Invincible God of War

Chapter 5027: only pure land

The Chaos God King glanced at the audience, and suddenly bowed to the creatures outside the city.

"Lord God, what are you doing?"

Everyone looked at her suspiciously.

"I want to apologize to you, to those who died."

"Because I didn't protect you well, I betrayed your trust, and let Tianzhong Shenzang suffer such a catastrophe."

The Chaos God King sighed.

"Do not."

"You have worked very hard. You are the Demon King of Fengtian, the Demon King of Black Flame, and the Bloodthirsty Demon King. They are too inhuman and have nothing to do with you."

"You don't need to apologize, it's the three of them who should apologize!"

Everyone roared angrily.

"Thank you for your understanding."

"As for the Demon King Fengtian and the others, I wanted to keep them and repent and forgive my sins in front of everyone, but I was afraid of another accident, so I killed them."

Chaos God King said.

"do you died?"

"That's really heartwarming."

There was no one at the scene, sympathizing with the three Demon King Fengtian.


The actions of these three people are not worthy of sympathy at all.

"However, although these powerful enemies were expelled by Qin Feiyang and the others, and although the three Fengtian Demon Kings were slaughtered, the crisis has not been resolved."

"It may even be possible that we will face more serious retaliation."

"These powerful enemies are not something we can deal with."

"And Qin Feiyang and the others can't stay in Tianzhong Shenzang to protect us, they will leave sooner or later."

The Chaos God King sighed.

Hearing this, the creatures outside the city couldn't help but start to panic.

"But don't panic, we have come up with a solution."

"This method is to transfer to the Xuanwu world."

Chaos God King Dao.

"Xuanwu world?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and there was a hint of doubt in their expressions.

Many people still don't know, where is the Xuanwu world?

Not to mention, Qin Feiyang is the master of the Xuanwu world.


"Xuanwu world is Qin Feiyang's world."

"In other words, he is the master of the Xuanwu world."

"And today's Xuanwu world is very prosperous. Whether it is cultivation resources or environment, we can't compare with Tianzhong Shenzang."

"And Qin Feiyang's personality and character, I believe that even if you don't know it, you must have heard of it."

"He's someone we absolutely can trust."

The Chaos God King laughed.

"Xuanwu world, dominate..."

Everyone looked at Qin Feiyang in disbelief.

Never thought that this person would actually be the ruler of a world.

No wonder it's so powerful and capable.

"I have discussed this matter with the six demon kings, and they all agreed."

"But we still have to respect your decision."

"If you want to stay in Tianzhong Shenzang, then we will also stay and share life and death with everyone. If you want to live a carefree life like your family, then go to the Xuanwu world."

Chaos God King Dao.

As long as they enter the Xuanwu world, these creatures can immediately lead a peaceful life.

Wang Tianyu and Xuanhuang Great World have nothing to do with them.

Because of these things, Qin Feiyang and others did it.

They only need to live in peace, as long as they don't stay in the Xuanwu world and cause chaos for Qin Feiyang.

"Then will we come back later?"

someone asked.


"When the crisis is over, you can return to this homeland again."

Chaos God King nodded.

"What's the hesitation then?"


"Anyway, if you don't go, you won't be able to come back."

"As long as we can live a peaceful life, as long as we don't hold you back, we are all willing to go to the Xuanwu world."

Everyone yelled.

Because they also know that if they continue to stay in Tianzhong Shenzang, they will only cause trouble for Qin Feiyang and others.

"thanks for your support."

The Chaos God King bowed again.

It is also the happiness of their managers to have such a group of considerate and reasonable subjects.

"Lord God King, you are too polite."

"It's us, thank you."

"Because in the face of danger, you did not abandon us."

someone said.


This is really rare.

Because many managers, when they encounter danger, escape alone, how can they care about the lives of those below?

But the Chaos God King did not.

But all the creatures in Tianzhong Shenzang, whether it is human or a murderer, she must do her best to protect it.

"This is what I should do, no need to say thank you."

The Chaos God King shook his head and smiled, turned to look at Qin Feiyang, and said, "I will cause you trouble in the future."

"Where is it?"

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, looked down at Chaos King City, and said, "Can the King City continue to be enlarged?"


The Chaos God King nodded and said suspiciously, "Why are you asking this?"

"I'm thinking that it would be a bit troublesome to make room for the creatures here in the Xuanwu world again."

"Otherwise, let everyone enter the royal city directly, and then live in the royal city in the future."

"In this case, whether it is to transfer to the Xuanwu world now, or transfer from the Xuanwu world in the future, it will be much more convenient."

Qin Feiyang said.


The Chaos God King nodded, swept to the creatures outside the city, made a rough estimate, and said, "It can fit, it's more than enough."

The remaining creatures in Tianzhong Shenzang are no more than 50 million at most.

The Chaos King City has become so large that it can accommodate hundreds of millions of people.

Because the Chaos King City itself is very big.

"Then do it!"

Qin Feiyang smiled.

"it is good."

Chaos God King nodded.

Following her order, the Chaos King City immediately grew larger.

In less than a few breaths, a huge ancient city stood on this land.

From a distance, it looks like a magnificent continent.

"Come in!"

The six demon kings looked at the creatures outside the city.

With the opening of the gate of the royal city, tens of millions of creatures poured into the royal city in an orderly manner.

"Brother Qin, without you, we really don't know what to do."

The Demon King Wandu looked at Qin Feiyang, shook his head and sighed.


"The people of Xuanhuang Great World are really too strong."

"In front of them, we can't even count as ants."

The Demon King nodded.

In the past in Tianzhong Shenzang, they were the strongest.

They even thought that in the Great Thousand World, they all stood at the top of the pyramid.

But when they saw the people in the great world of Xuanhuang, they realized how insignificant they were, they used to be like a frog in a well.

"It doesn't matter."

"Trust me, you will catch up with them sooner or later."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"Follow them?"

The six demon kings froze for a moment, shook their heads and smiled bitterly: "Don't be kidding, how can we have this ability, we still have this self-knowledge."

"Have confidence!"

Qin Feiyang smiled, and with a wave of his hand, a series of profound meanings appeared in front of him.

"What's this?"

"What a powerful law breath!"

The six were surprised.

The Chaos God King also looked at these profound meanings in amazement, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and asked: "Is this the true meaning of the profound meanings you said?"


"As long as you integrate these profound meanings, although you cannot immediately comprehend the supreme profound meaning, it is much faster than comprehending it yourself."

"And if you comprehend the supreme meaning of all the laws, you can become a half-step eternal supreme powerhouse, just like the seven people who pretended to be you."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

Hearing this, the breathing of the six demon kings immediately became rapid.

"But you also have to think about it."

"After all, if you integrate the true meaning of the profound meaning, you will no longer be able to hit the real eternal realm in the future."

Qin Feiyang said.

"Half-step eternity, for us, is more difficult than reaching the sky, let alone the real eternity, I have never thought about this issue at all."

"I'm already very satisfied to be a half-step eternal supreme powerhouse."

The Demon King of Hell opened his mouth.

The other five demon kings also nodded one after another.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the six people, then looked at the Chaos God King, and found that the Chaos God King seemed to be hesitating.

"Senior God King, if you don't want to integrate the true meaning of the profound meaning, then when you go to the Xuanwu world, you can go to Mu Qing and the others, and ask them to explain to you more about the mystery of the supreme profound meaning."

The Chaos God King can even comprehend the laws of life and death, which shows that her understanding and potential are no worse than anyone else's, so it shouldn't be a problem to comprehend the supreme meaning.

But sooner or later.


Chaos God King nodded.

She didn't know about the Eternal Realm before, so she wouldn't think about it so much.

but now.

As she learned more and more about the Eternal Realm, especially seeing the power of the Eternal Divine Weapon, she didn't want to stop at half-step eternity from the bottom of her heart.


Tens of millions of creatures have entered the Chaos King City.

The Snow Queen swept to the surrounding earth and asked, "What about the other undead?"

"These undead must not be brought to the Xuanwu world."

"But you don't have to worry, no matter how despicable the people of Xuanhuang Great World are, they won't come to slaughter these undead."

"So, if they continue to stay in Tianzhong Shenzang, there will be nothing wrong."

Mu Qing said lightly.

Undead with consciousness is okay and can be managed.

But those undead who are not conscious and rely on instinct to act, once they enter the basalt world, they will inevitably make the basalt world a haze.

The Xuanwu world is the only pure land today, and it cannot fall into chaos.

Once in chaos, it's like a backyard fire.


Chaos God King nodded.

"Then let's go to the Xuanwu world!"

Qin Feiyang stepped into the sky in one step, and with a wave of his hand, the huge Chaos King City disappeared without a trace.

Devil's Land.

"This is the Xuanwu world?"

"so big!"

"It's spectacular!"

"And the green mountains and green waters here, the energy of essence..."

Looking at this vibrant land, not to mention the creatures in the Chaos King City, even the Chaos God King and the Six Great Demon Kings couldn't help being shocked.

When did they see such beautiful mountains and earth in Tianzhong Shenzang?

For them in the past, that was a luxury.


Many people climbed up the city wall and looked at this scene in amazement and envy.


Pei Hongyu and Pei Dasen came from the sky and landed in front of Qin Feiyang.

"You settle down."

Qin Feiyang laughed.


The two nodded.

"Senior God King, you can stay here!"

"As for the six senior demon kings, the creatures of the Chaos King City still need your management, so in the future, you will have to work hard."

Qin Feiyang looked at the Chaos God King and the Six Great Demon Kings again and smiled.

"No no."

The six demon kings waved their hands.

"Then come with me!"

Pei Dasen looked at the six demon kings and Chaos King City and said a word, and flew towards Zhongzhou.

It seems that he intends to settle the Chaos King City in Zhongzhou.

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