Invincible God of War

Chapter 4654: Heavy, calm!

"You look at the problem, you really see it thoroughly."

"Fighting with you is indeed a wise choice."

Qin Feiyang smiled secretly.

"Don't wear a high hat for me."

"I don't eat this set."

Long Chen shook his head and smiled.

"Since Heaven and Earth Copper Furnace does not want to follow the emperor, then we naturally have a chance."

"Blood oath..."

"I don't know other ways to hack it, but there is one way, I believe everyone knows it."

Qin Feiyang secretly said.

"When the emperor dies, the blood oath is naturally broken."

Long Chen said with a smile.


"But I still hope that I can find a way to break the blood oath."


If you can find a way to crack the blood oath, no matter what you do then will be much more convenient.


Even the ancestor of the sword said that the blood oath is an ancient contract, and it is difficult to break it.

Could it be...

Do you really have to reach the height of the dominion of the kingdom of God before you can crack it forcibly?

This is really difficult.

The inner demon took a deep breath, walked up to Dong Yuexian, looked at everyone and said, "Prepare for the battle with all your strength!"

If it was the order of the Skeleton King, then Qin Feiyang's worries would definitely come true!

They are not afraid of fighting.

Not afraid of injury.

Because there is a princess.


They will face a fatal problem.

That is the consumption of the power of the law!

The power of the law is consumed, and it must take time to recover.

If you can lay a time circle, it's easy.

Because there is time for the magic circle, it will recover in minutes.

But now.

The secret realm is unable to lay down a time magic circle.

Undoubtedly, it has increased a lot of difficulty and risk for them.

Lu Jiajin looked at Dong Yuexian and said with a smile: "Since it is a cooperation, then please use your original strength to help defend against the enemy."

Dong Yuexiandai brows clustered.

"You have seen the strength of these skeletons with your own eyes. We are not enough at all."

"But if you use the power of the original source, we can deal with it easily, so that we won't be exhausted before entering the Seven Star Island."

Lu Jiajin said.

"Don't you have the power of origin?"

Dong Tianchen was suspicious.

"Our original strength has long been exhausted."

Lu Jiajin shook his head.


"How is it consumed?"

Dong Tianchen was surprised.

To know.

Qin Feiyang and the others have a total of more than 400,000 sources of power, and how long has it taken to enter the secret realm, has it all been consumed?

"It's hard to say a word."

Lu Jiajin shook his head.

"No wonder you have to cooperate with us."

"It turns out that you have reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted."

Dong Yuexian snorted coldly.

"The water is exhausted?"

The white-eyed wolf raised his eyebrows.

Are you still arrogant with them?

If it wasn't for the face of the inner demon, you would already be a corpse, and you would not be conscious at all.

"do not do that."

"No matter how much power you have from the source, you can't enter the Seven Star Island."

"Because we have tried."

"Entering the inner surrounding area, two hundred sources of power, but at the time of three breaths, they are all annihilated."

The heart demon looked at Dong Yuexian and said.

Dong Yuexian's pupils shrank.

So terrible?

Dong Tianchen suspiciously asked, "Since you can't enter Seven Star Island, what are you doing here?"

"Wait for him."

The inner demon looked at the lunatic who was sitting on the other side of the mountain, absorbing the evil power madly.

The four looked up.

A cold light flashed in Dong Yuexian's eyes.

"Now, I can only rely on the madman's sword of all evil."

Inner Demon Road.

"Don't think that if you have the power of the source, you are qualified to be arrogant. Now I want to kill you, it's as easy as squeezing an ant. If you don't believe it, you can try."

The lunatic suddenly opened his eyes, because he had turned on the true form of all evils, his eyes were blood red, and he was filled with an astonishing hostility.

Dong Yuexian suddenly felt a strong crisis, as if being stared at by a demon god.

"No need, no need."

"You go ahead, don't be distracted."

Dong Tianchen hurriedly smiled, then looked at Dong Yuexian, and said through the voice: "Yuexian, converge, the madman's sword of all evil, you have already learned it in Ten Thousand Demon Valley, why don't you can't afford it."


Dong Yuexian snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, the power of 20,000 origins appeared, looked at Dong Tianchen and Dong Ping, and said: "We can't be looked down upon."


The two nodded.

One person took away ten thousand sources of power, then walked to Qin Feiyang and Long Chenhe's side, transformed into two long swords, and madly killed the skeleton.

Pieces of skeletons are annihilated!

"Yes, yes, that's it!"

The lunatic smiled.

The Skeleton King ordered these skeletons to come and attack them, thinking it would cause trouble to them, but as everyone knows, this is helping him.

Because after these skeletons are crushed, the remaining evil power can make him do more with less.

In other words.

The more skeletons that come, the faster he can absorb, and the more evil powers he can absorb.

Qin Feiyang and Long Chen looked at each other and consciously stepped aside.

"How did you go?"

Both Dong Tianchen were surprised.

"We are afraid of getting in your way."

Qin Feiyang smiled.


"We are by the side, it will definitely affect your performance."

Long Chen nodded.

The two of them turned dark.

Can you say that you don’t want to get tired? Also find these high-sounding excuses.

Don't say it.

As soon as Qin Feiyang and Long Chen left, Dong Tianchen suddenly felt pressure doubled.

Although the power of the origin can destroy and smash skeletons, the number of skeletons is too large.

A steady stream, one after another.

Not to mention anything else, the feeling of pressure that is rolling in is not something ordinary people can bear.

The killing began.

One day, two days, three days...


Dong Tianchen and the two were also exhausted.

"Qin Feiyang, come on top, we can't hold it anymore."

Dong Ping shouted.

Although there is no life-threatening crisis, the continual killing is also a kind of suffering!

Qin Feiyang opened his eyes, glanced at the two of them, and then at the mermaid princess.

The mermaid princess understands attentively and opens the eyes of life.


The two are energetic and lively.

The exhaustion is swept away.

"Have you seen it, don't be afraid."

"We are your strong backing."

Qin Feiyang chuckled.

"Go to hell!"

Dong Tianchen's face was dark.

Who is rare for you to help us regain our strength!

What we want is rest.

The endless killing is really annoying.

"Now you kill more, it will be good for your kingdom of God in the future."

The white-eyed wolf smiled jokingly.

"What's the benefit?"

Dong Tianchen was suspicious.

White-eyed wolf said: "If your descendants also enter the secret realm in the future, then the danger they face will be greatly reduced by then."

"It makes sense too!"

Dong Ping nodded.

"Makes sense?"

Dong Tianchen's face turned dark, slapped away, and said angrily: "You pig brains, they are going to subvert our central dynasty and annihilate our Dong family. How could we still have descendants entering the secret realm?"

Dong Ping was taken aback.

It seems to be too!

Immediately, he glared at the white-eyed wolf.

"Ha ha…"

"It seems that not everyone is so stupid!"

The white-eyed wolf laughed unscrupulously.

Dong Ping clenched his hands, turned his head to look at the skeletons, and vented all his anger on the skeletons.

day to day.

Year after year.

In the long suffering, fifty years have passed.

In the past fifty years, I don't know how many skeletons have been killed.

But within the storm, there is still a steady stream of gushing out, it is hard to imagine how many skeletons there are.


In fifty years, it was certainly not just Dong Tianchen and Dong Ping killing.

Qin Feiyang and others have all shot.

after all.

For fifty years, if Dong Tianchen and Dong Ping have been the same, they will definitely be exhausted.

"It's almost there!"

this day.

The white-eyed wolf opened his eyes and mumbled to the lunatic who looked at the top of the mountain.

"I think it's not enough."

Lu Jiajin shook his head.

"not enough?"

The white-eyed wolf frowned.

It's been fifty years, and the evil power in the lunatic's body now far exceeds that at the beginning.

"Think about it."

"Last time you entered the inner area, a sword would cost one tenth."

"In other words, a lunatic has accumulated more than half a year of evil power, only enough to wield ten swords."

"And the evil power accumulated over the past fifty years, I guess it can wield seven or eight hundred swords at most."

Lu Jiajin was worried.

Most critical.

No one knows how big the inner area is?

In other words.

You don't know how many swords you have to swing to enter the Seven Star Island.

"But don't ignore it. The evil power he has absorbed in the past fifty years is very different from the original quality."

The white-eyed wolf said.

Because in these fifty years, lunatics are not only absorbing the evil power of the secret realm, but also the evil power of these skeletons.

"Then count he can wield a thousand swords!"

"But just in case, the mask in the inner surrounding area, have to check this number?"

"At that time, we can't enter the Seven Star Island, we have to quit again? Try again? Isn't this a waste of time?"

Lu Jiajin said.

The white-eyed wolf went silent.

Qin Feiyang asked: "When the ruler of the Kingdom of God entered the inner surrounding area, where did he go deeper?"

Lu Jiajin shook his head and said: "There is no accurate record. It is estimated that at most 100,000 miles, his woman died in it."

Qin Feiyang frowned, turned his head to look at Ancestor Dao, and asked, "Do you know how large the inner surrounding area is?"

"The deity has never been, how can I know?"

Dao Ancestor narrowed his mouth, thought about it, and said: "But the deity agrees with the establishment of Lu Jiajin, wait a minute, after all, we are not in a hurry now, and there is no need to take risks."


Qin Feiyang pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Then wait another five hundred years!"


"Five hundred years?"

Everyone was dumbfounded on the spot.

This is too long!

Waiting another fifty years can still be accepted, but five hundred years, what if something happens in the middle?

"It's so decided."

"Ten thousand years, four major restricted areas, two thousand years to break into one restricted area, the time is just right."

Qin Feiyang's eyes flickered.

Facing the unknown Seven Star Island, we must make full preparations.

"Four restricted areas?"

The four of Dong Yuexian were taken aback.

Apart from Qixing Island, what are the restricted areas?

"Ancestor Dao has said that there are four forbidden areas in the Star Sea, and Qixing Island is only one of them, and the degree of danger is similar."

The demons explained.

Qin Feiyang and others didn't say anything.

While resisting the attack of skeletons, comprehend the profound meaning of the law.

The situation today.

Be sure to remember the four words firmly.


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