Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1142: Tentative

"As for you..."

After realizing Rhode's identity, Catherine's attitude changed significantly. Looking at the necromancer who caused all this, his eyes gradually cooled.

"Because of your offense, the entire Shadow City suffered such a loss. I think you should know in your heart what kind of punishment you will be punished."

Catherine's indifferent words undoubtedly pronounced the outcome of the Necromancer.

Seeing the most trusted existence before, he abandoned himself without hesitation, and a trace of despair appeared in the eyes of the Necromancer, shuddering from his body, and muttered: "No..."

The power, along with the things that have always supported him, quickly dissipated from the Necromancer's body, and even lost the strength to continue to stand. He knelt on the ground and cried to his king: "Your Majesty, forgive my fault, I would like to Pay the price for this."

Catherine's expression did not change due to the words of the Necromancer. After realizing the identity of Rhodes, at this time, he had already attributed all the losses suffered by the Shadow City to the Necromancer.

Seeing that Catherine didn't mean to reply, the Necromancer knelt and crawled towards Rod, begging for mercy: "Great Necromancer, I don't know who you are. Please forgive my offense."

Rod also didn't mean to reply, just staring at the person in front of him indifferently.

Before the necromancer could say anything, a cloud of death enveloped his body, and heart-piercing screams came out from it. For this necromancer, the erosion of his body was far from being caused by Kathrie. Give up without hesitation in despair.

Unlike the dark death cloud released by Rod, the dark green death cloud in front of him was naturally not released by Rod.

The cloud of death did not last long. When the dark green cloud dissipated, the necromancer among them had stopped yelling, and the body was full of traces of corrosion. Although there were faint ups and downs in the chest, there was only one left. The last breath exists, and the whole person is not far from death.

"The Necromancer who offended you, I will throw it into the Skeleton Conversion Field, and the undead creatures transformed will also be handed over to you as compensation for this offense."

Looking at Rod in front of him, Catherine said the final punishment for the necromancer.

At this time, several skeleton warriors stepped forward, erected the body of the necromancer, and took it to a certain location in the city. The violent movements of the skeleton warrior brought great damage to the original corroded body of the necromancer. pain of.

Feeling the half-dead Necromancer, the regret that emerged in his heart, and the despair of death, especially the collapse of belief in his heart, Rod knew that he had been punished enough.

However, whether the level of punishment is sufficient or not cannot be determined by Rhodes. Only the cause of this incident, that is, Leah, who was offended by the Necromancer, can determine this.

In Rod’s view, if it weren’t for himself to follow, even if Leah passed through the gate of time and space and came to the Shadow City, I’m afraid he would not have a chance to meet Noth, and would die in the hands of other necromancers first, even if not. That necromancer's obstruction, there will be other necromancers, these are difficult problems that Leah can't face.

Since Leah has no rank, she can only be regarded as an ordinary person with some special skills. In Rhodes's opinion, her choice to go to the Shadow City can be said to be no different from looking for death.

Before that, Rhodes believed that Leah’s death would be the best motivation for North, and could even promote the generation of heroic will, but under the influence of Rowling, Rhodes changed his original ideas and chose to personally Lead Leah to meet North.

Under Rhode's intervention, he would naturally not let Leah die like this, and Rhode would also help her deal with the offense against Leah by the Necromancer.

Rhodes did not respond to Catherine’s proposal immediately, but looked at Leah on the side: "How, are you satisfied with this punishment? If you are not satisfied, there are other ways to transform you can choose. "

Hearing Rod’s words, Leah recovered from the shock and hurriedly said, “I’m already very satisfied... but it’s not necessary to transform undead creatures? I don’t have a mental mark, and I can’t control it.”

Hearing what Leah said, Rhode nodded and replied briefly to Catherine: "You don't need to hand over the undead creatures transformed into me, you should keep them for yourself."

After dealing with the necromancer's matters, at the invitation of Catherine, Rod and Leah followed Catherine and his party, preparing to go to the Diya Palace.

Aisha, who appeared here through space spells, did not leave first, but moved forward with everyone. It also felt curiosity about Lord's purpose here. In the eyes of this lich, Lord would not Came to the City of Shadows for simple things.

With Aisha following and realizing Rod’s identity, Catherine did not choose to ride on the horse alone. The black steed he was riding before was slowly moving forward under the lead of the skeleton warrior, and he was the King of Diya. , Then walk on the ground.

In the process of marching, there was dead silence in the city, and no breath of living creatures came out. The creatures that originally existed here fell under the death cloud displayed by Rohdesch.

Feeling the clouds of death remaining nearby, even Aisha, who is a lich, couldn’t help but look sideways at Rhode. These clouds of death are basically the same as what he had previously felt in Modo’s territory. The top death cloud, even it cannot be released, used to deal with the ordinary necromancers in the city, naturally there is no suspense.

Seeing everything in the city, Aisha was silent for a while, even the Lich would rarely do such behavior in Diya.

In the process of marching, after learning Rod’s name from Aisha, Catherine took the initiative to say to Rod: “The cause of this offense seems to be the arrival of a lady, Rod, can you help May I introduce you to this beautiful lady next to me?"

While uttering the words, Catherine's gaze stayed on Rod, as if he wanted to see his reaction.

Hearing Catherine's words, Rhodes just casually said to Leah: "King Diya wants to know your identity, you can introduce yourself."

Leah nodded, and then introduced to Catherine: "My name is Leah Iss. I used to work in the freelance chamber of commerce, and then I served as a tax officer in Sao City. I am mainly responsible for tax formulation matters. It's Lord Lord's subordinate."

Leah's words made Rhodes couldn't help but glance at her. In addition to knowing that she has a higher level of financial management and the relationship with North, Rhodes didn't know much about her other matters.

Hearing Leah’s answer, Catherine’s expression faintly changed. He asked Rhodes for Leah’s information, naturally not for the information itself, but hoped to get closer to Rhodes through the process of inquiry. Relationship between.

In addition, through Rod’s introduction to Leah, Catherine can more or less see the relationship between them, and there are many other topics to talk about.

I never thought that Rod did not answer Catherine’s inquiry, but asked Leah to introduce herself personally, and in the process of Leah introducing herself, Rod also listened to it, it seems that he didn’t even understand it before. But it's seriously inconsistent with Caythery's expectations.

Changing the subject, Catherine continued to ask: "I don't know what the two of you came to Diya's capital during this trip? I believe that after the previous incident, many things in the city will change."

Although Katherine didn't make it clear, Rod was able to realize that the incident he mentioned was his act of releasing the cloud of death. With the death of a large number of creatures, earth-shaking changes would naturally occur in the city.

"I'm here to find someone." Rod simply replied.

From Rod’s words, Catherine could roughly guess who he was looking for, but he still asked as if he didn’t know:

"Really? I don't know what kind of existence it is. It can make you, who is equal to the Lich, come to the Shadow City to find it in person. Maybe I have heard of his existence."

"You must have heard of his existence." Rod said affirmatively, and at the same time looked at Leah, "He is the holder of the artifact, the true Necromancer, Noth."

After hearing Lord's words, Catherine's expression also became solemn, and there were different things in Lord's sight.

"It turned out to be him. North is now in the palace and I believe I will see him soon."

"It's just..." As if thinking of something, Catherine added: "His current state seems a little unsuitable for welcoming visitors. On this point, Aisha the Immortal can testify for me."

"It's okay, let Rod meet the current North, I believe he will have new gains." Seeing Caesarei mentioned herself, Aisha took the initiative to speak.

From the words of Catherine and Aisha, not only Rod, but also Leah on the side felt an unusual meaning.

"What happened to North?" Leah asked, with unstoppable anxiety in his words.

Quietly write down this situation in my shook his head: "When you see him, you will know."

After learning about the possible anomaly in North's body, Rod was about to speak to Catherine to inquire, but he heard Aisha's voice first.

"You have a familiar aura on your body. If my perception is correct, it should be a secret aura, and it's almost lost. It belongs exclusively to the liches..."

"...Aroma secrets."

"You have mastered this secret technique, right?"

Aisha's question came from his ears, and Rhodes seemed to feel something, and put his eyes on the lich in front of him.

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