Invincible God of War

Chapter 4217: The powerful Ji Laoshi!

At the same moment!

The village, the sky.

The wind howled.

A purple-clothed young man, with his hands on his back, stood facing the wind.

Long hair is flying in the wind.

From a distance, like a son of God descending into the world, he exudes an extraordinary temperament.

This person is Dong Hanzong.


Boss Ji, a group of old people standing side by side, looked a little embarrassed.

The two sides just looked at each other in silence, making the atmosphere on the scene seem quite heavy.

After a long time.

Dong Hanzong took the lead in opening his mouth, breaking the silence, and sighed: "Old people, I really respect you, otherwise I won't come to visit you immediately when I come to the four continents, so I also ask all the old people to give me a little bit of the best. At least respect."


Ji Laoshi snorted coldly, pointed at everyone who was embarrassed, and said angrily: "This is how you respect us?"

"I've asked you all the seniors to have extraordinary strengths, so I can't help but want to compare them. If you are dissatisfied with this, I am here to apologize to you."

Dong Hanzong handed over, but he was also polite.

Ji Laoshi’s temper was relatively hot and wanted to say something, but Ji Laoshi reached out his hand to stop Ji Laoshi, and looked at Dong Hanzong and said, "We are old and just want to spend the rest of our lives in a dull life, so I asked the little brother to be another. Find others."

"Find someone else?"

Dong Hanzong shook his head and smiled, and said, "On the four continents, who else is better than the predecessors."

"You can't say that."

"The four continents are also Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

"As for us old guys, it's a blessing to live an extra day. It's really powerless."

Boss Ji sighed.

"Are you powerless or unwilling?"

"Do not forget."

"You are also a member of the kingdom of God."

"If you can have today, it is also a gift from the Lord Master."

"Now let you take action to deal with a few outsiders, so reluctant?"

"If you insist on doing this, I might wonder if the people you are loyal now are our masters."

Dong Hanzong seemed to have lost his patience.

The tone, with a chill.

"If you want to add a crime, there is nothing wrong with it."

Boss Ji sneered.

"But this is the fact before our eyes."

"As I said before, if you are willing to take action when these people like Qin Feiyang enter the kingdom of God, will they grow to where they are today?"

"The most important thing is that Qin Feiyang is said to be a descendant of your Zijin Shenlong clan."

Dong Hanzong opened his mouth and smiled faintly.

"This is very interesting, and the old man can't help but want to ask you about the Central Dynasty."

"Master Master also knew that Qin Feiyang and others had broken into the Kingdom of God early in the morning, but after these years, why did you people from the Central Dynasty come to deal with them so long?"

"According to your statement, can we also doubt, what interest do you have with Qin Feiyang?"

Ji Jiuye spoke.

A simple sentence made Dong Hanzong's eyebrows a trace of irritation.

He looked at Ji Jiuye and said, "You are the crime of wanting to inflict it!"

"Can you say it, but the old man can't say it?"

Ji Jiuye asked rhetorically.

Dong Hanzong clenched his hands, tried to suppress the anger in his heart, and said: "These silly topics, let's not continue to talk about these boring topics. In one word, do you want to help me?"

Ji Jiuye was about to speak.

"One more sentence."

"I came to the four continents on the orders of the emperor."

"Before leaving, the emperor also confessed in person that I can exercise all my powers when I come to the four continents, so before answering, please think carefully."

Dong Hanzong said again.

The weight of this sentence can be said to be very important!

The emperor of the central dynasty is the heir of the ruler of the kingdom of God.

It can be said that in the entire kingdom of God, in addition to the ruler, the emperor has the greatest power.

In front of the emperor, people like the country master had to stand aside.

It's not an exaggeration to say.

Whoever the emperor wants to die must die!

Holding the absolute power of life and death in his hand.


Dong Hanzong's move out of the emperor is undoubtedly to shock Boss Ji and others.


That sentence, you can exercise all power, is even more meaningful.

Because of the meaning of this sentence, the emperor gave him the power of life and death. He can order anyone on the four continents. Whoever dares not to listen to his orders can cut first and then play!

and so.

This is to warn a group of old people, don't rely on old people to sell old people.

And this sentence also aroused the anger of Ji Jiuye and others.

"young people."

"We old guys are people half-length buried in the soil. What storms have you never experienced?"

"So do you think we are afraid of threats?"

The mistress smiled hoarsely.

Dong Hanzong frowned.

"If you have the ability, you will kill us all today."

"No, don't talk nonsense here, get out of here!"

Old Ji yelled violently and mercilessly.

Dong Hanzong's face suddenly turned blue and red.


"Stay here for lunch?"

Ji Laoshi sneered.

"it is good."

"I will truthfully report this matter to the emperor."

Dong Hanzong nodded and laughed in anger.


"It's better to let the emperor come in person, and we just happen to witness the emperor's demeanor."

Old Ji Dao.

Dong Hanzong glanced at Ji Laoshi gloomily, then turned around to open a space-time passage, and left without looking back.


"When Lao Tzu crossed the kingdom of God, his'mother' you were not born yet, and you were arrogant in front of Lao Tzu!"

Before Dong Hanzong was sent away, Ji Laoshi couldn't help but sneered, every word clearly fell into Dong Hanzong's ears, which made a killing in his eyes flash.

A group of old immortal things, really treat themselves as a human being?

It didn't take long.


Three figures descended over the village.

"Grandpa, grandma, are you all right!"

It is the three masters of the country.

When I saw a group of old people, they were all a little embarrassed. The Lord's expression changed, and he immediately ran up and asked concerned.

"It's okay."

"small issue."

Boss Ji waved.

"That's good."

The lord breathed a sigh of relief.

God King and Human Race Supreme flew down and asked, "Master, who is it?"

"Dong Hanzong."

"An arrogant and domineering young man with no respectability."

Ji Laoshi said in disgust.

"The Central Dynasty?"

The king frowned.


Old Ji nodded and said: "According to what he said, it seems that he is still one of the five outstanding wizards, but to be honest, this person's strength really should not be underestimated."

"Really as we speculated."

Human Race Supreme looked at the God King and the Lord, and said.

"What speculation?"

A group of old people looked at the three suspiciously.

"Seeing Dong Zhengyang looking for Qin Feiyang, we guessed that something might have happened here, so after sending away the four of Dong Ping, we rushed over."

The Lord said truthfully.

"How about Qin Feiyang's battle?"

The mistress asked quickly, her expression full of concern.

"Originally, they would continue to fight, but as soon as Dong Zhengyang arrived, Qin Feiyang and the others evacuated."

"As for winning or losing, it is naturally Qin Feiyang that these guys have won a big victory."

The host smiled.

"It seems that these boys did not disappoint us."

Old Ji smiled.

The attitude is completely different from that of Dong Hanzong before, and he is pleasant and joyful.

"It's more than that!"

"The performance of the madman and the Golden Winged Wolf King in this battle is quite eye-catching."

The lord laughed.

"How to say?"

A group of people are curious.

The lord of the country talked about it now. The latest chapter of God of War: the full text of God of War: of War txt download address: on Immortal Ares Phone: In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 4217 Strong Ji Laoshi!) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God of War", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you stand by! (

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