Invincible God of War

Chapter 3820: Silly

"What are you waiting for?"

"Hurry up and prepare."

The madman urged.

"What about us?"

The undead outside the city immediately became a mess.

The madman sighed, "How can we care about you now?"

"But we have all prepared medicinal materials."

"Please, please help us refine the pill before leaving!"

The undead outside the city knelt in the void.

Because as long as Qin Feiyang and others leave, it means that they can no longer get rid of the undead.

It's not easy to see hope, I really don't want to miss it like this.

Looking at this scene, the lunatic couldn't bear it too, and could not help turning his head to look at Qin Feiyang.

With so many undead kneeling in front of them, how can they be indifferent?

So Qin Feiyang felt very uncomfortable, not knowing what to do?

Yun Ziyang held his head and looked at Qin Feiyang and said: "Don't be so nervous. It was just my guess. It may not be true. Maybe it is for other reasons."

If he knew it would cause confusion, he shouldn't have said it.

"Regardless of whether it is true or not, we have to leave Tianzhong Shenzang now. After all, the bell has already sounded. Even if we want to stay, Tianzhong Shenzang will not allow it."

The blood ancestor shook his head.

"Let them all enter the city!"

"There are still eight or nine years left, enough for you to help them overcome the catastrophe."


The voice of the King of Chaos resounded in the hall.


The six Snow Queens turned their heads to look at the main hall, unexpectedly allowing so many undead to enter the Chaos King City? This is the first time in history.

Chaos King City was also surprised.

However, he did not go against the wishes of the Chaos God King and said to the undead outside the city: "All come in, but you are not allowed to run around. Leave immediately after crossing the catastrophe."

"Thank you."

The death outside the city was so intense that it immediately flooded into the Chaos King City.

"Thank you, Senior God King."

Qin Feiyang also looked at the main hall and thanked him sincerely.

"No need to."

"The undead hidden by the gods of Tianzhong are all my people. You help them refine the pill and help them overcome the catastrophe. It is actually me who should say thank you."

Chaos God King smiled faintly.

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic looked at each other. This **** king was indeed good, but he didn't know if there was a chance to see the face under the mask of the **** king.


All the undead have entered the Chaos King City.

There is no confusion at all.

Everyone stayed quietly in the city, waiting for the pill and the robbery.

For this, Chaos King City is still very satisfied.

"Then please."

Qin Feiyang bowed his hand as he looked at the Chaos King City.


As the sky shook and the earth moved, the Chaos King City rose from the ground, then turned into a stream of light, and swept in the direction of the exit of the Tianzhong God.

Although the speed was very fast, Qin Feiyang and others standing on the city wall did not feel the slightest bump.

"Old Qin, do you think it is possible, because we got too many microcosms of the laws in Tianzhong Shenzang, so we were driven away by Tianzhong Shenzang in advance?"

The madman suddenly frowned and asked.


When these words came out, not only Qin Feiyang, but the Blood Ancestor and others who were about to leave also turned their heads to look at the lunatic.

"Maybe it is possible."

Yun Ziyang pondered a little and nodded.

"Do not."

But Qin Feiyang, who was thinking, suddenly shook his head.

"Why say no?"

Yun Ziyang and the lunatic are suspicious.

"If this is the case, Tianzhong will definitely let us hand over the microcosm of the law, and then expel us directly."

"But it didn't do that."

"So, it should have nothing to do with the epitome of the law."

"I rather believe in Yun Ziyang's guess that it was Little Rabbit and the others begging Tianzhong to let us go out early."

Qin Fei said.

"It makes sense."

Everyone nodded.

The madman looked up at the sky and roared: "Tianzhong, can you tell us if people from the kingdom of God descended to the sky cloud realm ahead of time?"

Qin Feiyang and others were taken aback for a moment, and they looked up at the sky again.


Tianzhong ignored them at all.

"I thought it was easy to talk, but it turned out to be an old fashioned one."

"It is so troublesome to let the Chaos King City send us, it is better to let it throw us back to the Sky Cloud Realm."

The lunatic narrowed his mouth.


"Others help us are sentimental, not helping us is our duty."

"Besides, let us leave Tianzhong Shenzang early, which is already a great sentiment."

"Now we can only pray for the Heavenly Cloud Realm to be safe and sound."

Qin Feiyang sighed, looked at Qiao Xue and the others, and said, "Move all, don't waste time."


Another place.

The three of Fengtian Demon King stood above a giant mountain and all looked up at the sky.

"How could this be?"

"an early closure?"

"Now there is no news from Qin Feiyang's companions, they are leaving Tianzhong Shenzang?"

The flesh of the bloodthirsty demon has been reshaped.


Over the years, I have been meditating in the time array.

The Black Flame Demon suddenly roared: "What kind of companions do you care about now? Go back and find them for the Undead Breaking Pill."


"We haven't got the Undead Barrier Breaking Pill!"

"How can I let them leave like this?"

The Bloodthirsty Demon slapped his head, his face full of anxiety.

The three immediately turned around and left.

"and many more!"

"It is now possible that Chaos King City is already escorting them to the exit. Contact the Chaos King City and ask about the situation."

Fengtian Devil suddenly stopped, looked at the two and said.

The Black Flame Demon and the Bloodthirsty Demon were stunned, and immediately asked their respective masters to contact the Chaos King City.


They get an answer.

"Really escorted them to the exit."

Demon King Fengtian frowned.

The Black Flame Demon glanced around and said, "It doesn't matter, our current position, which is closer to the exit, than them, we will rush to their only way and wait for them."

"it is good."

The two nodded.

The three of them immediately turned and disappeared at the end of the sky and earth like lightning.


at the same time.

Tan Wu, Fire Qilin, Hell Dog, Qi Shaoyun, and White Beard also received the news and rushed to the exit under the leadership of their respective masters.

This also surprised them.

Originally, they wanted to go on the way and find some epitome of the law, or to surrender a few masters.


After learning the speculation of Qin Feiyang and others, they did not dare to neglect in the slightest.

Because they also know the seriousness of the problem, if the kingdom of God does come early, the Qilin clan who does not dominate the gods will inevitably be destroyed.


Two years later.

The three bloodthirsty monsters finally waited for the Chaos God King.

Two years later, the undead in the Chaos King City had only more than two thousand people left.

The others have successfully overcome the catastrophe and left the Chaos King City.

Looking at the remaining two thousand undeads, the three major demon kings frowned. Not only did they personally **** Qin Feiyang and others to leave Tianzhong Shenzang, but also let so many undead enter the city. This Lord God is also very kind to Qin Feiyang and others. Got it!

this time.

The three were restrained.

Before arriving at the old castle, he stood silently outside the door, waiting for Qin Feiyang.

Although Qin Feiyang made a blood oath to give them the Pill Breaking Pill for the undead before leaving the Tianzhong Godzang, if he didn't stay here, it would feel like insecure.

at last.

Qin Feiyang finished refining the last batch of undead barrier-breaking pills, walked out of the old castle and handed it to Qiao Xue, without seeing the three major demon kings.

This made the three major demon kings very angry.


The Black Flame Demon coughed vigorously, but he could only take the initiative to find his presence.

Qin Feiyang was taken aback, then turned to look at the three of them.

"This one……"

"Qin Feiyang, look at..."

"You are about to leave Tianzhong Shenzang, and you should honor the pill that you promised us!"


"Before it was our fault. We were narrow-minded and repeatedly targeted you. Now we apologize to you and hope you don't take it to heart."

The three of them hesitated, and finally put down their gestures and said pleadingly.

Qin Feiyang looked at the three in silence.

To be honest, if it hadn't been for this sudden change, he would really have fun with the three of them, but now he was concerned about the safety of the Heavenly Cloud Realm, he really didn't feel that way.

"Do not worry!"

"Before leaving Tianzhong Shenzang, I will definitely give it to you."

After Qin Feiyang said, he entered the old castle, retreating and comprehending the law of life and death.

There are still five or six years.

And based on the five thousand-year time circle in the castle, there are still millions of years.

For thousands of years, it should be possible to realize the supreme meaning of the law of birth and death.

If it had been before, he would definitely not have this confidence, but it is different now.

Since the last time he listened to the explanation of the Chaos God King, his understanding of the law of life and death has taken another step.

I dare not say the ultimate truth, but he has 100% confidence in the highest truth of the law of life and death.

Seeing Qin Fei enter the castle without turning his head, the three major demon kings couldn't help but feel hostile. They all lowered their stance and murmured, why didn't they give it to them?

Good good!


Before leaving Tianzhong Shenzang, it will definitely make you more painful than death!

The three of them retreated silently and entered a hall.

Fengtian Demon King looked at the Black Flame Demon, and said, "Immediately let the Demon Fort, contact the God Sword, and let Long Chen and the others wait at the exit!"


"Qin Feiyang's companions are definitely on the way to the exit now. As long as Long Chen and the others are waiting at the exit, they will definitely be able to wait!"

The bloodthirsty king nodded, his murderous intent was not concealed.

Fengtian Demon King said secretly: "Also, let Long Chen keep their bodies, this seat will let Qin Feiyang and the lunatic, the two little gangsters, see them tragically dead!"


The Black Flame Demon nodded and immediately explained the Demon Fort in secret.

If Qin Feiyang knew this, he would definitely shake his head with a smile, and he would still be stupid until now.


West direction!

The huge peaks are towering to the sky, exuding majestic air.

In this area, there are a total of 10,000 giant peaks, the lowest of which is as high as several thousand feet, like a giant sword, towering into the dim clouds.


Like other places, the vegetation is hard to find and extremely desolate.

This is Wanfengling!

Wanfengling is also named because of these ten thousand giant peaks.


There stands a huge peak as high as ten thousand feet!

The top of the mountain is as flat as a knife, and there is a layer of black stones on the ground, and every stone is full of traces left by the years.

In the center of the mountain, a black stone gate stood impressively.

Shimen is about a hundred feet high, and the whole body is jet black, exuding an ancient and cold atmosphere.

This is the exit of Tianzhong Shenzang!

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