Invincible God of War

Chapter 3936: Human Emperor Sword!

"I'm going, the kingdom of God is actually an independent world, this news is amazing!"

Basalt world.

In the Western Regions, across the sea of ​​blood, Li Feng was shocked.

"Isn't that the point?"

"The point is, there is another person behind the Lord of the Kingdom of God."

"This person, unsurprisingly, must be the same as Lao Qin, the true ruler of the kingdom of God, and he holds the origin."

The madman said solemnly.

Li Feng looked at the lunatic and frowned, "Even the people of the Kingdom of God are so strong, isn't this ruler even more terrifying?"


"I'm sure, this person is definitely on the same level as the little beast."

"What a rival."

The madman murmured.

Just thinking about it makes my scalp numb.

Li Feng swallowed, looked at Qin Feiyang in the picture, and said worriedly: "Brother Qin will be fine, right?"

"rest assured."

"He is very resistant to stress."

"The news of the two heart demons can only affect him for a while at best."

The madman waved his hand without paying attention.


It didn't take long for Qin Feiyang to calm down.

Whether it is true or false, he will not give up as long as there is a slight possibility.


With a wave of his hand, Li Feng and the lunatic appeared.

"Brother Qin, are you okay!"

Li Feng asked concerned.

"It's okay."

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and said with a smile: "Let's go to Dragon Nest."

"Why are you going to Dragon Nest?"

Li Feng and the lunatic were taken aback.

"Verify one thing."

Qin Feiyang's eyes flashed.


Li Feng nodded and opened a space-time passage. The three of them walked in, and the next moment they descended above the Dragon Nest.

It is the former Phoenix Nest.

Now here, there is also a barrier.

It was still clothed by the God Sword.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, and a force of law swooped down, blasting towards the barrier.

Brother and sister Long Chen sensed the movement immediately, and immediately walked out. When they saw the three of Qin Feiyang in the sky, Long Qin frowned.

What are these two **** doing?

Li Feng, she just ignored it.

Although Li Feng is at odds with the Dragon Clan, in Long Qin's heart, there is no hatred for Li Feng.

She hates only Qin Feiyang, a lunatic, and a white-eyed wolf.

"Brother Qin, Brother Mo, Brother Li Feng, why are you still teaming up to my Dragon Nest?"

Long Chen stepped out of the enchantment and stood opposite the three of them, smiling.

"I want to say that I'm here to trouble you, do you believe it?"

The lunatic smiled.

"Do not believe."

Long Chen shook his head, pondered for a moment, and smiled: "If I didn't expect it wrong, you should be here for the Princess of the Kingdom of God."

"Nothing can escape your eyes."


"I'm here for her."

"I want to know, is the ancestor himself staying in Daqin, or you deliberately?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

"What do you think?"

Long Chen asked back.

"I do not know."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

He didn't want to guess.

Because of Long Chen, he was unpredictable, otherwise he would not make this trip himself.


"Then I'll be honest."

"I deliberately left her in Daqin."

Long Chen sighed.


The madman and Li Feng looked at each other and looked at Long Chen suspiciously.


"Her plan is to go to Daqin to visit the descendants of the Qin family and immediately return to the Kingdom of God."

"She wants to use her destiny in exchange for the peace of the Sky Cloud Realm."

"But at the time I thought about it, I'm afraid that even if she goes back, she will not be able to change the decision of the Lord of the Kingdom of God, but will let the Kingdom of God seize a bargaining chip against us."

"after all."

"For you, Qin Feiyang, the princess of the Kingdom of God is very important. If she is in any danger in the Kingdom of God by then, you will definitely go to rescue."

"So, in order to prevent this from happening, after I sent her to Daqin, I decided to leave her in Daqin and return to the Heavenly Cloud Realm alone."

"Now the passage between the Heavenly Cloud Realm and the Underworld Hell has collapsed. As long as we don't pick her up, she won't even be able to enter the Heavenly Cloud Realm, let alone return to the kingdom of God."

"of course."

"After I went to Daqin, I also found out about your childhood."

Long Chen chuckled.

Qin Feiyang glanced at Long Chen deeply, and said, "Thank you."

"No need to."

"I just hope that she won't blame me in the future."

Long Chen waved his hand.

Li Feng asked: "So now, we don't have to worry about our ancestors?"


"Let her stay in Daqin and take care of her life!"

Qin Feiyang nodded, then looked at Long Chen, and said, "Your father came to me."

Long Chen stunned, and hurriedly asked: "When did it happen?"

"just now."

"And that little beast."

A cold light flashed in Qin Feiyang's eyes.

Whenever these two **** are mentioned, the murderous intent in his heart is out of control.

"Go to you and not come to see the three of us, mother and son?"

"Does he still have us in his heart?"

There was some resentment between Long Chen's eyebrows.

Long Qin also flew up angrily and asked, "Where is he now?"


Qin Feiyang felt a little sympathetic to the brother and sister.

Although his father is alive, it is just like nothing.


Judging from the current situation, the combination of Ice Dragon and Long Zun back then may have been an accident.

In other words.

The ice dragon actually has no affection for Long Zun.

And Long Zun, but just because of the strength of the ice dragon, he wanted the ice dragon to protect the dragon clan.

But what Long Zun didn't expect was that although the ice dragon was powerful, it had many constraints and restrictions.

of course.

In any case, Long Zun also gave birth to a son and a daughter for the ice dragon.

The key is that Long Chen is so good.

No feelings anymore, for the sake of this pair of children, the ice dragon would not sit idly by, otherwise, in the ancient world, the ice dragon would not rescue her at a critical moment.

Long Chen sighed and asked, "What are they doing with you?"

"Make a deal."

"Let me destroy the kingdom of God."

"It also shows that the Kingdom of God is actually an independent world like the Xuanwu world."

Qin Feiyang said solemnly.

"Independent world..."

Long Chen murmured, smiling bitterly: "So, there are people behind the Lord of the Kingdom of God?"


Qin Feiyang smiled.

"Really a difficult task."

Long Chen shook his head.

"There is another good news."

"The Lord of the Kingdom of God also came to me..."

Qin Feiyang briefly talked about the negotiation with the Lord of the Kingdom of God.

"This is really good news."

"Ten thousand years is enough for us to grow up."

Long Chen nodded.

"So confident?"

The lunatic looked at him in astonishment.

"Even if I can't grow up, but as long as Brother Qin understands the ultimate meaning of the law of birth and death, can't he fight the kingdom of God head-on?"

Long Chen chuckled.

"Knowing that I am in control of the law of life and death, it seems that you were also watching the battle at the burial place."

Qin Feiyang frowned.

"How can you miss such a wonderful battle?"

Long Chen smiled, and with a wave of his hand, the barrier opened a crack and said: "It's rare to get together, it's better to stay here for a few more days, so that people like Longzi can enjoy the beautiful life more."

The lunatic looked at Long Chen in amazement, and the thief smiled: "You guy is also a bad guy!"


Long Chen laughed, and a group of people entered the dragon's nest, drinking tea and chatting comfortably.


A place to bury the gods!

Less than half an hour.

A figure walked out of the gate of the kingdom of God.

This person was the red-haired old man who had fought with Li Feng and Yun Ziyang.

"no one?"

Looking at the empty core area, the red-haired old man raised his eyebrows, and his spiritual thoughts rolled away, pouring in all directions.

But within the scope of the divine mind, there was no ghost shadow.

"What do you mean?"

The redhead frowned.

After dawn, I didn't see Qin Feiyang appear, so he left the place where the **** was buried and asked around.

But now, no one knew Qin Feiyang's whereabouts.

"Hidden on purpose?"

This made him extremely angry and anxious.

Because it dragged on for a day, Longzi and the others would suffer 5,000 years of torture.

Now this situation is also obvious.

Qin Feiyang hid it deliberately.



Half a month passed.

The red-haired old man was asking around, but facing the unfamiliar Sky Cloud Realm, even if he was capable of reaching the sky, he felt deeply powerless.

The Shenlong Sword has shown that the Xuanwu world has a time of five thousand years.

Half a month later, the basalt world is 75,000 years.

In other words, Long Zi and the others have been tortured for more than 70,000 years in the Xuanwu Realm, I am afraid they have collapsed!

After all, they are a group of arrogant children, how can they withstand such humiliation?

"Qin Feiyang, if you don't come out again, don't blame the old man for being ruthless!"

This made the red-haired old man furious.

Had it not been for the Lord of the Kingdom of God to repeatedly confess that he could not kill innocent people indiscriminately, I am afraid he would have committed the killings.


In the blink of an eye.

It's another half month.

If you remember, it is a whole month.

One month outside, 150,000 years have passed since the Xuanwu world.

this day.

Qin Feiyang and the three of them finally left the Dragon Nest under Long Chen's eyes, came to the core area, and released the news.

Upon receiving this news, the red-haired old man immediately came to the core area.

"It's you?"

"I didn't expect you to come here in person."

"I'm sorry, this month, we have been in retreat, and we have not received any news from you. Forgive me."

Qin Feiyang and the three quickly apologized.

The red-haired old man’s mouth twitches, is it too obvious to pretend? Raised his eyebrows and said: "Stop talking nonsense, let go."

"Where is the Human Sword?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

The red-haired old man waved his hand, and a broken sword appeared immediately, the whole body was purple-gold, the dim light, but it exuded an amazing edge.

That is to say, this broken sword appeared, and another broken sword in his body exuded a strong mood swing.

This is a joy.

"I will verify it first."

Qin Feiyang watched the red-haired old man say something, then took out the broken sword.

When the broken sword appeared, the broken sword suspended in front of the red-haired old man broke through the air immediately, and with a clanging sound, the two broken swords instantly merged together.

There are no gaps in the connection, which is perfect.

At the same time as the fusion, a divine might that dominates the divine weapon rolled out, and the dim sword body also released a dazzling divine light, and it also exuded an emperor's might.


The red-haired old man said solemnly.

Qin Feiyang looked at Renhuangjian, his expression of joy could not be concealed.

It's finally complete.

It is also worthy of the spirit of the emperor.

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