Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1056: Arrival 2


   Perceived that the death knight who belonged to Nags in front of him had no respect for the lich in his attitude towards himself, and Rod did not care too much in his heart.

  After hearing Scott’s report, Rod nodded, then turned his gaze over Scott, and said to all the necromancers who came here below:

   "Listen well, I don't care where you are from the Necromancer Academy. After you come here, you have only one thing to do, and that is to refine my designated potion."

  Seeing most of the Necromancers, they are not interested in their own words. They came here mostly because of the order issued by the Lich, but how can the Lich’s order limit these self-centered Necromancers.

In Rod’s view, no matter what he said, as long as the conversation is over and he leaves the city of Sao, it will not be long before most of the necromancers present will try their best to escape from the city. They become necromancers, but Not for refining potions for the lord.

  Because of this, after sensing the status of these necromancers, Rod timely released a little aura belonging to the god-level spiritism, and directly used death energy to frighten these necromancers.

   Perceiving this special death energy, the attitude of the Necromancer in the field immediately changed. Even Scott's eyes looked at Rhode.

Scott has only felt such pure death energy in the Lich. What makes Scott very concerned is that the death energy he feels at this time is even more pure and farther than that of Nags. It was far beyond what he could understand as a death knight.

  Because of this, Scott seems to have begun to understand why Nags valued Rhodes so much, and even gave such a group of necromancers who are good at refining potions into Rhodes's hands.

The death energy released by Rhode also attracted the attention of the necromancers in the field. Although the ranks of these necromancers are not high, and not many people even meet the ranks of formal necromancers, they also understand what kind of death has. The Necromancer of energy is worthy of their respect.

  With the spread of death energy, among the necromancers, some abnormalities gradually occurred. At this moment, Lord's words came again.

  "You may be forced to come to Sao City under the order of the Lich, but since you are here, you need to abide by the rules here, the rules set by me."

  Speaking, Rod took out a large number of scrolls that had already been prepared from the space ring, and distributed them to all the necromancers with the use of qi thaumaturgy.

"Perhaps before coming here, you have heard of my request from the Lich, but I will emphasize it again. I need you to refine a potion for me, the refining method is recorded in your hands. within."

  "The more potions you can refine, the better. There is ample supply of refining materials. Necromancers who refine more will be rewarded, but less punished."

  Speaking, under Rod's signal, a large number of corpse witch kings entered this quiet room from the deepest space in the underground area.

  The appearance of the corpse witch king, accompanied by their scarlet eyes, coupled with strong death energy, immediately caused the necromancers in the field to panic, and at the same time wiped out their other thoughts.

  After experiencing the battle that originally took place in Sao City, the buildings on the ground in Sao City were almost completely destroyed, but the quiet room space below did not suffer much loss, and a considerable part of the structure was retained.

  In order to make the ceremony of awakening Vita go smoothly, Rod deliberately chose the largest quiet room in the underground space, that is, the quiet room where Els was allowed to wait and placed the Titan armor.

Even the extremely large Titan War Armor can be placed in this quiet room space, so that these necromancers can exist here, naturally there will be no problem, even if a large number of corpse witch kings are poured into the quiet room. It's not crowded at all.

  Under Rod’s sign, the corpse witch king and the necromancer corresponded one by one, and came to stand beside them. The purpose was self-evident, naturally, to monitor these necromancers during the next period of time.

"Death will be used as a punishment for unqualified necromancers. In view of the difficulty of refining potions, I will give you three days. After three days, everyone must hand in a bottle of designated potions with a pass completion degree. If it can’t be done, the corpse witch king next to you will take away your soul.”

   "Including you." As he said, Rod glanced at Scott, who was obviously speaking to the death knight.

  "This is against the rules. I am the death knight of Lord Nags. You are not qualified to punish me." Scott scolded angrily.

  Rhodes simply responded to this: "You can use the spiritual imprint to confirm this to Nags and see if I am qualified."

Rod’s words immediately made Scott realize something. He immediately used his spiritual imprint to report everything here to the omnipotent lich in his eyes, but the information he received made his heart cold. .

  According to the feedback from the spiritual Nags put all decision-making power in the hands of Rhodes. If Scott fails to complete the task, he will also be punished.

After learning of this news, Scott’s heart also began to panic. He already understood that if he could not refine the potion, his own life would depend on whether Rhode was willing to look at the lich. For his sake, he left his life, but according to Rod's attitude at this time, this should be impossible.

  At this moment, the identity of the death knight can no longer bring any superiority to Scott. It seems that he is no different from the ordinary necromancers around him.

  Looking at the Lord who was shrouded in a large cloak in front of him, Scott could not help feeling a chill in his heart. The corpse witch king emerging around him dispelled the idea of ​​resisting him, so that he did not dare to make any changes.

  The suppression of death energy is a deep reminder of Nags, once fighting Rhodes, what will happen to him.

  Scott has never seen a necromancer with such power, even Nags once did not give him such a feeling.

  Recalling that after Nags lost all of his spiritual imprints, the entire Rest of the Plains immediately fell into chaos, and it was not until Nags returned that the chaos ended. Scott couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

  At this time, Scott could only put his attention on the scroll in his hand. For him, refining this potion was a big test.

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