Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1282: Millis River

As an important source of water flowing through the quiet city outside the city, the Milis River is extremely famous among the creatures in the city. A large number of creatures play around here and obtain the necessary water for daily life.

Due to the large number of creatures migrating to the secluded city, the creatures that can't stay in the city will also choose to make their homes along the Milis River. The existence of water sources always attracts creatures to gather.

During this period of time, the creatures near the Milis River will always encounter some strange things, a large number of swimming fish, which gush down from the upper reaches of the Milis River, and just fish in the river, and you can catch a few.

The arrival of the Necromancer has already destroyed all the balance in Eri. The original ecology of the forest no longer exists. Some extremely powerful creatures have also been forced to migrate to the core area of ​​Eri, similar to the abnormal phenomenon of a large number of fish migration. , And did not arouse excessive attention from riverside creatures.

From the point of view of river creatures, even the dense jungle with countless years of history in Eri has been eroded under the black cloud cast by the necromancer, and the river has been polluted, making the fish in it forced to swim, no doubt it is It couldn't be more normal.

A few worried creatures began to worry about how to recover when everything in Eli was contaminated.

But the vast majority of creatures have left this kind of problem behind, enjoying everything now, only waiting for the high-level council of Eli and the guardians of the jungle to find a way to solve all of this. For thousands of years, they have also been there. Maintain order among Eli.

The rush of fish continued for several days. By this time, as those Eri creatures were worried, there were very few swimming fish in the river. If you wanted to come to the upper reaches of the entire Milis River, they were already attacked by the Necromancer. Pollution.

Within a few days, the river calmed down and the water was no longer clear. Unlike before, the bottom of the river could be seen at a glance. Instead, it was a turbid, dark yellow water that made people unable to see anything in the river.

Outside the secluded city, on the banks of the Milis River, several young brown centaurs are playing around here, causing water to overflow. Only a slightly larger centaur looks at the water of the Milis River. A little afraid, he dared not come close.

"Merla, come here quickly!" A young centaur with a wreath on his head called out in the river: "Say that we will catch the fish together. Are you afraid?"

On the shore, the centaur known as Mella hesitated and said, "I'm not afraid of this kind of river water, but I have a bad feeling..."

Under Mella’s gaze, the other centaur walked along the shore and deepened towards the heart of the river. The water from the original level could only flood the horse's hooves, and slowly flooded the entire lower part of her, leaving only the people behind. Upper body.

"Look, I'm a human now." The centaur who was half submerged by the river water, and the river water was turbid, said in a loud voice.

Her words caused a burst of laughter from the other centaur around, and these centaur immediately approached the river together.

According to the size of these young centaurs, they can only play near the river bank, and then go deep into the river. They will soon be submerged by running water. If they don't know how to swim, they may drown.

The companions next to her approached the river one after another. At first, the centaur who called Mella was a little anxious. Seeing that Mella was still unmoved, the centaur did not wait any longer and turned to her side:

"Mella, why are you hesitating? Don't you want to catch fish in the river? Such a good position has been occupied by a group of furbolgs before. If they hadn't taken the initiative to leave from here, this position would not be our turn."

The centaur wearing a wreath is very interested in catching fish: "It's strange to say, I don't know where the furbolgs have gone? Maybe they are tired of the fish here."

Mella shook her head in pain: "I don't know... I have a very bad premonition that something bad is about to happen, and it is related to the Milis River in front of me..."

"What the **** are you talking about?" the centaur wearing a wreath asked in a puzzled way, she didn't understand the premonition that existed in Mella.

"Trust me, don't get close to the Millis River." Mella said sincerely, looking at the centaur in front of her.

"Okay, okay. You ruined this event again!" The centaur wearing a wreath complained a bit, but still agreed to Mella's request.

The originally calm river suddenly began to churn.

"I caught a fish." The centaur who first came to the river said joyfully. Her hands went deep underwater and her expression was a little strenuous: "It looks like it's still a big fish."

The heavy pulling force continued to come from underwater, and as a last resort, she used all her strength to lift the creature she had caught.

It's a pity that Yu is not as obedient as she thought. She struggled with all her strength for a while. She was naturally unwilling that Yuer slipped away like this: "I have decided. I will treat you as dinner today."

Under her unremitting efforts, she finally dragged the underwater object to the surface of the water. However, looking at what she was grasping, her eyes suddenly condensed.

What she was holding tightly from the water was not the big fish she imagined, but a long and dry arm. There was no flesh and blood on the arm. It looked like a simple hand bone, but it couldn't explain it at all. , The tremendous force produced when the hand bones struggle.

As if aware of something, the Centaur’s heart was chilled. Before she could tell her other companions about her discovery, a huge pulling force suddenly came from underwater, dragging her whole figure to the bottom of the river in an instant~ After struggling hard, she brought up a lot of splashes, and instantly attracted the attention of all the centaurs around.

"My God! It's Jessie, she seems to be drowning. I now know where your ominous premonition comes from, let's go help her!"

With that, the centaur wearing a wreath quickly approached the river bank and tried to get into the water to help Jessie who was struggling.

However, Mella stayed where she was, without any movement. Slowly, a feeling of extreme fear surfaced on her face.

The centaur around Jessie gathered towards the splash and tried to pick up Jessie, but they quickly became silent, including the centaur with a wreath of flowers when they finally approached the river.

Under Mella's gaze, the entire Milis River fell into calm again, without any centaur marks. This calmness brought her deep fear.

Not daring to stay here, let alone looking for a companion in the river, Mella hurried to the rear.

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