcosm of the strongest law!

"Then we're welcome."

The madman chuckled, took the box, opened it, and looked blank.

The three boxes are actually the epitome of the strongest law!

They are the law of death, the law of time and space, and the law of devouring.

Qin Feiyang looked at these three miniatures with a look of stunned expression. Then he looked at the man in black and asked, "Did you get it wrong?"

Refining the pill and helping to overcome the catastrophe, in total only the epitome of the two strongest laws is needed.

"That's right."

"The epitome of these three strongest laws are for you."

"For me, even the epitome of the 30 strongest laws is not as important as getting rid of the undead and being a man again."

"I just hope you don't dislike it."

The black man said.

"Neither dislike it nor dislike it."

The lunatic waved his hand quickly.

How can you dislike such a good thing? Hopefully there will be more.


"Finally, thank you again."

"I won't bother you."

The black man bowed again to the two.

"Okay, go slowly."

"If you have any friends around, even let them find us. For your honesty, we can give them a 20% discount."

The madman waved his hands and laughed.

"20% off?"

The man in black was taken aback, couldn't help but smiled helplessly, and said, "Farewell."

"Goodbye bye."

Qin Feiyang also gave a smile.

The man in black turned around and looked down at himself. The joy in his heart couldn't be suppressed at all, and finally he couldn't help but let out a long scream: "I am finally no longer a lonely ghost."

Then he rushed into the mountain in front of him like lightning and disappeared.

Qin Feiyang and the two watched the big man in black leave, and they couldn’t help feeling for a while. There are many people in the world who complain all day that they are not doing well, but compared with these undead, it’s really unbelievable. Less than one in 10,000.

Because no one can appreciate the pain and loneliness of being a dead soul.

It is really like a lonely ghost, no light, no hope, no bondage, and no feeling of the warmth of the family.

"It's worth it."

The madman nodded.


"A microcosm of the three strongest laws, is it worth it?"

Qin Feiyang cast a blank look at him.

"Don't be so vulgar, please?"

"This thing can be measured by value?"

"Besides, this was given voluntarily by him, not something I had to take."

"Don't give it away for nothing."

The madman bared his teeth and looked at the three miniatures in his hand, looking forward to the future even more.

"There is still a face to say that I am vulgar?"

Qin Feiyang's face turned dark. Do you want to carry forward the three words shameless?

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