Invincible God of War

Chapter 4659: The power of the woman's horror!

"What's the matter?"

Dong Yuexian looked at Qin Feiyang headlessly.

It is the first time everyone has seen her so flustered after we have known each other for so long.

In fact, it can be understood.

After all, it was a pro-grandma.

I'm afraid it's more irrational than her to change to someone else.

"Don't panic."

Qin Feiyang soothed, glanced at the storm ahead, and said solemnly: "White-eyed wolf, ignore this voice."

"I didn't intend to pay any attention to it at all."

The white-eyed wolf snorted coldly.

The will of heaven and the dual moments of time, run to the extreme.

The madman stood on the head of the white-eyed wolf, and the sword of all evil kept smashing the skeletons and storms that struck in front of him.

at the same time.

He has also been absorbing evil forces.

Because in this gray storm, only evil forces can help everyone.

"Xian'er, Chen'er, what are you running for?"


The sound rang again in the storm behind.

Dong Tianchen looked gloomy and shouted: "If you are really our grandma, then come out and let me see, don't keep hiding in the dark!"

"You did grow up."

"All have their own opinions."

"Looking at you so promising now, I really hate to be relieved."

As the voice fell, a white figure walked out of the gray storm and entered everyone's sight.

This is a woman.

About thirty-five or six years old.

She wore a long purple dress and a hairpin with purple blonde hair, giving her a kind of grace and luxury.


Dong Yuexian's eyes trembled.

Isn't this face their grandma who has fallen here?

"Fortunately, you still remember Grandma, I didn't hurt you for nothing before."

The woman chuckled, looking at the eyes of Dong Yuexian and the others, filled with relief.

Dong Yuexian cried with joy and looked at the white-eyed wolf and said, "Golden Winged Wolf King, stop now."


The white-eyed wolf shook his head.

There is no change in speed.


where is this place?

This is the inner surrounding area of ​​Qixing Island, now is the time to race against time, can you stop?

After stopping for a second, the lunatic will consume an extra amount of evil power.

"Qin Feiyang, please, let him stop!"

Dong Yuexian looked at Qin Feiyang again, eyes full of pleading.

"Stop it!"

"I beg you."

And Dong Tianchen and Dong Ping directly knelt down to Qin Feiyang.


Qin Feiyang shook his head and looked at the woman, his eyes flickering.


"Lu Yuntian, come out and say something!"

Dong Yuexian said angrily.

Qin Feiyang said: "Now we are two as one, and what I say is our common decision."

"Do not…"

"Golden Winged Wolf King, you must stop for me!"

Dong Yuexian was extremely angry.

The power of the source is surging out.

"Dong Yuexian, calm down!"

The lunatic yelled.

The sword of all evil swept away, enveloped Dong Yuexian, and said solemnly: "If you dare to do this, I will definitely kill you!"

"Dong Yuexian, Dong Tianchen, don't be irritable."

"This thing is really weird."

"Think about it, back then, your grandfather saw her die under the storm with his own eyes, but now he appears in front of us unharmed, isn't it strange?"

"And you take a closer look at her current speed."

"Now, the white-eyed wolf has turned on the will of heaven and double moments of time, but your grandma has always followed us, and the distance has not changed at all."

"What does this mean?"

"It means that her current speed is the same as that of a white-eyed wolf."

"If she also activates the will of heaven and the will of the double heaven, then there is nothing wrong with it."

"But, you are optimistic about it, now she doesn't even have the slightest aura of the power of law, let alone the aura of the will of heaven."

"So, none of this makes sense!"

Lu Jiajin said solemnly.

The four of Dong Yuexian looked over.


The white-eyed wolf advances at full speed, and their grandmother has always kept the initial distance with them.

This situation is indeed too weird.

Qin Feiyang opened the eyes of life and death again, looking at the woman, the woman's appearance remained unchanged.

There are various signs that the woman in front of them is a living person, but they just can't easily believe it.

The reason is that this is the inner surrounding area of ​​Qixing Island.

Those who die here can no longer appear in front of them alive.

"Xian'er, what are you running?"

"Who are they?"

"Why do you want to listen to her?"

The woman looked at Dong Yuexian suspiciously.


The four bowed their heads.

Although they really want to go to grandma in their hearts, they are told rationally that they can't be impulsive now.

"Don't pretend to be a fool here."

"I still don't believe that you are really their grandmother."

There was a sudden surge of murder in the eyes of the lunatic, and he turned around and cut it off with a sword.

"do not want!"

Dong Yuexian hurriedly exclaimed.

A piece of origin power surged, trying to intercept that sword energy.


The Sword of All Evil at this time can easily be crushed even by the Grey Storm, let alone the power of its origin.

But in an instant, that source of power was annihilated on the spot!

The blood-red sword energy turned into a long dragon, shattering the void, and blasting towards the woman.

With a loud bang, the woman splashed blood in the sky on the spot.


The four of Dong Yuexian's complexion changed suddenly, and they hurriedly shouted.

"It's quiet now."

The madman sneered, twisting the sword of all evil, and continued to clear the way.

But less than three breaths.


The excited voices of the four Dong Yuexian sounded.


The madman turned his head and looked, his pupils shrank instantly, full of disbelief.


Resurrected again.

That's right.

The woman appeared in front of the storm again alive, without even a single injury.

"This little brother has a really big temper. He will do it if he doesn't agree with him, and he is so strong. Xian'er, who else is he, is he a descendant of our Dong family?"

The woman looked at the lunatic with admiration in her eyes.

"It's your sister!"

The lunatic was furious, and another sword qi killed him.

The woman splattered blood in the sky again.

But less than three breaths, she emerged out of thin air, unscathed.

"What's the matter?"

The lunatic was stunned.

Qin Feiyang and others also looked suspicious.

This is too outrageous.

"Dong Yuexian, have you seen it, this is abnormal."

Lu Jiajin said solemnly.

"Grandma, you are..."

Dong Tianchen asked.

The woman kindly smiled and said: "In the sea of ​​stars these years, grandma has obtained an immortal secret technique, so no one can kill grandma."

"Immortality is immortal!"

A group of people looked at each other.

Is there such a secret technique in the world?

The evil real body of a lunatic can be regarded as immortal.

Because as long as the power of evil exists, he will be born again.


This has to be divided into places!

The gray storm here will never give you a chance to be reborn.

"Say it again, ignore her!"

Qin Feiyang said gloomily, focusing on the four Dong Yuexian.

Seeing Qin Feiyang's eyes at the moment, the four of them felt a little afraid.

"He is for your good."

"Even if this person is really your grandmother, you have to wait until you leave the inner surrounding area and enter Seven Star Island."

Lu Jiajin's voice transmission.

all in all.

Never stay in the inner enclosure area.

No minute or a second will work.


The four Dong Yuexian looked at each other for a moment and nodded one after another.

At this time, you really can't be willful.

Seeing the four of them calm down, the mermaid princess also opened the eyes of life, helping the white-eyed wolf regain strength, and at the same time helped the four of them repair the sea of ​​qi.


Dong Yuexian smiled gratefully at the mermaid princess.


The mermaid princess waved.

"I didn't expect you to be so vigilant, then I will go to your side!"

The woman smiled and said something, and took a step closer, instantly closing a long distance.

"You'd better not come over, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Qin Feiyang's eyes flickered with cold.

"Young people nowadays really have character."

The woman chuckled, speeding faster and faster, and she was about to approach Qin Feiyang's group of people.

Qin Feiyang's eyes were murderous.

The ultimate truth of the two laws of life and death, the four-fold heavenly will erupt and kill the woman.


Dong Yuexian was surprised.

After being combined, it can actually unlock the ultimate profound meaning of the two laws of life and death, the fourfold will of heaven.

In other words.

Qin Feiyang and the heart demon can double their combat effectiveness soaring?

It's ridiculously strong.

"Young man, you are a bit unreasonable, how can I be considered your ancestor."

A trace of anger rose on the woman's face.

She thought that Qin Feiyang was also a descendant of the Dong clan.

A punch was blasted out.

Accompanied by a loud bang, an astonishing scene appeared, and the two ultimate principles of life and death with the fourfold will of heaven were shattered on the spot.

"So strong?"

"Even the principle of profound meaning has not been opened."

Qin Feiyang's eyes trembled, and he shouted: "Take care of me. Her methods are the same as these skeletons, yellow sand monsters, and sand monsters."

It was not the grandmother of Dong Yuexian.

Even if it is, there are tricks in it.

When Dong Yuexian heard this, there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Because they were reminded by Qin Feiyang, they found that the grandma in front of them was indeed using the same methods as these skeletons.

Because these skeletons, as long as they don't erase the consciousness in the two flames, they can be reborn again quickly.

"Asshole, get out of here!"

The madman watched the woman getting closer, his face was full of anger, the sword of all evils shot out directly, carrying a sharp edge that would destroy the world, and slashed towards the woman.

The previous two times were all sword energy.

Sword Qi, compared to the Sword of All Evil itself, must be a bit weaker.


The sword of all evil slammed in an instant.

The woman didn't stand and be beaten this time, she disappeared from everyone's sight like a ghost.


The madman raised his eyebrows.

Is it afraid of the sword of all evil?

Next moment!

For a moment, the woman appeared behind the madman and patted the madman's head with a palm.


Qin Feiyang changed color suddenly.

The Sword of All Evil is now retracted, and there is no time to fight back.

It's a matter of moments.

Dong Tianchen stepped behind the lunatic, his hands clenched tightly together, although his eyes were full of fear, he did not retreat.

In the face of Dong Tianchen, the woman did not show any mercy, a murderous look flashed in her eyes, and a punch hit Dong Tianchen's head.

Dong Tianchen's head exploded like a watermelon on the spot, with blood splashing three feet!

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