Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1296: eyeball

The ceremony has been completed, now please leave from here. "

Just as Rod was thinking about the scene he saw from the ceremony, the words of the gray-clothed old woman came first.

"Can I try the previous ritual again?" After feeling the efficacy of this ritual, Rod tried to ask.

"That's not okay." The gray-clothed old woman refused Rod's request. "You have seen what you want to see from the ceremony, haven't you?"

Rod was silent, but he heard the words of the grey-clothed old woman again.

"It's just that I just lack some materials. If you can bring me enough eyeballs, I might show you this ritual again."

After writing down the gray-clothed old woman’s request, Rod nodded, “I’ve written it down. You are very good at dealing with blood, right? Especially in terms of blood stripping, I happen to have some doubts about this issue. ."

The old woman in gray did not deny this: "It's still the same. If you can bring enough eyeballs, I might answer your doubts."

"Excellent." After speaking, seeing that the old lady in gray hadn't gotten up, Rod turned and walked outside the house.

Rod noticed that the old lady in gray did not mean to check what Vera was doing, and seemed to be indifferent to the things buried in the garden, but after the original ritual, Rod realized that everything around the house was here. Under the gaze of the gray-clothed old woman, those magic eyes were created for this.

Walking along the same route as he had come, Rhode soon came outside the house and saw Vera who was digging beside a mushroom and the corpse witch he had summoned.

With the help of a lot of corpse witches, Vera and his party have dug a lot of pits during the ritual between Rhode and the gray-clothed old woman.

"I hate this." Vera said, "Why do we dig holes for her, why don't we directly transform her? I'm not questioning your order, I just don't understand it."

Looking back to the rear, Rod shook his head: "She has an extremely unique ability. Transformation will only make it an ordinary corpse witch. This ability is wasted in vain. What's more, this ability is helpful to me. ."

"In that case, we can threaten her with strength." Vera whispered.

When Vera said so, Rod could not help but glance at him.

Recalling the situation seen in the ceremony in the wooden house, at that time Rod, although he could see everything that happened in Bracada more clearly, he could not hear any sound. He could only see the changes in the picture. See what happened.

When he came to the garden, Rod’s sense of voyeurism still remained unremoved. His every move was still seen by the gray-clothed old woman, but Rod realized that relying on the power of those magic eyes, the old woman I can only see the picture, but can't hear what I said.

"But we can choose a more relaxed way, can't we? She is not an ordinary creature, she also has power." Rod replied.

"No matter how strong it is, it can't compare to those corpses." Vera said.

"You trust your power very much." Rod commented, "From your body, I can feel madness and greed, as well as the constant pursuit of power. This is a compliment to the Necromancer. You are a perfect undead. Master."

Hearing Lord's words, Vera's expression was startled, even the death knight's heart, which had already stopped, seemed to start beating at this time.

"The initial transformation in Eri is nearing completion. The next thing to face is a more complicated situation. The battle on the quiet city side cannot display your full capabilities. I have another task to give you. It is more suitable for the manufacture of undead creatures." Luode said in a deep voice.

"I will definitely complete the task you assigned." Vera replied flatly when Rhodes said so.

"There are two locations for you to choose. One is a remote area of ​​the mainland, where there are many creatures, and the defensive power is far less than that of Eri. You can go there to transform as much as you want, and the other is the water element plane. There is no land there, only a large ocean, and there are countless creatures in the ocean. There are death knights under my control in these two locations. Where would you prefer to go?"

Rod's words immediately aroused Vera's interest: "I prefer to be immersed in sea water."

Thinking of the corpses hiding under the water, Rod also understood what choice Vera would make, but he couldn’t help but reminded: “It’s not a river you are familiar with, but a whole ocean. The environment is far away. It is worse than you think. You must let your undead creatures float in the upper layer of the ocean at all times."

Rhode’s words failed to change Vera’s own decision, Vera always insisted on this: "I want to go to the Elemental Plane of Water."

"It seems that you have made a decision. I will personally send you to the Elemental Plane of Water. You can gather all the undead creatures by the river Miris."

Seeing what Rod said, Vera showed a rare embarrassed expression: "I need a while to deal with my own affairs."

Rod gave him a surprised look: "Do you have anything to deal with?"

"My brother, Lyle, he is still in the Emerald City, I need to see him." Vera said slowly.

"So..." Looking at Vera in front of him, if it weren't for the peeping eye's signal, Rhode would almost forget that Vera also has a brother who is also a necromancer. "I will wait for you in the Emerald City, and contact me with a spiritual mark after processing."

In the process of Vera's conversation with Rhode, the corpse witch has also dug a large hole of sufficient depth.

Due to the previous confession of the gray-clothed lady Vera did not bury the sack entirely, but ordered the corpse witch to pour out the contents.

With a surge of fishy air, the things in the sacks were poured out and smashed heavily into the dug pit.

"Oh, what the **** is this." Even Vera, who is used to seeing the corpse, still feels sick when looking at the things poured out of the sack.

Rod noticed that what existed in the sacks were a large number of small eyeballs connected together. These eyeballs do not exist independently, they are squeezed together, and they do not know how to fix them, filling up the dug holes. The pupils in the eyeballs had already stopped turning, and blood was bleeding behind them.

Looking at the eyeballs in the potholes, although Rod did not know how they were formed, it was obviously related to the magic ritual.

Powerful sorcerers often mastered extremely weird methods. From the body of the grey-clothed old woman, Lord Rode felt this again.

Rode looked towards the wooden house, a huge eyeball turned sideways, and he did not know when it came out from behind the opened door, staring at him tightly, and Rode could not help but feel a chill.

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