Passing through the bright yellow portal, Rhode returned to Sao City, and beside him, besides Inota, there were her newly acquired followers.

With the help of the Gate of Different Dimensions, Rod and his party directly appeared on the top of the Conjure Tower and did not attract the attention of other creatures. Although Inota does not seem to be much different from the Necromancer, the leader beside her, It is undoubtedly a particularly conspicuous existence in appearance, and it is a type that people can't forget when they see it.

Leaning on the treasure of Inota, the weight of the leader's body was greatly reduced, and he was able to stand up and walk in a strange posture that was not suitable for him.

Rod knows that it may take a long time for the leader to adapt to this state, and rashly letting her change her own way of action is not something that can be achieved by a spell or some kind of treasure.

After returning to Sao City, Rod began to rely on blood to perceive, trying to call Rowling in the distance. After arriving here, Rowling was the one that Rod wanted to see most.

The feedback from the perception made Rhode realize that Rowling was not in Sao City, but in the territory of Eri. At this time, she was still working hard for the entire battle and did not neglect this matter in the slightest.

The feedback from Rowling was sent through blood kinship perception. Seeing that Rowling had received the information transmitted by the kinship perception, Luo Luo turned to look at the stairs below the tower.

The different-dimensional gate used by Luo Luohe and his party when they returned attracted the attention of many powerful necromancers in the tower. The appearance of this level of space spells is not a trivial matter. There is no need for Rod to deliberately search for other people.

Soon, the perception of blood relationship gradually became rich, and Rowling's breath had already appeared in Saou City. After learning the news of Rod's return, she immediately relied on the space spell to return to the city.

It didn't take long for Rowling to reach the top of the Soul Recruitment Tower, and the city lord Airon who was in charge of managing this place came here with her.

As soon as she reached the top of the tower, Rowling’s gaze was instantly attracted by the standing leader. In the eyes of regular creatures, such a weird leader was undoubtedly too conspicuous, but Rowling’s sight did not stay on her for a long time. , But quietly looking at Rod in the field.

Seeing Rowling came to the top of the tower, Rod quickly stepped forward and came to Rowling's side. After a moment of indulgence, he took out a treasure from the space ring.

"I'm back. This is a treasure from my trip. I think it suits you well."

What Rod held in his hand was a string of sapphire necklaces. Under the cover of the dark sky, the gem in the center was no longer blue, and it looked dark and deep for a while, with magical power to calm people down.

After speaking, Lord personally put the gemstone necklace on Rowling. During this process, Rowling didn't have any words, and her sight never left Lord.

Looking at Rowling satisfactorily at this time, Rod noticed that with the combination of the necklace, the original incomplete face on her face now has a unique beauty, which deeply attracted Rod's attention for a while.

"The temperament of the gem itself fits you better than I thought." Rod said in a deep voice: "The moment I saw this treasure, I thought of you. You are the best candidate for this treasure."

As he said, Rod seemed to feel something, looking towards the rear, he saw Inota and the leader, not knowing when he had come behind him.

At this time, the leader was looking at herself with a confused face, and besides, Inota also didn't have any words. From her also fleshless face, Lord couldn't see anything.

Luo Luozheng was secretly wondering why Inota, who always jumped off, suddenly stopped talking. Elon on the side discovered that the atmosphere was not right, and immediately asked:

"I don't know who the two behind the lord are?"

Rod introduced: "This is Inota. You have seen her before, but now she does not use the form of a giant dragon. As for the other..."

As he said, Rod looked at the leader who stood aside: "She is a subdragon species and a follower of Inota. You can call her... the leader."

"She has her own name, Rod, and her name is Ann." Inota said lightly.

From Inota's words, Rod heard her dissatisfaction, which was not her usual tone. Rod knew that she must be angry that she had forgotten the name of the leader, who belonged to her followers.

"Okay, Ann, I've written down this name." Luo Luo had no choice but to say to Inota.

Hearing Rod call his name, An happily bowed the dragon's head, and at the same time made the same call: "Rod."

Rod glanced at An. This was the first time he heard her utterance from the dragon head population. Her tone was very peculiar, not as dull as the roar of an ordinary dragon, but more pointed. Perhaps it was because Ann had been reluctant to speak before, having felt the hostility from Rhodes.

Rowling, who was on the side, was completely attracted by Ann's appearance, and took the initiative to come to Ann's side and looked at the scars covering her arms and knees.

Under the treatment of the spell, the wounds rubbed by the action did not completely disappear, but just a layer of scars. This kind of scars covered An’s entire leg. If it weren’t for Inota’s help, she would still be in her current state. bad.

"Rhodes, what's going on?" Rowling asked in surprise.

"I don't know, and I don't want to know." Rod replied casually, "Speaking of which, don't you care about the effect of this treasure? After wearing it, you can move freely underwater, just because I know that there is only ocean in a place. Maybe we can go there and have a look."

Rowling glanced at Rude reproachfully. The existence of blood perception made Rude realize that she was blaming herself for neglecting Ann.

For a while, Luo Luo was deeply puzzled, not knowing where the leader in front of him was worth paying attention to, whether it was her incomplete bloodline or her weird body.

Looking at the leader in front of him, Luo Luo didn't know how special she was. Whether it was combat ability or rank, it was far from the level that he valued.

When Rod was puzzled, Aaron took the initiative to take his words: "I've heard of this necklace,'Heart of the Sea'. This is a gift that a certain generation of Griffin Heart King received when he became a king. A giant dragon snatched it, and it was unexpected that the lord could find this treasure."

Hearing Elon's words, Lord looked at him with satisfaction, praised his insight with his eyes, and was able to directly tell the origin of this treasure.

It's a pity that neither Rowling nor Inota on the side paid attention to this treasure. Their sights were placed on Ann's body by coincidence.

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