Invincible God of War

Chapter 4627: Something's wrong!

Half a day later.

Everyone's state has been restored one after another.

"Let's go!"

Qin Feiyang got up and smiled.

Anyway, sooner or later, we are going to enter the sea of ​​stars, it might as well be as early as possible.

There are still nine and a half days before the next dark night, which should be enough for them to find an island to settle on.

The white-eyed wolf narrowed its mouth, and reluctantly turned back into its true form, a group of people jumped onto the white-eyed wolf's back one after another.

"It would be a shame for a lifetime to think that Brother has a life-long life, and now he becomes a mount for you bastards."

Had it not been for the true meaning of the strongest law, he would not have done this kind of self-respect if he was killed.

Qin Feiyang and others looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's go!"

"Don't grind, delay time."

Huo Wu urged.

I don't feel distressed at all.

Men, shouldn't they be responsible?

Now only you can fly over the sea of ​​stars, who are you not carrying?

Qin Feiyang opened the hidden decision.

A group of people, when hidden in the void.

If the white-eyed wolves were slower, they would hardly be aware of their existence.

But slow is impossible.

Because the white-eyed wolf can only last for half a day under the pressure of the secret realm, the time has to be stepped up.


The white-eyed wolf turned on at full speed, like a stream of light, and entered the sea of ​​stars without looking back.

Others are responsible for vigilance.

after all.

As long as you enter the sea of ​​stars, it is possible at any time to encounter an attack by a fierce beast.

Wherever he went, a gust of wind blew.

The fierce beast in the sea hadn't realized what was going on before the gust of wind had gone.

The hidden decision is still useful.

At least.

The fierce beasts in the sea cannot see them.

As long as they can't see it, it's difficult for them to react.

It was very smooth to first enter the sea of ​​stars.



Qin Feiyang found a suspicious place.

He scanned the fierce beasts in the sea.

There are walruses as big as mountains, and unknown creatures with strange shapes.

Also, all kinds of fish.

Basically they are in groups.

But the strange thing was that there were some fierce beasts, which gave him a familiar feeling.

Where did you seem to have seen it?



Qin Feiyang turned his head and looked at the sea below to the left. Through the clear water, he could clearly see a black lion.

Body shape, can be a hundred meters long.

The appearance is also a bit strange.

There are three eyes.

The third eye in the middle, like a magnificent sapphire, glows charmingly.

"I have indeed seen it."

Qin Feiyang grumbled.

"what happened?"

Long Chen noticed Qin Feiyang's abnormality.

Qin Feiyang pointed to the black lion and asked, "Do you think you have seen it before?"

Long Chen looked down. When he saw the black lion, his expression was slightly taken aback, and he suddenly said: "There seems to be such a fierce beast in the tide of beasts that attacked us last night."

"that's not what it means."

"What I'm talking about is that it feels like I have seen it, not its kind."

"And this sense of familiarity is not the kind of familiarity that I have seen before."

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

Anyway, I feel that I must have seen this black lion.

"Maybe it was in the animal tide last night, but luckily, it didn't die in our hands."

Long Chen smiled faintly.

Although they killed a lot of fierce beasts last night, in comparison, they are probably just the tip of the beast wave.


It is not strange to have seen it.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

But in my heart, as if there was a voice telling him that this is not the case.

But what's wrong?

Qin Feiyang couldn't tell now.

Time passed quietly.



A group of fierce beasts jumped out of the water and rushed towards Qin Feiyang and the others.

This is a group of wolf-like creatures, but unlike wolves, they also have two heads and are fierce.


"How can they see us?"

Li Feng was surprised.

Qin Fei raised his eyebrows, looked around, smiled bitterly: "Unknowingly, the time has come for a hidden decision, get ready to fight!"

"Your hidden decision, can't it be opened twice in a row now?"

The madman has not absorbed the evil power now.

Because if the evil force is absorbed at this time, the hidden decision will be completely meaningless.

"The rest of this time, let's stay at the critical moment!"

Being in the sea of ​​stars, I had to keep one hand.

"In this case."

"Li Feng, protect me!"

The lunatic smiled and walked to the tail of the white-eyed wolf. With a move of his mind, the world suddenly raged, and evil forces from all directions immediately rushed toward this side.

The sudden surge of evil power shocked the wolves that were rushing up from below.

Evil forces are inextricably linked and permeable, and penetrate into their bodies, making them almost lose their minds.


"The power of evil is so strong that the creatures dare not approach it at all."

"Like Ten Thousand Demon Valley."

"He who is strong will not dare to set foot casually."

Mu Qing patted his head.

The evil power absorbed by a lunatic can also form a natural defense barrier.

Means to say.

A large amount of evil forces poured in and enveloped them.

In this way, if the fierce beasts of the Star Sea want to attack them, they must first break through the evil forces around them.

"But not enough."

Mu Tianyang shook his head.

Because the wolves just slowed down, they continued to pounce on them, their eyes flickering fiercely.

"Brother Madman, can you get more horsepower?"

Li Feng bared his teeth.

"Do you think I'm the engine?"

"However, if the real body of the evil is fully opened, I am afraid that you will not be able to bear it."

The lunatic smiled.

"How can it be?"

Li Feng was speechless.

Who do you look down on?

Besides, can you not control these evil powers?

"Then all firepower!"


A terrifying storm was born, centered on lunatics, and swept in all directions.

Li Feng couldn't help but was thrown off directly.

Everyone was shocked.

If this falls into the sea of ​​stars, I am afraid that even the bones will not be left.

The white-eyed wolf hurriedly spread its wings, soaring into the sky, volleying to catch the embarrassed Li Feng.

The storm is terrible!

Qin Feiyang's group of people were a little unable to hold it, and they were shocked to the extreme.

It turned out that the real body of all evils was fully opened, and it was so terrifying.

At this moment, the evil forces around them reached an astonishing level, and the concentration is estimated to have exceeded the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons.


These evil forces did not pose a threat to them.

"How about it?"

The lunatic looked at Li Feng jokingly.


Li Feng smiled repeatedly.


Even if the evil force reaches this level, the wolves will still be killed.

Because the fierce beasts of the sea of ​​stars are all powerful people comparable to the will of heaven.

Although this evil force can threaten them, it also takes some time.

Such as Ten Thousand Demon Valley!

A strong will of heaven will be able to hold on for a period of time after entering the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons.

"Brother, you still have to converge a little, we really can't hold it anymore."

In the storm, they couldn't fight the wolf at all.

Because one is not careful, it may be swept away by the storm.

"Say you can't stand it, you still don't believe it."

The madman Jiejie smiled and quickly converged a bit.

The storm finally disappeared.

It was replaced by the initial strong wind.

As the storm disappeared, the battle began.

Back to back, a group of people frantically killed the wolves rushing from all directions.

The blood immediately stained the sky.

The pungent smell of blood will undoubtedly attract more fierce beasts.

Less than half an hour.

They encountered the animal tide again.

Unlike at night, there is no storm during the day, and there is one less threat.

For a long time, it passed in a blink of an eye.

The flying speed of the white-eyed wolf can obviously drop, and the flapping of its wings has become weak.

But there are no islands in the sea below.

"Huo Wu, thank you for your hard work."

Qin Feiyang turned his head to look at Huo Wu, and now he can only turn Huo Wu back into his real body and take everyone to fly.


Huo Wu shook his head.


At this time.

The mermaid princess stopped Huo Wu and said with a smile: "Are you forgetting my eyes of life?"

The eye of life opens.

A wave of majestic energy poured into the white-eyed wolf's body.

The weakness and exhaustion of the white-eyed wolf were wiped out in an instant, full of energy, and vigorous.

"Sister-in-law, you, the eye of life, can still regain strength?"

Li Feng was curious.

Because the wolf is stamina.

"I can even save people who are about to die, let alone recovering physical strength, so I don't need Sister Huo Wu's help at all."

The mermaid princess cast a blank look at Li Feng.


Li Feng chuckled.

Qin Feiyang, Long Chen, and Lu Jiajin looked at each other and dealt with the beast tide in unison.

They hadn't thought of it before.


Now I have to conceal the awkwardness between the looks, lest they say that they have missed everything all day, but now they ignore such a simple question.

How does the mermaid princess understand Qin Feiyang?

Cover your mouth and laugh.

But see it through, don't say it.

Save some face.

"I also said that I could finally take a rest, but it came to me."

"I really owe you in my previous life, I'll be a cow and a horse for you."

White-eyed wolf sighed.

Huo Wu said distressedly: "If you really feel tired, then I will come!"

"Don't don't don't."

"No matter how tired you are, I can't let you come."

The white-eyed wolf shook his head quickly.

Resolutely not allow the beloved woman to mount this group of bastards.

Looking at the white-eyed wolf's love and care for Huo Wu, Long Qin looked a little lost.


Three days passed!

The tide of beasts is endless.

Qin Feiyang and others were exhausted.

It's okay to be exhausted, after all, there is a mermaid princess to help them regain their strength.

But the consumption of the power of the law, the eye of life cannot be restored, you must slowly replenish it.

At this moment.

The energy crystals obtained by white-eyed wolves and lunatics played a big role.

Three energy crystals can restore the power of a law to its peak state.

Relying on energy crystallization, they persisted for two more days.

By the fifth day, they couldn't hold it at all.

Because the energy barriers obtained by lunatics and white-eyed wolves are not many, they have been exhausted.

Even the energy crystal containing the power of the law of life and death has been used by the inner demon.

It can be said that it has really reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

However, the tide of beasts is endless.

Killing all the way, blood stained the sea of ​​stars, it was impossible to frighten these beast tides.

"It's not right."

Lu Jiajin frowned.



Everyone is very sensitive to the three words'something'.

As long as I hear these three words, my heart becomes tense.

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