Invincible Gun Master

Chapter 1105: lucky!

The first thousand one hundred and five chapters are lucky!

It’s a coincidence that the energy storms that were bombarded by the cannonballs all smashed in the direction of the Monarch that was more than ten meters away. The Monarch who was just fortunate that he had escaped, saw this in front of him. After the scene, his face instantly turned pale. Although these energy storms were not as powerful as a cannonball, it would not be easy to be hit by them.

As a result, Monarch Monarch set out again and rushed forward with difficulty, trying to avoid these energy storms. The volume of these energy storms is huge, coupled with the violent impact contained in the energy storm, if Monarch Monarch It's more uncomfortable to be trapped inside.

Because in the face of the impact of the energy storm, the Monarch must use spiritual power to defend it. Otherwise, it is completely unrealistic to rely solely on the body of the Monarch to resist the fierce impact. The behavior of the king is also very clear in his heart.

It’s just that, when the Emperor is escaping from the energy storm, the Emperor is also quickly absorbing the aura between the heavens and the earth. Not only that, the Emperor is also constantly performing the Night Shuangjue, blocking the surrounding waves. The scorching high temperature, as a result, the Emperor Yixu has one mind and three uses, which caused a serious decline in his avoidance ability.

Within a few seconds, Monarch Xianxu was hit by several energy storms because he did not evade in time, and the whole person fell into the energy storm again.

These energy storms originally existed alone, but after the bombardment of which shells, these energy storms were superimposed together, and the impact force inside the energy storm naturally became much stronger. Now, the king is equivalent to being trapped in In an energy storm that had been superimposed five times, and the Lord of Immortality also clearly felt that the impact force in this energy storm was five times as much as the soul power in the previous ordinary energy storms.

Therefore, Monarch Xianxue had to quickly consume the spiritual power in his body, so as to use these spiritual power to build a defensive barrier, which can be used to protect his physical body. However, if this continues, it is not a solution. Spiritual power is being consumed rapidly, which is extremely unfavorable to his current situation and situation!

"Crap! I am trapped in this energy storm, and my spiritual power is bound to be consumed rapidly. The inside of the energy storm is like a swamp. I can't get out on my own. Right now, I have to think of a way. Just leave this energy storm!"

Inside the energy storm, there is no expression on the face of the eternal emperor. He is now caught in this huge energy storm. The situation is very bad. He is now unable to move a single step and cannot escape from the energy storm by his own strength. .

After all, the energy storm that trapped the Immortal Lord is formed by the superposition of five energy storms, so the impact inside this energy storm is very powerful, equivalent to five times the internal impact of ordinary energy storms. For a while, Immortal Lord will not be able to get rid of it at all.

To ensure that his physical safety is not impacted by the Lord, the Lord must always use the spiritual power in the sea of ​​Qi to protect the defensive barrier in front of him. However, in this way, the spirit in the body of the Lord The power consumption is very large, and even quickly catches up with the spiritual power consumed by the Ye Shuangjue.

Although Monarch Xuanxuan is also rapidly absorbing the aura between heaven and earth, the speed at which Monarch Xuanxuan absorbs aura has no advantage at all. On the contrary, as time goes by, Monarch Xuanxuan can't keep up with the spiritual energy in his body. Consumption.

According to the development of the current situation, I am afraid that within ten minutes, the spiritual power in the Immortal Monarch will be exhausted, unless the Immortal Monarch takes the initiative to abandon one party, because only in this way, the pressure on the Immortal Monarch will be greatly reduced, but you must know One point, whether it is a defensive barrier or Ye Shuangjue, both of these functions are used to protect the body of the Emperor. As long as the Emperor abandons one of them, then it will not be long before the body of the Emperor will suffer. To a fatal blow!

If Lord Immortal is only performing the Night Frost Jue, then Lord Immortal’s body is only covered by a layer of frost up to ten centimeters thick. In this way, the 2,000-degree and extremely hot surroundings will definitely be blocked. outside.

However, the strong impact force generated in the energy storm can directly ignore the frost, and directly impact the inside of the body of the alien, causing huge damage to the body of the alien, after all, inside the energy storm The impact force produced is invisible and colorless. To stop the impact in the energy storm, the Emperor Xianxue must use a defensive barrier.

The Lord of Immortality looked at the energy storm in front of him, and a glimmer of misery flashed in his eyes, and the Lord of Immortality gradually had a plan in his heart. He wanted to use the ultimate strength to break this energy storm, although Lord Immortal probably Only 30% certainty, but Lord Yixu still wants to give it a try.

Otherwise, the speed of the spiritual power consumption in the current emperor is too fast. I am afraid that within ten minutes, the spiritual power in the eternal emperor will be exhausted. If the eternal emperor finds a way, then It's too late.


With a fierce roar in the King's mouth, the breath of King King's body instantly reached its peak state, King King King's plan to break through this energy storm, as time goes by, the spiritual power in King King's body is fast At the same time, Monarch Immortal kept absorbing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, which made the spiritual power in Monarch Immortal's body even stronger.

After a while, the eternal emperor controlled all the spiritual power in the body to rush to the eternal emperor’s right hand, and then, the eternal emperor’s right hand changed into a fist, with the strong spiritual power, the eternal emperor’s right hand contained The power directly broke through two million catties. Moreover, the power of this two million catties is not the limit of the Emperor. The power of the Emperor is rising rapidly, and the power in the hands of the Emperor is heading Approaching quickly with 2.5 million catties.

"Break it for me!"

When the power of the Lord of the Immortals reached a peak state, the strength of the Lord of the Immortals reached an astonishing 2.5 million catties, and then, the Lord of the Immortals did not hesitate, and faced the energy storm in front of him. Smashed.



The power of a punch of the Lord Yorky reached 2.5 million catties. When he swung this fist out, the air currents in the air came with violent explosions. It can be seen that the power of the Lord Yorky It has reached a horrible level, and anyone who sees this scene will be shocked.


Accompanied by a violent impact, dense cracks appeared on the defensive barrier that besieged Monarch Monarch. These cracks looked like spider webs and looked a little frightening.


When Monarch Immortal saw the cracks appearing around the energy storm in front of him, Mr. Immortal suddenly showed a touch of joy. Mr. Immortal did not expect that at this critical moment, his full blow would have played such a critical moment. The effect, this is indeed a bit beyond the expectation of Monarch. All the fighting intent on the body of the king at the moment was stimulated.

"Come again!"

With a loud shout, the Emperor Xuanxuan once again mobilized a part of his spiritual power from the depths of the sea of ​​Qi, and then gathered on his right hand. This time, the Emperor Xuanxuan's power was the same as before, reaching 2.5 million jin. The body even shone with a dazzling silver-white light. This is the manifestation of the supernatural power of the Emperor Xuanxuan. Therefore, the next punch, the Monarch Xuanxuan must go all out, and strive to directly break this one time. Energy storm.



At the next moment, the Lord Immortal slammed directly on the energy storm in front of him. When the right fist of Lord Immortal collided with the energy storm barrier, Monarch Immortal's right fist immediately released terrifying power. Just like a meteorite falling from the sky, the power it carries is extremely shocking.

You must know that the energy storm in front of the Emperor Xuanxuan was almost destroyed by the Emperor Xuanxiu before. Therefore, the power used by the Emperor Xuanxuan this time is very huge, almost like a destructive force. It smashed the energy storm in front of the Lord of Immortality into countless pieces.


Looking at the energy storm that was broken by one of his own punches, the face of Emperor Yuxue suddenly showed a touch of joy. Monarch Yuxue did not expect that he would break the energy storm with just two punches. This is completely Exceeded the expectations of Immortal King.

The Lord Yixu originally thought that if he wanted to break this energy storm, he would have to do his best to hit seven or eight punches, but he never thought that the Lord Yixu would break the energy storm with just two punches. Now, you must know that the energy storm that trapped the Immortal Lord is five times as much as other energy storms. I have to say that the Immortal Lord is lucky.

After the Lord of Immortality broke through this energy storm, Lord Immortal did not hesitate and stepped directly out of this energy storm. However, Lord Immortal had just left this energy storm, and Lord Immortal was caught by others nearby. The storm of energy was enveloped, but the Lord Immortal was not half worried. On the contrary, Lord Immortal had a relaxed look on his face.

After all, there are thousands of energy storms within a few kilometers of the explosion center. These energy storms are all next to each other. Therefore, it is impossible for the Emperor to be unique, but even if the Emperor Now he was trapped in the energy storm again, but Monarch Imperious would not be afraid.

Because the energy storm that trapped the Immortal Lord is a normal energy storm, the impact contained within it is also normal. The Immortal Lord only needs to mobilize about 10% of his spiritual power, and the Immortal Lord can block the energy. The impact force in the storm is much better than the previous energy storm.

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