Invincible God of War

Chapter 4355: Family Reunion (Part 1)


Just now.

Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the air, a group of people rushed in like lightning.

Qin Yuan looked up, with a smile on his face.

"Are these people?"

But the lunatic, Zhuo Xiaoxian, Huo Wu, and Li Feng couldn't help but show a trace of doubt.

"The old man headed is Emperor Hong and Qin Batian's own son."

"The one on the right of Emperor Hong is Emperor Chen, Xiao Qinzi's grandfather."

"The one on the left is called Sun Jian. He was a subordinate of Xiao Qinzi, and now he is responsible for guarding Da Qin."

"The other old people are also the guardians of Da Qin."

"Look, the third old man in the second row, his name is Qin Lao, and the second one is Qin Sheng, who took good care of us before."

White-eyed wolf introduction.

Several people nodded suddenly, seeing that these people's cultivation is not low, almost all of them have reached the nine-day realm.

"I have seen Grandpa, Grandpa."

The mermaid princess greeted her and bowed in salute.

A group of people looked at the mermaid princess with extremely excited expressions.

"Good, good."

"See you are thin."

"Tell grandpa, did that kid bully you?"

Emperor Hong looked at the mermaid princess in tears.


The mermaid princess was taken aback, and quickly shook her head: "No no..."

"That's it, it's good for you old men to support her if she doesn't bully me. I still dare to bully her?"

Qin Feiyang's voice sounded, leading Qin Haotian towards this side.

"Boy, do you still know to come back?"

Emperor Hong and Emperor Chen flew over immediately, without saying anything, they raised their hands and patted Qin Feiyang's forehead.

"Your second elder is too ruthless, am I your grandson?"

Qin Feiyang touched his forehead aggrievedly.

"This hurts?"

The corner of Chendi's mouth twitched, and said: "You really are not your own person, you are what we picked up from the river."


Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Emperor Chen narrowed his mouth and said: "But I didn't expect that such a **** would be so promising after he picked it up."

Hearing this, everyone else couldn't help laughing.

Qin Feiyang couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and bowed and said, "Grandpa, please, grandpa, please."

"Good, good."

The two old men nodded, their faces full of affection.

How many day and night worries, how many day and night hopes, finally brought this kid back to Hope.

"I have seen Mr. Qin, and I have seen a few seniors."

Qin Feiyang stepped forward again, saluting Qin Lao and Qin Sheng.

"Just come back."

Several people nodded and laughed, their eyes were a little moist.

Their affection for Qin Feiyang is no less than that of Emperor Hong and Emperor Chen.

of course.

Qin Feiyang also has a very special feeling for several people.

Especially Qin Lao.

As Da Qin wholeheartedly, it can be said that no one is more reliable than him.

"Little Lord."

Sun Jian bowed and saluted.

Qin Feiyang looked at Sun Jian for a moment, and said with a smile: "Yes, you have already reached the Nine Heavens Realm of Great Perfection. It seems that you haven't been idle in these years."

"You give such a heavy burden to your subordinates, how dare your subordinates be idle!"

Sun Jian held his head.

Although he is not a member of the Qin clan, he has absolute power in life and death in Daqin.

This is the task Qin Feiyang once gave him. Whoever dares to harm Da Qin, who dares to oppress the people, from the prince and princess to the civil and military officials, will kill them without mercy.

and so.

Even the Seven Qin Li had to respectfully call Uncle Jian.


Qin Feiyang patted Sun Jian on the shoulder.

Sure enough, he didn't look away, this is a person who is absolutely trustworthy and worthy of trust.

"Just now, that kid Qin Yi rushed to tell us that you are back, we still don't believe it, thought he was teasing us, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be true."

"You come back, then Da Qin will be safe."

"By the way, why didn't you see that wolf cub?"

"Are you shy, afraid to come out to meet people?"

"It's not like his character!"

Qin Sheng glanced at a group of people and said with a smile.

"Hey hey hey, brother is standing here, don't open your eyes and talk nonsense."

The white-eyed wolf stared at Qin Sheng dissatisfied.


Everyone looked suspicious at the white-eyed wolf.

"He is a white-eyed wolf."

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

Sure enough, now everyone has to introduce it.

"Are you a white-eyed wolf?"


"What's the situation?"

"You turned into a human form?"

"Aren't you dreaming!"

Old Qin and Qin Sheng looked at each other, some of them couldn't believe it.

The corner of the white-eyed wolf's mouth twitched.

What's so strange about him becoming a humanoid?

In fact, I don't blame Old Qin and the others, this was done by the white-eyed wolf before.

Because before, the white-eyed wolf was quite repulsive to becoming a human body.

The mermaid princess smiled and said, "Old Qin, it's different now. People are in love, so I pay special attention to image."

"In love?"

Qin Sheng took a moment to look at the white-eyed wolf, and asked, "Whose girl is so unlucky that she is entangled by you?"

"Can you guys still chat?"

"Brother is so unbearable?"

White-eyed staring at a few people with gnashing teeth.


Qin Yuan, Emperor Hong, Emperor Chen, Qin Feiyang and others couldn't help laughing.

The lunatic kicked the white-eyed wolf on the back heel and jokingly said, "Brother Wolf, how bad were you in Daqin before?"


The white-eyed wolf stared at the lunatic in irritation, looked at the old Qin and said proudly: "You old guys are obviously envious brothers. Let me introduce you. This is my Fengmei, the country is beautiful, the beauty is outstanding, and she is also knowledgeable and reasonable. It is important that she is still the eldest princess of the Phoenix family of the Sky Cloud Realm."

After being introduced by the white-eyed wolf, Huo Wu's face couldn't help but flush. Don't talk about other people's strengths. I am embarrassed. He lowered his head and said: "Huo Wu has seen grandpa, grandpa, and a few others. Old man."

"The eldest princess of the Phoenix clan?"

Hongdi and others looked at each other.

Although I don't know how powerful the Phoenix Clan in the Sky Cloud Realm is, it is not difficult to imagine the family background of this little girl when I hear the word "Phoenix".

This wolf cub is really lucky!

Actually found such a good woman.

"Good, good."

"When you come to Daqin, it's the same as returning to your own home. Don't be formal."

"Also, if this wolf cub bullies you, tell us and we will teach him for you."

Emperor Hong and Emperor Chen smiled kindly.

"Thank you, grandpa, thank you, grandpa."

There was a warm current flowing in Huo Wu's heart.

This is not the real grandfather and grandfather, but the two old people in front of her feel better with her than her real grandfather.

Suddenly, she was a little envious of Qin Feiyang and White-eyed Wolf.

Especially the white-eyed wolf.

Obviously there is no blood relationship with the Qin family, but these old people in the Qin family care for him as much as they do to their children.

"Sit down and talk!"

Qin Yuan smiled.

"Yes, yes, sit down and say, sit down and say."

Hongdi nodded their heads.

Just sitting down, before he had time to introduce the lunatic, Li Feng, Zhuo Xiaoxian, a portal opened.

Follow closely.

A couple hurried out.

It is Emperor Xuan and Shangguan Qiu!

"Qin Yuan, what happened?"

The couple was anxious, and the Emperor Xuan shouted as soon as they came out.

"Come down!"

Yuan Bo's voice came from the pavilion.

The couple was taken aback and looked down at the pavilion, but because the pavilion was covered with glazed tiles and couldn't see the situation inside, they quickly landed outside the pavilion.

At this moment, the two of them were stunned.

Isn't the young man sitting next to Emperor Hong and Emperor Chen that kid?

"Father, mother."

Qin Feiyang walked over with the mermaid princess and knelt at the feet of the two.


The couple was stunned and couldn't get back to their senses for a long time.

Before, Qin Yuan contacted them and said that a major event had happened in the imperial capital and asked them to come back immediately, but he didn't expect that now he hurried back, only to see their son and daughter-in-law standing in front of them, who they thought about day and night.

"This surprise is okay!"

Qin Yuan looked at the couple and said with a smile.


The two of them were surprised, and then a wry smile appeared on their faces, and said: "You old lady knows how to make a joke, it scares us a lot!"

"Who made you run around all day?"

Qin Haotian narrowed his mouth.

"Smelly boy, are you very unconvinced?"

Emperor Xuan glared at Qin Haotian.

"It's just not convinced. You don't always teach us that you can't idle and don't do business. Now you are better and set us a good example."

Qin Haotian grumbled.

"I deserve it, because I have been busy all my life."

Emperor Xuan said.

Qin Haotian looked helpless, and said, "Yes, I can't say you, eldest brother and sister-in-law are still kneeling, do you plan to let them kneel down like this?"

The couple was agitated, and quickly helped Qin Feiyang and the mermaid princess.

I was so angry with the kid Qin Haotian that I almost forgot.

"When did you come back?"

"Have you had a good time all these years?"

It is the old mother who loves children the most in the world, because there is a saying that maternal love is the greatest.

"We are all fine."

Qin Feiyang nodded and looked at his current mother, really happy.

Because the mother now has no worries, no worries, younger and more beautiful than before.

And this old father.

It looks like he was in his thirties.

"What about the wolf pup?"

"There are also Emperor Xian, why didn't they see it?"

Xuandi asked.

"Brother is on the court."

The white-eyed wolf barked his teeth and pulled Huo Wu to the couple.


Emperor Xuan and Lu Qiuyu looked at them suspiciously.

Who are these two little guys?

"Guess it."

Hongdi laughed.

The couple looked at Emperor Hong, then Emperor Chen and others, and found that they were all looking at them with a smile.

This makes the two more confused.

The two looked at White-eyed Wolf and Huo Wu.


A flash of joy flashed in Lu Qiuyu's eyes and asked, "Are you a wolf pup?"


"Mother, how did you see it?"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

You know, none of Ye Zhong, Huo Yi, Yuan Bo, Hong Di, Chen Di, Qin Lao and others can recognize the white-eyed wolf.

But now, the mother recognized the white-eyed wolf so quickly.

This made the white-eyed wolf himself a little surprised.

"Because of the look in this kid's eyes."

"No matter how his face changes, his eyes will never change."

"It's this kid."

Lu Qiuyu looked at the white-eyed wolf and smiled. The latest chapter address of God of War: the full text of God of War: of War txt download address: on Immortal Ares Phone: In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 4355 Family Reunion (Part 1)), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God of War", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you stand by! (

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