Invincible God of War

Chapter 4670: Finally dead!

After hearing the words of the lunatic, the Skeleton King finally felt regret.

Why are you so overbearing?

Why do you want to do it so terribly?

If you leave a little back for these people, will this be the case now?

The ancients said it well.

To leave a way for others is to leave a way for ourselves.

If the Skeleton King was not so aggressive, how could Qin Feiyang think of this plan to cheat her?


Once it started, there was no way to stop.


There is no regret medicine in this world.

No matter how much she regrets now, it is meaningless.


Time passed by at once.

There are already ten tribulations behind the Skeleton King.

The terrifying Tianwei locked her tightly.

She was so frightened that she did not dare to look back, staring at Qin Feiyang and the others: "If you don't help this king, we will go to **** together!"

Now, she can only make this idea.

Because of the robbery, I dare not go head-to-head again.

There is no way to survive, what else can be done? Why don't you just take a few pads!

There were also people on Huangquan Road.


It is not easy for her to catch up with Qin Feiyang and others.

Although Qin Feiyang and others can't leave the island now, fortunately, the island is big enough.

They ran laps around the island.


Along the way.

The aura of the Skeleton King, the divine might of the tribulation, smashed everything.

The void is collapsing.

The earth is sinking!

In the surrounding seas, great waves were set off.

"See how long you can chase?"

The lunatic's eyes flickered with cold.

to be honest.

The speed of the Skeleton King is really a headache, so fast that he can't even catch up with the catastrophe.


The 98th Heavenly Tribulation came.

At this moment.

Behind the Skeleton King, there are more than 20 tribulations!

Not to mention the Skeleton King himself, even Qin Feiyang and the others couldn't help being horrified.

If it was bombed by more than twenty heavenly calamities, it would definitely be a catastrophe.

"Stop chasing you, okay?"

"You are not tired, we are too tired!"

The white-eyed wolf roared angrily.

It's really endless.

"The king said that death will drag you to **** together."

The Skeleton King grinned.

She has no illusions now.

The only thing to do is to catch up with Qin Feiyang and the others, and let these people be buried with her.

She has full confidence in speed.

Although Qin Feiyang and others are at the same speed as her now, this is because of the blessings given by the gods. Once the gift is over, they can easily catch up with a group of people.


high altitude.

The ninety-ninth tribulation began to brew.

Tianwei, which was originally extremely terrifying, is rapidly strengthening!

Black thunder and lightning roared and danced among the clouds like a giant python.


Tianwei climbed to a height that had never been seen before.

Qin Feiyang and the others couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

There is a very real feeling!

—The end is coming!

The spirits are trembling.

Panic, fear, involuntarily swept my heart.

As if this heavenly calamity had come, the entire sea of ​​stars would be annihilated.

"This is the first time that this deity has seen such a terrible tribulation."

"It is countless times more terrifying than when the deity evolved into a supreme-level dominating divine weapon."

Dao Zu's eyes trembled.

If you are bombarded by this heavenly calamity, don't have any doubts, it will definitely be the end of the gods.

"Still chasing?"

"This chopstick really wants to drag us into the water!"

The blood old man was also terrified.

They are not far away from the Skeleton King now.

Once the tribulation comes, they will also be within the scope of the tribulation, and they will inevitably follow the Skeleton King in ashes.

The death of the Skeleton King is not a pity.

But they cannot die.

Everyone has a huge mission on their shoulders.

Especially Qin Feiyang.

There are hundreds of millions of people living in the basalt world.

If he died here, these creatures would not be spared.

"If only it could be faster."


This is already their limit.

It sounds ridiculous.

In the past, the dual will of heaven could be invincible.

but now.

Eightfold Heavenly Dao will, unexpectedly, can't protect itself.


Tianwei became more and more terrifying.

Thunder, shaking the earth!

An astonishing catastrophe is gradually taking shape.

The diameter is tens of thousands of feet!

The power of thunder roared, and a group of people looked up, like a black tornado storm piercing through the sky.

"If this tribulation falls, will the island we are on now disappear?"

Li Feng swallowed.

The power of the source is as small as an ant in front of this heavenly calamity.

"You must get rid of her!"

The madman said solemnly.

And, you have to leave the island immediately.

Although the island is very large, but Tianwei is too terrifying.

They had to make such plans.

If this island really disappears in a flash, won't they die together?


How to get rid of this Skeleton King?

This person is determined to take them to hell.


Tianwei has finally reached its limit.


Accompanied by a loud rumbling sound, the might of the sky descended from the sky.

The shocking scene immediately appeared under everyone's sight.

It was just a moment of effort, and the entire void above the island collapsed and turned into chaos.

Just Tianwei is so terrifying, let alone Heavenly Tribulation.

this moment.

Both the Skeleton King and Qin Feiyang and others felt the breath of death.

Just like.

At this time, in front of them, there was a **** of death standing.

It makes the scalp numb!


The madman urged.

But this is already the fastest speed.

A group of people are desperate!


Tianwei finally fell.

Shrouded the Skeleton King.

At this moment, the Skeleton King stopped, motionless.

"what happened?"

Qin Feiyang and others noticed this scene for the first time, and a trace of surprise appeared in their expressions.

Why doesn't it move?

Are you scared stupid?


"This is Tianwei imprisoning her."

"The Tianwei in the last celestial realm is too strong, even she has been imprisoned, unable to move."

Qin Feiyang looked at the Skeleton King in shock.

The Skeleton King is so powerful that it can actually imprison her in the void, unable to move at all.

Fortunately, this catastrophe is not theirs.

Otherwise, they would be the same as Skeleton King now.

Because of the tribulation, basically only the people who crossed the tribulation will be locked.

"Now, go!"

Shouted the white-eyed wolf.

Qin Feiyang returned to his senses, and immediately turned around, leading a group of people and swept towards the sea ahead.

On the other side of the sea is the second island.

That's right!

If the power of the robbery is too terrible and destroy the first island, then they will decisively enter the second island.

As for whether there is any danger in the sea area between the first island and the second island, that is not an issue that should be considered now.

The consideration now is to save lives!

"Do not!"

"You can't go!"

The Skeleton King watched this scene and roared frantically.

The tone is full of unwillingness.


She was confident enough to drag these people to die together, but she didn't expect that the heavenly might of the last heavenly calamity would be so terrifying.

Actually imprisoned her in the void!

Can only watch Qin Feiyang and the others, slipping away from under her eyelids.


"Look behind you!"

"If you want to kill us, wait to save our lives."

The madman and the white-eyed wolf laughed.

Because, the twenty-odd tribulations before, have already been killed behind the Skeleton King.

"This king won't let you"

The Skeleton King roared.


Twenty dozen heavenly tribulations were slain, and they swarmed up, directly drowning the Skeleton King.

The screams resounded across the sky.


The sky.

The last tribulation also came.

"Do not…"

With a stern wailing, the robbery fell.

The entire island collapsed suddenly.

Sea water, rushing from all directions, quickly engulfed the island.

"White-eyed wolf!"

Qin Feiyang shouted violently.

The white-eyed wolf changed his body and became a huge wolf.

A group of people quickly jumped up.


The golden wings fluttered, and the white-eyed wolf led a group of people and immediately rose into the sky.

With the blessing of God, his speed is also very fast.

In the blink of an eye, he swept out of the island and entered the sky over the sea.


Between the first island and the second island, there is no gray storm, or even if you get rid of the Skeleton King, you will have to be buried with the Skeleton King in the end.

The white-eyed wolf flew towards the second island.

Qin Feiyang and others turned around and looked down at the first way.


Over the entire island, there are violent winds and waves, and the power of thunder is surging.

The Skeleton King was no longer found.

The island was gradually engulfed by the waves.

Not to mention Qin Feiyang's group of people, even those skeletons hiding in the gray storm, watching this scene are scared to death.

"You can stop."

Dong Yuexian waved his hand, the power of the origin appeared, and a sister was condensed, shrouded everyone in it, and blocked the surging aftermath.

Even at this moment, they are far away from the island, but the aftermath of this day's calamity can still shake the enchantment, violently shake and twist.

The white-eyed wolf stopped and turned to look at the first island.

The island has completely disappeared, replaced by a rough ocean.

"I don't know if the Skeleton King is dead."

"Don't be kidding."

"Twenty-odd tribulations, plus the last tribulation, if this is not dead, it would be too unreasonable."

It's not an exaggeration to say.

The power of the last tribulation is several times more terrifying than the lunatic sword of all evil at the time, that is, when slaying the other side of the Skeleton King's consciousness in the inner surrounding area.

Faced with such a catastrophe, I am afraid that even if the gods come to the world, they will only have the gods to die.

A group of people did not leave, staring at the sea.

Time passed a little bit.

The surging sea gradually calmed down.

The power of thunder is also gradually disappearing.

"Look at the sky."

Li Feng pointed to the sky.

A group of people looked up, and the dark clouds were gradually dissipating, revealing a brilliant starry sky.

"There is no auspicious light coming..."

The madman murmured, laughing loudly: "This is the best proof that the Skeleton King did not succeed in crossing the Tribulation!"


If the Skeleton King successfully crosses the Tribulation, the sky will drop the light of auspiciousness, purify the evil air in the Skeleton King's body, and let it completely get rid of the undead body.

on the contrary.

If the light of auspiciousness does not come, it means that the Tribulation has failed.

"Finally dead."

Long Chen scanned the sea and breathed out a long breath, a smile gradually appeared on his face.

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