Invincible God of War

Chapter 3848: The superior dominates the magic weapon!

A dazzling, a long time passed.

Queen Feng has been anxious to announce her retreat.

Because as long as she integrates this inheritance, she will be the first person in the Sky Cloud Realm.

At that time, all the dragon king, the unicorn lord, and the feather emperor must treat her respectfully.

Who doesn't like this temptation?


To prevent someone from ruining her good deeds, she also ordered Bing Changtian to secretly monitor Princess Huofeng and Dafu.

Because the relationship between the two and Qin Feiyang and others is too complicated.

At that time, she also saw the unwillingness and anger that Dafu showed, so it was very likely that the two would go to Qin Feiyang and others for help.

This is absolutely not allowed.

He even told Bing Changtian, if the two of them really did such a move, they would kill Wuxia directly!


at the same time!

Qin Feiyang and the others have also told Yuhuang and the others about the situation of the Tianzhong God hiding.

Everyone was filled with emotion.

I didn't expect that so many things happened in just over a hundred years.

Especially Huo Lao et al.

Hearing about the horror of the Tianzhong Godzang, I was very fortunate. Fortunately, I didn't insist on going in that year, otherwise it would be really bad luck.

Because at the beginning, they also had the idea of ​​entering the Tianzhong Godzang, but Qin Feiyang persuaded them to go back.

For Yuhuang and Little Rabbit, it is undoubtedly the perfect ending to be able to make friends with the Chaos God King, resolve the grievances that year, and gain so many microcosms of the laws.

"Then what is your current strength?"

"Looking at what Li Feng said before, it seems that you are very good now?"

Emperor Yu looked at Qin Feiyang and smiled.


Qin Feiyang was taken aback for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "I'm just like this, no progress."

"No progress?"

"You lie to the ghost!"

Emperor Yu rolled his eyes.

Have already got the inheritance of the law of cause and effect, so there is no progress?


"My strength has not changed much."

Qin Feiyang waved his hand.

"is it?"

Emperor Yu and the little rabbit looked at the blood ancestors and others at the same time.

For this kid, why is it so unbelievable?

Qin Feiyang glanced at the blood ancestors and the others, winking quietly.

A few people understood.

The blood ancestor looked at Emperor Yu and the little rabbit, nodded and said: "His gains are indeed not great."


Emperor Yu and Little Rabbit still didn't believe it.

"Don't believe me, pull it down."

The blood ancestor was too lazy to explain.

They didn't mention the law of life and death, because they knew that Qin Feiyang wanted to wait for the opportunity to give these people, including Dragon King and others, an extra-large surprise.

"Although my strength hasn't improved much, the strength of the ancestors is incredible, and they are now on par with the Dragon King."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

The three dragon kings master the three ultimate meanings.

Two of the strongest laws have the ultimate meaning, and one common law has the ultimate meaning.

And the blood ancestor, too.

The law of killing, the law of death, the law of time.

Emperor Yu looked at the blood ancestor, shook his head and sighed: "Now our enemy is not the Dragon King, but the powerhouse of the Kingdom of God. If it is true that my sister-in-law said, the powerhouse of the Kingdom of God who appeared in the sky cloud last time is If it’s just the tip of the iceberg, it’s hard to imagine how big a crisis we will face this time."

Hearing this, everyone's hearts became heavy.

The blood ancestor pondered a little, looked at the princess of the Kingdom of God, and asked: "My younger brother and sister, what was the sword light that suddenly appeared in the land of the burial of the gods?"

When Qin Feiyang and others heard this, they also looked at the Princess of the Kingdom of God.

That sword light is not generally powerful.

A total of more than two dozen dominating magical soldiers were smashed.

The princess of the Kingdom of God was silent for a long time and sighed: "I didn't want to say it because it will bring you a lot of pressure, but if I don't tell you in advance, I am afraid that you will be negligent."


Everyone suddenly became heavier. It must be bad news.

The princess of the Kingdom of God said: "This sword light comes from my father's dominating magic weapon."


Qin Feiyang's eyes trembled, came from a dominating magical soldier?

To know.

An intermediate dominating magic weapon requires ten lower dominating magic weapons to contend.

But now, it's just a sword of light, and it takes more than twenty dominating magical soldiers to be able to contend. One can imagine how terrifying is this dominating magical soldier of the Lord of the Kingdom?

"Is it the superior dominating the magic weapon?"

Asked the blood ancestor.

The princess of the Kingdom of God scanned the crowd and finally nodded.

For an instant.

There was a dead silence in the hall.

Who could have imagined that the Kingdom of God possesses such a terrifying artifact?

In their eyes, the mid-level dominating magical soldiers are already invincible, let alone the superior dominating the magical soldiers?

My heart became heavy.

Old Huo suspiciously asked, "Then why didn't you use all your strength when the kingdom of God came last time?"

The Princess of the Kingdom of God sighed: "The last time, it was just an experience for the younger generation of the Kingdom of God."


Qin Fei raised his eyebrows.


"The creatures of the kingdom of God are all more militant races."

"When they discover a new civilization, they will allow some young people to fight, which means they are training these young people."

Princess of the Kingdom of God said.


"Hurting so many innocent creatures is just an experience for them?"

"what is this?"

"Are all the living beings so worthless in their eyes?"

Hearing this, not only the younger generations like Qin Feiyang, but also the seniors like Emperor Yu couldn't help being furious.

It really treats human life like a waste!

"Although I am in the kingdom of God, I have always been very prejudiced about what the kingdom of God does, and I have advised my father more than once."

"Because in their eyes, there are only war and plunder."

The Princess of God sighed faintly.

"What about this time?"

"Are they going to slaughter all the creatures in the Sky Cloud Realm?"

Asked the little rabbit.

"I do not know."

Princess Shen Guo shook her head.

She really didn't know.

Because over the years, she has been sealed in the land of the burial of the gods and has no contact with the people of the kingdom of gods, how can she know the plan of the lord of the kingdom of gods?

However, she knew one thing.

Because of her betrayal, my father must have been furious. This time, the Sky Cloud Realm was afraid that he would fall into a real catastrophe.

Do not!

Not only the Heavenly Cloud Realm, but also the Hell of Pluto, Ancient Realm, and Daqin.

If it is not possible to stop the army of the Kingdom of God in the Heavenly Cloud Realm, these places will certainly be affected!

"it's all my fault."

"If possible, I am willing to use my life in exchange for peace in this world."

Thinking of this, the princess of the Kingdom of God couldn't help but be full of self-blame and guilt.

"Sister-in-law, you don't need to blame yourself. You and your elder brother are in love. You are not wrong. The fault is your father. He is too stubborn and conceited."

"Although the purple golden dragon is noble, human beings are also the longest of all souls. Why can't the purple golden dragon combine with us humans?"

Emperor Yu was very angry.

This is obviously racial discrimination.


"Don't think it's because of you that caused the situation like this."

"Didn't you also say that the Kingdom of Gods are all warlike races, in their eyes there are only war and plunder? So even if there is no such thing as you and the Emperor, the Kingdom of God will still conquer our Heavenly Cloud Realm."

"But now, it's not when anyone blames others. We must unite and tide over this difficulty together."

The blood ancestor also comforted.

"Thank you."

The Princess of the Kingdom of God looked at the two with a trace of gratitude in her eyes.

"It's my family, why do you say thank you?"

Emperor Yu smiled slightly, turned his head to look at Qin Feiyang, and said suspiciously: "Feiyang, I see that badge seems to be in Long Chen's hands, what's the matter?"

Qin Feiyang couldn't help smiling bitterly at the mention of this.


Emperor Yu became more suspicious.

The blood ancestor shook his head and said: "This badge has always been the blood contract of the ice dragon."

"It turned out to be so."

Emperor Yu suddenly realized.

Hearing this, he did not need to explain in detail, he already understood.

The ice dragon's blood contract is not something they can erase, so it can only be handed over to Long Chen.

"Be more open."

"Some things cannot be forced."

Emperor Yu patted Qin Feiyang on the shoulder and comforted.


"I am still a more cheerful person."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

If he really wanted to care about it, he wouldn't sit here so calmly.

The blood ancestor turned his head to look at the princess of the Kingdom of God, and said suspiciously: "Sister, what did the old man say at the time, it was half of your master, what is going on?"

"When I was young, he often taught me to practice cultivation. Although I didn't formally apprentice a teacher, I did treat him as a teacher."

Princess Shen Guo explained.

"That's it."

The blood ancestor nodded suddenly.

"Actually, he did not release the seal for my own good."

Princess Shen Guo shook her head.

"Good for you?"

This made Qin Feiyang and others not understand.

"Because once the seal is unlocked, he must take me back to the kingdom of God."

"And he knows that when I return to the Kingdom of God, I will definitely face the anger of my father, the punishment of the people, and the crusades of the people of the Kingdom of God. It will be a life of nine deaths."

"That's why he has been procrastinating and persuading me, hoping that I can cut off relations with you first, and then take me back."

"Because in this way, he can intercede for me in front of his father and the people."

The Princess of God sighed.

"It turned out to be so."

Everyone nodded.

"That said, don't keep all the responsibilities on yourself. Although this is not your hometown, we are all family members."

"Look at this kid, don't you just keep the power of your blood?"

Emperor Yu pointed at Qin Feiyang and looked at the Princess of the Kingdom of God with a smile.

The Princess of the Kingdom of God looked at Qin Feiyang, her eyes were also full of relief.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said: "Old ancestors, not only me, Daqin also has many descendants of you and the emperor, and I am not the only one who returned to the ancestors."

"You're not the only one?"

The Princess of the Kingdom of God was taken aback.


"In addition to my ancestors and me, there is also a little brother. He has also returned to his ancestors. He may have become the emperor of Da Qin now."

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly.

This person is naturally Qin Haotian.

"I really want to visit Daqin."

The Princess of God Kingdom smiled.

"When the kingdom of God is driven away, I will take you back."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

"it is good."

The Princess of the Kingdom of God nodded, full of expectation.

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