Invincible God of War

Chapter 3867: Lord of the Kingdom of God!

"Princess, no!"

One of the elderly men, his face changed slightly, and hurriedly ran towards the Princess of the Kingdom of God.

"Get away from the deity and let her kneel!"

Shenlongjian shouted.

The old man trembled and stopped quickly, looked at the Shenlong Sword in fear, and said anxiously: "She is a princess after all, how can she kneel to us?"

"She betrayed her family, her people, and the people of the kingdom of God. She is no longer the princess of our kingdom of God. She is a sinner!"

Shenlongjian snorted coldly.

The elderly man heard the words and looked at the Princess of the Kingdom of God again, and couldn't help but sigh.

Although he wanted to help, in the face of the facts before him, he really didn't know what else to say?


Seeing that the Princess of the Kingdom of God was about to kneel down, but at this moment, Qin Feiyang appeared with three thousand incarnations.

Five thousand years a day.

Three thousand incarnations in the Xuanwu world have already copied the two ultimate meanings of the blood ancestors.

Qin Feiyang also hoped that the princess of the Kingdom of God could persuade the Shenlong Sword and Jin Jia middle-aged people to leave.

But after paying attention for so long, instead of persuading him to retreat, he was let the Princess of God to kneel down?

How can this be tolerated?

Therefore, he appeared with three thousand incarnations and stopped the Princess of the Kingdom of God.

"Leave it to me!"

The Princess of the Kingdom of God looked at Qin Feiyang, with a hint of pleading in her eyes.

"It's useless."

"Even if you really kneel down, they won't retreat."

"Because in their eyes, you are already a betrayer."

"You should leave it to me to deal with this matter!"

Qin Feiyang sighed.


The Princess of the Kingdom of God is extremely anxious.

"I know that neither of us is injured, it is not what you want to see, but there are some things that we have to face."

After Qin Feiyang said, he grabbed the princess of the Kingdom of God, stepped aside, looked at the three thousand incarnations, his blood-red eyes flickering with cold, and shouted, "Kill them!"


Three thousand incarnations Jiejie smiled.

Six thousand ultimate profound meanings, crazy to kill the Shenlongjian and Jinjia middle-aged people.


"This account will be calculated in the future!"

Shenlong sword shouted violently, immediately rolled up the golden armor middle-aged and others, and fled away.

This is not the six ultimate meanings.

It is not the ultimate meaning of 6,000 common laws.

This is the ultimate meaning of the six thousand strongest laws!

The ultimate meaning of each of the strongest laws is equivalent to a dominating magic weapon.

In other words.

Now, these are six thousand masters of the gods!

Even if the Shenlong Sword is the superior dominating the magic weapon, facing this terrifying lineup, there is only one escape.

"Where to go?"

The three thousand incarnations seemed to have been expected long ago, and they scattered all around in an instant, besieging the Shenlong sword and the middle-aged golden armor, and six thousand ultimate secrets swarmed up.



There were loud noises, resounding immediately.

Accompanied by painful screams.

A group of middle-aged people in the golden armor suddenly splattered blood in the sky.

Not to mention them, even the Shenlong Sword could not stop the momentum of the Six Thousand Ultimate Profound Righteousness, and the body was crazily broken.

A feeling of despair hung over my heart.

The princess of the Kingdom of God looked at this scene, her expression full of unbearable, she looked at Qin Feiyang and said: "Qin..."

"Old ancestor, I am Qin Shaotian now."

Qin Feiyang smiled secretly.

The Princess of the Kingdom of God was taken aback, and said anxiously: "Don't care what your name is, let them go because of my face!"

"Let them go?"

Qin Feiyang frowned.


The Princess of God nodded.

Qin Feiyang said: "But this opportunity is rare in a lifetime, I..."

"Please understand my mood."

"Although I have left the kingdom of God, I am still a member of the kingdom of God after all. Give me some time and give them some time. I believe that I can convince them."

Princess of the Kingdom of God said.


Qin Feiyang looked at the pleading old ancestor, and at the being destroyed by the Dragon Sword and the middle-aged Jin Jia, his face was full of struggle.

If you let go of the Shenlongjian and Jinjia middle-aged people now, that would be letting the tiger return to the mountain.

But he couldn't ignore the ancestor's plea.

How to do this?

"If you kill them now and destroy the Dragon Sword, you will definitely anger my father completely."

"You opened the Three Thousand Incarnation, the Eye of God, it is indeed very powerful, but Emperor Yu probably has not told you that the Three Thousand Incarnation actually comes from the kingdom of God."

Princess of the Kingdom of God said.


"Three thousand incarnations come from the kingdom of God!"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.


The Princess of God nodded.

"No wonder they know three thousand incarnations."

Qin Feiyang murmured.

"Three thousand incarnations are the unspoken secrets of my purple-golden dragon family."

"It means that no one is qualified to practice except for the Zijin Shenlong."

"Also, even the Zijin Shenlong clan, only direct descendants can cultivate."

"I don't know the current situation, but in the previous clan, there were three people who practiced 3,000 incarnations. The first is my father, the second is me, and the third is my eldest brother."

"You can imagine."

"If now, you really kill them, destroy the Dragon Sword, and completely anger my father, when my father and eldest brother will come to the Sky Cloud Realm in person, can you imagine how much crisis the Sky Cloud Realm will suffer?"

The Princess of the Kingdom of God said solemnly.

When Qin Feiyang heard these words, his face turned pale.

Who knows the power of three thousand incarnations better than him?

If the father and eldest brother of the princess of the Kingdom of God really came in person, it would be a catastrophe for the Sky Cloud Realm!

"Besides, the people in the kingdom of God who have the strongest law and ultimate righteousness are far more than the sky cloud realm. Even if my father and eldest brother don't come personally, as long as they send enough strong people, they will be enough to kill you."

The Princess of the Kingdom of God said solemnly.

When Qin Feiyang heard this, he made a decisive nod to the incarnation of San Qian.

Three thousand incarnations waved their hands, and the ultimate meanings disappeared instantly.


The Dragon Sword has been fragmented!

Even the body is mostly obliterated!

The already broken Thunder Battle Armor and Thunder Battle Axe were even more terrible.

As for the middle-aged Jin Jiao and others, there is only the last trace of remnant soul left.

This is still because of the protection of the Shenlong Sword, otherwise they would have disappeared long ago!

Qin Feiyang looked at the Shenlong Sword with a glint in his eyes, and said indifferently: "For your princess's face, I can let you go, but I have one condition."


Shenlongjian suddenly felt hostile in his heart.

How old are you, qualified to negotiate terms with the deity?


Now it dare not speak out.

The Princess of the Kingdom of God couldn't help but looked at Qin Feiyang in confusion, what kind of horrible idea was this kid making?

Qin Feiyang sneered and said, "If you don't agree, then I will be considered as the King of Heaven and I will come down, and I won't be able to keep you today."

He has already thought about it.

Although the Lord of the Kingdom of God also holds the three thousand incarnations, he actually has the advantage.

Because he still has the eyes of God.

of course.

Nor can you feel confident that you can defeat the kingdom of God just because you have the eyes of God.

After all, as the princess of the Kingdom of God said, there are still a large number of powerhouses in the Kingdom of God who master the ultimate truth of the strongest law.

If the kingdom of God came out, he would be alone.

So now, this problem must be solved fundamentally.

"What conditions?"


A majestic but ethereal voice sounded.


The Princess of the Kingdom of God trembled.


"The Lord of the Kingdom of God!"

Qin Feiyang's face changed, and he scanned the surroundings.

There was no figure in the void where the line of sight was visible.



A light and shadow flew out from the broken body of the Shenlong Sword and hovered in the void in front of the two Qin Feiyang. It was a blurry and almost transparent figure.

Even so, it was like a master of heaven and earth descending, and the void, the sky, and the sea were trembling.

"I have seen my father!"

The princess of the Kingdom of God looked at the figure, her eyes filled with mist.

This is her biological father.

How could she miss it after so many years?


The Lord of the Kingdom of God looked at the princess of the Kingdom of God for a long time and sighed deeply: "I thought you had lived happily in the Sky Cloud Realm these years, but as a result, you have been sealed up until now. Is this the life you want?"

As a father, how can you miss your children?

Although this daughter has betrayed him and betrayed the kingdom of God, blood is thicker than water!

Therefore, this time, after arriving in the Heavenly Cloud Realm, he was both distressed and angry when he learned that his daughter had been sealed in the God Burial Ground.

It can be said.

Heart is suffering.

"The life I want..."

The princess of the Kingdom of God smiled miserably and shook her head: "My husband is dead. The life I want has been ruined, but I don't regret it."

"The Emperor is dead?"

The Lord of the Kingdom of God was taken aback.


The Princess of God nodded.

"How did you die?"

The Lord of the Kingdom of God is suspicious.

"After being attacked by the Phoenix Queen, the lord of the unicorn, the dragon king."

"Back then, I destroyed the gate of the kingdom of God and forced you to withdraw from the sky cloud realm, thinking that from now on, you can live a carefree life with your husband."

"Unexpectedly, the three of Feng Empress took advantage of our weakness and attacked us, unfortunately, the husband fell, and the emperor Yu was forced to flee from the sky cloud realm, and even forced the blood ancestor to reincarnate."

"As for me, although I escaped a catastrophe, as you can see, I have been sealed until now."

The Princess of the Kingdom of God sighed.

Qin Feiyang on the side couldn't help clenching his hands tightly.

Although he had known these things for a long time, he heard the princess of the Kingdom of God personally say it, and the anger in his heart was out of control.

Because he can clearly feel the despair, bitterness, grievance, and sorrow in the heart of the Princess of the Kingdom of God.

And all of this was caused by the Queen of Phoenix, the Dragon King, and the Lord of Qilin!

"It's ridiculous!"

"You have paid so much for the Heavenly Cloud Realm, but you have received such treatment. Tell me now, are you stupid?"

The Lord of the Kingdom of God is very distressed.

I thought my daughter was living a happy life here, but she was all wronged in the end.

"Although someone is taking me down..."

Speaking of this, the Princess of the Kingdom of God looked at Qin Feiyang, with a trace of love on her face, and smiled: "But there are people who care about me, and I don't regret it."

The Lord of the Kingdom of God couldn't help but look at Qin Feiyang, his eyes condensed suddenly, and he said solemnly: "You actually have the power of the blood of the purple gold dragon!"

"Sure enough, blood is thicker than water."

Qin Feiyang sighed secretly.

He had completely suppressed the aura of Zijin dragon blood, but in the end he still couldn't escape the feeling of the Lord of the Kingdom of God.

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