Invincible God of War

Chapter 5021: Two Eternal Weapons

The three Fengtian Demon Kings are all self-inflicted, and no one will sympathize with them.

Although Qin Feiyang's injury is still a little bit worse, his combat power has also recovered a lot.

"I'll leave it to you next, I'll withdraw first."

Tian Zhong said.

"it is good."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

With a bang, the bell rose into the sky and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Looking at the sky, Long Qin frowned and said, "You guys say, what role does this Heavenly Bell play in the Heavenly Bell's Divine Treasure?"

"What role?"

Qin Feiyang was taken aback.


"Look, it can go to Tianyun Realm and ask us for help."

"When we entered the Tianzhong Divine Treasure back then, we had to pass it."

"And, did you notice that it took us directly to Chaos King City before."

"You must know that there are rules and restrictions here. Even the space-time channel and the teleportation artifact cannot be opened, but it can cross the void and bring us here."

"This shows that it can ignore the rules of Tianzhong Shenzang."


"This place is called Tianzhong Shenzang, and its body is a Tianzhong, doesn't it matter?"

Long Qin was curious.

Hearing what Long Qin said, Qin Feiyang was stunned at first, and then he pondered.

Before, he hadn't thought about these things, but now hearing Long Qin say these doubts, it seemed a little unusual.

"Senior God King, do you know the origin of the Tianzhong?"

Qin Feiyang turned to look at the Chaos God King.

"do not know."

"I knew that the bell has always existed."

The Chaos God King shook his head.

"There has been…"

Qin Feiyang murmured, turned his head to look at Long Qin, and said with a smile: "Since Tianzhong is the entrance and exit here, it's not surprising that it can ignore the rules here."

"But there is one thing that I can't figure out, how did the people of Xuanhuang Great World come from?"

"It stands to reason."

"Tianzhong is the entrance and exit here, and people from the Xuanhuang Great World will definitely pass through it when they enter the Tianzhong Divine Treasure."

"But now, it doesn't know anything about these people in the Xuanhuang Great World."

Long Qin said.

"Maybe it's the gate?"

Qin Feiyang guessed.

The gate of the world can open the barriers of the world and let the creatures in the world travel back and forth between the two worlds.

Like a kingdom of gods.

The people of the Xuanhuang Great World use the world gate every time they come to the kingdom of God.

"The gate..."

Long Qin pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Jiemen does make sense, but I always feel that this heavenly bell doesn't seem to be that simple."

"Believe it a little, nothing like it is simple."

"But these are not important."

"Because it's not our enemy."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

"That's true."

Long Qin nodded.

But in the next moment.

Long Qin's face sank.


Qin Feiyang couldn't help frowning.


The Chaos God King and the Six Great Demon Kings frowned.

Qin Feiyang turned to look at the six demon kings and said, "You guys are here to take care of the aftermath and count the casualties."

Say it.

He looked at the Chaos God King again and said, "Senior God King, you have to go with us. You may need your help when necessary."

"it is good."

Chaos God King nodded.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, rolled up the Chaos God King, the Mermaid Princess, and Long Qin, and chased after the Angel Sword and Three Thousand Avatars like lightning.

"Finally survived this calamity."

The Nine-Tailed Queen shook her head.

The five Dark Demon Kings also nodded.

These days, it's been a nightmare for them.

There were times when they thought that there was no hope, and they had given up their plans to live, and were determined to die.

But I didn't expect that Qin Feiyang would come down at this time, like a divine soldier descending from the sky, defeating the group of people in Xuanhuang Great World.

I didn't even expect that Qin Feiyang's strength was so terrifying.


Half an hour passed.

Qin Feiyang's injury has healed.

After the injury healed, he immediately sent the mermaid princess to the Xuanwu world.

Don't delay her too much time.

Because she wants to cultivate and understand the supreme meaning.


They also caught up with the three thousand incarnations.

"Where's the Angel Sword?"

The Chaos God King asked suspiciously.

"The speed of the angel sword is faster than us, and this guy is too arrogant, and he doesn't take us with him. He has already disappeared now."

A group of avatars looked at Long Qin displeasedly.

"She didn't take you with her. What are you doing looking at me?"

Long Qin was speechless.

"Isn't that your magic weapon?"

An incarnation stared at Long Qin resentfully.

"Okay, okay, my fault, my fault."

Long Qin was helpless.

Qin Feiyang couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. With a thought, the three thousand avatars dissipated and continued to chase.

Hesitate a little.

Qin Feiyang turned his head to look at Long Qin and asked, "You angel sword, did your father help evolve it into an eternal divine weapon?"


"Last time I went back with my eldest brother and asked my father for help."

"Father didn't want to help us at first, but I couldn't hinder my mother, so I asked my eldest brother and I to give him the Angel Sword and the Heavenly Divine Sword."

"At that time, my father, holding the Angel Sword and the Heavenly Divine Sword, left directly."

"It took a thousand years before he came back."

"After he came back, he gave me the Angel Sword and the Heavenly Divine Sword. Only then did I know that the two Divine Weapons have evolved into Eternal Divine Weapons."

Long Qin explained.


"Heavenly Divine Sword, has also evolved into an eternal divine weapon?"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.


Long Qin nodded and smiled proudly: "My father can still do it!"


Qin Feiyang was stunned. This is too outrageous. In just a thousand years, two eternal weapons have been created?


"The Angel Sword and the Heavenly Divine Sword, shouldn't have been created by your father!"

Qin Feiyang frowned.


If the ice dragon has this ability, he can't leave, but directly in the **** of Hades, raising the level of the angel sword and the **** sword.

That is to say.

At that time, Binglong left to find someone for help.

Who to look for?

Swallowing the beast?

Does the swallowing beast have this ability?

He was skeptical.

"It's not really my father."

"I asked too."

"My father didn't hide it from me, he said he was looking for help from a godless person."

Long Qin said.

"No Heaven!"

Qin Feiyang's pupils shrank.

Isn't this the legendary God of Creation?

The elixir, the six-character divine art, the snow, and the ancient castle were all created by this legendary figure.

"Who is Wutian?"

The Chaos God King on the side was full of curiosity.

Qin Feiyang turned to look at the Chaos God King, shook his head and said, "This is an unreachable existence, at least for us now, he is a **** above."


The Chaos God King couldn't help but be surprised.

so strong?

Even today's Qin Feiyang calls him a god!

Qin Feiyang looked at the Chaos God King, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

Chaos God King, but also a woman of peerless elegance, the most important thing is ability, courage, and means?

Would you like to help Long Chen match it?

But he secretly told Long Qin about this matter.

Long Qin also immediately looked at the Chaos God King.

The appearance of 1899, exquisite and petite figure, and a slender waist in a grip, this is really a rare peerless beauty.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

The Chaos God King looked at the two of them puzzled.

"Nothing, nothing."

Qin Feiyang and the two quickly waved their hands and looked away.

Long Qin said through a voice transmission: "Your idea is quite good, but my brother said that he has someone he likes, and he is in the Xuanwu world."

"Anyone you like?"

"Still in the Xuanwu world?"

Qin Feiyang was stunned.


"When we went back to ask my father for help, he said it himself."

"I also asked him, who is this woman?"

"He didn't answer me."

Long Qin shook her head.

"Xuanwu world..."


"Fire lotus?"

"Qin Ruoshuang?"

Definitely one of the three.

But who is it?

Fire lotus can almost be excluded.

Lin Yiyi, Qin Ruoshuang...

I didn't see it, Long Chen is actually secretly in love with someone?

It seems that Long Chen is also a very shy person about feelings.

Whether it is Lin Yiyi or Qin Ruoshuang, they have been with each other for so many years, and they know the truth.

But this guy is still hiding in his heart.

If Long Qin hadn't said it now, he wouldn't even know.

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